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Fandom Star-Crossed Striders | HSR


Lucky Noodle -- Aurum Valley, Xianzhou Luofu

Rules were read to them by a very bleak-voiced woman. They had an hour to complete the dish? Sounded pretty easy. Rhys swallowed his bushel of noodles, the sound of his own slurping cutting through the conversation between Lazuli and Evie. His euphoria was interrupted by Lazuli's sudden question-- the man actually thought Evie and him were a couple?! Rhys reeled back, spluttering as he struggled to not choke on bunch of noodles that he had just stuffed into his mouth. He coughed, raising a hand to prevent bits of food from being sprinkled over his two companions. Girlfriend. Lazuli thought that she was his girlfriend.

After he had soothed his spluttering with a draught of beer, Rhys settled back in his chair and stared at Lazuli for a silent moment. His gaze momentarily flickered towards Evie, drinking in her reddened features and the fluster behind her expression. He glanced over her soft pink hair and the gem-like radiance in her eyes... It was almost too difficult to turn his attention back to Lazuli. "Huh?! We're not a couple..." he muttered as he shifted in his seat. "What made ya think that she's my girl?"

Sure, the two were nearly inseparable, but Evie was just so easy to be around. She literally brightened up the day of anyone she spoke to. That much was true-- Twili even said so, one time. Her warmth was contagious and her laughter was enough to soothe weary souls. But for her to be his girlfriend? He didn't stand a damn chance.
Evie & Lazuli

Lucky Noodle -- Aurum Valley

Lazuli grabbed some noodles with his own chopsticks and brought a bundle of noodles into his mouth while he waited for Evie and Rhys to recover. The noodles were surprisingly delicious despite the array of meat flavors that blended together in the broth. A wonderful tasting bowl of noodles, no doubt about it. He just didn't anticipate for duck and chicken to taste good together.

The stoneheart, as both of his companions coughed and sputtered, wondered if this was just a ruse between the two or if the two actually had a crush on each other and hadn't admitted it yet. A normal pair of friends wouldn't be so taken aback for being mistaken for a couple, right? Evie was blushing and seemed to be flustered, while Rhys had to try to not choke on his meal. On top of that, neither of them said anything. It gave Lazuli time to go for more noodles.

When Rhys asked his question, Lazuli's full mouth gave him time to collect his thoughts.

"Mn." He took a second to finish chewing then swallowed. "You two seemed very close on the ship. You matched each other's energy, she was very touchy with you, calling her "Evs", ... The way you looked at her just now. The way she looked at you when you took off your jacket. Only reason I didn't call her your wife was because I didn't see a ring on her finger."

"H-Hey!" Now Evie's whole face had grown hot after she'd been called out for staring. "He's got really cool tattoos! Can you blame me for admiring them?"

Lazuli simply gave her a look, and Evie blushed again.

The pink haired woman did think Rhys himself was way cooler than his tattoos. Before he joined the Express, Evie's only company had been Twili, and all she had to look forward to was whenever the train stopped. Twili was nice company, don't get her wrong, but after Rhys joined Evie finally had another person to talk to. Sure he didn't really share anything about his past, but that didn't matter to her. He was kind, charming (in his own way), and a delight to be around. She enjoyed listening to any stories he did want to share too! Being his girlfriend? Well... As much as she would like that, there was something she needed to tell him before she even [i[thought[/i] about a potential romance in their future.

"Ugh, Rhyyys. Mr. Lazuli is sabotaging our noodle challenge! We're supposed to be on the same team and he's making us choke!" She told her friend, stopping Lazuli mid-chew. "We gotta focus or else we'll lose!

Lucky Noodle -- Aurum Valley, Xianzhou Luofu

Another look of shock flickered over Rhys' face at the sheer boldness of Lazuli's accusations. He was so unrestrained... this guy really couldn't keep his nose out of people's business, now could he? Even then, it wasn't like he was spouting lies. Even Twili had been looking at them strangely as of late, though he hadn't said anything to suggest either Evie or him were toeing boundaries. Rhys' eyebrow twitched at Lapis' latter statements, already prepared to offer some sort of retort-- but Evie's whine grounded him. A short moment passed as he cleared his throat, swiped his tongue over his canines, and narrowed his eyes back at Lazuli.

"Sure are talkin' a lot, Mr. Zuli. Don't tell me yer already full," Rhys sneered over at him, taking the opportunity to put the spotlight back on the other male. "Wouldn't be surprised, with how spindly ya are. Looks like Evs and I gotta do all the heavy liftin after all!"
Evie & Lazuli

Lucky Noodle -- Aurum Valley

Evie had to wonder if Lazuli was always so... observant. He had to be for his job, but did he need to know all that he did or did he save that information for when it was time to be intimidating? Or was this way of being playful? Was he even trying to be playful or friendly? It was hard to tell with how stoic his face was... Well, it didn't matter. She took another bundle of noodles into her mouth and ate them as Rhys was starting to tease their companion. She giggled while Lazuli gave him a look.

"If you've got time to talk you've got time to eat~ Come on Mr. Zuli, we're trying to win a challenge here!"

"You're not helping your case." He responded to the two, but nonetheless resumed eating alongside them.

Slowly but surely, the trio began to make a noticeable dent in the large bowl. Cutlets of different types was distributed between them, though Evie insisted that Lazuli take a few more slices of protein because he was a "growing boy". Although it was a little humiliating, Lazuli accepted the offered food. Partly because he had a preference for meat, but mostly because he wasn't going to have these two halves of a whole idiot looking down on him.

He was certainly satisfied at this point. His hunger pains from earlier had disappeared and now his body would be happy to walk away. But Lazuli wasn't about to leave. Not now. They had an entire bowl of food to go through and he would not be the first to tap out.

Lazuli looked between the two to see how they were fairing.

Evie was starting to feel stuffed.

The noodles were so delicious! The spices, the vegetables, the cutlets; everything was cooked to absolute perfection! The pink haired woman at to her heart's content, and even helped herself to placing food on each boys' plates. Lazuli needed the cutlets more because, as Rhys said, he was spindly compared to the other man and he needed his protein! She also planted cutlets on Rhys' plates because he was a bigger boy and big boys needed to eat too.

In other words, Evie was starting to feel full and wanted an excuse to give herself a break.

But now she was starting to feel the familiar fullness within her stomach that was telling her she'd eaten enough. And so, her eating had noticeably become slower. There was a bit of hesitance in her hand and chopsticks when it was time to grab more.

"Don't tell me you're already full." Lazuli said to her, mimicking Rhys's words.

Evie gave him a little childish pout, "Never!" she would say before picking another bundle and shoving it in her mouth to prove him wrong, though by the speed of her chewing, it was apparent she was reaching her limit.

Lazuli then looked at Rhys, taking a second to look him over before asking. "Handling yourself well? You're free to bow out if you can't do it."

Lucky Noodle -- Aurum Valley, Xianzhou Luofu

Though Rhys swore that his innards had swollen to twice their size throughout the duration of their meal, he forced himself to glower over at Lazuli at the presentation of his jest. "You kiddin' me? I ain't losin' to no damn rich boy!" And with that, he dipped his head low towards the bowl and aptly shoved more noodles into his mouth.

His tenacity, however, did not last long. After all, the trio did spend at least an hour and half devouring plates and plates of noodles. Rhys made it a point to order another pint of beer. They were only about three-quarters through the massive bowl when his stomach twisted into a discomforting churn. All of the noodles that he had previously swallowed threatened to make an escape, and a disappointed "urp" filtered out from pale lips as his shoulders sagged. It took all of his strength to gulp down whatever was left in his mouth without vomiting. With Evie having tapped out, defeat was nearly certain-- until rich boy rose to their occasion. With great difficulty, but even more resolve and dedication, Lazuli downed the rest of the bowl as if his very life depended on it. Shock rippled across the restaurant before cheers resonated from the chests of every client that had chosen to stay and watch the spectacle. Three strangers from beyond the blue expanse had not only blazed through their stock, but had slain the very beast itself.

More drinks were poured. Photos were taken. The owner of the Lucky Noodle had even promised them discounts for life! But at the light-hearted offer of dessert, they had no other choice but to decline. They left, but not without one last photo. Evie made it a point to snap a selfie of the three of them at the table, bloated and sick with swollen stomachs, but Rhys and her cheery nonetheless. Lazuli, though, had taken the sheer brunt of the blow; the other man slouched down upon the table, breathing heavily as if he had spent the whole evening fighting off a vicious army. How funny. It certainly felt like the three of them had been fighting for their damn lives...

The owner wanted to provide them with more drinks, but they decided it was time to leave. The trio currently meandered down a quiet side road at a snail's pace, dazed but in search of a plush toy store that resided not too far from the Lucky Noodle. It was too dangerous to move much faster than that, with risk to expelling all of the food they ate from their stomachs.

"Urghhh," Rhys groaned as he lurched beside Evie. He bumped into her slightly, finding it hard to even stay the path. "That was a huge mistake... I think I'ma hurl... Who's damn bright idea was it to finish that fuckin' thing?"
Evie & Lazuli

Lucky Noodle -- Aurum Valley

Lazuli was a fool.

A damned fool.

The biggest damn idiot he ever had the displeasure of knowing.

Why did he let his ego get the better of him? Why did he let a certain damn tattooed fool, whose name shall not be said, get to him? The bastard was just trying to show off and act tough for the girl he liked, and because of that, everyone was in pain.

But Lazuli, because he wanted to show Rhys just who was superior, ended up the most in pain. Time had been running out, and with both of his companions tapping out of the challenge, it left the stoneheart to pick up the slack.

He thought about quitting too, honestly. He had eyed the pile of noodles that had soaked up a considerable bit of the broth, the vegetables had become soggy, and the once hot meal was now sitting cold in front of him. Was this it? Was he and his companions going to stop here and make all of this for naught? Lazuli could see the bottom of the bowl. They were close to conquering this challenge...

He was so close to showing Rhys that he was better than him.

And so, with all that remained of Lazuli's willpower, he forced himself to bite back the bile and consume the rest of the noodles into the very last of the empty space within his stomach. The celebration that came after passed by in a blur as he'd been too focused trying to ensure that his body wasn't about to go into shock from all the salt he'd just consumed. It helped that he hadn't eaten in two days, but to consume about a week's worth of sodium in one sitting? He'd need to see a doctor after this... And to think a half-conscious, woozy stoneheart was going to be immortalized in that damned restaurant...

Now here they were, barely able to stay standing. The slightest whiff of a food stall nearby was enough to trigger Lazuli's gag reflexes and he used his hand to cover his mouth. He paused, ensuring that the sharp burn of bile within his throat did not get worse, then took a deep breath to relax himself. Part of him wanted to return to the Express, unbutton his pants, and just lay down until the horrible feeling faded away... But he needed to be present to get the medicine they were supposed to be here for. After all, Lazuli would rather talk to the healer personally about his medical needs.

Evie, meanwhile, quickly wrapped her arms around his torso to try and help him stay steady. She too felt ready to just vomit and collapse, but she couldn't do that. Not when there were plushies to be purchased!

"You're the one who brought up the challenge you damn fuh...foo..." Lazuli had to pause to calm his stomach, and once the nausea had subsided he continued. "...fool!"

Evie, however, was quick to speak up in his defense. "D-Didn't mean we had to finish it... But thank you Mr. Lazuli! N-Now we have discounts for life thanks to you!" She tried to sound more cheery, but forcing herself to try and do anything energetic only made her stomach churn heavily. Evie groaned softly and leaned against Rhys a bit for support. "Th-Though... maybe we should wait a good while before we enter that shop again..."

"Y-You'd be damn lucky if we ever want another bowl of ramen again..." The stoneheart answered her, putting a hand on his hip and took a moment to do some controlled breathing. The pain was making itself known, and truthfully, Lazuli would rather he vomit and hopefully relieve himself of some of this nausea... Maybe there was a bathroom nearby?

The pink haired woman looked up at her dark haired companion. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how close are you to vomiting? W-We could, you know, sit down maybe? Or walk around some before going into the plushy store? I-I... I really don't want to... to vomit on the cute plushies!"

Lucky Noodle -- Aurum Valley, Xianzhou Luofu

Discounts for life sure sounded great. But oh, Aeons. If he had to look at another bowl of noodles, he pretty sure he'd puke on the spot. Yeah, they definitely needed a break from noodles and packaged ramen after that. Rhys gave Evie an exhausted look at her question, finding himself bearing little energy to launch a retort in Lazuli's direction. "Think I can hold it down..." he groaned, stifling a burp soon after his words. He swiped his tongue over his lips, the acrid aftertaste rearing its nasty head up his throat once again. The truth was, he wasn't even sure if he could take any more steps... but Evie was so excited to see the plushies, he felt like he didn't have a choice but to accompany her on her shopping escapade. Groggily, he lifted up a hand to loop her own around his right forearm. "Just hold on to me and we'll make it there just fine."

Rhys looked over his shoulder at Lazuli. He looked pretty defeated too. He almost felt sorry for the guy; he was trailing behind them like a swollen, lost pup. "Can go back to the Express if ya want. Evs and I gotta visit a store or two, then we'll head back."
Evie & Lazuli

Lucky Noodle -- Aurum Valley

"You sure?" Evie asked, concern apparent in her voice as she watched her companion struggle. She knew he was hurting because she could feel it too. The waves of nausea were rolling through her swollen stomach, reminding her just what an idiot she was for even attempting such a thing. Heck, Evie was certain that if she had worn a tighter shirt she might have been able to pass for pregnant with how many noodles were currently waiting for digestion.

She didn't get much chance to argue since Rhys guided her hand to wrap around his arm, supporting each other.

Lazuli, meanwhile, shook his head 'no' at Rhys's offer. "Have you forgotten we're here for medicine for myself and..." He paused to swallow back a wave of nausea. "and Lark? We might as well get it out of the way then use the rest of the day to recover. Or you can tell me the direction and I'll get it on my own."

Evie gave Rhys a quick little look that told him everything he needed to know.

She had forgotten the most important part of being there. The noodles were just so good okay! But would the stoneheart be okay on his own? He was on the verge of vomiting and recovering from being in a coma for two days. Evie was still surprised Lazuli's body was able to hold down all those noodles right now!

Aurum Valley, Xianzhou Luofu

Oh, crap. He had forgotten about the whole medicine business. Rhys pondered whether going out on a search for medicine today was... smart, seeing as what they had gotten themselves into not even half an hour prior. He pouted over at Lazuli's response, raising a brow as if to question his reply. "Okay, okay, no need to get so dramatic, " he grumbled. It was just like the guy to make them seem like they were shoving him away from their little excursion. It was quite the opposite, to be honest. He wasn't sure if Lazuli was up to deal with their frantic search of a plush. "If ya wanna come and help us pick out somethin' for your lil girlfriend, then by all means, yer free to come along."

His attention once again fell on Evie. The young woman appeared to be well enough, so time to go and find a plushie shop. The last time he was around here, he wasn't necessarily on the search for stuffies. There were some in their general area, but where did they even start? There were some with tiny plushies that one could hook onto keychains and purses and backpacks, but those were cheaply made and hung from stalls that were manned by a single person, who usually looked sleepy or bored. Not good enough to buy from them, he supposed. He nudged Evie slightly.
"See anythin' ya like, Evs?"
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Evie & Lazuli

Aurum Valley, Xianshou Luofu

Lazuli believed that one of two possibilities would come from this. The first, they would go and get the medicine together. Or the second, they would tell him where to find a healer and they would see each other back at the Express. What he didn't expect was that not only would they not tell him where the healer was, but they were still going to get the plushy first instead of taking care of the most important matter.

"I didn't even know her name 2 hours ago, or did you forget that too? You two really are made for each other." He said in kind, following them towards the plush shop that they so desperately wanted to go to.

Perhaps the white haired man had a little too much faith in the duo, because to Evie, the plushies were the most important thing.

But it was for a good cause! It was to help Lark feel better! Of course, nothing could ever mend the wound of losing one's family and home planet... but a cute plushy could at least help comfort her! Make her feel safe for even just a moment!

They would not be leaving without getting the medicine, that was for certain, but it didn't mean that they couldn't go and see the extremely cute plushies!

Her eyes lit up in adoration seeing all the cute plushes that lined up shelves, even giving a few "awww"s and "look how cute this one is". Even the cheaply made keychains caught her attention, but Lark didn't have a backpack to attach a keychain to. Would Lark even like a cute backpack to go with it? She didn't strike Evie as a purse kind of girl...

Rhys got her attention with a little nudge. Her gaze turned to him then back to their options. "Hmmm... I see tons of cute options, and plenty I'd love to take back home, but we're here for our new friend! She needs the cuddles of a Snuggle Pal way more than anyone I know. But... what would she like? I don't know what her favorite animal is... Mr. Lazuli, you got any ideas? You know her better than Rhys and I do."

Lazuli raised an eyebrow at her. Seems his 3 days of Biastea knowledge suddenly made him an expert on the girl who was so ready to murder him 2 days ago... "She and her people had to defend their barely habitable village against murderous creatures they called "Quarry". I saw no other animals there. I doubt that girl even knows that other animals exist, so just pick anything."

"What about her personality? Maybe we can pick something based off that?"

"She was rude, snarky, and prone to immature outbursts when her brother made her speak to me. I can't help you more beyond that." He answered, leaving Evie unsatisfied and with a furrowed brow.

Just picking anything... they might as well pick nothing if they weren't gonna put any heart into it!

"What do you think Rhys? The color of her hair reminds me of a lioness, but I can't gauge a thing about her actual personality the way she is right now... What do you think she might like?"

Aurum Valley, Xianzhou Luofu

Rhys followed Evie's lead as she led them to a particular section of Aurum Valley. It seemed like they were the ones that had to take charge of buying the plushies, and with little help too. This guy knew nothing about the lady he was with for who-knows-how-long, which was frustrating. Sure, it made sense that he didn't; the pair didn't get along at all. But didn't he know of some redeeming quality that they could bounce off on? Didn't the guy know how to make friends? Sheesh, there was a lot that Rhys had to teach him.

He skimmed the assortment of plushies and took note of the stores arrangements. The giant plushies were carefully plopped up on the upper shelves, while keychains and mini-plushies dangled from wall hooks or lined the bottom shelves. Already, he could see so many cute animals-- lions, tigers, bears, giant warp trotters, horses... and they were done with such a careful hand. The stitches were all even and the stuffing didn't poke out from the sides like the cheaper plushes outside. How adorable!

Rhys had to pry his eyes away from a giant unicorn when Evie asked him a question.
"W-who can resist a giant lion? Oh, how about a fox or maybe... maybe a puppy!" There was far too much enthusiasm in his voice for a man of his stature, He had to stifle the overly excited glimmer in his eyes. "Why not take all three? That way it's impossible to pick the wrong one!"
Evie & Lazuli

Aurum Valley, Xianshou Luofu

Even if Lazuli was about as helpful as asking a brick wall, Evie was confident that they could find something big, cute, and full of squish for Lark's cuddles. They had to! There was such a wide selection to choose from that there was no way they'd be left wanting! Er-that Lark would be left wanting! Not to mention that Rhys had plenty of suggestions and one of the best ideas she'd ever heard!

Her eyes lit up and she looked at him with awe, "Rhys that's brilliant! We can just buy multiple and let her pick whatever she likes!"

Lazuli couldn't help himself but ask, "And how do you intend to pay for it? These stuffed animals don't look cheap."

The pink haired woman gave him a smile in return. "Rhys said he'd pay for it! But I still have some money if we gotta splurge a little more~"

The stoneheart looked between the two. He had a feeling that they were just using Lark as an excuse to buy an excess of plushies and keep it all to themselves. A waste of money, he thought, but he didn't particularly care about how other people spent their credits. He was more concerned about how they were going to bring the plushies back to the Express. And by they he meant Evie and Rhys only.

Though what surprised him the most, out of everything, was that Rhys, the grown man with tattoos and an edgy demeanor, was excited about stuffed toys for children. Lazuli didn't understand why and part of him was intrigued to learn.

Evie's attention turned to Rhys, her smile bigger and brimming with excitement. She'd be bouncing up and down if she weren't so afraid of blowing chunks. "Let's start with the more popular animals! I saw a cute wolfy and capybara near the top shelf, and we can grab a kitty, a puppy, and a birdie too! Oh, we should get the mythical animals too like the unicorn, pegasus, and the dragon! Oooh, what if Lark's a big foodie? There's a suuuuper cute peanut butter and jelly sandwich plushie on that center row there!" She then gasped excitedly, "Ah! Is that a hot dog but the weenie is a weenie dog?!"

Lazuli could only stand by and watch as the duo shared their excitement over stuffed toys. He didn't exactly see the appeal, or at least, not as much as they did. The plushies were cute, but they were designed that way to appeal to their underage and easily impressionable target audience. The little kids see a cute version of their favorite animal, the parents are pushed into purchasing the overpriced toy, and the store makes a sale. Or, in some cases, the parents are forced to deal with their toddler throwing a tantrum until they concede.

He knew it was a common thing for adults to participate in collecting children's toys, but... he had to admit Rhys and Evie did look a bit silly going up and down the shelves.

"Are you done?" The stoneheart asked the two, leaning against one of the shelves with his arms crossed as he'd been waiting for them to finish.

Aurum Valley, Xianzhou Luofu

Honestly, Rhys did not have much money on him. Due to their nomadic lifestyle and not really having an official job, the Nameless had to suffer through meager pay sometimes. But all of these plushies looked so damn cute, he’d be an idiot not to splurge on them! And Evie was currently behaving akin to an excited child that was set loose in a candy store– how the hell was he not supposed to feed into that? “Yeah, yeah! Let’s start with the…”

Lazuli was watching both of them with intent. There was a spark in his eye that Rhys caught, no matter how faint it was. His heart sunk; was he being judged? He forced the smile away from his lips, choosing to offer Evie a half-hearted smirk in response.

“I’ll go and get the wolf and capybara and sandwich while ya gather the rest, Evs.”

The plushies were so soft. The capybara in particular was crafted from spiky cords of fur that were thicker than the ones on the wolf, but somehow felt even softer on his skin. He’d have to try and sneak that out of the bunch when they get back on the Express… he could hardly wait to cuddle with the plush that night, when his cabin grew cold and lonely.

Lazuli piped up at the end of their spiel, when Rhys had finished piling up the plushies that Evie had gathered within his arms. He peered at the smaller man from behind the mountain of stuffies that had accumulated before them.
“Just about. There’s only one thing left to do.” His head turned to the cashier, a very young boy who had been watching them apprehensively. Rhys hobbled over and carefully placed the bundle of stuffed animals on the check-out table before they would topple from his grasp. The cashier sighed, lifting his scanner as if it weighed a thousand pounds.

“This’ll prob eat away at the rest of my paycheck…” Rhys scratched the side of his face as he pondered the mound, the soft ‘beeps’ of the scanning machine permeating the sudden calm of the store. “But it’s all good if it helps Lark feel any better.”
Evie & Lazuli

Aurum Valley, Xianshou Luofu

Yes, it was true that Lazuli had been watching them the entire time, his cold, expressionless face watching as they reached around the shelves grabbing different colorful stuffed animals. They reminded him of two excitable children who'd been unleashed to a market's toy aisle, snatching whst they could and bringing their selections for mom or dad to pay for. But, his look wasn't one of judgement when they fell on the taller man. Rather, it was one of curiosity.

A man of Rhys's stature and demeanor would never be present inside of a plushie store except for three reasons; a woman, a child, or a third that was much more unlikely than the first two. A man like Rhys would be in here choosing a toy for his child, or a niece or nephew who they were about to go see, or a girlfriend who he wanted to make happy. But Rhys matched Evie's energy, no matter how much he tried to hide it. So...

He was a collector? Him?

If that was the case, how did he get into such a hobby? Could it be for a certain someone who was showing him a avocado-cat hybrid plushie cleverly named the "avocato"? Would Rhys tell him if he asked? Perhaps not, but it would be worth a shot.

Evie, hearing what he said regarding the paycheck, gave him a few pats to his shoulder. "Aww, Rhys. You're such a big sweetheart~ Lemme chip in or at least buy you food when you're hungry! I'd hate to see you wither away cause of that big heart of yours."

Of course there was no guarantee when they'd feel hungry again after that monstrous meal they ate earlier. But Evie still wanted to offer him some form of relief if he was going to be broke because of this.

"Are you certain this is just to make Lark feel better? This looks more like you two have a weak spine for plushies." Lazuli pointed out, earning a gasp of offense from Evie. Or rather, one that tried to sound offended.

"Of course this is for her! We wouldn't be blowing our money like this if it wasn't for a good cause! Right Rhys?" She looked up at him hoping he'd back her up though Lazuli had more to say.

"And what about Lark's medicine? The thing that would literally make her feel better?" The stoneheart asked this time.

'Crap!' Evie thought to herself. "Well of course I'm gonna pay for it! Rhys is paying for her emotional support and I'll be paying for the physical!"

This meant she'd be left with little money too. Looks like they'd have to get creative in the kitchen for the next few weeks...

Lazuli let out a little sigh. "Is finances and budgeting a reoccurring issue with you two?"

Aurum Valley, Xianzhou Luofu

Rhys' heart became lighter at Evie's soft pats at his shoulder, tipping his head down at her as he gave her a small smile. Though, he would rather dunk his head in the toilet and give himself a swirlie than accept any money from his friend. What kind of man would that make him? He'd lose all sort of honor-- especially in the presence of Lazuli. "Nah, I'm fine, 's 'bout time that Twili coughs up our next paycheck anyways," he told her as the cashier rung up the last bundle of plushies. Rhys pulled out his wallet anew and yanked out a bundle of crumpled up credits, placing them down upon the table. He perked up at Lazuli's idle commentary, offering him a furrowed brow after pondering his words. "Like Evs said, we'll figure the meds out. Knowin' the Luofu, it'll prob be like some weird herbal concoction. Should be cheap stuffs."

Lazuli's last question caused Rhys to flinch slightly. Suggesting they were bad with money-- how bold!
"Like I mentioned before, we Nameless don't get paid much. Not like we rich or anythin'," he said, though there was a weakness to his voice that betrayed the purpose of his retort; he was obviously pulling excuses out of his ass. Rhys tossed a subtle, side-eyed glare towards Lazuli as he picked up the large paper bags that the cashier had filled with the stuffies. He nodded at the cashier in thanks before turning and beginning to make his way out of the store. "If I remember... there should be an apothecary nearby. C'mon, full belly's makin' me sleepy... "
Evie & Lazuli

Aurum Valley, Xianshou Luofu

It was nice to see Rhys's smile, Aeons knew It always brought a little flutter in her stomach to see it, but what wasn't nice was Evie knowing she would have to fight him just to even try to make things fair. He was such a sweetheart and Evie liked that about him, but she wished he'd let her chip in when she could. They were a team weren't they? A duo traveling through the stars that would ride or die with the Astral Express! Well, there was also Twili, but he was the captain of this metaphorical ship. He was technically their boss!

Lazuli listened to Rhys' excuse regarding their funds, noticing the slight flinch and the furrowed brow. If the stoneheart was wrong, Rhys and Evie would surely be happy to prove to him that they were making all sorts of cash. Were they the types to bring up their bank accounts and show him how much they had? But then again, if they had money in the bank they would also have debit cards with them, and by the looks of it, they only carried cash. So... whatever was crammed in their pockets must be all the credits they had to their names. Not to mention Lazuli was able to see right through Rhys's lies, which told him the Astral Express wasn't getting any paid jobs as of recently.

And they were spending all their money on stuffed animals instead of finding whatever odd job would pay them?


Instead of voicing his thoughts, Lazuli straightened himself up and gestured to the ranger to go first. "Lead the way."

Visiting the apothecary was a quick and easy mission. The person in charge was an older woman with long brown hair, honey colored eyes, and who appeared to look no older than 40; a feat she thanked her concoctions for when Evie asked how she managed to remain so beautiful.

The woman, Chyou, was quick to create a concoction for Lazuli that was made with a lot of herbal blends and strange names that the stoneheart himself wasn't exactly familiar with. He was certain that the apothecary did this on purpose so they could sell their snake oil and people would be too enveloped by the mythical sounding jargon that they wouldn't know that they'd just been sold crushed grass in a tea bag.

The medicine for Lark, though, had to be one that could be used more generally since she wasn't present to give her medical history. The concoctions were properly stored and placed into fancy white boxes, one with a red tag for Lark's and one with a blue tag differentiate the two. The pink haired woman had stepped up so Rhys could pay for the medicine, but Chyou informed them that Lazuli had already done so, making Evie raise her brows in surprise. So far the man insisted on only paying for himself, and yet he bought Lark's medicine? After he insisted that they weren't friends?

"Aww, so you do care about her, even just a little bit~" She said gleefully, only to get a dirty look from the stoneheart.

"Don't get it twisted. It's because I refuse to listen to you two argue about who should pay for it. Besides, it was cheaper than I thought it'd be." Lazuli answered her.

"Hehe, whatever you say Grumpus Maduli~" She giggled before reaching for Lark's medicine box. "Here, lemme take that box and I'll give it to Lark. She might be more comfortable receiving it from another girl."

Lazuli, however, moved the box out of her reach. "After you and your plushie comrade over here forgot we were supposed to be buying medicine twice? Besides, what makes you think Lark is in any condition to be taking her medicine in her current state? I doubt we could force her to take it, much less have her take it on her own. I'll hold onto the box and give it to her once her mental state is better.

This only earned him a big happy look from Evie, much to his annoyance. "Awwww! You do care!"

"Don't you have plushies to play with?"

---3 days later---

Infirmary Room, Astral Express

Lazuli's short vacation with the Astral Express had slowly come to an end. He didn't stick around to see which plushie Lark chose, but he also didn't hide away from the others in a room. He was a busy man with a busy schedule, but there was only so much work that could be done on his phone; especially when Diamond would absolutely be waiting for his report regarding the incident and a retelling of the events he witnessed. Aeons forbid he send such a lengthy report through a mobile report. No no no, it needed to be properly written on a computer or laptop, which he did not have. Ugh, he'd have to write it in his office when he got back...

While he could waste hours writing a 5 page report with only his thumbs, it would also not do him any good to isolate himself and be rude to the conductor. He'd been reassured by the turret that the Express wouldn't mind him using one of the empty bedrooms until the IPC came to collect him. He was also given the option to go to a hotel room and wait the three days there, but considering that he was the only one he could trust with Lark's medicine, Lazuli opted to stay in one of the rooms on the Express.

The stoneheart took the opportunity to explore, where the biggest thing to note was the multiple empty rooms available to future trailblazers as well as Evie's room, who insisted he check out her enormous plushie collection. Of course, someone aboard the Express wasn't exactly happy to hear that Lazuli and Evie were alone in her room, but that was besides the point.

Not only did the bedrooms look like studio apartments, but the Express was surprisingly... empty. They had plenty of room for at least 3 or 4 more people, double that if they were willing to share rooms. Was there really no one else in the galaxy that Rhys and Evie could convince to trailblazers with them?

Lazuli did get to learn a little about Evie and Rhys while he was here, but the person he was paying the most attention to was Lark. She'd been the one to lose everything in one day so suddenly, he understood why she wouldn't want to leave her room. He'd heard her cry, heard Evie's and Rhys's attempts to cheer her up, and he himself had even approached her door just to check and see if she'd moved from her spot. The only time he'd seen any signs of life from her were the empty cups of water that Evie begged the girl to drink. A part of him was growing increasingly worried that they would wake up one day and find Lark swinging from the ceiling. Sure she was a rude neanderthal, but Lazuli wasn't wishing death on her.

Now that the IPC had confirmed that pickup would be in a couple of hours, Lazuli decided that it was now or never. He would pay Lark a visit... But not before he grabbed something that he believed would make Lark happy.

He'd gone to the infirmary and requested a key to it from Twili on the chance that Lark had garnered enough strength to pull herself out of bed and lock the door. Once he was inside, Lazuli would gently close the door behind him then approach the bed that Lark laid in. The stoneheart would then sit on the edge next to her body, and bring out his phone. He wasn't sure how long he was going to be waiting, but he hoped she would be willing to talk to him before it was time for him to leave.

"I'm not going anywhere until you acknowledge my presence. I have medicine for you to take, and something to say to you." He told her, giving her shoulder a shake to make sure she was listening to him.

Infirmary -- The Astral Express

Time slithered by at the pace of a snail; every minute, every mere second trickled past her as she hardly stirred from her cot. Hunger came and went, temporarily soothed by meager nibbles of crackers or some dehydrated fruit that the Nameless laid at her bedside table. Once or twice, they tried to speak to her-- the tall one and the pink-haired girl. They asked her the typical questions: if she was okay, had she drank water, had she gotten any sleep... Lark could hardly bring herself to shrug in response. She was tired. Her head hurt. And when she slept, all she smelled was smoke and burning flesh as screams of terror tore through her dreams. Lark slept, she woke up, she got tired, and slept again, and the visions kept repeating, over and over, like a snake eating its own tail. Sometimes, it was too hard to hold back her tears and her pillow became drenched in tears. The tall man and the pink-haired girl brought her water, which helped a little. Once or twice, the two-footed furry weasel drew her a warm bath and she soaked there for hours before she could bring herself to leave the warm waters.

More time passed, and someone entered her room. Lark was laying on her side when a firm hand pulled at her shoulder. She hadn't expected the Stoneheart to show up, not after all of this time. Lark sent a tired glance over her shoulder, narrowing her eyes as she set her dagger-like glare upon Lazuli.
"What do you want?" she asked, trying hard to put some heat into her words. In the end, she failed miserably, and she feared that she sounded more like a defeated animal than anything else.

Infirmary Room, Astral Express

Lark looked worse than Lazuli thought she would. A woman who was so full of fire and immature retorts now looked at him with a swollen redness to her eyes, tear stains on her cheeks, and bags that told him she hadn't been sleeping properly. While he could have come and done his best to make her feel better, what difference would it have made? She clearly disliked him. Even now she was trying to stare daggers at him despite the two not talking in three days. Well... She needn't worry for too long. Soon, Lazuli would be returning to the IPC and she would never have to see him again. Unless the Astral Express decided to borrow money at some point in the future... Well, that would really be an unfortunate way to see them again, wouldn't it?

The stoneheart quietly handed her the white box of medicine first. "There should be directions in the box. Tastes like trash but it does its job." He told her, pausing for a second so he could find the words he wanted to say to her again.

He'd gone over the words over and over in his mind before he arrived, and yet now that it was time to speak them, they were fleeting. Lazuli supposed he would have to just speak his mind.

"I want to offer you my sincere condolences for everything that happened on Biastea. I may have been there, but I can't say I understand the devastation you've felt for the past three days... Losing your family, your friends, and your home all at once... It takes incredible strength to continue on after something so horrible..."

The stoneheart paused for a second, letting Lark register his words before he continued.

"I also believe... these belong to you."

He slipped over two boxes, two very familiar packages that Lark would recognize anywhere. The earrings and dagger that he had purchased as souvenirs for himself before the Legion came and destroyed everything.

"It wouldn't feel right to take those with me. You understand, right?"

Infirmary -- The Astral Express

She... didn't like how he looked at her. Sure, Lazuli hardly ever showed emotion, at least from what she could tell from her time around him, but he was looking at her with such intent, Lark was worried that he was going to slap a set of fines on her. But the pale-haired man bore nothing of the sort; he handed her a light box that bore a faint aroma of medicinal herbs. She gawked up at him as if he had two heads. He brought her medicine? Him, of all people? Her grip tightened around the box as he continued to speak. He was actually apologizing, as well, even going so far as to gift her what he had purchased back on Biastea. On her home planet.

She had to be hallucinating. Dreaming. Something. Because why in Lan's name did Lazuli decide to show he had a heart now?!

Lark couldn't tear her eyes away from his face. In this light, at this angel, he almost appeared to be a savior, an angel. A hard lump formed in her throat, and she couldn't hold back the tears spilled over her cheeks.
"... Why...?" she whispered, her lips twisting downwards. She looked like a fool. Like such an idiot, and in front of him, too. She raised her hands, covering her face in order to staunch her tears. "I don't understand... why are you doing this?"

Infirmary Room, Astral Express

His eyes never left hers as he waited for Lark to process his actions, his words, and his intentions. It was understandable why it took her a moment to register what he was doing and maybe try to decipher any ulterior motives. If he was Lark, he would have done the same thing too. Why would IPC scum willingly choose to return someone's most prized possession without seeking any sort of monetary gain? Lazuli had been in the position of power. He could have held the souvenirs hostage and forced Lark into debt.

In truth, he could never do something so... greedy. So selfish. Even now at the prime of his work, doing something so... awful to another human being just didn't sit right with him. He'd made plenty of speculations for his past clients. An older gentleman cried to save his store? Well, he should have been a better businessman. A young woman pleaded for an extension on her debt payments? Lazuli had already given her two, she should have had the money by now.

But Lark... Sure she was rude to him, that was nothing new, but did rudeness deserve losing everything she loved in such a barbaric manner? No. Not even Xipe could defend the actions of the Legion...

As she cried, Lazuli gently placed a hand on her shoulder as a way to show comfort. Part of him kicked himself for not keeping a fancy handkerchief on his person to offer Lark at the moment. Then again, why would he? He wasn't going to carry a reusable and expensive booger rag.

He was completely out of his element right now but he made his choice and needed to go through with it.

"I understand that you see me as a cold, unfeeling, greedy bastard who only aims to make other people's lives worse. My job as a stoneheart requires that I present myself that way sometimes... But... I'm not speaking to you as a member of the Ten Stonehearts. I'm speaking to you as a human being.

The IPC is going to come collect me today; this may be the last I see of you. And... The thought of taking away what little remains of Biastea from what could be the lone survivor..."
Lazuli's lips tightened as the thought crossed his mind, an obvious look of displeasure passing through his eyes as he gently shook his head. "It disgusts me. Even if you left me for dead to that Diamondskin, I'd be doing the same thing as I'm doing now. Why? Because I have some humanity left in me. Shocking, I know."

Infirmary -- The Astral Express

Lark didn't know what came over her. She had rendered herself vulnerable in front of the stone-faced man, going so far as to weep like a little babe before him. She hated it. She hated it so, so much. She despised it, really. It would have been much better if she could have had such a breakdown in private. Now he was going to judge her, maybe even chide her for acting like a child. Instead, the man had reached out to set a hand upon her shoulder. Her tear-ladden eyes watched him in surprise as she tightened her hands around the packages that were placed before her. Lazuli said he was still human. Yes, he was a Stoneheart, meant to ruin lives and planets alike through the push and pull of credits-- but he was still human. He was like her. Some part of her wanted to scoff and rebuke his words, curse him for causing her brother so much strife before he died. Whether she didn't have the energy, or she had seen something within his icy gaze and his soft words... Lark didn't even know.

The girl lowered her gaze to the package in her hands as she nibbled on her bottom lip. Her fingers brushed against the corners idly.
"... I... I'm sorry," she admitted before she even realized the words poured from her lips. "I've been... angry. Confused... I didn't intend to label you as a monster. Thank you, for your kindness."

Lark paused, looking down at the white of the bedsheets. They were stained with the wetness of her tears, and she snuffled as she childishly tried to wipe them away. Damn it, why was this so awkward? It felt like just a few hours ago that they were at each other's throats.
"Your friends are coming to fetch you, then," she murmured. "You must be excited to return home."

Infirmary Room, Astral Express

The stoneheart wasn't sure what to say. Lark sat there quietly with tears streaming down her cheeks and Lazuli wasn't sure what to do except to keep his hand rested on her shoulder and maybe give it a light squeeze to remind her she wasn't alone. As mentioned before, he was completely out of his element and the two's relationship was in the awkward middle between "acquaintances" and "dislike". Someone like Evie would surely give Lark a hug right now, while Rhys himself would give her words of encouragement. But what could Lazuli do? They weren't close enough for a hug and Lazuli didn't exactly have the friendliest of faces. He didn't have a handkerchief and he sure as hell wasn't about to offer his sleeve. This coat cost him a good chunk of credits and he'd have to be dead for someone to be able to use it as a snot rag.

His thoughts were interrupted when the girl's voice was heard again. An apology that sounded so... delicate to his ears. The fire within Lark was present, but not as strong as it had been when the two first met. It seemed Lark needed a bit of hope before they parted ways, but... Lazuli was certain he was the last person to be able to give her such a thing. Still... if the opportunity presented itself, he would try.

"Mn... "Excited" wouldn't be the right word, and I wouldn't call it home. More like "anxious"... What awaits me on their ship is a retelling of the events that happened on Biastea... Multiple times..." It was clear by the look on Lazuli's face that those retellings was the last thing he wanted to do. He turned his gaze elsewhere, anywhere except Lark's eyes. "I'll have to tell them what happened to all those men and women that were appointed under my care... Those innocent people that trusted my orders... The pilot who screamed for mercy in my ear b-before the ship was shot down..."

There was more he wanted to say. A perfect opportunity to open up about his emotions and explore the trauma the two of them shared.

Instead, Lazuli let out another sigh and swallowed the hard back the words that wanted to surface. "You're better off staying with the Express. The entire integrity of the train rests on the shoulders of two plushie loving idiots and a competent ferret, but they mean well. They'll take care of you." He told her. Maybe he could anonymously donate to the Express to keep their ventures going?

Pffft, yeah right. The wonder duo would probably spend it all on plushies; his money was better spent elsewhere. But he will admit that he did have fun on the train while he was here. Not that he would ever say it out loud, of course, but Evie and Rhys's antics were a breath of fresh air. Their tomfoolery and stupidity did lead them to lifetime discounts at the Lucky Noodle after all...

"Of course, that's just my recommendation. What will you do?"

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