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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Logan scrunched up his face and stuck out his tongue as now everyone had seen that he had gotten a disgusting tasting one. The after taste in his mouth was certainly not pleasant at all. He looked over at Kaleb and then his sister as she laughed at him. “Oi, you just got lucky!” he replied. “Alright, give me another one, I’ll try my luck again,” he said to Kaleb. Allison just looked confused. Her jelly bean had tasted fine. “How could a jelly bean taste bad? It’s a candy after all, isn’t it? They’re supposed to be good!” pondered Allison aloud.
Kaleb handed another one to Logan before he looked at Allison. "You wanna try another one too?" He asked her. While he waited for an answer, Rose took one for herself and put in her mouth.
“Err, no thank you. I don’t want to get unlucky like Logan,” said Allison, shaking her head. She was still utterly confused at one, how a jelly bean candy could taste bad and two, why everyone else seemed to want to try them and even get another one. Logan took another one and popped it into his mouth. This one was sweet. He grinned as he swallowed it. “Got lucky! Sweet!” he said. “Kaleb, aren’t you going to try one?” Logan asked the Gryffindor.
Kaleb looked at the box, shrugged and popped one in his mouth. He got lucky this time and it was delicious. "Me too!" He said once he swallowed it. Rose on the other hand fought to get down the nastiest thing she'd ever tasted. Her face scrunched up on disgust and she coughed once she swallowed the thing down.
Logan grinned with delight at Kaleb decided to take a jelly bean from the box and it turned out to be a tasty one. He then looked over at his sister and saw the look on her face. The expression on Rose’s face was one of disgust, and it caused him to laugh and point at her. “Haha! You got a nasty one too! Now we’re even!” he taunted her.
Rose glared at her brother. "I don't want to hear it." She said, even though she knew it was all in good fun. Kaleb smiled at Logan, happy he'd gotten a good one as well.
Allison didn’t really understand the fun of it all. “Why would anyone want to try their luck if the bad tasting ones taste so disgusting?” she asked. It was a very typical past time of wizard children to play a little game and see what type of jelly bean they got from a box of Bertie Bott’s. “The thrill!” Logan answered simply.
Rose nodded. "It's like roulette, you never know what you're gonna get! And the faces that you make when you get a nasty one are funny" She said with a smile. Kaleb nodded. "Definitely."
“Ya! It’s fun!” Logan said with a grin, always the gambler and risk taker. “And seeing Rose’s face when she eats a disgusting one is priceless! I wish I had a camera right now!” he snickered. Allison nodded, although she didn’t truly understand.
Rose glared at her brother. "I wish I had a camera to capture your face! You looked just as funny when you ate your first one" Rose told him with a grin. Kaleb laughed, both of their faces had been priceless when they had eaten a disgusting one.
“Nu uh! Not true at all!” Logan argued back, rather childishly and immaturely. Allison chuckled at the twins’ antics. “Ok, you both looked rather silly. Equally so,” she told them.
Rose crossed her arms at her brother and stuck her tongue at him childishly. "It is too true" She said before looking at Allison with mock hurt. "Who's side are you on?" She asked her best friend.
“I’m just trying to be the mediator here,” laughed Allison. “She should be on my side because I’m right,” said Logan with a smirk. “Right Kaleb?” he asked, looking over at his Gryffindor best friend.
Rose crossed her arms and pouted playfully. "I think you should be on my side" She said. Kaleb raised his hands up in a surrender. "I'm not taking any sides on this one." He said with a chuckle.
“Typical honorable Gryffindor, eh?” Logan teased, grinning playfully. The four enjoyed some idle chatter as the train chugged along the tracks on its way to Hogwarts. At some point, the talking stopped and Logan let out a yawn. Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep, sitting there next to Kaleb.
Kaleb nodded with a chuckle, and eventually when the talking stopped, Kaleb rested his head on the train seat, closing his eyes and relaxing. Rose had leaned against the window and fallen asleep herself when things went quiet.
As Logan slept, he unknowingly slumped to the side a bit. His head was now gently resting upon Kaleb’s shoulder. Allison remained silent, the only one awake. She absentmindedly looked outside the window at the rolling British countryside’s hills and beauty.
Kaleb felt the head on his shoulder, and glanced down but smiled and returned his head to rest back on the train seat. He closed his eyes again and sighed softly.
In about an hour or so, the train had pulled into the station at Hogwarts. Adults were beginning to shout and herd the kids off of the train, particularly guiding the first years to the boats. All of the noise caused Logan to wake up. He then noticed his head had been resting on Kaleb’s shoulder and blushed. “Looks like we’re here, guys!” Allison pointed out excitedly. This year, they’d not be taking the boats, but the carriages to get to the castle where they’d sit amongst their housemates and wait for the sorting ceremony to commence.
Kaleb felt the train pull into the station and looked at Logan, seeing that blush. Kaleb, noticing that Logan was awake, had moved away and grabbed his trunk. He would wait for Logan before he headed to the carriages. Rose woke up with a yawn and looked around. "Finally!" She said with a smile, standing up and stretching.
All four second year students in the roomette gathered their luggage and began to exit the compartment and disembark from the train. “We should all get a carriage ride together,” suggested Logan as they set their luggage down to be taken care of by the house elves later. “Pretty sure they can seat four,” he told them with a grin. “That sounds nice!” Allison said with a nod, agreeing they should all ride in together. It would be just like their first year, where they all met in the boat.
Kaleb nodded as they stood there waiting for the carriages. “That’s a good idea!” He said with a smile. Rose agreed as well. “Definitely.” Rose was looking forward to getting in the carriage with her brother and their friends.
Logan led the way as he guided them to an empty carriage. He climbed inside and waited for Kaleb to come sit next to him. Allison climbed in and sat down at the other end, hoping Rose would come next to her.
Now that all four children were inside of the carriage, it began to move, transporting the group to the Hogwarts castle where they’d enter with the rest of the years two through seven.

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