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Fantasy The War Between Wolves

Luna knelt down beside Sirius, her nose twitching. "I-I'm not too sure." She whispered, her gaze locked on the scene infront of her. "I can't recognise the scent. At all." With a slight sniff, she got as close as she could to Sirius, that way if they had to take off, she could grab him quickly and run. And, if they had no choice but to fight, Sirius would be able to protect her; she was still irritated that no one had taught her to fight.

Her body flinched as she heard the nearby rustling of bushes and trees, and a few humanly face peering out of the trees. They were so funny looking- is that what both Luna and Sirius looked like in their forms? Like angry, frowning beasts? She only just managed to refrain herself from screaming. Before she knew what she was doing, she had wrapped both of her arms around Sirius' left one, and clung on tightly. Her fingers even left white marks from how hard she was gripping onto his skin.

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Sirius accidentally let go of the arrow and it whizzed past the figures and stuck itself on the tree.

"What in blazes?!" cried one of the figures. They stepped into the light and Sirius saw that they were five human hunters wearing beastly masks.

Sirius looked at Luna, annoyed.

"Who's there!?" said another hunter. "Show yourself!"

"Pretend you're my sister." Sirius whispered to Luna. "John Smith, the hunter!" shouted Sirius standing up slowly. "Forgive me, I thought you were werewolves. My sister and I are lost, she is wounded and needs help quickly."

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Luna frowned, standing up with Sirius and holding onto his arm, leaning against him. With one look at the hunters, she winced and bit the inside of her lip, exaggerating a limp. When Sirius mentioned her wound, she grit her teeth and motioned towards the wound, allowing a small whimper of pain escape her lips.

One of the human hunters watched the two cautiously before nodding. His eyes seemingly winced at the word 'werewolves'. "Of course we can help, anything for such a fine young girl." Luna practically felt sick as he said that. And with that, he rushed to the other side of Luna, allowing her to rest her other arm against him for support.

With a piercing gaze, Luna stared at Sirius, clearly distraught at being touched by the strange man, even if he was helping her. "Here, you look tired." He mumbled, attempting to swiftly pick her up, but she roughly pushed away, remaining silent.

"Ah," said Sirius apologetically, "allow me to do it. My sister doesn't trust strangers so easily, you see." he picked Luna up. "But she is grateful right, sis?" he looked at Luna meaningfully.

Sirius strode forward as though in a hurry. "Please show us the way to a physician, gentlemen."

Luna gasped when Sirius picked her up. Either way, she was annoyed, she didn't want to be picked up. "Yes," she rasped through an angered expression. After a few moments, she struggled in his grasp, suddenly pausing as one of the men began to chuckle.

"Fiery one, ain't she?"

"My, my, my. Temper, temper."

"What has she even done?" One asked, cocking an eyebrow. Luna sighed nonchalantly, and began to speak. "I'm clumsy. My brother was teaching me how to hunt, and I fell, arrow in hand. I impaled myself; it was an accident, no ones fault but my own." Her bushy yet shaped eyebrows fell into a deep frown as she lifted her leg to look at the wound, before suddenly feeling a large wave of nausea and she turned away. The hunters tutted in unison, as if scolding her for the supposed silly mistake she had told them. She wasn't entirely sure she could stand being this close to devilish creatures for much longer.

"Right here shall be fine." Stated one, pointing to a random patch of grass, an amputated tree trunk lay right in the middle. Forcefully, the tallest ripped Luna from Sirius' arms and placed her on the trunk with some force. He began to levitate her leg to inspect the wound, and she winced as he dressed it and bandaged it. The whole time, Luna stared daggers at Sirius. If looks could kill...

Sirius gave her a look that told her to be patient. He wished she had allowed him to cast 'Mind Link' on her.

When the man was done. Sirius stood beside Luna. "Thank you." he told the tall man cheerfully, shaking his hand. "You saved us." he looked around them. "Will you allow us to accompany you back home? If it's not much bother." he added meekly. "If you have a map that we could borrow, that would be fine too, mister, er-" he laughed. "I believe I didn't quite catch your names."

The men also shook their heads in unison. "I'm sorry to say that where we are lodging is strictly secret, so you may not follow us. However, we can lend you a map if that's what you wish." Luna pouted as if dissapointed, but inside, she was grinning. Grinning so much, she was certain it was even visible on her face, which it was not. One man in particular reached into his pocket, pulling out several things: A few loose bullets, some cigarettes, matches, a small pen knife, and a map. Softly, he passed the map to Sirius, along with a few matches and cigarettes.

"You'll need these, especially with her around." With an angry snort, she stood. Luna knew what the cigarettes were, and instantly wanted one. She shot up, careful not to use her super speed, snatched a cigarette and match, then flashed a smile to the hunters. With a wave of a hand and she began to walk onwards, pulling the match against a tree to light it, then holding it to a cigarette.

The smoke made her cough, but it was light and comforting. If anyone from the pack caught her smoking, she wasn't sure if they'd be mad, or curious. Without waiting for Sirius, she began to walk on into the woods, cigarette in hand. As she stared into the embers, she smiled, enjoying the glowing appearance.

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"Thank you" said Sirius receiving the map and cigarettes, ignoring Luna again. "My sister is a pain in the butt," he agreed with the men, "but she's still my sister, and I love her anyway." Sirius shook their hands one last time. "Have a good hunt gentlemen. We'll find our way back home ourselves, I hope we'll meet again."

Sirius pulled out the arrow that missed the hunters, kept it, then followed Luna. He mentally called a pair of his raven brothers to follow the armed hunters from a distance. He opened the map.

(OOC: @RedLikeRoses, me and @xxbetaspiritxx created a scene where we encountered human hunters wearing beastly masks and they gave us a map. They told us their lodging was a secret so we couldn't follow them, but I had my character have a pair of ravens tail them. Does the map show the location of a human colony or camp?)
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Luna sighed and nudged Sirius with her elbow, dropping the cigarette and crushing it beneath her bare foot. "You can quit acting now," She sniffed, pulling at the bandages on her leg. They were human contraptions, and she didn't wish to have them; the humans were too scary to her. However, they were tough, and well wrapped, so her attempts were almost useless. "I'm guessing those were humans, right?" She had asked, even though it were obvious. "Are we going to tell the others about this?" she had asked again, crossing her arms over her chest as she peered at the map once more.


(OOC: The map could possibly have a few markings, but they could mean anything, not necessarily the location of the hunters. Perhaps they've marked off the place where they have skinned/killed each wolf?)
"Yeah, they're humans . . ." said Sirius when they were out of ear shot, examining the map and then pocketing it. "I will tell Leon and Kara . . . sis." he grinned and playfully pulled Luna into an arm lock and gave her a noogie, messing up her hair.

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Zer0 said:
(OOC: @RedLikeRoses, me and @xxbetaspiritxx created a scene where we encountered human hunters wearing beastly masks and they gave us a map. They told us their lodging was a secret so we couldn't follow them, but I had may character have a pair of ravens tail them. Does the map show the location of a human colony or camp?)
((That is up to you, I honestly have no preference.))

Leon rolled his eyes as the two raced into the forest. Children. He nuzzled Flora. "I'll be back soon. Stay here." (
@CelestialBunny )

He followed Sirius and Luna's scent through the forest for a while, padding slowly as he kept his ears open for anything. He could hear small things like rodents in the trees, gentle chirps of birds far away, even his own heart beat if he let himself. His hearing was extreme, and he thought it was because he lost some eyesight but it was strong even before that. Still, he had to tone it down because hearing everything in such detail not not only annoying but tiring. He saw the two up ahead in a clearing, but stayed in the thicket. At least Luna got her wound taken care of..but by who? The healer wasn't even here. Leon pondered as he quietly passed the two and continued deeper in the forest. He smelled something foreign as he continued. He couldn't place it at all... Heis curiosity was winning out, so he padded along further until he heard voices. Leon slowed down until he was a few paces away, but the owners of the voices were obscured by branches. Suddenly, he felt something dropped on him. "Told you not to follow- oh, we got another one!" A male voice yelled, and Leon struggled to move. Leon identified as the thing over him as a net, but it was much bigger than the ones the packs made. Their nets were just to catch fish if they wanted, they didn't need nets to catch deer and other things so theirs were small. This, however, was thick and heavy and weighed down with rocks. He struggled until footsteps approached him. Leon nearly recoiled when he saw what seemed to be their faces. Were these hideous creatures humans? Was Luna meeting with them? Fury burned in his chest as one of them started talking. "This is the fourth one with week. This entire island is covered with these beasts. This one is even bigger than that black one, but at least he put up a fight." The man said, and the others laughed. Leon struggled to get up but the rope was flattening him against the ground. "Can we hurry up and kill the damn thing? I hate these wolves. They got this intelligence in their eyes, not mention they're huge." He felt a knife against the scruff on his neck and let out a laugh. It sounded like a weird wheezing sound, and some of the men jumped back. "I think we should take it with us. It's probably the biggest wolf here. What they call these things? Alpha. Alpha wolf. Maybe we can train it to catch our food." The man who spoke got a laugh out of another. "You're thinking about a dog from our homeland. This monster is not a pet." The knife was pressed harder, and Leon sighed. If the man was thinking of pets than Leon would have to act like he was nice. He'd do anything to stay alive for his family. Leon dropped his tongue out and panted, then rolled over on his back which took some effort and wagged his tail. This was so demeaning. "See? What did I tell ya?" The others rolled their eyes. "Fine, you keep it then. It better be tied up good." The net was gathered up and soon they were dragging Leon along.

Flora shifted to her human form, and sighed, she was never allowed to do anything but she knew she could show her father that she could take care of herself alone in the woods. She turned to face the woods, she wasn't one who breaks rules often or on purpose, and she never enjoyed going again her parents but she took a deep breath and ran into the deep woods all by herself in her white dress. Plants, herbs and flowers growing under each step she took, suddenly she ran passed by some humans and a wolf on the ground in a net. Flora knew she had been seen running by the humans at least she was in her human form, either way she hid behind a tree, she took a deep sniff to recognize the wolf, Wait not just any wolf, it was Leon her father... Flora eyes widened. @Coal
Eric was out hunting. He had a strong distaste for war. Senseless violence, as far as he was concerned. He had said nothing so far about it, simply preferring to consider his position. He had a strong sense of morality, one he had been given by his mother. And he stuck to it, no matter what.

He paused. He could see a deer. A large buck. He waited patiently in wolf form, before sprinting forward and lunging at it, sinking his fangs into it's neck. He regretted having to do this, but he had to hunt for the pack. His prize felled, he dragged it away slowly, holding onto it by the the nape of it's neck.
Luna grinned and closed her eyes as he pushed down her hair, before slipping into her wolf form and playfully pressing her weight against his stomach to push him over. "Hmph!Who wins again? I think it was me. Of course it was me!" She stated cockily, it wasn't like her to be cocky, but at the current moment she felt it necessary. If she were in human form, she would've grinned, greatly. It wasn't hard to pin him, but she came to the conclusion that he was stronger, and would most likely be able to push her off soon enough; even so, she pushed her paws into his chest, her expression unreadable.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Cinder snapped at Raven. Even though the two were great friends, Cinder was in no mood to be told what to do. She was sick and tired of humans, and she was downright ready to kill the first one she saw. However, what she really wanted to do deep down, was to go back to the pack's base and cry. She wanted to curl into a ball and let out all of her grief and remorse. She wanted comfort, but she knew that the only person willing to comfort her was long dead. When Raven mentioned that she found something, Cinder walked over to her and looked at the blade. "Well, that's just great. They left the thing they used to skin my mate. I don't think that's going to help us now that they have already gotten away and left. You can't exactly pick up a scent from a piece of metal." She said, struggling to contain her anger. @Raven
"Your being childish about this situation. Instead of seeing the negativity of this look at the positive. There is still a way to find the people and get revenge. But think of it this way, is revenge really that smart? If we do find them we will risk more lives being taken, is this what you want? If it's I will follow out with it, but if some do get killed our numbers will decrease and we will be out of advantage and weaken. As a leader you must hide your emotions and weaknesses from others or they will destroy you. Unlike you love is a nuisance it allows someone to break you from the inside out, this is why I avoid relationships." Raven spoke bluntly towards her superior. Of course the leader would be mad at her for saying such things, but the leader herself was starting to break down and reveal those weaknesses to the rivals. Her hand grasped the blade's hilt easily situating it within her fingers and examining the fur and blood still clung to the silver sheath. 'There is nothing useful on this.' Instead of wasting a useful utensil, she tucked it within a black leather pocket near her combat boot.

"Don't you think that I already know this?! You shouldn't be saying anything right now. You don't know what went on before you got here. I've been trying to cover it up, trying to hide my weakness, but as crazy as it may seem I actually have a heart! And everything that has a heart has the right to be hurt. Not everyone can be as stone-cold solid as they want to be.." Cinder looked like she was going to continue with her rant, but she got so choked up on the tears that she was trying her hardest to hide that she couldn't speak anymore. She turned away from Raven and began to run out of the area, but before she completely left, she looked at Caster. "You should have let me attack the Burning Sun. Maybe then I'd die as a hero instead of live as a weakling." With that final remark, she shifted into her wolf form and bolted into the woods, tears streaming down her fur-covered face.


'Don't you think that I already know this?! You shouldn't be saying anything right now. You don't know what went on before you got here. I've been trying to cover it up, trying to hide my weakness, but as crazy as it may seem I actually have a heart! And everything that has a heart has the right to be hurt. Not everyone can be as stone-cold solid as they want to be..' The thoughts consumed her mind especially the part 'Stone-cold solid.' continued to replay in her mind similar to a broken recorder. Ravens eyes however, did not hold that sense of guilt of her bluntness, she swallowed hard; her eyes locked upon the dead body. Raven soon arose to her own height of 5'7 and locked her eyes upon the location Cinder decided to run off from. Raven, could tell that the words she chosen was a wrong way to try to aid in her leaders emotions, instead of solving things she made them worse by her candid retort. She contemplated on things of her next movement, at first she thought about running after Cinder, but what help could she be if she continued to hurt her? Raven thought about it closely clenching her gloved fists to compress and relax once more, she soon decided and began to follow into the trail of the underbrush. She advanced in a sedate moment taking her time to reach Cinders location even if she was already upset, she felt as if this is her duty to assist her Alpha and help her gain some stability to her emotions.

Sirius laughed. His clothes and bow melded into his blossoming black fur as Sirius transformed into a wolf and playfully wrestled Luna. They rolled across the leafy forest floor before he leapt away and scampered around his tail wagging and goading her to chase him.

'Sirius!' echoed a raven's voice in his head. 'The masked hunters caught Leon! And Flora is in the area in her human form!'

Sirius stopped play biting Luna's ear. "Luna, Leon was caught by the masked hunters and Flora is there in her human form."

Sirius saw through the raven's eye the hunters look curiously at Flora. They had shocked faces.

"Why is there a little girl here?" asked the tall one.

One of the hunters bent down in front of her, pulled up his mask and said in a soft voice. "Little one, where is your mother?"


(OOC: @xxbetaspiritxx , redlike roses gave us free reign, so, I'm okay with the map having both the places where they skinned the wolves and also the location of the human colony to move the story forward?)
Luna looked at Leon, just about to chase him then he spoke. Bolting through the forest, she changed forms. She couldn't allow Leon to be hurt, and as for Flora, she shouldn't have even been out of the territory. Her hair ripped through the wind as she scampered through, finally standing behind the hunters with a distraught expression. "May I ask why on earth you have taken my daughter, and my dog?" She questioned, a fake expression of concern on her face as she grasped Flora's hand. However, the anger burning in side of her was true. Making her way over to Leon, she frowned, trying to untangle him before she was pushed away, causing her to tumble onto the floor.

"I'm afraid I can't allow that lil' lady."

Luna growled a little under her breath, stood up and released Flora's hand- using the little girl's hands to cover her ears. Roughly, she pushed the hunter into a tree, her hands digging into his chest. "Are you deaf? Give me back my fucking dog." She stated, her burning hatred evident in her eyes.


@Zer0 @CelestialBunny
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One of the other hunters yelled in surprise and attempted to pull Luna away.

Sirius crouched behind the bushes. While the hunters were distracted, he caught Flora's attention, and pressed a finger on his lips motioning her to keep quiet and come to him.

He called the ravens and a small cloud of them came winging from the east. He moved silently down a hollow where he could emerge out of the hunters line of sight.

"Fiona!" he called desperately in the forest as though looking for his sister. "Fiona!" he called angrily. "Stop playing games! This isn't funny!"

"Oy, John!" said one of the hunters. "Your sister is here-and . . . her . . .daughter?" he added uncertainly looking at Luna then to Flora who wasn't there anymore. "Wait where did she go?" he stepped into the woods looking for Flora.

"Fiona!" yelled Sirius striding up to them. He pulled Luna away from the hunter. "What are you doing attacking the men who helped you, Fiona?" he said furiously, holding Luna's arms tightly without hurting her. "I'm so sorry." he added to the hunter Luna pushed into a tree. "This won't happen again."

"It better not." he muttered angrily, massaging his chest. "Your sister's downright violent!"

"She said this was her dog." said a hunter suspiciously, nodding at Leon.

Sirius looked at their alpha. The ravens he had called were circling above them in the sky. "That's not our dog." Sirius told Luna firmly. "It's a wolf. Now let's go." Sirius picked her up again, ignoring the fact that she didn't like it, and turned his back on the hunters.

"If something goes wrong," he whispered to her, "continue to set Leon free." He placed her down and continued walking. Sirius took out his bow and knocked an arrow. "Please be patient." he growled quietly. "They aren't going to kill him, I heard them, they're going to tie him up and make him a pet. We'll follow them and then rescue him when they're unaware, okay?" he said in hushed tones. "Don't put yourself and Flora in danger like that where you can't win or there's a huge chance one of us will get shot and die."

@xxbetaspiritxx , @Coal , @CelestialBunny
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Eric was still dragging along the deer. He wondered what the rest of his pack were doing. At the most, he hoped they would enjoy this meal.
Accalia heard something being dragged along the floor, and, assuming that it was Eric bringing back food, she moved further away. She was always the last to eat, so she preferred to keep out of the way until everyone else was done.

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