Your Neighborhood Artist

Stonehearth, Biastea -- the Endless Pursuit
35 system hours until annihilation...
Thankfully the blonde woman was able to snap out of it in time to deliver a punishing blow to the beast. The three viridian arrows struck true, lodging themselves into the mighty beast and even severing its tail. He had to cover his ears as the quarry howled and staggered from the wound. Hopefully a wound of that size would have it bleed out, or for it to stagger long enough that Lark could get another blow.
Before he could get his hopes up, the wounded monster charged at Lark and managed to knock her into the air and winced hearing her thud against the floor.
Shit shit shit!
He formed knives in his hands and took aim at the beast quickly to try and keep it from killing Lark, but the beast didn't go to finish her off. Instead, the Quarry moved, the trembling growing louder and harsher.
It was trailing after him! And to confirm his thoughts, the cavewoman called out for him to run.
And so, he did. Or rather, he tried.
He moved to run, but the beast's jaw moved to try to bite him, forcing Lazuli to jump backwards or risk losing his whole chest and abdomen.
The teeth tore through the fabric of the front of the suit and managed to scrape just deep enough to draw blood. The fact that the beast managed to break skin and draw blood was enough to scare Lazuli. Just what kind of bacteria was in his blood now?!
The adrenaline allowed him to ignore the wounds. Lazuli kept moving, quickly throwing a knife at the beast's eyes to deter it long enough for him to recuperate. He threw another, and another, and another. He lept out of the way from another menacing bite just barely escaping from the beast's jaws once more.
Lazuli took a deep breath, aimed again, and this time aimed the knife at the beast's jaw. In that moment, the beast started to struggle, the frost of his blade immediately crawling from the struck area all the way down to the monster's toes. Then, it stopped moving, but it wasn't dead. The beast was shaking and the ice cracking with each movement. It wouldn't be long until it was free and ready to kill. The white haired man quickly moved to get a safe distance away from the beast, towards Lark.
"Kill it before it kills us, dammit!"