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Fantasy The War Between Wolves

A faint light. Voices. Rustling. The first things Longshank hears from awakening. "Treasures that have not been found yet..... filled with eyes, filled with greed...... filled with despair. I will uncover such treasure and writhe on the floor as the raven's flock on the tree's and wait for my eyes to rot so they can eat them!" Are his first thoughts this morning. He stares blankly into nothing, perhaps only something he could see. "I must speak out loud so the rest of the Twilight Moon Pack can hear the story of those that seek passion but find death!" he thinks to himself and speaks out loud, not even knowing if anyone is within earshot, he speaks out loud into the air as he looks into nothingness:

"I met a man who lost his mind

In some lost place I had to find

Follow me the wise man said

But he walked behind

I walked into a hospital

Where none was sick and none was well

When at night the nurses left

I could not walk at all

Morning came and then came noon

Dinner time a scalpel blade

Lay beside my silver spoon

Some girls wander by mistake

Into the mess that scalpels make

Are you the teachers of my heart?

"We teach old hearts to break"

I met a woman long ago

Her hair, the black that black can go

Are you a teacher of the heart?

Soft she answered, "No"

He rises up. A skull sits next to him, his father's skull. "I agree father. What's that? Of course. I will take their eyes too, that's the only way I'll make them see what I see. hahahahah." Longshank speaks to the skull. "I see the Alpha brought food. I will not eat........ but yet I hunger. Not for flesh. For the souls of the Burning Sun Pack and all others that dare breathe the same air I breathe, I will feast on all their souls. And yet I know my hunger shall never be quenched. Oh father I will make them see darkness all the days of their lives" he kisses his father skull and carries it with him.
Dio roles onto his back the warm sand around him reminding him of home. He sighs openly. "Welp... That was a cluster fuck." Dio slowly gets to his feet and then realizes his hat is gone. "Shit." Frantically Dio looks around for the hat only to spot it farther up shore. He chases after it.
Caster laughed at the younger wolf's threats. He knew that he could take this little rat on. But once Cinder intervened, he decided to keep his cool. The Beta shrugged."I wasn't doing anything Cinder. The pup just had some anger issues" he said and yawned. He had an aura of victory since Cinder had hushed Molloch instead of Caster himself.
[QUOTE="Throne Trinity]Dio roles onto his back the warm sand around him reminding him of home. He sighs openly. "Welp... That was a cluster fuck." Dio slowly gets to his feet and then realizes his hat is gone. "Shit." Frantically Dio looks around for the hat only to spot it farther up shore. He chases after it and wanders the island.

"Well clearly it's common in this pack. If you two could save your quarrels for any day that isn't today, I'd appreciate it." Her voice was still filled with sarcasm, "And you know, I eat just as much, maybe even more than Molloch, so by calling him fat, you're technically calling me fat." She added in a casual tone, before shifting into her wolf form and tearing her teeth into the doe. After eating her fill, she shifted into her human form and looked at the pack once more. "Has everyone eaten?" Cinder finally asked. She took notice of Longshank who was speaking something that she didn't understand, but decided to let him be for the time. Although she would rather he ate, she didn't quite want to push him.
Caster nodded and stayed silent. But it was more like the silence of his saying "Well, I wasn't going to say anything but...." Longshark caught his attention as he muttered odd things. The other wolf had always interigued him.
Again, Molloch deferred to the alphas, unwilling to be the one who disobeyed the head of the pack. With a bow of the head and an immediate dropping of his aggression, he resorted to casting a baleful eye at the other packmate and leaving the topic buried from there. Backing away from the kills being rapidly consumed, he circled about once or twice to fully fall into complete comfort with the change in form. With the sleepless nights came a certain... delay in body awareness. It would still probably be a few minutes until the motions of being a wolf were as subconscious as breathing.

"Full and ready, Cinder."

He was ready for the trek ahead, and any trouble that might erupt from the duplicitous Burning Sun.
Longshank wanders as the crows call for their next meal and dead tree's tell each other secrets of all that they have seen. Longshank knows their secrets, he thinks he can hear their whispers. He wanders more and comes across the doe as the rest of the pack are eating and feasting on it. Longshank walks to the other end of the doe where it's lifeless head lies, he talks to it, "Dic mihi, quid tu ipse domine perspicis sed tenebras Sunt voces aliter potes tu magis ausculta quod loquor cant . Et vacua , et tenebrae super . Absorbet vos . Hospitem suscipit et vos . Tu autem eorum in perpetuum . Utinam mortui essemus in gutture tuo si scidi pallium meum rupisti tibi frustra quaero . Ego celabo vos quicquam solet . Ego veritatem dico vobis expedit . Solum est veritas in terra, et in pulverem vertitur" (translation: "Tell me what you can see, only darkness? Are the sounds any different, you can hear me cant you. The void, the blackness. It swallows you. It welcomes you as its guest. You are now their forever. Would it have been better for you if I ripped your throat and tore you to pieces, I ask. I wont hide anything from you. I'll tell you the truth. The truth that is only found in the ground, turned to dust")

Longshank is ready for what has to happen today
Cinder turned to her mate and looked at him calmly, "It looks like everyone's ready to get going." With that statement, she shifted into her wolf form and began trotting into the woods. She knew that her pack could keep up with her, as they were perfectly fit and knew where Duskfall bay was located. So, Cinder picked up speed and began to run as fast as she could towards the meeting location.


Aster noticed that both of the Alpha's had woken up, but she hadn't yet approached either. She was patient when it came to her pack, and she knew that they would make it to the bay at their own pace.

(Sorry, in a rush.)
"They've begun to move!" cawed the raven Mugin.

Sirius, looked up from the fish he was eating as he lay on the surface of the sea, his scarlet eyes looking at something that wasn't there. In his mind's eye he saw through another brother raven's gaze Cinder bounding through the forest with the rest of the Twilight Moon. The waves lapped over his black fur and he rolled on the cool water as if it was solid when it was not. Mugin flew away from his perch on Sirius back.

The black wolf wolfed down the rest of the fish and swished away the other fishes that were nibbling on his tail. "Better stay away, Mugin." said Sirius through his thoughts. "Some of the wolves eat ravens."

He rolled around some more to wash the blood off his black fur, then leapt forward pushing a splash of water into Mugin's direction.

"Sirius!" cawed the raven indignantly.

Sirius laughed as he bounded away. He leapt up, then up, then higher and then he was falling from a height of a hundred meters from the sky. Sirius stuck his tongue out enjoying the breeze. He splash landed on the surface again even though there was no rock or sand and it was a deep dark blue underneath him where he saw some curious dolphins following him from a safe distance underwater. Sirius grasshopper-leaped from the east sea towards Duskfall Bay.
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Kara padded slowly back into the clearing in which her pack resided. She saw that most of her pack was already up. This was good. A yawn escaped from her maw, showing gleaming white teeth. The white and grey wolf shook her pelt, ready for this. But yet she dreaded it. Meetings like this always ended in disaster. Twilight Moon was so blood thirsty that anything, even the smallest hint of a wrong doing would send them over the edge.


Caster padded swiftly after Cinder. As she picked up speed, as did he. Wind tore through his fur, giving him a beautiful feeling. He watched as everything whisked past him. There were excited barks erupting from behind him. The multicolored wolf was temped to join in. These meetings were always exciting, usually ending in a bit of bloodshed.
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With Cinder, the Alpha of the Twilight Moon, ahead of the pack, carves her way through the tree's and nature all around as she moves towards her destination with the rest of her pack. "What will we do to them my Queen? Alpha of the Twilight Moon. They refuse. They are blind. What do they know? Will they burn? Will their words become ashes at our feet? Let us rejoice when they are no more! We must set the world on fire my Queen, Alpha of the Twilight Moon....." Longshank thinks to himself as he runs through the tree's. Crows jump out from the tree's and into the skies. "Perhaps they know death is looming" Longshank thinks to himself. He heads to their destination
The ground flew by beneath him as he sprung into motion, the process of a four-legged run indeed becoming second-nature quite quickly as predicted. Molloch's black fur practically ate the light that was shone on it from the rising sun, letting him become a dark blind spot that one questioned whether they really saw. He was fast, one of the fastest, but he consciously had to rein himself in. He'd over-exert himself if he didn't, injure himself in some way, and then he'd be in less than optimal shape for the upcoming meeting.

He expected a spat of some sort: he always did. The differences between these two families was simply too great to be resolved through mere words, and when their views were discussed with snarling and blood, Molloch was their best diplomat.

It was thus necessary that he kept close to the pack and its leaders as they ran, ready to jump into the fray if there were any complications on the way. Doubtful, but it was always best to be safe.
Luna sat on the edge of a small cliff that over looked the island, the surroundings were so serene that she couldn't help but withhold the smile beaming on her lips. It was usual of her to be away from her pack, she wasn't much of a talker, nor a doer for that matter. A small, chubby robin was perched on the edge of her index finger and she smiled, listening to it's chirps, and replying back in a normal tone. Her large, forest green eyes were focused on that of the forest. The crisp air numbed her nostrils a little, and she let out a small sigh of satisfaction. Slowly, her hair lapped at her shoulders and waist with slight reluctance. It wasn't until another bird came over, a large, black bird that looked like a raven, that she began to frown. It had scared away the robin she had been making conversation with and that irritated her, no matter how much she loved animals. "Really?!" she spoke softly, tucking her flying locks behind her small ears. She gingerly lay on her back on the grass, her head dangling over the cliff edge. Here she was ,as per, living dangerously.

Kara padded along through the forest, slowing her breathing. She had been running for a solid hour now. But then a scent caught her attention. Luna. Kara shifted back into her human form. Her long dark hair swayed with the wind as she came over to her packmate. "Good morning Luna" she said softly, noticing the large raven . The Alpha knew that they would soon have to leave for the meeting. But couldn't she have one more minute? It's not like anything good ever came out of them.

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Luna was slightly shocked to have heard Kara, and she nodded her head in greetings before turning back around. "It's definitely a morning, but, is it a good one?" She cocked an eyebrow with a sly grin. All she could see was the abstract, upside down view of the forest below her, and she enjoyed the different interpretation of it. Her golden hair swayed beneath her, and her body jolted slightly as a few loose rocks around her dropped, but she wasn't fearful; the tiny pebbles weren't a threat, or meaning any danger. They were just loose rocks, or so she thought. Luna wasn't keen on going to the meeting, and she hoped that somehow she could skip it. That would be fun, she could explore.

It didn't take as long as Cinder had originally thought to arrive at Duskfall, clearly seeing that the Burning Sun had yet to arrive. "They're going to be late, as always." She muttered under her breath, once returning into her human form. By the time the rest of the pack made it to the sandy shore, Cinder had done a headcount. Everyone seemed to have made it... except for Loki. Impulsively, she let out a loud howl and waited for a reply from her mate. Nothing. She gave another howl and still, the silence pursued. Worriedly, she ran a hand through her thick, black hair, trying to recall the last time she had seen Loki. He was supposed to come with them, she knew that. How could she have been so stupid as to not check and see if her mate had followed her.

A knot formed in Cinder's stomach. She could feel that deep down, the warm reassurance of having her mate with her had disappeared. He hadn't replied to her howls, nor could she pick up his scent. Her mate had disappeared like the rest of her pack. Unable to truly voice her loss, the only thing Cinder could do was drop to her knees, clenching the pain in her stomach. Tears were building up in her eyes, but she refused to let one shed. She was displaying too much weakness, but Loki was one of the only reasons that Cinder hadn't lost her sanity. Cinder knew that without someone to keep her in check, she would revert back to her old ways and become even more horrible than she already was. And she was completely terrified. Soon enough, her terror would turn into rage, but not quite yet...
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Caster soon arrived. He heard Cinder's desperate howls for Loki. He hear the fear in her howls. Something was terribly wrong. The morning air was l cold and sikent. Too silent for comfort. Anxiety gripped him as he ran raster to catch up to his Alpha He changed into his tall human self and hurried over to her.

"Cinder, what is wrong?" He asked.

Cinder didn't get this scared. She wasn't that kind of person. To it terrified him when she acted like this. This meant that her world was ending. He dropped down to his knees to face her. Then the boy grabbed her shoulders.

"Cinder!" He said quietly, trying to reach her.
Quietly, Longshank looks at Cinder and Caster on the floor. Cinder On her knees. He knows Cinder. The ruthlessness, the darkness inside. Just waiting to come out. "Be afraid. Fear and the lives you take, taste so much sweeter when you embrace..... misery" Longshank thinks to himself. As darkness consumes her, as her tears fall on to ground, Longshank comes to a conclusion, "When everything turns to ashes. When the sounds of peace, laughter, and joy are gone...... you will be standing on the last ounce of hope and crush it. I will show you, I will bring you this darkness. You don't know when, you don't know where. But I'll bring you there" Longshank thinks to himself. He smiles.
Molloch came into the clearing not far behind Cinder in a low prowl, remaining wary that the scene was clear of danger. Slowly, he skulked about in a few patrolling circles around the bay as Cinder called out to their alpha. Sufficiently reassured that it was, in fact, safe he underwent the stretching and joint-popping process of transformation, Caster and Longshank now having entered the bay as well.

Loki was missing now, was he?

He was an alpha, he had to be strong and cunning - that was the nature of the position. There surely should be little worry for his safety.

"Cinder, howling out for Loki only displays that we are without him. Not information that we want the Burning Sun to know. Perhaps waiting for him in silence would be a more... Wise decision? He's an alpha, I would expect him to be able to handle whatever has delayed him."

In fact, if he couldn't handle it, then he was not meant to be alpha, and thus the mantle of leadership would fall upon those most capable. Such was the most basic law of the wild.
Anger built up inside of Caster. How dare that little rat talk to Cinder like that when she was in pain. She had just lost the love of her life, the one who held her together. And Molloch just acted like she lost a hairband. But he clenched his jaw and closed his eyes trying to stop himself from bringing Molloch's greatest fear to life. Cinder was fragile. She couldn't direct anyone at the moment. Or she would break and return to the self that frightened her. So he took a deep breath.

"Molloch, go make sure that the rest of us are here, if they need to be here." He said calmly. His tone indicated that if the rat tried to do otherwise, Caster would make him seriously regret that decision. His Alpha voice came out. This didn't usually happen. It only happened I case of dire emergency.

Leon sensed his mate, and he quickly trotted up to her. "We should move out soon. The bay is a mere couple of minutes." Leon said slowly, his words slurred as he spoke in his wolf form. He froze though when he heard a howl further away, and it seemed to be one of pain and confusion. It wasn't from his pack obviously.. had something happened to Twilight moon? Leon pondered this for a few moments. Well, if the rival pack was weaker than that would mean less chance of a fight breaking out. The alpha male howled, alerting the pack that they would be moving soon.

Sirius was looking at the scene in Duskfall bay from the sea. He was sitting on the surface again, the gently waves washing over him. Behind him the dawn had risen and was pleasantly warming his back. The Twilight pack looked like they weren't in good shape. He yawned.

On a cliff overlooking the land, he saw through a raven's eyes Kara and Luna talking nonchalantly. In another part of the island, his pack was traveling to the bay.

"Brothers," he asked through his thoughts a flock of ravens who had been eating some fish he had caught earlier. "will you fly above the Twilight Moon on the tall trees they cannot reach and listen to their conversation?"

"Alright, but at the slightest sign of trouble, we're flying off." said a raven, nervously.

"Understood." said Sirius. He watched as about a dozen ravens fly up from the beach to the east and circle around Duskfall bay before landing on the tops of the tallest pine trees and observing the Twilight Moon carefully. Sirius looked through the ravens' eyes and ears.

Cinder was in pain while Longshanks the blood-thirsty one was smiling wickedly. Molloch was being told off by Caster.

@Rainy83 , @Ranulf01 ,@Funeral , @RedLikeRoses
Kara laughed at Luna's comeback. It made her think. "And how true you are Luna" she smiled. But soon her mate padded up to her. He was right. They needed to leave soon. But suddenly a howl of fear and desperation pierced the air. It seemed to becoming from the Duskfall area. She wondered what it was. Who it was. The she shrugged it off. Kara changed back into her wolf form. "Come on, if I can't get out of this, neither can you" she told Luna, looking over her shoulder at the other girl
Rainy83 said:
"Molloch, go make sure that the rest of us are here, if they need to be here." He said calmly. His tone indicated that if the rat tried to do otherwise, Caster would make him seriously regret that decision. His Alpha voice came out. This didn't usually happen. It only happened I case of dire emergency.
Insolent whelp. So Caster thought himself able to command him, as if he were higher on the chain of command? Any other time and Molloch would have picked that fight that was brewing under the surface of the scene, but now was not the time. Pack before individual, and right now, the pack needed to seem united before the Burning Sun. Doubtless they would try and extend generosity and pity, as if they didn't sneer with pride in being what they viewed as superior. They could all burn in their sun for all he cared, but he would be equally happy to bring them low himself.

However, first he would make certain that Caster remembered the role Molloch played, and the danger that came with testing one's authority.

He glared at his foil as he passed him by, half-lidded eye gleaming with with the slow, cold burn of the anger and indignation in his heart.
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