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Stonehearth, Biastea -- the Endless Pursuit
So, this is how it was.
The Antimatter Legion foot soldier's sword had entered through right underneath his right breast and sliced straight through flesh and muscle. Zhao Ming spluttered in agony, the sheer pain that razed his body so intense that he couldn't even muster a scream. The blade streaked violently upwards, streaking through sinew and tendon and lopping off the entirety of his right arm. The severed limp landed with a sickening thump a few feet away to his right. His mouth hung open as he took a step backwards, his body already losing its warmth at the expulsion of his blood. His bow clattering to the floor as his quivering left hand reached up to try and stem the flow. Crimson gushed between his fingers, burning hot against his cold and pale skin as it poured down his side and splattered upon the stone at his feet.
It was just like back then on the Xuling. He was useless now just as he was back then. His breath came out in wild gasps as he fought the shadows that crept in the corners of his vision. The ivory soldiers and the Legion crept closer and closer. Though his body was wracked in shudders, he took another step back. His right heel hung off the edge of the cliff.
So cold. He was so, so cold. Zhao's vision blurred as the soldiers raised their rifles and aimed down their sights. Another rain of gunfire fell upon him, and Zhao anticipated the rest of his body to be torn apart by the bullets. But they cracked against a veil that fell over his form and clinked harmlessly to the ground. Someone had helped him, an Aeon or spirit, maybe. But it was no use; the fury of the gunfire never ceased and cracks began to form over the aura that had shielded him.
Lark was safe. She had finally gotten off this damn planet. Zhao couldn't save his people-- not now, not ever --but he had saved her, and that was all that mattered. It was time for him to rest at last.
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