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Fantasy The War Between Wolves

Longshank circles slowly around Cinder and Caster. He approaches, still at a distance. He pulls out his father's skull and lays it at his feet. He looks up in the sky while talking, "............ Cinder. Tell me what has love said to you? It has told you the passion of lovers is for death. Wisdom" Longshank pauses. "Father....... she will understand now. Tell her how killing you, your now always smiling" Longshank looks down from the sky and looks at Cinder, "I know Cinder. I will know your pain" Longshank throws himself on the ground near Cinder and holds his father's skull next to his face. "This is the pain that your feeling now" he pulls out a blade and stabs his left arm repeatedly, "You see? I do know. Love is fleeting. Know the truth. Let the distorted colors enter, insert. Their is only agony. Enter it. Enter it Cinder. Complete it" Longshank finishes speaking and gets up. Blood running down his left arm, "Let us now kill those that dare breathe the same air as us, they are unworthy" he offers his right hand, "The burning sun....."
Sirius listened to Longshanks speech.

"That wolf scares me the most." whispered a raven quietly even though nobody could hear their thoughts.

"Me too!" said Sirius, scratching an ear. "That's why I'm here in the sea far away." He watched as Longshanks stabbed himself. "I wonder what would happen if we stole his father's skull?"

"Don't steal his father's skull!" said a raven, alarmed. "And what do you mean 'we'?"

Sirius laughed a laugh that sounded like a bark. "They know the ravens are with me. Might as well be in trouble for something you did than pay for something you didn't do."

"Your logic is flawed."

Sirius laughed even more. "I bet he says things like: 'I know what I have become... I am the inside of this world... I taste the gore, and I smell the crying... AND I WANT MORE! I want to bathe in your flesh, I want to savor your fear. I wanna live inside a castle built of your agony, AND I WANT TO CRUMBLE IT WITH AN AXE TO YOUR CAROTID ARTERY!' before he pounces on a poor deer, or says: 'I'LL SLICE OFF YOUR EYELIDS SO YOU CAN WATCH THE END!!'"

"Why are we talking about this?"
asked another raven, "Stop it."

"I'm bored." said Sirius. "Perhaps we should go talk to them?"

"You go, we're flying away."

Sirius cautiously padded towards the bay and stopped when he was within shouting distance. He transformed into his human form which was currently naked right now with a fig leaf over his tenders.

"Longshanks!" Sirius shouted. "Do you want to know who in the Burning Sun makes the prettiest noises when they're in pain?!"

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Luna groaned once more, and, with a small pout, she got to her feet and pulled at her shirt. Why did she have to do these things? As she began to walk, she heard Sirius shouting, and she paused. "...What in the hell?" She asked with a small grimace. Reluctantly, she ran over to him, seemingly oblivious to his nudity. With a small push on his shoulders, she frowned. "Why are you saying such things to our rival pack?What is wrong with you." Although angered, her voice still sounded soft. However, she didn't really think the other pack evil, she was just brought up to stay away from them.

Luna turned to see if Kara had followed, and if she had, she couldn't see her. Her piercing green eyes scanned the scene in front of her, and she linked her arms with Sirius in an attempt to pull him away from the drama and any possible injuries. It was quite hard, seeing as he was greatly taller than herself, and she was weak too. Not another word escaped her lips.

@Zer0 @Rainy83
"I'm bored, Luna." said Sirius, allowing himself to be dragged away. "And Longshanks was talking about murdering us again so I thought I'd make myself bait and tell him I make the prettiest noises when in pain." he added quietly so that only she could hear.

"Ah!" Sirius said suddenly as though remembering something. "Speaking of other crazies, I had a friend once who tried to eat my clock."

Luna grimaced. "Well, that's just....psychotic." The tugs on his arm became more soft. "The man is crazy, what do you think he would've done?!" It was only then that she noticed he was nude, and she forcefully dropped his arm, turned around and covered her eyes to protect his modesty. Blindly, she began to walk, having no idea of where she was going, she was just hoping she could rely on her senses to do so. Then, she burst into a little fit of giggles. "A clock?" She managed to rasp between laughs.

Accalia stayed in the shadows of the trees, not wanting to be noticed by the rest of her pack. She was tired- her dreams were of blood and death that woke her in the earliest hours of the morning- and anxious for the meeting due to be held today. She was in her wolf form, as it always made her feel more comfortable. She never quite felt right in her human skin, as though she was missing the deepest parts of herself while she was human. She watched her pack mates carefully, hoping that they would leave soon. She could hear a mournful howl reverberating over the island, presumably from the Twilight Moon pack, and it seemed as though it was coming from the shore.
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Luna cocked an eyebrow with a sly grin. "Oh, har har har. But, seriously, don't do that. You could've been really hurt. Okay?" Without waiting for a reply, she began to run into the entrance of the forest. Her super speed meant it easy for her to outrun anyone in her pack, including Sirius. The wind brushed against her hair, and her naked feet barely touched the frosty leaves below her.

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Sirius just watched her go wondering where she was going. He leaped into the sea of Duskfall bay, a tail flowing down his back and black fur blossoming everywhere and he landed on the sea's surface a wolf again. He continued watching the Twiight Moon Pack from a safe distance sitting on the waves and bobbing up and down as they passed underneath him.
As Caster tried to get a hold of Cinder's attention, she just looked blankly at him. Her hands trembled as she tried to grasp the loss of her mate. The pack didn't realize what she had, they didn't truly know that her mate had been killed. When Molloch suggested that Cinder be quiet and that Loki could handle himself, she muttered, "He's dead.." 'Whoever killed him must have been able to outwit him. It had to be the Burning Sun.. but who would have been tha-' Cinder's thoughts were cut short as Longshank began to speak. His words were compelling, yes. But she couldn't give in that quickly. However, when Longshank began to stab himself in the arm, she snapped out of her daze. Her expression originally showed concern, but quickly her brows furrowed as she looked up at the pack's omega.

"Longshank. Stop. Y-you're talking nonsense... put down the blade." Her voice wasn't as strong and confident as it usually was, it merely came out shakily and scared. She refused to take his hand. Cinder refused to become the monster that she once was. But she still feared that once she faced the Burning Sun, she would finally succumb to her old ways. Because deep down inside of her, a small piece of her mind wanted to enter the agony that Longshank so desperately wanted her to succumb to. Cinder pulled herself into a standing position and looked at Molloch, Longshank, and Caster. She felt like her knees were going to buckle again any time, but she still kept herself standing.

"This meeting is going to end in bloodshed. The Burning Sun will pay for killing our Alpha. I will personally murder their Alpha Male if I have to, but they've gone too far as to kill Loki." Her hands were clenched into fists, and her goldish-red eyes shone with a murderous passion. She was infuriated and without someone to keep her from completely obliterating the Burning Sun, she was most definately going to get revenge.
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Sirius eyes grew wide.

"Kill Leon?" he said alarmed. "Brothers!" Sirius called to all the ravens linked to him. "Find Loki of Twilight Moon! Spread the news! Search the island!"

The ravens in Duskfall bay rose in unison as a black cloud rose over the forest. The ravens of Arcore scattered in all directions asking all the birds if they saw the missing alpha.

Sirius saw his pack approaching the bay. "Stop my pack!" he said to his raven brothers. "Find Luna! Tell her Loki is missing and that Twilight Moon blames us and will attack! I-I'll distract C-Cinder . . ." he added, nervously.

A group of ravens flew down on Leon and the rest of the Burning Sun cawing and clawing and pecking their fur, trying to block their way.

The raven that had seen Luna earlier found her minutes later and was cawing at her, "Twilight Moon will attack! Their Alpha is missing and they blame the Burning Sun! Sirius is down there by himself trying to stall them! We must tell Leon, please follow me!"

Sirius gulped and padded slowly towards the bay to the terrifying Twilight Moon. He was so nervous, he was even slipping down into the sea. He stopped when he was fifty meters away.

"C-Cinder!' he shouted. "We didn't kill Loki! My ravens are looking for him right now, so please wait! I-If you want t-to k-kill someone, I-I . . . You can kill me, b-but, then the ravens won't be able to tell you where he is. S-so . . . D-don't kill me yet." and he padded closer, his head bowed, ears flattened, and tail between his legs.

@RedLikeRoses , @Rainy83 ,@Coal ,@Ranulf01 ,@Funeral ,@xxbetaspiritxx
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Longshank watched as the wolf from the Burning Sun approached and spoke. He speaks to the wolf Sirius, "You know I dreamt about this once. The lady cradled her family as they lay down and wouldn't wake up. She spoke to them in hushed tones and taught me her song. That song was a testimony against you. The verses were about how the sea will dry up because you stole all the water and the chrous explains how the rain won't come back so we are all parched. I bring the accusation forth that the corruptive seasons brought forth has been because of you and your house. The lady in my dream is unhappy because of you. She will smile when the ground opens up and takes her and her family with her down underneath. But she will also take you with her underneath and also teach you her song. She sings me to sleep and will sing you to sleep. A sleep where you'll never stop dreaming, where a thousand faces wait for you. I will make it happen." Longshank smiles at Sirius waiting, waiting for him to get closer
"Greetings, Mighty Longshank prince of justice and genocide, who looked into the heart of darkness and ate it all." said Sirius head bowed. He stopped twenty five meters away.

"I stole all the water alone. Allow me to bring it back before you deliver justice, O' Longhanks the maestro of the blood concerto, and make the lady happy again, and also to find your missing alpha."

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Luna grimaced as the Raven spoke to her, and she clenched her fists. "Please take me to him." With a small yet worried sigh, she followed the Raven, in through the trees and eventually to Sirius. However, she didn't need the Ravens help, she had super speed, and her sense of smell was extremely strong, so she knew where to find him efficiently and quickly. He was with the Twilight pack.

With a stifled whimper, she stared at them all as she stood in human form. Softly, she strided over to the waters edge. Whenever she had tried to speak, her nerves got the better of her, and just just looked like a fish rasping for breath. The wind brushed through her hair, tangling it around her waist and shoulders. As she just watched the pack in front of her, she bit the inside of her lip. It was clear she was the youngest one there, being only 17, but she didn't want to show fear....Which wasn't turning out very successful for her.

But, they were talking about their alpha male....Loki. And they sure hadn't done what they were being accused of. Well, not that Luna knew of anyway. Her heart was in her mouth as she trembled, kneeling at the sea bed, as close as could to Sirius and shifting her gaze to lock on his eyes momentarily, before looking back at Cinder, Mollach, Caster and Longshank.

@Rainy83 @Zer0 @Funeral @RedLikeRoses
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Sirius looked at Luna alarmed, but he didn't dare move from his spot, not when Longshank was talking to him.

The raven caught up with Luna. "Sirius says to run away and tell Leon. Leon cannot understand ravens, if Cinder sees him, she'll attack and we won't be able to talk our way out of this anymore."

Luna, again, frowned. Then, she looked at Longshanks. Speaking to the Raven once more, her voice was quiet. "I'm sorry but I don't know where Leon is. Nor does that matter at this time being. We are on Twilight moon territory, are we not? Sirius is being dramatic by attempting to sacrifice himself, and I mean that nicely. How can we be sure that our rival pack are only speaking words of revenge? I'm sure some of them will have powers, powers that allow them to see or speak telepathically, and I'm sure they would know if we had or hadn't attacked their alpha." Her voice was but a whisper so the other pack couldn't hear her. However, she did contemplate on attempting to find Leon, she didn't want him to be affected by the loss of the Twilight moon packs alpha.

"Cinder is furious right now. Sirius heard her himself." said the raven. "She can't think straight for the moment. My brothers know where Leon is." The raven flew up ready to guide her. "And Sirius said that he's not sacrificing himself, he's stalling them to prevent bloodshed."

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If that was true...

...If it were true, then he was unfit to rule. Survival of the fittest, and while Leon was certainly strong, clearly something was stronger. Perhaps the Burning Sun, as Cinder suggested? He relished the thought of pinning blame onto them. They seemed the underhanded sort, one hand extended in friendship while the other clutches the knife.

And then they began to approach - Sirius, and then Luna. They made his blood boil, daring to show themselves like this and spitting lies in their faces. It was perceivable to any who looked at him that the power within him was awakening, the explosion of adrenal energy causing pupils to dilate and movements to become shaky with barely restrained energy. Fingers lengthened into claws, teeth grew sharp, fur replaced cloth. He was a wolf once more.

With a snarl he made a request to his one remaining alpha.

"Shall I make these whelps pay before their liar king arrives?"

Leon snarled when ravens descended from the sky towards his pack. The black birds cawing and scratching, tearing skin and ripping out fur. Leon's pelt was thick around his neck and his body since it helped him during fights because it protected his neck, so the raven's attacks were lesser on him. He howled in fury and began attacking them, clawing at them with his talons and crunching their fragile bones in his jaw. If he didn't know better he would think they were blocking Leon's pack from getting to the bay. Leon shrugged away the thoughts and continued his frenzy until broken bodies littered the ground around him. Some birds had flown off, and Leon spat out a few feathers in disgust. This scheme had Twilight Moon written all over it. Leon's nostrils flared in anger, and he began trotting towards the bay with anger simmering in his blood. How dare they attack his pack in their own territory! He let out a howl on anger and warning that pierced the air as he headed towards the bay.

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Luna raised her hands, palms facing the rival pack, in an innocent manner, and she even winced when she heard Mollach snarl. Though, she couldn't quite understand why, they hadn't done anything wrong, and she wasn't of any visual threat. It was too late to run now, the Twilight moon pack would only attack, and she wasn't experienced in fighting.

"I'm not a threat, I can assure you." She spoke softly, wincing as she prepared for any attacks. She was still in her human form, which made her come at a disadvantage, but she was too scared to change forms. Soon enough, she could smell the scent of her brother, and her tenseness decreased a little, but not by much.



Leon raced towards the bay, and soon caught the scent of his sister. Alarm bells were ringing in his head as he picked up his pace, nearly flying over the ground as he ran, steam puffing from his snout. He soon saw the forms ahead, and his sister was one of them. He wasted no time running in front of her, shielding her small frame with his own. He snarled at the figures across from him as he pressed his side into his sister's, pushing her back. "If things get ugly you will change forms and you will run to our territory and not look back, understand? I can't believe you came here when you knew these mutts would be here Luna!" Leon spoke gruffly as his muscles tensed. He was extremely outmatched, and if a fight broke out he was a goner for sure. At least his sister would get out safe. That thought calmed him down a bit, but his hackles were still up and he flashed his canines. He would still rip some of them apart. His level-headedness left him, and he was too busy shaking in rage.

Luna looked shocked to have been suddenly pushed back, and she watched her angered brother with a bewildered expression and a very deep frown. "Leon, I'm only enough to look after myself!And...Yes, I understand." She too was shaking,not from anger, but from fear. Her hand rose to lay on her brother's fur, hoping he would calm a little as she did so. Though, she soon regretted it when he had flashed his canines to their rival pack; he wasn't angry, he was fuming. Stepping forward, she kept her gaze on Mollach. He also looked like he had wanted to tear them all apart. It was her biggest hope that both packs could live together in peace, but she knew it was highly unlikely, and a stupid thought.

A wicked smile crossed Cinder's face upon seeing Sirius. However, when he said that his ravens were looking for him, it became a scowl once more, "Why send your ravens to look for the corpse of my mate when you know where it is?! So that they can feast upon his flesh and peck out his eyes!" When the girl, Luna, approached, Cinder's eyes narrowed. Did she have a suicide wish to simply come to Duskfall without her pack? Luna seemed to be... talking to a raven. And when she told them that she posed no threat, Cinder gave a short chuckle.

The Alpha's nostrils flared as she traced the scent of another Burning Sun member, and another wicked smile crossed over her face. Leon had bolted out of the trees and put himself in between Luna and Cinder's pack. "Nice of you to join us, Alpha. I originally planned for us to just talk about this... but I've changed my mind." Cinder looked down at Molloch, "Go ahead, I'd be glad if you destroyed these fools. But I'd ask that you leave the Alpha to me." @xxbetaspiritxx @Coal @Ranulf01
Kara tensed. She could feel something was wrong. But she didn't know what it was. She heard birds crowing and someone snarling. Fear stabbed her gut. Twilight Moon blamed them for the death of Loki. Didn't they? Thanks they were taking their revenge. So she ran in the direction of the Alpha Male. As she neared she heard two voices. Luna was here? Why would she be here?


Caster backed away. He hated Burning Sun with a passion, but he wasn't one to have a scapegoat. He knew there wasn't anything right about this. "Cinder stop this!" He called. He could see her changing. Changing into something that she had tried so hard to control. "Cinder can't you see what you are doing?" He asked her, trying to force reason into her ears
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Leon laughed, although it was free from humor. "If you harm any of my pack members I will scatter your entrails across this entire

island. I don't know why you're attacking my pack, but I will defend them to my last breath." Leon stared right into the male's eyes that the Alpha female had spoken to. "You're not even getting close to the others without my interference." He felt a small hand on his back, and Luna was walking forward. He grabbed the back of her shirt with his teeth and pulled her right back. His eyes were smoldering with anger as he looked at her. "Stop endangering yourself Luna. If you die I will have nothing holding me to this godforsaken place. You need to leave and let me take care of this. Leave!" He snarled, behind his furious tone and presence he still loved his sister. He gave Luna one last glance before turning to the other male. His ears were pointed, his tail raised high as he gazed right into the male's eyes. He could feel his fighting trance seeping into his senses. Soon he'd be completely unaware of feelings in his body and would continue to fight until decapitated. Hopefully his mate could run the pack if today was his last.




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