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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Aaron smiled as he brought both of his kids in close, hugging them tightly in his arms with overwhelming love for them and joy in his heart. He let Rose go as she went to go hug her dad, but Logan stayed for a bit before also running over to his dad to join his sister and hugging him too. Aaron was so glad to be reunited with his family once more, and it seemed the other three were too. “Bloody hell it was a long year but finally we’re all together again,” said Aaron.
Rose finally pulled away from the hug with her dad before looking at her papa. "Papa! Guess what!" She told him, ready to tell him all about winning the house cup and how well she did in Quidditch this year. Xavier hugged both his kids tight before Rose pulled away from the hug.
Aaron turned to his daughter, looking curiously at her. “What is it, sweetheart?” she asked her. Logan knew she Ws probably going to inform him about how Ravenclaw had won the house cup or perhaps even of her Quidditch endeavors that he hadn’t been filled in about in a letter.
She smiled. "Ravenclaw won the house cup this year! And we won every game we played in Quidditch this season!" She said, bouncing on her heels with excitement as she told him.
“Oh honey that’s great!” Aaron said with a proud smile as Rose informed him that Ravenclaw had won the house cup. “You know, it always seemed like your daddy was winning Hufflepuff the house cup all those years single handedly when we were young lads,” chuckled Aaron, “And that perhaps I was helping Gryffindor lose with all the points I got taken off for my mishaps,” he added. “As for Quidditch, just like your papa I see!” Aaron said with a delighted grin. “We’ve got a future champion on our hands!” he said as he winked at his daughter. “Oi papa! Slytherin was close to winning the house cup this year! We got second!” Logan chimed in. “Better luck next year, eh bud?” Aaron said to his son.
Rose's smile was bright as she listened to her papa. She turned to look at her dad before looking back at her papa as she listened. "Yep!" She agreed with he talked about having a future champion. Rose looked over at Logan and smiled at her brother. The houses had been really close in winning. Xavier chuckled hearing Aaron mention their own school years. It seemed like ages ago to him, especially considering their own kids were going to be third years in a few months.

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