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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Rose smiled as she saw Allison nod at her to acknowledge that she'd seen her. Rose looked at her as she entered the compartment. "Hello!" Rose said, patting the seat beside her for her friend to sit down. Kaleb smiled at Logan as he talked, Kaleb noticed that Logan had grown a couple inches over the summer. "Same here, I definitely missed you" Kaleb said with a smile.
“It’s been so long, Rose!” Allison said as she put her luggage trunk underneath her and sat down next to the brown haired girl. She was so happy to see her best friend again. Logan was thrilled to be back with Kaleb. He’d waited all summer for this reunion. “Do anything fun over the summer, lad?” Logan asked him.
Rose nodded, looking at Allison. "I know! How was your summer?" She asked her with a smile, happy to see her again. Kaleb looked at Logan and shook his head. "Not really, just chilled around the house. How about you?" Kaleb asked with a smile.
“It was alright. Mum and dad went on holiday to the States for a bit so we had a nanny. Was rather uneventful,” said Allison. “What about you? Did you have a nice summer at all?” she asked Rose. More and more children continued to board the train and soon, the conductor was making last calls. Logan nodded at Kaleb’s answer. “To be honest, me too. Just played football with Rose outside when it was nice,” replied the boy with a chuckle.
Rose nodded, listening to Allison. "That sounds very boring. I just played football with Logan so it was okay." She told her friend, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Kaleb looked at Logan with a smile. "That sounds just as uneventful as mine, but at least you had your sister to spend time with." Kaleb said with a small smile.
Allison giggled, “Well, it sounds like we both had an uneventful summer,” she said. Logan nodded and shrugged. “I guess so,” he said. “Do you not have any siblings back at home?” he asked Kaleb.
Rose laughed herself. "It sounds like it, but hey. We're heading back to school together!" She said with a smile. Kaleb looked at Logan and shook his head again. "No, I'm an only child. Which just makes my dad over protective so we don't go anywhere anyway." Kaleb explained.
“Oh yes! I can’t wait!” Allison replied. “And isn’t this supposed to be the year that you can finally try out for the Quidditch team?” she asked. “I can’t wait to see you make Ravenclaw’s team!” she said to Rose with a smile. Logan nodded as Kaleb answered him. He couldn’t imagine being an only child. He frowned slightly at the thought of being alone like that. “Oh, I see,” he replied softly. Before he could get another word out, the train began to rumble and vibrate. Before they knew it, they were off and moving.
Rose smiled with a nod. "Me either! And yes. I can't wait for try outs! I'm pretty sure I'll make it but I'm still a little nervous" Rose said softly. Kaleb looked at Logan and nodded. He would've loved to have siblings but he never got one. "Yeah." Kaleb said softly before he felt the train rumble and eventually it started moving, taking them to the school.
“I don’t think you have anything to fear. Knowing you, you’ll make it in a heart beat!” Allison said with a smile. “You know, I’m quite excited to eat the food at Hogwarts again,” she said. Logan nodded again as the train began to pull out of the station and commence its journey to Scotland. “Well, I’ll be in place of your sibling!” he said with a big grin, puffing out his chest.
Rose looked at Allison with a thankful smile. "That means a lot, thank you" She told her friend before nodding. "I am too, I can't wait for the food again." Rose said with a small laugh. Kaleb looked at Logan and smiled. "That sounds like a great plan!" Kaleb agreed, smiling at his best friend happily.
“Well I mean it!” Allison replied with a grin. “And yea, the food here is great. Beats my parents’ cooking,” she chuckled, patting her stomach. Logan laughed as Kaleb thought his idea sounded good. “Excellent!” he replied. The Hogwarts Express rolled along the tracks, on its way to the magical school.
Rose smiled happily. She really was grateful to have found Allison. "I know it beats my dads cooking for sure" Rose giggled. Kaleb smiled as he looked at Kaleb. "I can't wait for this year" Kaleb said. He was ready to learn more magic and spend time with Logan.
“Really?” Allison asked, “I dare you to tell your dad that to his face!” she snickered. Logan nodded and smiled. He couldn’t agree more. “Me too! I wonder what we’re gonna learn this year!” he said. “Maybe we’ll finally brew that height increasing potion!” he laughed.
Rose's face went white. "Only if you tell your mom the same thing!" Rose said with a grin. Kaleb looked at Logan and shook his head. "I still doubt that's a potion, and I'm definitely curious as to what we'll learn too!" Kaleb said with a laugh.
“Alright then maybe not,” giggled Allison, “I don’t have the heart to tell her that!” she said. “Yea you doubt it but you’ll never know if you don’t ask,” replied Logan with a cheeky grin. Soon, the door to their compartment opened. There was the kind old witch with the trolley again. “Anything from the trolley, dears?” she asked the four students with a sweet smile.
Rose smirked, seeing Allison back down. "It's much easier to enjoy the food and no say anything to our parents." Rose said with a laugh. She looked over at the trolley witch and shook her head. "I'm all set" She said. Kaleb looked at Logan and shook his head. "But what if you take it and don't stop growing? I don't wanna be a giant" Kaleb said with a laugh.
Allison glanced over at the trolley witch and gave her a smile, shaking her head. “No thank you!” she said politely. Logan laughed, “But wouldn’t it be fun to be a giant?” he asked Kaleb. He then looked over at the lady with the trolley and nodded his head. “Oooo! Yes please! A chocolate frog would be nice!” Logan said. You’d think the kid would be sick of chocolate frogs considering it took him and Kaleb practically the whole year to finish the supply that Aaron gave Logan for Christmas last year. The trolley witch nodded and fetched Logan a gold and blue box of chocolate frog. “Here you are dear,” she said sweetly. Logan smiled and took the box from her. “Thank you ma’am!” he said, minding his manners.
Rose didn't want anything but she wasn't surprised when Logan wanted a chocolate frog. Those seemed to be his weakness. Kaleb looked over at Logan who had gotten a chocolate frog. He looked at the trolley witch and decided he'd get something. "Can I have a box of the Bertie Botts every flavor beans?" He asked politely. She nodded. "Here you go dear" She said with a smile, handing him the red and white box before she moved on. "Okay, who wants to try the first one?" He asked. He'd heard of these and thought it would be funny to see the reactions from everyone, including himself, with these beans.
Logan watched Kaleb as he ordered a box of Bertie Bott’s jelly beans. The trolley witch closed the door to their compartment gently and moved onto the next one. Logan grinned as Kaleb offered anyone in the little roomette the first taste. Allison looked over at Kaleb curiously. To her, they just looked like normal jelly beans. The muggle girl didn’t know that there could potentially be disgusting flavors. Logan was always willing to take a gamble. “Oi! I’ll do it!” he said, raising his chin up like he was doing something special or heroic.
Rose looked over at Logan who offered to take the first bean from the box. She secretly hoped that he'd get a disgusting one. Kaleb held the now open box out to Logan. "Here ya go mate!" He said with a grin.
Allison watched as Kaleb gave a jelly bean to Logan. Logan smirked as he nodded at his Gryffindor buddy and took the jelly bean from him. “I’ll take one, if you don’t mind,” said Allison with an innocent little smile. Logan quickly popped the little jelly bean into his mouth and began to chew.
Kaleb held the box out for her and then once she took one, Rose took one as well and so did Kaleb. Both Rose and Kaleb had popped the jelly beans in their mouths and chewed as well.
Suddenly, Logan scrunched up his face. “Yuck!” he shouted. It tasted disgusting! He couldn’t spit it out though since there were no where to do so, so, he had to gulp it down. Logan squeezed his eyes shut in discomfort as he swallowed the jelly bean, shuddering as it went down his throat. “Eww!” Logan said, “That was bloody nasty!” he said, his stomach churning from the terrible taste of that jelly bean. Allison widened her eyes as she chewed on her jelly bean and saw Logan’s reaction to his. Hers tasted fine, so she looked quite confused, furrowing her brow.
Kaleb chewed his jelly bean and it tasted weird, not disgusting but odd and unpleasant. He swallowed his bean down and laughed at Logan when he said it was nasty. "Wanna try another one?" Kaleb asked, holding the box out. Rose ate hers and found it okay, a little sweeter than she would've liked but it was okay. She snickered at her brother. "You got a bad one" She said before she laughed.

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