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Fantasy The War Between Wolves

A look of pain crossed Cinder's face as she turned to look at Caster. She knew he was right, what she was doing was senseless, but she couldn't go back on her word now. "Silence, beta!" She snapped, her facial expression hardening once more. Cinder turned her attention back towards Luna and Leon and her smile returned.

"Oh, well this is too good. How about instead of killing the Alpha, I just kill his sister instead? Maybe then he'd get a taste of his own medicine. Quit acting like you don't know what you did!" And with that, Cinder shifted into her wolf form and bounded around Leon towards Luna. She had gone mad with blood lust at the time. Cinder felt that she had to kill someone, anyone to soothe the agony inside of her. @Coal @xxbetaspiritxx @Rainy83
Luna stifled for breath as Leon pulled her back, and she tumbled onto the floor. Brushing herself off, she got back to her feet and look bewildered at the suggestion of Cinder. She had seemingly froze to the spot. A soft whimper escaped her plump lips as Cinder approached her, and she trembled backwards. All of a sudden, she whipped into the forest, her super speed allowing her to be predominantly faster than the others. However, she didn't go too far, only far enough so she was out of sight, but could still watch and jump in easily if help was needed. Her breathing was quiet and subtle as she tried to calm herself, preparing herself from any attacks that were about to take place.

@RedLikeRoses @Rainy83

He was given the go-ahead, and it would be his pleasure to show the Burning Sun what a true apex predator was like.

The final part of his unique physiological mutation was completed, and thus he shot forward like a bolt of dark fury. He felt the pain of muscles being strained to breaking as he shot forward, faster than any of them, but the possibility of slowing didn't even occur to him.

Yes, the alpha's sister. It would be fitting to take her life in exchange - someone dear to equal the cost of an alpha male. He was trained on her like a bullet, but was forced to change targets as she sudden was... Gone. She was quicker than expected.

Leon was the most immediate target, but Cinder had reserved her combat rights to him. So be it, he'd instead turn his attention to the newest Burning Sun to join the fray, only now coming skittering through the trees. In moments he was upon her, leaping through the air, maw open wide and fangs ready.

A low growl escaped Cinder's lips as Luna quickly gained speed and left. "You can't hide forever!" She half howled-half shouted. However, Cinder didn't follow her into the woods. She was going to kill either Luna or Leon, she made it her mission to do so. Cinder turned towards Leon with a low growl.

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Lyra's ears pricked up at the sound of a brawl, before she noticed her pack members were gone. Whimpering slightly, she rose to her feet, quietly hoping that no one was hurt so far, and sped through the woods towards the bay, her nose waiting for any hint of the blood of her own. When she arrived at the fringe of the trees, she stopped, almost cowering at the bloodthirsty aura that surrounded the entire group in, what to her eyes, was a blanket of deep red. She spotted a few of her pack members in the fray, though not Luna, her Alpha's sister. She could only assume that she had been sent away from the fighting. Lyra attempted to follow the battle. She was quite weak, due to being the lowest member of the pack, but she couldn't just stand around and watch her pack fight without her. She was conflicted, stepping slightly out of the trees, but then back in, her eyes full of fear.
Luna watched from a distance, her lip quivering as she saw Cinder leap for her brother. Fists clenching, she tried to calm herself, it would only make the situation worse if she joined in, wouldn't it? Leon had wanted her to stay behind and if she were to suddenly participate in the brawl, he wouldn't be too pleased, in fact she was sure he would probably end up attacking her as well as their rivals. Although hidden, she was in plain sight and this made her easy to spot, but also rather difficult. Her breathing fastened to such a high intake, that she felt as though she couldn't breathe properly, but she needed to calm herself and focus on the real situation: the fight that was about to break out.
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Kara was racing through the trees to her mate as she was attacked by a mutt. She snarled, baring her teeth at he sprang towards her. The white and grey wolf dogged him as he flew towards her. She snapped her teeth at him, barely missing his neck. "What's your problem mutt?" She snarled

Leon sighed gratefully when Luna took off. If she got hurt he didn't know what he would do. "I have done nothing and neither has my pack you cretin!" Leon snapped. "Hunt my family and see what happens." He sensed his mate and even more anger lurched through his body when the male attacked her. She could handle him, that he knew. He focused on the female in front of him, waiting for her first move.

"One of you killed him. One of you killed Loki!" Cinder roared at Leon, growling even louder. It was clear that the was giving in to the darkness that dwelt inside of her now that there was no one there to suppress her villainy. Before attacking Leon, she looked back at Caster and Longshank, "Well, go on! Molloch and I can't be the only one willing to rip the heads off of these mutts!" She shouted at them. However, her attention quickly turned back to Leon when she abruptly leapt in his direction.

@Rainy83 @Funeral @Coal
Caster shook his head. He grabbed her arm, pulling Cinder back for a quick moment. "Cinder what is this? Is this what he would have wanted? For you to lose yourself again?" He hissed in her ear. Caster wasn't about to attack them. He honestly didn't believe that Burning Sun did it. He was trying to escape a war.
Cinder was unable to follow through with her attack at Leon because Caster pulled her away. She shifted into her human form and glared up at him. Her eyes became their dark brown color as she listened to Caster's words. She clenched her fists when he mentioned Loki. "You have no clue what he would have wanted! Even if I become the living she-devil I once was, I will bring justice to his death!" Her adrenaline was pumping into overdrive. In all honesty, she didn't want a war either, but the blood-lust that filled her mind made her think otherwise. Before turning away, Cinder looked up at Caster one more time as if to say, 'Don't let me do this.' Then, she began to storm back towards Leon. @Rainy83
Caster pulled her arm again, anger in this actions. "Don't do dare make this like you were the only one who cared for him! Loki was my best friend!" He snarled at her. His eyes swirled with pain and fury. "If you knew him so well then you would know that this isn't the way. I won't let you start a war on an innocent pack. You and I both know that they didn't do it. They were just the closest things you could get your claws into!" He snapped. Caster moved so that he was standing between Cinder and Leon. He stood strong and tall, defiant. He knew that she didn't want to become the creature she had been. But it was so easy. He knew all too well how it felt to let the darkness surround you.

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Luna crept out of the shadowy forest slightly and into the open when Caster had stood between the two. She was only grateful that he had attempted to stop the fight, because that meant Leon was safe. It also seemed that Cinder didn't want to do any of it, well from her point of view anyway. Crossing her arms, she stabilised herself against a nearby pine tree and watched, clearly intrigued by this pack member who, like her, didn't want a war. For a few moments, she stood unprotected, before entering the world of reality, and exiting that of her thoughts.

The wind brushed her once tame hair, and it whipped at her waist with a gentle subtly. The sun beamed down, warming her olivey skin. Oh how she wished it were raining, she adored the rain. Very much.

Cinder sighed, trying to keep her calm. She really appreciated what Caster was doing, but she still had her mind set. She knew that she would look like a coward if she retreated then and there. But as she glared at him and his defiance, her mind began to change. "Caster.." She growled sternly. Cinder ran towards him as if she was going to attack, but as she neared him all she did was pull him into a hug. Tears began to fall from her eyes. She couldn't help but grieve the loss of Loki and she needed comfort. This was the first time that Cinder had ever cried in front of her pack. It was the first time that she gave up on being strong and fearless. And it was the first time that someone other than Loki had brought her back into sanity. @Rainy83
Longshank pulled Cinder away from the arms of Caster, "Loki would want you to pull the trigger. To marvel at the bodies of the Burning Sun's as they lay lifeless. You thought about going to making peace, co-exisiting....... and look where that got you. Loki is dead. Did they have mercy as they took his life and watched the life fade away from his eyes? Their laughing at you. They got away with murdering Loki. Rise Cinder. I will lead the way as I kill them all...... That's the way things are now. Only we can exist."

Longshank turns towards the nearest member of the Burning Suns wolfpack and goes towards them, picking up pace.

"Come children, it is time"
Caster braced himself to fight off Cinder. He wouldn't let his Alpha destroy a whole pack in the name of her mate. His best friend. He knew that she wouldn't let this go, even if she wanted to. She couldn't show her pack weakness. That was her own weakness. But as she neared him, she fell into his arms in a hug. Caster stayed tense for a moment before hugging her back. He held her gently, breathing slowly. Caster stroked her hair as she cried into his chest. Tears fell from his own eyes, grieving along with her. "I know. I'm right here" he whispered. He was prepared to protect her from the world. Caster's heart ached for their pain.

But then Longshark ripped her from. His arms. He roared in fury. But he realized that Cinder needed to make this decision for herself. She needed to decide who she was going to be. "Cinder" he said, pleading with her to come back to him. To leave this where it lay and pick up the broken pieces.
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Luna looked over at Leon. He seemed safe for the time being, but she didn't want to risk anything. The cold chills of the air sent shivers down her back, even though it was still relatively sunny. Oh how she felt lonely; she was always on her own, and in this case it was no different, even when a war was about to break out. The canopy above her shaded her from any possible warmth. Slowly, she rubbed her arms, watching the scene with a grimace.

The grass tickled her bare feet, and she couldn't help but stifle a giggle; she was highly ticklish. It was slightly strange, that she laughed slightly within what was assumed to be the start of a war. The tree bark scratched at her back through her shirt and she winced a little.

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By the time that Cinder finally cooled down from her fit of rage, she was ripped out of her comfort by Longshank. His words were still tempting, yes, and Cinder knew that there would be days where she would give in once again, but she knew what was best for right now. She knew what Loki really wanted her to do. "Longshank. Stop. It wasn't them who did it. It had to be someone else. I'm done with the violence..." Her voice had slowly regained some of it's authority. Cinder let out a howl to alert Molloch and tell him to stop attacking the other Alpha. She had called a cease-fire, which was something she hated doing with a passion. No matter how much she wanted to grieve, Cinder decided that she could do so that night, away from the packs.

She looked over at Caster and said, with a half smile, "Thanks." With that, Cinder gave another howl, summoning both of the packs to the area. No matter how much she didn't want to do it, Cinder planned to give in and apologize.
Luna, although reluctant, started to move towards where the two Alphas were standing. Even though Leon had advised her not to, she had been requested to, so she did. With a small nod, she tucked a few stray locks behind her ear and stood about 2 metres to the right of Leon. She didn't want him to get overprotective during this important meeting between both packs.

Slowly, she brought her hands up to her stomach, crossing her arms around it and placing them in her hips softly. Her gaze locked on Cinder as she listened to what she had to say. It would be interesting seeing as they were about to declare war on one another, or so she thought.
He heard the howl, registered it on some superficial sense, but it was just getting good. There was too much. The pounding in his ears, the tension in his legs. Him and this wolf, they'd only just started.

Had someone howled?

Not to his ears. When he was gone like this, he was gone.

He met Kara full-on, teeth flashing and drawing blood when able. He was out to kill,
The cool breeze absconded the youths bodice, a chill already manifesting throughout her veins to produce white bumps to scatter up her forearm. Ravens eyes suddenly began to twitch at the radiance emitting throughout the indents of the trees, a grunt of indignation towards the luminescence left her ajar lips. Eventually the irksome of the light has won its battle eye lidw that once was shut parted open to reveal her nature green touched eyes. Raven noticed the sudden abnormal silence drifting throughout the atmosphere of the rock she compressed her back against her

arms used as a pillow to insulate her neck from discomfort. Raven tightened her core muscles and sat upright, she used her hand to shield her eyes from the shinning of the sun, which seemed to smile in mockery at the grimance bracing her lips.

However, before she could curse to herself about the negative attributes of the sun, her ears caught an indistinct howl from afar which seemed to be full of grief, hatred and sorrow. Raven immediately could already tell the familiarity of the howl was from her superior, she immediately arose her mass to her feet, surveying the distance between she and the Pack. Grunting her hand locked around a necklace that she had grown affiliates with, it was her sisters charm she has given to her even now it offerer some peace over her. Bones began to sickenly crack and and mishap into her canis lupis formation, her fur held peculiar mixtures of colors and celtric markings retrieved by birth, followed by her eyes that were green now similar to fire being ablaze. Raven soon impaled her two back legs into the province springing her formation forward to land below without falter, before turning back to her once resting place she immediately acceleration within the underbrush.

Ravens long and bulky forelegs offered her momentum to easily reach her destination, she halted just behind a tree just to get a vantage point of the situation it didn't take long for her to analyze it. Raven observed ad a figure she recalled as "LongShark" wrenched her away from the other individual and beta "Caster.". Raven amber eyes ignited as she stepped into the clearing after permitting her human form to divulge itself from the seldom of the tree bark. Immediately she approached by Casters side, however being quite distant. Raven took in the rest of the scene two or there rival wolfs seemed to be here, one of them seemed to be in wolf form growling, and the other leaning against a tree branch.

Raven clicked her tongue at the lack of Intel probably due to sleeping far too much " What is going on here?" Raven demanded immediately her voice hinting mostly confusion, but also a sense of hatred of how her leader was being held.

@RedLikeRoses @Rainy83 @xxbetaspiritxx @Funeral @Coal @Ranulf01
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Cinder noticed Raven approach. "Misconceptions. Death. A lot of things that if I talk about now will make me cry again. I'll tell you when this is all over, okay?" She answered Raven's question. The majority of the packs had already approached, but there were two members missing. Molloch and Kara. Cinder looked at her pack and the Burning Sun and said, "I'll be right back.." With that, she shifted into her wolf form and bound off towards Burning Sun territory, where she expected Kara and Molloch to be. Low and behold, she saw the two fighting. Well, it was mainly Molloch still trying to kill Kara. Cinder shifted into her human form and shouted, "Molloch! Cut it out! It's over! Don't make this any worse than it already is!" @Ranulf01 @Rainy83
Caster's heart filled with pride. She chose the road that would save her. He couldn't help but have a small smile on his lips as she went to go stop the little rat from causing any more damage than he already had. His light eyes watched as the rest of the packs filed around.


Kara was still fighting worth the mutt when she caught the scent of another wolf. Twilight Moon. Heart heart dropped to her stomach. She couldn't take on two wolves. Kara prayed to the sky to save her. But then the other wolf commanded this mutt to stop. And he did. Wonder overwhelmed her. The Alpha's hackles were still raised as she snarled at the mutt
Sirius stood behind Leon and Luna, feeling thankful about Caster and looking relieved that a war didn't start.

He sat on his haunches. His blood-red eyes were unfocused as he continued to search for the missing alpha through the sight of his raven brothers. "I'm looking for Loki right now, Leon." Sirius said quietly.


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