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Fantasy The War Between Wolves

Raven said:
How do you mildly control your character? Is there anything particular we can't do?
((Like, you can make her attack, or run, or whatever, as long as you tag me. I'm pretty lineant. As long as you don't make her give up her position as alpha, I'm fine.))
RedLikeRoses said:
((Like, you can make her attack, or run, or whatever, as long as you tag me. I'm pretty lineant. As long as you don't make her give up her position as alpha, I'm fine.))
((I wouldn't do that xD and alrighty is there anything I need to know about her personality?))
Cinder was shocked when Raven came out of the treeline. How stupid could they all be? When Raven began to blame Molloch for starting the fight, Cinder interjected, restraining a small whimper from her muzzle, "It wasn't him Raven. I did this. My temper got the best of me and I lashed out. Molloch and I will settle this. Clearly there's no way to end this until someone dies, and if it must be me, the position of Alpha can go to him." She said, her voice sounding rather calm for the situation she was in. Cinder stayed a few feet away from the commotion and licked her wound, trying to stop the bleeding even in her wolf form.

The Alpha looked at Molloch and said, as if trying to get him out of his monstrous state, "Do you hear that Molloch? I'm your target. You don't want to attack Raven. If you want to make this pack stronger than me and my emotions, you might as well finish off the cause of our weakness in the first place. Me. I shouldn't have lashed out at you, I shouldn't have showed my humanity by having remorse for my mate, and I'm sorry. But if I can't get you out of your berserk state, then you might as well come at me and finish the job you started the second you bit into my arm." She didn't even know if he heard her, but she prayed that he did. In the end, it would be a win-win situation. If Molloch got to his senses, everything could go back to 'normal' and Cinder could cry in peace. If Molloch chose to kill Cinder, she'd be dead and happy somewhere else with Loki.

@Raven @Ranulf01
"How stupid are you? Offering leadership to Molloch without even considering the outcomes first? The Pack would turn into killers and blood thirsty monsters because of someone mentally unstable leading us. That isn't the leader we need. Cinder, you may possess some weakness, but you unite people together and don't kill just for the fun of it, but for survival you are intelligent. This Pack would fall apart and shatter into destruction with someone who is blinded by killer instincts. You are my only Alpha Cinder and I'll follow your side no matter what, I didn't just accept your offer to watch you become like this, I accepted it because you are my Leader and your my friend. Don't turn away from your pack just because you lost someone you love, you still have us by your side, supporting you in every decision you make. But I'm telling you this isn't the smart choice not only as your second-in-command, but also as a friend. And I believe those around me would have the same thoughts." Raven immediately commented upon her retort of transferring leadership to Molloch. Raven's dismissed herself from retaliation, and lessen her captivation upon Molloch. Raven decided to approach her superior once more notifying of the wound of a bite embedded to her arm. "Allow me to clean your wound, Alpha. The fight is over with, there is no need to carry it out especially when you got hurt."


Molloch was, in fact, successfully taken from his feet by Raven, and it took a fair minute for him to get back to his feet. With strained gasps he pulled himself up, during which Raven and Cinder had their discussion, with the alpha's address to him being mostly lost upon deaf ears.


Deep within, Molloch was beginning to pull himself out of his stupor, partially from his wounds, otherwise from his respect for the hierarchy. He was being spoken to by the alpha - didn't that mean he needed to listen? With a ragged step he approached the others, eyes tracking them all.

Who were these opponents that spoke with both threats and placations? They seemed familiar...

Fangs bared, snarl still low in his throat, he paused short of them. Their faces screamed to be recognized.

Who were they?

@RedLikeRoses @Raven @DaManofWar
Raven's words didn't do much to help Cinder. She was lost and uncertain about the pack's future. Cinder wasn't so sure that Raven was right about saying the fight was over. Molloch was still in his primitive state, and it meant he was even more unstable than Cinder ever was. She shifted into her human form and gave a grimace of pain, putting her hand over the wound on her arm. "How about you help me once Molloch gets sane again?" She halfway snapped, halfway groaned, turning to face Molloch's wolf form. Even though the blood was steadily pouring from Cinder's arm, she made sure to get Molloch back into his normal state of mind. It wouldn't be long before she lost consciousness. His bite may have not lasted long, but it tore some major veins and arteries.

Slowly, Cinder removed her good hand from her wound, wiping the blood onto her pants, before extending her hand a few feet away from Molloch. She braced for pain, expecting Molloch to sink his teeth into her hand. "Molloch.. It's Cinder.. I said I was sorry for being so irrational. Please just come back to us." Her final statement was a hoarse whisper, as the blood loss finally got to her, causing her to black out, and collide with the dirt.

@Raven @Ranulf01
Raven immediately reinvented into her human form, she caught Cinder before she fully collapsed into the dirt and hauled her up effortlessly within her arms. Raven churned into the direction of the tent and carried her forward ducking in the process to enter the tent. Raven settled Cinder upon the sleeping bag(If we have those xD ) and scavenged around for rope, she found some nearby the entrance of the tent and approached to pick it up. Raven returned to Cinder already tying the rope tightly above the wound to add pressure and halt most of the bleeding. She knelled down, removing her shirt which underneath was a black tank-top and began to press pressure against it. 'I need moss. Though with Molloch as mental unstable as he is I can not leave her side. Fuck what am I going to do. Breath.. Raven what can you do to knock him into his senses..' Ravens mind went into several directions as she thought of the outcome still holding her shirt against the wound.


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"Molloch.. It's Cinder.. I said I was sorry for being so irrational. Please just come back to us."


...Ah, yes, Cinder. She was his alpha, and she was apologizing for being irrational. How was she irrational? He didn't understand-

And then she collapsed, and with it came a deconstruction of what just happened in Molloch's mind. She was bleeding, and now out cold. He recognized the pain of his body having pushed itself far beyond its limits - even more than usual - and the wounds of battle. Blood. He tasted blood in his mouth.


All of theirs, and now Raven was carrying her away. Away from him, who, in spite of whatever provocation he may have had, took that spat to levels nearly fatal for several of them. Might made right, but it also made for a bloodbath. A shame that it should be all he had on his side. He stood paralyzed, aware, but still tense. Still snarling, still looking about wildly. He was in control, but panicked.

@RedLikeRoses @Raven
Cinder remained unconscious throughout it all, yet she knew that if she possibly died from blood loss, she would at least be happy. She imagined seeing Loki again and recalling all of the times that they had together. Even in her unconscious state, a faint smile crossed Cinder's lips.

(Sorry, the unconscious girl doesn't have much to work with. xD )

@Ranulf01 @Raven


Zyra wasted no time diving the silver up into smaller pieces and taking a knife and sliding it across the shifter's skin. She was greeted with hisses of pain and she snorted, depositing the silver in the wounds. The shifter's head jerked, and Zyra watched as the skin around the wound bubbled, along with other reactions she didn't want to look at. Well it was safe to say silver in the blood stream was effective. She did this a few more times until she heard sounds from outside. She felt something prod against her magical barrier and Zyra narrowed her eyes in annoyance. Who was trying to get in? She got out a simple scrying bowl from the table and said an incantation. THe oil rippled and she saw the scene outside. More shifters? She growled and snatched her satchel and tossed some food and other necessary items inside as well as some medicine. She could get out of here before her magic wore off, and they'd probably be more focused on trying to help the male than her. He was obviously important in their little group. Well, he was the perfect distraction. She began cutting him up even more, until she could feel his heart beat slowing. He was weak with his wolf side muted and he would need instant care or he was sure to die. She could just kill him but then her own escape wouldn't be guaranteed and they would chase after her with revenge. Her spell was weakening and Zyra hastily began another spell, this time around her. The spell was weak due to the amount she had previously used, and her vision got blurry after she cast the spell. invisibility would have to help. When she was sure she could not be seen she shoved the carpet in the middle of the floor to reveal a door. She wasted no time opening it and jumping down, not even caring to close it. She began running, the bag bumping against her thigh. She was hoping to make it to the coast and either alert a passing ship that was sailing under her king or using her boat she had built herself. It was more of a canoe, but it would get her off this cursed island. She could make it to the king and give him all the information she had collected on those creatured he hated so much. She would finally be revered and get her own revenge for her parents. Zyra climbed out of the dark tunnel and emerged a few feet away from the hut. She took off into the woods.

((she can get captured or anything))

@Zer0 @xxbetaspiritxx

Sirius called the witch in vain. They waited for another restless hour before he gave the order to break the door down.

Werewolves barged in and swiftly went through the hut followed by Sirius, bow drawn. He saw the open trap door and then he saw their alpha.

"Leon." he whispered, rushing to untie him. Leon was tied to a post, bloody and weak. "Get Flora!" he barked to the others outside.

"Sirius, we'll give chase." said a lycan who shifted back into his human form-the trapdoor was too small for them in their wolf form.

"Go." said Sirius in a venomous whisper. "Capture the witch." The wolves disappeared into the trapdoor.

He laid Leon on the floor. "You look terrible." he told him trying to say it sarcastically, but failing.

After a while, Sirius left the hut to give Leon and Flora some space. The wolves had the fire under control and some of the ravens had begun feeding on the corpses. He learned that the tunnel under the trap door led outside the hut, but the woman was nowhere to be found. The smoke and blood was interfering with their sense of smell.

'Those beneath the hills, spread out and search for a tattooed woman.' he growled. 'Capture her alive!'

A hunting howl sounded in the forest of Arcore as the dark shapes of the wolves bounded across the woods, tracking the lone survivor.

"Put out the fires if you can." Sirius told the others. "Take all the weapons, armor, and clothes you can carry. Bring them to our camp and call all the wise wolves and have them disassemble the weapons and find out how they work . . . and how we can make them ourselves. Search the dead and whatever remains for anything about the human colony in the south islands."

"What about the prisoners?" asked the lycan.

"Put them in separate cages underground and chain them, don't remove their blindfolds until they're in their cells." said Sirius. "Treat them kindly."

"What?!" asked the lycan, shocked.

"It's easier to get information when there is no resistance." said Sirius. "Control yourself."


The rest of the pack looted the dead while a dozen guarded the hut where Leon was being tended. The prisoners were hauled off to camp with a dozen other guards. Sirius made plans with some lycans to begin fortifying their home and he sent some of the swiftest wolves to scout out the human colony to the south.

The wind blew and Sirius tasted rain in the air. A storm was coming and he wondered who will survive it. Things are now in motion that cannot be undone. If the woman escapes, war will come to the continent of Arcore. His crimson eyes hardened and he set his heart like steel. Whatever comes, it will be the humans who will be blown away.


(OOC: @Coal, on my end, I vote nah. Let's have a war between wolves and humans-YEAH!)
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Flora rushed into the evil lady's hut as she ran off, scarred at what she had seen she couldn't believe that human had done to her father, the alpha, Leon however everyone called him.

"Daddy!" She said, she knew what she had to do, she was the healer in the pack. Immediately she dug the herbs from her backpack and created a healing potion, but it wasn't that strong since she was still learning. She urged him to drink up her remedy to help him.

"Please work." she whispered to the potion before handing it to Leon. Then she looked at his bleeding cuts, and sighed. "This is going to hurt" she told herself, before grabbing Leon's hand and she started her magic, she concentrated as best as she could and knew she had to do it, for her daddy. She focused on healing him and the cuts were slowly disappearing from his body.

"Ouch, ow ow ow ow ow" she mumbled as the knife cuts on Leon's body were coping onto hers and his were healing. Both of them should be weak and Flora felt pain everywhere, she had never has a job that huge or painful but she finally she had completely healed his wounds and tried to ignore her pain but couldn't.

Flora fell unconscious in pain from the cuts, exhaustion from the potion and healing magic and she was relieved that she got to help @Zer0 @Coal
RedLikeRoses said:
Cinder remained unconscious throughout it all, yet she knew that if she possibly died from blood loss, she would at least be happy. She imagined seeing Loki again and recalling all of the times that they had together. Even in her unconscious state, a faint smile crossed Cinder's lips.
(Sorry, the unconscious girl doesn't have much to work with. xD )

@Ranulf01 @Raven
Raven noticed that sudden smile smear among Cinders face it actually seemed strange she seemed so happy about dying, however Raven didn't understand emotions, she never really had any to begin with, she was cold-heart and only did what she think was right, and allowing Cinder to die wasn't a good choice. Raven, arose from being in a knelt position, her fingers traced the blade tucked away in her back-pocket, and approached a fire that was nearby camp, she placed the blade within the flames allowing it to ignite into an orange flare before drifting it away. Raven, re approached Cinders side and she also had a stick in her hand "You should bite onto this." She muttered at her to notify of her intentions, and placed the stick within her mouth, she then knelt once more by her side. Raven elevated the blade and compressed the sizzling fire against the wound, she cauterized the wound to seal shut, she then wrapped her arm tightly in a bandage and replaced it by her side. "Sorry Cinder, it's not time for you to leave yet, we need your soul stay attached to the earth as our alpha." She murmured softly before observing her recovery.


((I don't know much about healing stuff xDD)
Eric had seen Cinder go unconcious. He immediately sprrang from his hiding place, and ran next to his alpha. "I never should have left," he said to himself. "What happened?" he asked the girl healing her. He was still ready for action, of course, and would gladly fight to protect the alpha. He began to change partially.

@RedLikeRoses @Raven
"Calm down. Right now it's not time to go into another useless battle. Right now we need to watch after Cinder." Raven immediately answered his question, she kept knelt beside Cinder, her eyes motioning towards Erich before they returned towards her Alpha, she was surprisingly concerned about her.


Luna growled at the sight of the witch and chased after her. The smell of blood and dirt was overpowering, but she was determined to find the blasted being who had harmed her brother. Pausing momentarily, she switched to her wolf form and howled. A deep, sharp howl that allowed her pack members to know she was after the witch, whether they liked it or not.

Switching back to her human form, she speedily scurried along the floor, her feet moving so fast they barely touched the floor. After an hour or so, she had found the witch. Without a second thought, she leapt onto her, pushing her back into the ground as she pushed her arms down. Using one arm to pin her, she unraveled the bag from the human's shoulder and grasped it. With a snarl, she stood, pulling the woman up with her as she did so. In a swift motion, she twisted to pin the woman against the tree, holding her there with the edge of her shirt. Soon after, a few more lycans had run over at the sound of her howl. They looked flustered and worried.

"Guard her. Don't kill her, we will possibly need her." She stated softly, before taking off and hurrying back to the human hideout, the bag in her clammy grasp. Now exhausted having ran all day, Luna sat beside the hut her brother was in. Eventually, her body fell in front of the door as she slept with a subtle snore. Protectively, she cuddled the satchel to her chest, burying her face into it. The chances of them being able to keep the witch hostage were slim to none. She wouldn't expect the other wolves to be able to keep her there.


It didn't take long for Cinder's smile to fade as the hot blade touched her skin. The stick that had been placed in her mouth snapped almost immediately under her bite, and a pained growl escaped the Alpha's lips. Eventually, the pain eased and her quick breathing calmed as well. She was slowly drifting into consciousness, feeling the presence of Raven and Eric near. Due to her naturally fast metabolism, it didn't take long for Cinder's eyes to slowly open, a dazed expression crossing her face. She registered her two pack members, before saying, "What happened? Wh-where's Molloch?" She was worried about the possibility of him still being berserk.

@Raven @DaManofWar
RedLikeRoses said:
It didn't take long for Cinder's smile to fade as the hot blade touched her skin. The stick that had been placed in her mouth snapped almost immediately under her bite, and a pained growl escaped the Alpha's lips. Eventually, the pain eased and her quick breathing calmed as well. She was slowly drifting into consciousness, feeling the presence of Raven and Eric near. Due to her naturally fast metabolism, it didn't take long for Cinder's eyes to slowly open, a dazed expression crossing her face. She registered her two pack members, before saying, "What happened? Wh-where's Molloch?" She was worried about the possibility of him still being berserk.
@Raven @DaManofWar
"I don't know," Eric answered truthfully. "I came to your side because I was worried about you. You are my Alpha. I am your hunter." Eric gently touched Cinder's cheek. "Did I do the right thing in leaving you to fight Molloch? I don't know. My mind and loyalty said leave, but my heart and ideals said stay. My mind won. And you almost died." He lowered his head in grim sorrow. "Punish me as you see fit."
With everyone gone to attend to Cinder and her wounds, Molloch was free to bring himself down from his battle-high, the panic evaporating away. With the calm came the full debilitating nature of his injuries, self-inflicted and otherwise, and as such he slowly brought himself down onto the ground where he stood. With a growl he forced himself to undergo transformation back into his humanoid form, the process agonizing in its pain but ultimately necessary.

Slowly, his eyes closed. Damn it all, this hurt. Then again, when didn't it? He should have expected it

Hopefully Cinder would survive... He should give her more credit than that. She would. He knew she was stronger than he made her out to be, but he wanted to push the pack towards ever higher peaks. If it meant playing the devil, so be it, but in this world you would die if you weren't strong.

At the same time, that kind of thinking put him in positions like this - lying in the dirt, broken and battered, and left to face the consequences of assaulting the alpha and other pack members.
Redlikeroses said:
It didn't take long for Cinder's smile to fade as the hot blade touched her skin. The stick that had been placed in her mouth snapped almost immediately under her bite, and a pained growl escaped the Alpha's lips. Eventually, the pain eased and her quick breathing calmed as well. She was slowly drifting into consciousness, feeling the presence of Raven and Eric near. Due to her naturally fast metabolism, it didn't take long for Cinder's eyes to slowly open, a dazed expression crossing her face. She registered her two pack members, before saying, "What happened? Wh-where's Molloch?" She was worried about the possibility of him still being berserk.
@Raven @DaManofWar
"Molloch attacked you. Hopefully I knew some about wounds so I patched you up. And I don't want you getting up anytime soon. From being out of his view, he may of finally calmed down." Raven replied gazing off towards the entry of the tent from her view point it seemed Molloch gained some sanity. Her head then motioned towards Erich who was held with guilt and she was impassive towards it.

@RedLikeRoses @DaManofWar
Leon awoke, his body aching and burning as he struggled to clear the dizziness in his pounding head. He noticed Flora and quickly sat up, clearing the fog from his mind. She seemed to be fine, probably just tired from healing him. Leon looked down at his torso and hissed. There were red, blotchy scars from the silver, and he had a feeling they probably were permanent. Well at least he was alive. He secured the strings on his pants so they wouldn't fall and scooped up Flora with a little effort in his weakened state before wrapping her in the nearby blanket and surveyed the hut. Lycans were going through the items, tearing into foreign objects and scattering them across the dirt floor. He left the crowded hut and wobbled towards the campfire. He noticed Siruis and gave him a pained smile. "Thank you Siruis. I might've been dead if it wasn't for you." Leon was forced to put Flora down as gently as he could due to his light-headedness and sat down as well. He felt empty right now, but why? He had lived to see another day and his family was safe. He sighed and tried shifting until he realized he couldn't even feel his wolf. Ah, of course. His senses were dim and it was causing him to feel antsy. His eyesight was poor and now he didn't have his hearing to help him. Is this how humans felt? Weak? That woman who held him captive wasn't weak. Leon bristled at the thought. Where was she? Leon sighed and leaned back against the log. "Siruis, do you know where Luna is? I need to know. if she's ok." Leon said as he stared at the man.


Zyra raced away from the camp but knew the shifters would pursue her. There were many of them and they wey could take care of their injured shifter and chase after as well. Zyra sighed and got out a scroll of paper and a writing utensil she had fashioned and began scribbling as quickly as she could.

My King,

As I write this the human camp on the Lycan Island has been dispatched. The deaths are numerous, all done by the werewolves hands. They spilled our blood and it is flowing like water in a river. By the time you receive this I may be dead, but I have some research that may prove useful...

Zyra wrote all of her recent findings, stressing the point of silver and quickly rolled up the scroll and tied it with some twine. She frantically searched the treetops until she saw a hawk. She dug out her spellbook, flipping through the pages until she found it. She whispered the incantation and the bird stiffened and flew down, its wing beats looking jerky and unatural. Zyra tied the message around the birds leg as it landed on her bare arm, drawing blood from its claws. She forced the image of the castle, trying to remember every detail her grandmother had told her and the faded sketch she had shown Zyra when she was a child. The bird jerked again, and Zyra took this as confirmation the bird understood. It took off, heading towards the King. Zyra smiled in triumph.

The human woman yelped as she was forcefully pushed against the tree, her bag removed and she was whirled around to face her much stronger attacker. The girl yelled something and took off with Zyra's bag and Zyra was released, only to find herself surrounded by wolves. Their eyes glinted with anger, and Zyra held her head up high as they directed her back towards the camp. She was shoved to the dirt as soon as they got near the campsite, and Zyra spat in their direction as her head was held down by their stupid paws. One of them got close and personal with her, and she shrank back from it's breath that reeked of rancid meat. "You failed, witch. Your people are dead and your village is in ruins." He said in a throaty voice, but Zyra laughed, which sounded more like a croak. "And your kin is in that cabin over there, nothing more than a pelt. If you ever get cold you can always wear them, it might complement your eyes." Zyra said and claws dug into her back as they shouted in anger. She just smiled, and closed her eyes, letting sleep take her. They could kill her if they wished, but she had done her part. Now this stupid island and all of these helish creatures would get the end they deserved.

@Zer0 @xxbetaspiritxx @CelestialBunny
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The Alpha tried to comprehend everything. She did remember fighting Molloch, but she didn't understand how she had blacked out. In fact, Cinder didn't even take recognition of her wound until she moved her body and felt the pain shoot up her arm. She looked at Eric who touched her face, and although she was mad at him for returning, she had no desire to punish him. "No, I'm not going to do anything to you.." She pulled herself back from Eric. After a short moment of though, Cinder said, more to herself than to the two, "Molloch really was right. I am too weak, too kind. I guess attacking him didn't prove my point either. I guess I'm not really cut out to be the Alpha, huh?" For a mere moment, it was as if she was talking to someone other than Raven, Eric, or even herself.

"Well I thank you both. But now that I'm no longer unconscious, I'm going to go handle my conflict with Molloch in a more.. civil manner. And if I just so happen to get in another fight, which is unlikely, neither one of you better but in." Cinder used her good arm to pull herself up from her position on the sleeping bag. Her clothes were covered in blood, and her arm was in immense pain, but she wouldn't let that stop her from doing her job as Alpha. She was ignoring Raven's words about not going anywhere, but if Raven knew best, she would let Cinder go.

The Alpha stepped out of the tent and walked over towards Molloch's form. She was still trying to walk, as the bloodflow in her body hadn't yet stabilized, but eventually she made it to Molloch. "So what do you suggest I do, Mr. Tyrant? How do I make my pack stronger?" Even though her voice was weak and horse, it was rather powerful for the shape that she was in. Molloch left more than just a shattered arm during their tussle.

@DaManofWar @Raven @Ranulf01
He lifted his head up from where it previously was, one cheek dug into the dirt and the other one flecked with blood. Cinder? She was alive, good. Was he supposed to apologize first, or answer her question? It was probably rhetorical, given the circumstances. What if it wasn't? A million thoughts in a million forms went racing past on what he was supposed to do in this scenario, but he was overarchingly glad she was alright, if only for the pack's sake.

"...You look like hell. I'm... Sorry, Cinder." He bit back the small bit of pride he had in himself that he could inflict that kind of damage when still engaging two others in combat. Maybe he was monstrous.

"The pack is strong... I fear it losing its... principles." Unlike her voice, his was thoroughly shot, not much more than a shredded rattling each time he spoke. Regardless of his state though, he was much too proud to speak to her while literally face down in the earth. He struggled to his knees, but found he couldn't stand. Okay, on his knees it was.

"I look like Hell? You just gave me a few battle scars.. and bruises.. and broken ribs.. but that's all. Sure there's a chance that my arm won't fully heal, but you. You look like the Devil himself chewed you up and spit you out." Cinder cleared her throat a few times to get the raspy sound out of her voice, so that maybe she would be slightly more audible. She was taken aback when Molloch actually apologized, did Molloch happen to have a nicer twin brother that she didn't know about? Her face only slightly showed the shock, because most of it was hidden in pain.

"You're apologizing for nothing. I, too, occasionally worry that the pack is losing it's principles. But I've got to assure you, we just found out about the humans today. We're not going to help them, in fact, I will do everything in my power to stop them. And I know it may be stupid of us, but we have to unite with the Burning Sun, even if it is just briefly, to defeat our common enemy. So you can either follow me and this decision of mine, or give up your position in this pack and leave." Throughout her speech, Cinder's voice gained some assurance and strength. She was finally starting to sound like the Alpha that she should be, minus the few times when her voice would crack in pain.

"Now, what do you choose?"

"Maybe it's a better look for me, chewed up like this... Guess I taste too bad for him to swallow me whole." One of his rare attempt at humor, even though he was garbage at jokes. Even if she dismissed his apology, he still felt desperate to make amends somehow, someway. It was unlikely he would ever feel like he'd fully repaid the debt he had now placed himself into with that fight.

She mentioned the Burning Sun, and it brought to bear almost the same level of burning hatred in his heart as word of the humans did, but he choked on the instinctive growl. Not now. Especially not now. And now she command him to choose either between his hatred or his loyalty, and it ripped him apart far worse than any of his wounds did. Here he was, on his knees looking up to her, and she was the powerful, imposing authority that he demanded from those who would lead.

So be it.

For the first time in his life, Molloch ate his pride in full.

"The pack's enemies are my own, your enemies are my own. I'm yours to command, Cinder, even if it means..."

This brewing war was something greater than himself and his personal grudges.

"...Even if it means working with the Burning Sun." His struggle with it was evident.


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