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Fantasy The War Between Wolves

A small grin crossed Cinder's lips, not because of his failure of a joke, but because of the way he submitted to her demands. It felt good to finally have a sense of stability, being able to be back in control once more. "That's what I like to hear." She chuckled, extending her good arm so that Molloch could use it to stand. The Alpha knew that he didn't like working with the Burning Sun, but she tried to make him feel better.

"We formed this pack because we hated humans, not because we hated the Burning Sun. Over time, however, we started to hate both. But think of it this way, now that the Burning Sun sees the true nature of humans, maybe they'll start thinking like us. Maybe they'll start hating the humans as much as we do... and with a little bit of coaxing from us, maybe they'll lose their hopeful optimistic attitudes and we can all unite together. Not as Twilight Moon and Burning Sun, but solely as Twilight Moon. They'll end up joining our side and losing an inner battle that they didn't even know was occurring." She didn't know if her words helped him at all, but she enjoyed the thought of the Burning Sun submitting to her pack's ideals. She enjoyed it a lot.

There was a good chance that if Molloch grabbed onto Cinder's hand, that she wouldn't be able to support both of their weights, but if was the least she could do as a sign of forgiveness.

He thought on what she said - chewed it up, spat it out, got a good taste. They weren't Burning Sun, just misguided Twilight Moon? Yeah, felt ridiculous, but... Hell, what did he know? Maybe she was right. Maybe she was right about a lot of things, and he was just some little demon who wandered up and liked to fight. It would take some getting used to, thinking like that, but he supposed he could do it. There would be some need for carefully chosen words on the part of the Burning Sun if he were to learn to not instinctively try to rip out their throats.

"I don't trust them. I don't trust them to keep their word in this, I don't trust them to be worth their weight in a fight, and I sure as hell don't like them... But if you think it's worth it, then I'll keep that to myself and I'll learn to trust them for the time being."

He took her hand, and with a grunt did his best to pull himself up. Hell, he could barely even pull with any force on her he was so torn up, but still, he managed more or less.

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Smiling, Sirius nodded his head gracefully as if to say Leon was welcome when he thanked him.

"You passed her by." said Sirius looking back at the hut where Luna was leaning beside the door asleep, hugging a satchel. "She's unhurt." A lycan brought Leon a clean set of the alpha's own clothes, a blanket, some food, water, and a wash basin. "Your sister did well today," said Sirius proudly, "she caught the witch." he nodded to the side where Zyra had been bound, gagged, with a small sack over her face guarded by six vigilant werewolves.

The rest of the pack began to move out, carrying bulging sacks of equipment, the injured, and their three honored dead. The fires in the village were still burning, sending billowing clouds of smoke into the night. A few dozen werewolves remained piling roughly about a hundred and twenty-two human corpses into the middle of the camp. The ravens circled and landed on the hill of the dead and feasted to their hearts content.

"I had some of our brothers and sisters begin making plans to fortify our home, and scouts have been sent to the human colony on the south islands." Sirius offered Leon the map the hunters gave him.

"We're now collecting weapons, armor, clothes, and anything that'll tell us about the humans. I'm going to have our wisest wolves disassemble the weapons to learn how they work and if we can make them ourselves. We also retrieved Loki's skin together with the skins of some of the wolves who had disappeared the last few months. There are four prisoners, including the hunter who killed and skinned Loki." he looked at Zyra with intense dislike. "What will we do with her?" asked Sirius, his lip curled and a cold gleam in his eyes.

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Luna grumbled in her slumber, never releasing the satchel from her grasp. In her mind, everything had been successful, apart from her killing that Geoffrey guy. It could've so easily gone wrong, and there were many flaws in her plan. Subconsciously, she began to mumble incoherent things. "No,Geoffrey...." She managed to slur, curling up her limbs to her torso. Every now and again, she would aggressively frown and let out a sigh of distress, along with a few kicks of her legs.

After a few moments, she had regained her composure but she had not been rid of the deepening scowl on her face. Along with the frown soon appeared her childish pout. All that was in her mind was her memory repeating over, and over. Geoffrey's death over, and over. Her first kill over, and over. It led her to major discomfort. Why did she do it? Yes, it was self defence but now she was racked with guilt, now she felt like a criminal. She didn't like that feeling, it scared her.

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Eric was happy that both Cinder and Molloch has made up. He hated seeing them in pain. He smiled that things had been so peacefully resolved. He stood up, and coughed to get his Alpha's attention. "Cinder," he began, "shall I go and meet with the other pack? See if I can convince them to join with us against the humans? It would be for the best." He waited for her answer. He was actually pleased the humans had shown up. Now, werewolf relations would improve, and perhaps his dream of a united werewolf pack would become a reality. How he longed for such a day.

@RedLikeRoses @Ranulf01
Smoke. Blood. Death.

She could smell those three distinct scents very clearly. Other scents were mixed in with those three, one of them Frost could make out as human. Leaving her cave den her eyes immediately saw the billowing pillar of smoke coming from one of the human colonies that thrived on Arcore. It was a strange sight to see as thoughts of what was the cause of the smells filling her senses.

There was no reason to investigate the strange occurance, but then Frost had a weakness for being too curious. Without further hesitation she took off running toward the pillat of smoke, running on all fours as she ran through the thick woods. For as big as she was Frost could move silently with relative ease.

As she neared the smoke Frost caught a faint scent that seemed to linger. It was difficult to distinguish the scent with all the smoke, but it was familiar. Werewolves. Descendants from the Primal Edge pack. Her hatred began to rise at the thought of them, making her snarl. She had done her best to stay clear of the pack ever since her mother and father were killed off by them. The only time she ever came into contact with them were on hunts and if she could find nothing then the werewolf intruder would become her target.
Cinder did her best to pull up Molloch, but even then it was a strain on her body as well as his. Eventually, however, she was able to bring him to a standing position. She couldn't hold him for very long, as her legs were already shaking under both of their weights. "You don't have to trust them, Molloch. You've just gotta trust me." She said, her voice strained and in pain.

Her attention then turned towards Eric. "Go see if you can find them. I get the feeling that not all is well with the Burning Sun." With that statement, Cinder half dragged, half carried Molloch towards the tent that Raven was in. She then halfway dropped him (on accident, of course) on the sleeping bag that was still covered in her blood.

"Raven, can you please get Molloch healed? He's in a much worse state than I'm in."

@Ranulf01 @Raven @DaManofWar
RedLikeRoses said:
Cinder did her best to pull up Molloch, but even then it was a strain on her body as well as his. Eventually, however, she was able to bring him to a standing position. She couldn't hold him for very long, as her legs were already shaking under both of their weights. "You don't have to trust them, Molloch. You've just gotta trust me." She said, her voice strained and in pain.
Her attention then turned towards Eric. "Go see if you can find them. I get the feeling that not all is well with the Burning Sun." With that statement, Cinder half dragged, half carried Molloch towards the tent that Raven was in. She then halfway dropped him (on accident, of course) on the sleeping bag that was still covered in her blood.

"Raven, can you please get Molloch healed? He's in a much worse state than I'm in."

@Ranulf01 @Raven @DaManofWar
Eric bowed in respect, and immediately left to check on Burning Sun. He remained in human form as he sped through the forest, enjoying how it felt against his skin. However, as he continued to run, his thoughts lingered on one thing: war. Cinder, Molloch, Raven, Burning Sun....all were in danger. He would fight to protect werewolf kind, no question. But would he kill? He sighed. He was against it completely, but the facts were staring him in the face. He may very well have to kill.

As Eric continued to race through the forest, however, he got a new smell. He stopped, and sniffed the air. He took it in, and scoffed. "Burning sun," he said to himself. He was close.
Leon struggled to keep his eyes open as he listened to Sirius. He smiled gratefully as the lycans brought some things and he wasted no time rinsing off the dried blood and sweat matted in his hair and on his body. He pulled on the shirt and boots, disgusted at the fact he actually had to wear them. They were usually just his emergency pair during the rare moments he was in his human form but now he had no choice unless he wanted to feel every rock and other objects on the forest floor under his foot.

Leon glanced at the map after filling his belly, studying it carefully as he noticed the marks. "Humans breed like rabbits. Their camps are everywhere." Leon said in annoyance as his finger glided across the parchment, taking it all in. "I feel bad about all of this. We only number a few and there are so many of them. This island was our sanctuary of sorts, the only home most of us know. But now..it's at risk." He sighed as he stared into the embers of the dying fire, thoughts jumbled in his head as he tried to sort them out. They were all at risk, that was for certain. When Sirius mentioned the witch Leon saw his eyes gleam. That was a rather tough question actually. What would they do to the woman who nearly killed him? He pursed his lips in thought. "We already killed her kin.. Isn't that enough to sate our revenge? But, she did cause most of this in the first place with her plans with silver and that plant-wolfsbane I believe." She was quite dangerous and he knew they couldn't have her roaming the island, or leaving it. She had secrets that couldn't reach the ears of others. "Do what you want with her Sirius." Leon said dryly. The witch had shown no mercy for his kin, so why should he hers?

"Against the humans..."

Those words triggered something in the reclusive "human". Had he wandered so far away, as Dante had? Where was he exactly? Had he indeed ventured to the part of the land where no man lives? Everything was but an echo, a faint memory in the back of his mind. Was he even still human? He felt the same. Yet, he was here, generated on a corroding world. Aurelius stayed silent, fearing any movement at that moment would trigger them.

Was he the enemy?

Werewolves were parasites. they reproduced by those unwilling to end their lives when bitten. It is an ultimate choice, for many. Yet here he was, alone, far from help, and in the belly of the beast. It didn't matter what your intentions were anyway, only the colors you wore. Killing those beasts were too risky. No, he would have to understand them. You can't avoid them for long anyways. They sniff out prey like the snap of a finger, and kill it before one can snap again. They'd kill him. Humanity had almost won anyways, but those beasts didn't know at what cost.

What was war good for?

Aurelius stepped out of his hiding spot, a tree root system emerged from the ground, and stood up. Let them come to him. That was the game alright.
Sirius stood thinking for a long time, until at last he said, "She will be my prisoner, and I will take full responsibility for her."

For the following days the Burning Sun camp was lively and busy, full of the sound of construction as they fortified their home. Wolves from all over the eastern side were called to assemble in the Burning Sun camp, trees were felled and great wooden walls were put up. Wells were dug, and the cave Sirius called his home was expanded, the tunnels widened and the walls broken as they opened up hidden chambers underground.

It was here that they placed the human armor, clothes and weapons. Their wisest werewolves have disassembled rifles and pistols and had begun drawing up blue prints for them. It wasn't uncommon for small explosions to occur in their side of the camp when they tried to make gunpowder.

Training had also begun for archery, stealth killing, and camouflage.

The three humans were kept in a guarded burrow underground, far away from each other and bound by metal chains they had scavenged from the human camp, and each in their own thick wooden cages meant to hold other lycans. They were clothed, fed, and treated kindly if not with reserved silence. No one except those allowed by Leon could visit them.

Zyra on the other hand had different arrangements. She too was treated kindly, but inside the same burrow she was placed in a cage suspended by a rope above a wide pit of spikes. Twelve werewolves skilled with the bow guarded her day and night. Her wrists and ankles were bound by heavy wooden manacles. She was never allowed to speak unless spoken to, or else she would be shot dead immediately.

When Sirius wasn't training archers, he was coordinating with the scouts in the human colony in the south called, New Haven, or interrogating prisoners. He had talked with Leon about having another council meeting with Twilight Moon to discuss unity and all they've discovered.

"The scouts have found two mines near New Haven," Sirius told Leon on the third morning after the incident of Leon's capture as they strolled around their home, "It's where they're mining most of their silver and iron. The ravens have finished counting their numbers too, more than two thousand armed men, and more than double that in civilians, while our fighting force number less than five hundred . . ." Sirius looked away thoughtfully, "Shouldn't be a problem." he added, smiling, lightening the mood.

"My alpha, I await your decision as to when we'll have council with Cinder and her pack." he bowed. "I'll be in the training grounds if you need me."

@Coal ,@RedLikeRoses
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Once reaching the human colony Frost saw nothing but disaster, as if a monster had ravaged through the colony and laid waste to everything in its path. But that was not the case. The pile of dead werewolf bodies and human bodies filled the air with death and blood. It disgusted Frost as she moved through the now destroyed colony that remained, searching for survivors if any remained from the chaos, although that was very unlikely.

Feeling that no one was alive Frost moved on from the colony, following the faint but lingering scent of werewolves and humans that seemed to lead away from the ruined human colony. There must have been several that managed to get away, or had a battle taken place and the remaining losing side was captured? It was a mystery that had no explanation. And the only way to truly find out was to follow the scent. So without further hesitation Frost began following the mixed scent, wondering what she would encounter at the end and if she would find out what happened at the colony.
Training grounds? Something was going on that the wanderer had not been expecting: preparedness. There was a human trait yet to these cursed animals. The image made him laugh, a werewolf in armor. Yet, he was afraid. The feeling of dread built up in him. Would the humans know? Would the humans be prepared? Perhaps he needed to take action, yet perhaps not. Maybe this was what humanity deserved, yet this was what humanity wanted all along: to fight on their terms. Aurelius checked the contents of his clothing. He rummaged quickly through his pockets for something, anything he could use if he needed to.

He pulled out one sturdy silver-iron composite blade, roughly eight inches long, and one arrow tip he found on his way. No doubt he had no chance in a fight against the "fleabags", or as his community referred to them. What was he to do? Hopefully listen in as long as possible, gather some knowledge, and then bring it back. This was all in the hopes that he didn't get into any fights. He hated death, hated the thought of ending a life, but in this case, everything turned on a dime.

That's when he saw the first "werewolf" he had seen a while. Relatively well-built, scarred over his eyes, had a malicious look on his face. For all he knew, that could be an alpha. Then again, who knew at all? Getting his supplies out, Aurelius kept his distance of a few meters distinct, waiting in the shadows of a large oak as he watched the creature emerge.

@Zer0 @Coal @RedLikeRoses
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A greeting howl rang through the forest territory of Twilight Moon that afternoon. It was the howl usually made by envoys of the Burning Sun.

Two lycans stood at the old place where messengers were to wait before being allowed inside, a tall ridge where the great river thundered miles below with an old oaken bridge hanging high above it connecting the two territories. The messengers were being watched by three ravens perched high above the tallest pine trees and, beyond their sight, Sirius, who was sitting on the floor of his quiet den miles and miles away.

The two lycans were linked to him, and he felt their nervousness seep through the mental connection of his spell, including their courage and hopes too. The meeting tomorrow, if it went well, could mean the unity of the two warring packs.

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((Uh. I will simply presume that @Raven got Molloch all patched up and stabilized.))

Molloch had only been treated for his injuries (a process involving much growling and cruel epithets) a few minutes earlier when the howl of the envoys were carried on the wind into the camp. Damn it, if they were going to try something at any meetings to be held in the near future, he wouldn't likely be in any condition to fight them off at his maximum potential. Still, he could contribute.

Cinder had said to err on the side of cooperation though, so he would restrain himself from becoming accusatory so quickly. You don't have to trust them, Molloch. You've just gotta trust me. Good. He was free to keep a critical eye on them at all times, then.

"If you're going to meet with them, I'm coming with you. If they try anything, it doesn't matter how shredded I am - I'll fight." Quick to dissuade the (justified) assumption about him though, he quickly followed up with "I won't instigate anything."

Luna growled to herself. Yet again she wasn't with the pack, but on the cliff top she had been earlier on before any fights or dilemmas had broke out. Just before Cinder had found out her mate to be skinned and dead. The very thought made chills tingle and freeze her spine, causing her to remain sitting in the same position that overlooked the entire forest. Luna hadn't yet decided a mate, or even needed nor wanted one, so she couldn't imagine how painful it must've been to mourn over the loss of a partner. She told herself that she should attempt to find her mate, but it didn't work like that. It never had. Fate would have to bring whoever it was to her without any further issues, or so she hoped.

Thinking about a possible mate distracted her from the undying fear of the meeting to be held with the Twilight Moons. If it didn't go to plan, all hell would break loose and even lives could be lost; that was only an extreme consequence however.

The wind sweeped through her hair as she pulled her knees up to her chest, leaning her head and hands on her knee caps. She wondered what her pack would do if she jumped, not that she was contemplating on it or anything, she was just curious. Would they mourn, or would they seek revenge? Would they celebrate her life, or dwell on it? How did the Twilight Moons even manage to successfully grieve the loss of not only an alpha, but a mate, a friend, family?
(I guess just ignore all previous comments I had posted.)

How can one find a destination if one cannot find it? The sleeping human known as Aurelius had been afloat for a full day, hopefully bound for the place his trusted leader had sent him: the island. Quarantine Bay, as some of the younger children had joked, was the home of the creatures that "so threatened our homestead that we banished them a cursed land." Such was the lore of the town, a teaching repeated by many, yet enforced by a select few. There was something to be afraid of, something to keep one up at night, yet something worth wanting to eliminate. Aurelius had one mission: find Quarantine Island, and convey a message. Then, he could return home, hopefully in one piece.

At last, a sudden jolt awoke the sailor. Land! His boat had crashed into the shoreline of the island, at least it seemed as much. The island appeared in such spectacle, with so much conflicting geography, that it perplexed him. Was this island so terrible after all? Getting up from his resting state, Aurelius dusted dirt off of his jacket, and began to examine the shore. He wasn't exactly sure where to go, or if the inhabitants would come to him. He was certain, however, that this would be no easy task. These creatures were known to be unreasonable, lack all logic, and threaten from the very beginning... or so he had been taught at the local schoolhouse.

Aurelius reached into his pocket, pulling out the message he had been given to present. He had already forgot how panicked he really was. Fear began to seep its crippling essence back into his mind. He knew what he had to do, but didn't want to do it. Dropping anchor, the man stepped onto what little beach there was for him to land on, and began to walk into the foliage. He was not well armed, not counting his sturdy hunting blade he always carry with him. However, he was alone, on an island of creatures which'd prefer him dead over alive. He wished he was home again, not that home was any different for him.
Cinder's ears perked up upon hearing the howl. She was oddly relieved by it, yet she didn't quite understand why. The Alpha turned to Molloch and frowned, "Are you sure you're up for it?" He was really beat up, much more than her, minus the fact that every time she moved anything below her left shoulder she was enveloped in pain.

"I don't plan to fight, I just need to know what they know because they already know what we know." With that statement, she began to walk towards the river. Cinder looked back at Molloch and said, "If you must come, then come." She worried that shifting into her wolf form would result in the opening of her wound, so Cinder didn't take any chances. The Alpha gave a howl to the Burning Sun envoys before bolting towards the river, running as fast as her two legs could carry her. It took several breaks of wheezing and catching her breath (as well as checking to see if Molloch was behind her, depending on if he chose to come or not), but she eventually arrived at the base of a large tree. "Well this is going to be fun." She muttered, figuring there was no possible way that she could climb up the tree without screaming. Even so, Cinder did her best to pull herself up the ladder of the tree, a grunt of pain with every rung that her left hand grabbed onto.

Eventually she made onto the bridge, and silently looked at the two wolves. "Speak." She said, sternly.

@Zer0 @Ranulf01
"I'm not dead yet. I can make it." He followed dutifully, albeit at a slower pace, along the trail Cinder was blazing ahead. Every step had to be chosen with care, ensuring that the next one wouldn't sent him off balance, but he kept up decently. He did his best to stifle the exclamations of irritation he breathily exhaled every time he shifted in the wrong way. Anything to keep up an endless front that he was impossible to defeat, unkillable - even though Cinder had quite clearly seen the opposite. The sporadic breaks were welcome, however, and gave him time to catch up and take a moment to try and steel himself for the next leg of the journey.

What a sight this would be - the singular remaining alpha and the savage of the Twilight Moon, both in varying states of bloodied and battered, acting as diplomats. Real strong showing, that.

When they came upon the tree-ladder, Molloch didn't try to repress a singular, loud "FUCK" before starting his ascent a short while after the other. The pain just began to anger him.

This news had better be worth it.
"Greetings, Alpha Cinder." the messengers bowed. "The Burning Sun requests a council with Twilight Moon in Duskfall Bay tomorrow morning. We have found a colony of roughly six thousand humans called, 'New Haven', in the South Islands. Two thousand are warriors armed with guns and blades tipped with wolfsbane and silver, while the rest are ordinary folk. Three days ago, we razed a hunter's camp in the Iron Hills and recovered the skins of our brothers . . . including the skin of Alpha Loki, and captured the human who killed and dishonored him."

"We will bring both to you immediately if you wish." said the other messenger, bowing low.

@RedLikeRoses , @Ranulf01
Aurelius stopped as soon as he entered the forest, hoping to get his bearings. From his pocket he removed the messages he had been given to deliver. Suddenly a thought struck him, a rather pervasive one: these messages were the only way to keep his skin alive in the end. He had to destroy them, so if those beasts wanted the message, he wouldn't be killed. Disobeying orders, the human took a look at the seal, marked "N.H.C.", or New Haven Council. With quickness, he ripped the seal, revealing the short message.

Dear accursed beasts,

We are quite aware of your misdeeds in the Iron Hills. You only seek to provoke our fair land more and more, and for what? As you know by now, the resistance to your kind has reached an unsurmountable amount of vengeful souls who wish nothing more than to obliterate you. You have until the feast of Lupercal to return-

"Shit," spoke the messenger as he realized that he had realized the hole in his parchment. Now there truly was no reason to keep the parchment. He didn't need to read anymore anyways. He remembered the rest, or at least he had hoped so. Also included with his belongings was a map of the island and surrounding colony. New Haven was still quite a ways off, probably 40 miles. Yet, where exactly was he? Examinining the island closer, although it was an old image, it was the only way to get bearing. From th inlet he appeared to have landed on, the land appeared to divot inwards, similar to the bay listed at the South of the island. It didn't have any names, no place locations, nothing. All that was marked, however, was a mysterious white x on the left-side of the map, probably a quick hike through the foliage would take him to the area. Aurelius realized it was time to move, but not before one last thing: He ripped the message to shreds, eight, sixteen, thirty one, too many pieces to reattach, it seemed. He let the pieces fly, blowing all over the island, hopefully to never reconnect.

Whoever needed to be saved, perhaps himself, the individual mentioned, or his society, he needed to venture inland. Vines began to fall down at the might of his slashing knife, which by no intention was to be used for such, until he had to stop to rest. How far had he even gone in? It had only been a few secponds, yet, he was further than he could imagine.
The scent had led Frost to reach the camp of Burning Sun, her eyes scanning the large wooden wall for any weaknesses. She wanted to find a way inside; would find a way inside. The scent had ended here and that made her wonder all the more of what was going on behind the wall. So far there were no signs of a lookout as she began following along the wall, looking over everything in case she happened to spot a weakness.

Unfortunately she did not find any weak points in the wall, making her frustrated as she stopped and stared at the wall. Standing up Frost placed her paw on the wall and focused, watching as pitch black smoke seeped from her paw, which in turn began to slowly disintegrate part of the wooden wall. Frost carefully moved her paw around the wall, causing more of the wood to disintegrate into nothing, leaving a nice sized hole big enough to allow her through.

The smoke disappeared as Frost made her way through the hole, staying quiet and cautious as she scanned the camp, making sure no one noticed her entrance or acknowledged what she had done to the wall. So far no one seeme to have notice, giving her a chance to slink away and hopefully remain hidden.

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