Junior Member
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Lucky Noodle -- Aurum Valley, Xianzhou Luofu
Rules were read to them by a very bleak-voiced woman. They had an hour to complete the dish? Sounded pretty easy. Rhys swallowed his bushel of noodles, the sound of his own slurping cutting through the conversation between Lazuli and Evie. His euphoria was interrupted by Lazuli's sudden question-- the man actually thought Evie and him were a couple?! Rhys reeled back, spluttering as he struggled to not choke on bunch of noodles that he had just stuffed into his mouth. He coughed, raising a hand to prevent bits of food from being sprinkled over his two companions. Girlfriend. Lazuli thought that she was his girlfriend.
After he had soothed his spluttering with a draught of beer, Rhys settled back in his chair and stared at Lazuli for a silent moment. His gaze momentarily flickered towards Evie, drinking in her reddened features and the fluster behind her expression. He glanced over her soft pink hair and the gem-like radiance in her eyes... It was almost too difficult to turn his attention back to Lazuli. "Huh?! We're not a couple..." he muttered as he shifted in his seat. "What made ya think that she's my girl?"
Sure, the two were nearly inseparable, but Evie was just so easy to be around. She literally brightened up the day of anyone she spoke to. That much was true-- Twili even said so, one time. Her warmth was contagious and her laughter was enough to soothe weary souls. But for her to be his girlfriend? He didn't stand a damn chance.