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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Aaron grinned, “Thanks Rosie,” he said, “Hopefully papa wins it this year, and hopefully my little girl wins a championship of her own at Hogwarts,” he said, giving his daughter a little cheeky wink. “I’ll make sure to get you all to a game so you can see papa with his new team,” he assured them. “Oh boy! Please do papa!” Logan said, grinning and bouncing up and down excitedly.
Rose smiled and nodded. "Maybe we'll both get a championship this year" She said with a laugh, seeing the wink from her papa. Then if it was possible, her smile got wider. "Yes! I would love to watch you play for your new team" Rose clapped, bouncing on her heels happily.
“I think so my little girl,” said Aaron with a grin. “Alright you two, now go get washed for dinner. You’ve been outside in the hot sun all day and I don’t want two dirty and sweaty little kids at the table,” laughed Aaron. Logan sighed, rolling his eyes, but ultimately obeying his father.
Rose laughed before she sighed. Rose headed to go get washed for dinner herself, hungry and ready for whatever dinner Xavier was going to make. Xavier looked at Aaron with a soft smile. "I think that went very well love." He told Aaron with a smile. He stood up, turning towards the kitchen. "Any requests for dinner?" He asked his husband curiously.
“Off you go little gremlins,” said Aaron, waving the kids away as Logan and Rose went to go wash themselves up. He then looked at Xavier and nodded, smiling. “Yes, I do think that went very well. I’m glad the kiddos know now,” he said to his husband. “Anything works for me for dinner,” he replied.
The rest of summer flew by quickly. Rose was very much looking forward for September when she could see Allison again. She missed her blonde haired best friend a lot over the summer. It seemed like September wasn't coming any faster to the young 12 year old. Rose finally made it to September 1st 2016, and she had her trunk all packed and ready to go. She loaded it up in the car and was waiting rather impatiently for her dads and Logan so they could make to King's Crossing and to where she would finally see Allison after the longest summer ever for Rose.
The summer of 2016 went by smoothly. Thirty six year old Aaron Hoskins was officially signed to a two year contract to play Quidditch for Puddlemore United, and he could not be more excited. He was to report to training camp in October. Meanwhile, twelve year old Logan couldn’t be more excited to return back to Hogwarts to begin his second year and most of all, see Kaleb Price once more. The summer was long but finally, September 1st, 2016 had arrived- it was time to go back to Hogwarts again. That morning, Logan had finished packing up his trunk and tiredly dragged it out to the car, where his sister seemed to be waiting and already set to go, waiting on her brother. Logan grunted as he lifted the heavy trunk of luggage into the back of the car, sighing as he finally unloaded it. Aaron closed the trunk of the car and got into the passenger’s seat up front. Xavier would be driving them like usual.
Rose slid in the back seat of the car beside her brother. She was happy to be heading back to Hogwarts. This year she’d be trying out for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, and she was missing her best friend. Xavier climbed into the drivers side after he’d put his own trunk in the car. He started the car and once everyone was in, drove them to the station. Once they got there. Xavier put the car in park and he got out and headed to the back to open it up, pulling out his trunk. Rose got out just as excited and eager, working on getting her trunk out. Rose knew she had to wait for her family.
Logan got into the car and yawned as he sat in the back with his sister. He looked out the window, his mind filled with excited thoughts about once again seeing Kaleb. He wondered if the joy grew or perhaps changed. Had Logan himself changed? He wondered if he had. His dads did say he and his sister had grown. When they reached the train station, everyone got out and took their luggage. Aaron was sad that he’d have to send off his family to Hogwarts but was looking forward to a new season and year of Quidditch with a new team.
Rose was eager to make it to the train. She walked behind Xavier as they entered the bustling train station. Xavier led the way through the pillar and standing a few feet away so they could say good bye and Rose food go find Allison.
The family of four transported themselves through the pillar and to Platform 9 and 3/4. Aaron was sad, but it seemed like it was time to say goodbye. “Alright kiddos, before you go, make sure you say goodbye to papa, ok?” said Aaron. Logan nodded and ran over to Aaron, hugging him tightly. He sure was going to miss his papa.
Rose looked over at Aaron with a smile when he said they have to say goodbye. Rose ran over to her papa, hugging him just as tightly. "Goodbye papa" Rose told him. She would definitely miss him. Rose couldn't wait to go to school and become a Quidditch player and maybe even win a championship at Hogwarts. Xavier waited until the kids were done so he could say goodbye to Aaron as well.
Aaron tried not to shed any tears as he smiled, hugging Logan and Rose as she came over. “Goodbye sweethearts,” he said, trying to remain strong. “Papa will see you both in the summer,” he said, doing his best not to get all choked up. “Remember to write me, ok?” he asked them. Logan nodded, “Yes papa! We’ll write!” he assured his father.
Rose smiled at her papa as she hugged him. “Goodbye papa! We’ll write to you!” Rose was planning on it. She wanted to write him the moment she was accepted on the team, she had no doubt she would be, and hopefully tell him about the championship she planned to win. Rose took a step back from Aaron a moment later, a sad smile on her face. She was excited to see Allison but she’d miss her papa.
Right around then, the Hogwarts Express pulled into the station. “Well, that’s the train,” said Aaron with a soft sigh. With that, it meant he had to send off all three of his loved ones for another year at Hogwarts. Once October began, Aaron would be off on his own in a whole new city playing for a whole new team. It would be a different adjustment and perhaps a lonely one, but as long as the others were happy, he couldn’t complain one bit. “Now go away you two before I start crying in front of you,” he said with a chuckle, shooing them off. Logan giggled, “Ok papa,” he said, “We love you! Goodbye!” he said before turning around and taking his luggage, looking for Rose and waiting for her. He couldn’t wait to see Kaleb once more. Aaron then turned over to his husband and smiled softly, trying to keep himself in good spirits. “Alright love, your turn,” he said to Xavier.
Rose heard the train and sighed lightly. “Love you papa!” Rose said with a smile. Then she turned with her luggage and followed Logan to the train. Xavier smiled at Aaron. He stepped up and wrapped his arms around Aaron. “I’m gonna miss you love. Good luck with your new team dear.” Xavier told him, giving him a quick kiss before stepping back. “We’ll see you next summer. I’ll keep an eye on the two kids.” He told Aaron with a smile.
“Thanks Xaie,” said Aaron as he hugged Xavier tightly. He was going to miss this feeling so much. “Make sure they don’t get into too much trouble, okay?” he said with a little chuckle as they broke their embrace. “Goodbye, my love,” he said as he gave a small wave to his husband. Logan and Rose headed towards the train and Logan’s thoughts were entirely occupied with Kaleb Price. He couldn’t wait to see the blonde haired boy. He wondered if he’d changed much over the summer. For Logan, he’d really only grown a few inches over the summer now that he was twelve, nothing too big. He turned to his twin sister and smiled, “Ready for a big year sis?” he asked. “You can finally try out for the Quidditch team! I just know you’re gonna make it Rosie,” said Logan. He knew his sister was looking forward to Quidditch tryouts at Hogwarts all summer and all year last year.
Xavier smiled as he waved at his husband. “I’ll try. Goodbye love.” Xavier said as he turned and boarded the train. He found an empty compartment. Rose had grown an inch over the summer, her hair was down to her mid back and straight with little waves. She was eager to see Allison as the two of them headed into the train. “I’m definitely ready for this year! And thanks bro. I can’t wait to play.” Rose said with a big smile.
Aaron went his separate ways to go back home. It’d be a lonely month or so until the beginning of October when he was set to report to Puddlemere for training camp with his new team. September was going to be a rough month filled with tears and longing for his husband and two children. Logan though seemed to be in great spirits as he and his sister found an empty compartment on the train and stepped inside, getting settled down. “I’ll cheer you on, every game!” Logan told her, “Err, well, maybe secretly when you play Slytherin… but other than that, every game!” he said with a grin.
Rose entered the compartment with Logan and giggled a little. “Thanks. And I guess I’d be okay with secret cheering even though I’ll beat your house each time.” She said with a teasing smirk. She wasn’t sure how the season would go or if she would even make the team.
“Ok Rose don’t push it, or I’ll boo you if you play Slytherin,” said Logan, rolling his eyes. He then drew his attention to the window, looking out onto the platform. His brown eyes eagerly scanned around to try and find any sign of a blonde head of hair belonging to Kaleb Price.
Rose giggled as she looked at Logan. “You would never boo me.” She told him with smirk on her face. Her eyes drew to the window as she looked for her blonde haired best friend Allison. Kaleb had given his dad a hug goodbye and walked up onto the train. He had grown a couple inches but that was about it for changes over the summer. He looked at each compartment before he saw who he was looking for. Kaleb slid open the compartment door and smiled. “Can I join you?” He asked, his smile wide as he looked at Logan.
Logan rolled his eyes again because she was right. As much as he’d taunt or tease her, he could never boo his own sister, especially considering he wanted nothing but success for Rose, especially when it came to her dreams to be like their papa and play Quidditch. Logan looked out the window, and while he didn’t spot Kaleb, he spotted Rose’s friend, Allison, in her Ravenclaw robes. He was just about to point her out when he turned around and widened his brown eyes, seeing that Kaleb had found his way to their compartment. “Kaleb!” he shouted excitedly, perhaps a bit too loud. “Of course mate!” Logan said enthusiastically. He quickly moved over and pat the seat next to him, so happy to have his best friend back. He then looked over at Rose and pointed to Allison out the window. “Isn’t that Allison?” he asked.
Rose was looking out the window before she turned her head, hearing Kaleb coming in and Logan talking to him. She was about to turn her head back to the window when Logan pointed out Allison. Rose looked out the window and nodding, she smiled, tapping on the glass to get her attention. She missed her best friend so much. Kaleb smiled at Logan who was a little loud with his excitement but Kaleb didn't mind. He brought his trunk in and set under the seat before sitting beside his best friend. "Hey mate! Have a good summer?" Kaleb asked.
As Rose handled trying to get Allison’s attention from outside, Logan turned his focus to Kaleb, smiling back at his friend. Like him, he had grown a couple inches over the summer. “My summer was alright,” he replied, “Boring without you, that’s for sure,” the Slytherin told the Gryffindor. Meanwhile outside, Allison could hear tapping loudly, and turned her head to see the sight of Rose inside the train already, trying to get her to notice. A big smile came across the blonde girl’s face as she nodded at Rose to acknowledge her and quickly boarded the Hogwarts Express with her luggage. She could see Logan inside too, talking with the fellow from the boat during their first year. Allison soon entered the compartment, smiling. “Hullo!” she said.

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