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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Kaleb laughed at that. "I'll try my hardest to keep your own nerd status under wraps." He said, though he did agree with Allison. It was no real secret that Logan was getting top marks. Rose looked at her brother with her own smirk. "I feel like that's a challenge bro." She told him with a laugh.
“Thanks Kaleb,” snickered Logan. He then turned to his twin sister. “I’m down,” he said playfully, raising his fists up as if he were ready for a brawl. “You and me, right now,” he challenged her, wearing a grin as he stood up. “There’s no room in here!” Allison chimed in with a laugh. “Well then you two better take cover- it’s gonna get ugly,” he jokingly warned.
Kaleb laughed with a nod before his eyes widened. Rose laughed, raising her own fists up with a playful smirk. "Let's go then" She said, standing herself. She looked at Allison with a laugh before she looked back at her brother. "You're going down bro" She told him playfully.
As Rose accepted Logan’s little challenge, Allison chuckled and made sure to back up as far as she could against the window so that the siblings had room to do their thing. Logan grinned as Rose accepted his fight, and went to lunge at her in order to put her in a head lock to play wrestle her.
Kaleb backed up as well, watching the two siblings. Rose saw the lunge, and dodged to the side. She turned to try and land a hit on his shoulder, hoping to push him off to the side.
“Ow! Hey! No fair!” Logan whined as Rose dodged his attack in the little roomette where there wasn’t much space. “Oi don’t hurt each other!” chimed in a slightly worried but still amused Allison. As he was pushed off of his sister, he went to “attack” again, trying to grab her in a sort of hug grip with his arms to keep her from moving.
Rose laughed as he was pushed away, but she wasn't quick enough to dodge the hug-type grip, and she huffed as he kept her still. "Let go of me" She said, rolling her eyes as she tried to pull away. Kaleb watched with an amused smile at the two of them.
“Rose! Try and get him in a head lock! Give him a noogie or something!” Allison suggested. Logan kept laughing as he play fought with his sister. Usually when they did this they had more room but he wasn’t complaining too much. “I’ll only let go if you say I win!” Logan told her.
Rose was absolutely not about to give in. She wriggled in his grip trying to shift herself out. But she couldn't seem to get free. Letting out a long defeated sigh and not having a lot of room to do much, she conceded. "Fine. You win. This time" She made sure to clarify. "Now let me go" Rose huffed. Kaleb could see that Rose was stubborn and didn't want to give in, but there wasn't much she could do in the compartment's small space.
“Haha! Good!” Logan laughed triumphantly, a big grin across his face. He decided to comply with his own terms and did let his sister go. “I’m sure she’ll get you back for this over the summer!” Allison said with a playful smile. Logan knew this was probably true but he’d take this little victory right now. The rest of the ride back to London went well and smoothly. Logan had mostly calmed down and became a bit somber realizing these were his last few moments of time with Kaleb before summer. He was excited to see his dads of course but this time seemed even harder to leave Kaleb than last year.
Rose rolled her eyes but laughed. "I'm definitely getting him back for this." She agreed with her best friend. Rose sighed as the rest of the train ride went smoothly, and Rose couldn't help but think how much harder it seemed to be to say good bye to Allison this year. Kaleb was quiet the entire rest of the ride, looking out the window. He wasn't looking forward to saying good bye to Logan again for the summer.
Allison chuckled at Rose’s comment. Perhaps she’d ask in September of the siblings’ exploits and “fights.” She had no doubt Rose, given enough room, would beat her twin brother. Eventually, the Hogwarts Express tooted its whistle as the train pulled into King’s Cross Station. Somewhere on Platform 9 and 3/4 was Aaron, waiting for his children and husband. He’d had an excellent first year with Puddlemere United and although off to a rocky start, the team had performed well and even made the finals. Although they didn’t win the championship title, Aaron was confident they’d get it done next year. The train came to a stop and now Logan knew it was time to say goodbye to Kaleb. Alison looked out the window and sighed quietly.
As the train pulled into King's Cross Station, Rose shifted in her seat, knowing she had to say goodbye to Allison. Rose looked over at her best friend and sighed. "I guess we're home." Rose said softly. Kaleb didn't want the train to stop, he wasn't really looking forward to such a boring summer with his dad. He looked over at Logan, before dropping his gaze with a sigh.

When the train stopped, Xavier made his way out of the compartment he was in and stepped off the train. He would wait for his kids, but not make it obvious so he took a few steps away from the train.
Logan looked over at Kaleb and saw that he looked just as disappointed as he did despite the fact that they were going to be able to reunite with their families. “Rose’s right, guess this is it…” said Logan softly as he began to stand up. “I’m going to miss you, Kaleb,” he said with a frown. He then went to give his best friend a quick but tight hug goodbye. Allison nodded at Rose, beginning to get a bit sad now as she realized this was the last she’d see of her best friend until September rolled around again. “Goodbye Rose, I’ll miss you, but I can’t wait to see you for next year,” she said to her fellow Ravenclaw. Somewhere on the platform was Aaron, looking for any signs of his children or his husband.
Kaleb stood up himself, and nodded. "I'm going to miss you too Logan" He said, a small frown on his face as well. He gave Logan a tight hug back, even if it was a quick one. Rose sighed, standing up and looking at her friend. "I'll miss you too. I'll be looking forward to seeing you for next year." She said, giving her friend a quick hug.
Allison blushed but smiled as her best friend gave her a quick hug. She was going to miss this very much. Once they were done hugging, Allison said one last goodbye to Rose before taking her luggage and leaving the compartment. Logan blushed a little as he felt Kaleb give him a tight hug back. “Goodbye, mate,” he said one last time softly to his best friend.
Rose sighed, saying one final goodbye before she watched Allison leave the compartment. She waited for Logan to say goodbye to Kaleb before they will both walk out. Kaleb smiled softly. "Goodbye mate. See you in September." Then Kaleb backed away and grabbed his trunk, turning and heading out of the compartment.
Logan flashed his Gryffindor buddy one last smile and a nod before Kaleb left the compartment. Now with Allison and Kaleb gone, Logan sighed and looked to his sister. “Ready to see papa?” he asked her as he began to fetch his luggage. “I’m sure he’ll wanna hear all about the end of your Quidditch season and Ravenclaw winning the house cup. Probably will tell us all about his first year with Puddlemere too,” said Logan.
Rose looked at Logan and nodded. "I'm ready. I can't wait to tell him and hear about his own year." She said as she pulled out her own trunk. "I wonder if he won or not." She hummed as she turned to head out of the compartment, making her way down the train aisle and stepped off onto the platform and waited for her brother before they looked for both their dad and their papa.
“Hopefully,” said Logan as he dragged his luggage out of the compartment and started towards the exit. “Papa seemed real sad the past few years so I hope he’s won or at least got close,” said the boy. As he got off of the train, he began to look around for his papa or even his dad. Aaron though had spotted Xavier first, and ran over to him. “Xaie! Love! Over here!” he called.
Rose nodded as she heard her brother. "Me too." She said. She was looking around for her dad and papa now that Logan was with her. She couldn't see them, but she turned her head when she heard his voice. "Logan! Over there." She pointed to the sound, where she did see her dad, it wasn't hard to spot him in his robes. Xavier had been waiting for his kids when he heard his husband and turned with a smile. He crossed the distance between them and gave him a hug. "Hello love" He said with a smile.
Aaron smiled from ear to ear as he reunited with his beloved husband and came up to him, giving him a great big hug. “Oh my handsome man I missed you so much!” he said as they embraced. “Another successful year in the books!” he said. Logan looked over as Rose seemed to have spotted their parents. A grin came across his face as he saw his two dads reuniting once again and hugging. His papa was giving one of his tight hugs to their dad. Yup, that was their papa alright. Logan quickly tugged on Rose’s sleeve to get her to go faster as he began to make his way over to their parents.
Xavier laughed as he receive a tight hug from his husband. "I missed you too." He said with a big smile. Xavier stepped back a moment later as he heard their kids coming this way. "Papa!" Rose had basically run the moment she felt Logan tug at her sleeve. She was so excited to see him and tell him all about her quidditch season and the winning of her house cup.
The husbands’ moment was soon interrupted as they heard the voice of their daughter. Aaron quickly turned around as he heard Rose shout his name, a large grin coming across his face as he bent down to open his arms and offer a hug. Logan was right by her side, smiling as well. “Papa! Dad!” he said happily. “My two babies! I’m so happy to see you both!” Aaron exclaimed with joy. Logan blushed slightly at being called a baby lovingly, but approached his papa for a hug, giving room for Rose to also squeeze in if she liked.
Rose ran into his arms, hugging her papa tight. She had missed him. She held him tightly for a few moments, and then took a step back so Logan could hug him too. She took that moment to hug her dad. Xavier happily wrapped his arms around Rose, happy to be able to hug her now that they weren't in school.

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