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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier looked over at Aaron, seeing that shrug. Something was going on in his husband's mind, they just knew each other that well. He would be there when Aaron was ready to talk about it. He looked back at their kids who were going back on forth on height. "I am too. I'm so proud of them both, and especially Logan. It was rough seeing him that first night after he found out." Xavier admitted. "So am I my dear. We've got all four houses in the family now." He chuckled. Rose had looked at her brother about to retort when she heard Aaron tell them they were both the same height and that was it.
“Right you are love, exactly! All four houses under one roof!” Aaron replied, “And I couldn’t be happier,” he said with a proud grin as he looked down upon his two children. “It’s just unfortunate I get the burden of being from the best house of them all,” said Aaron with a playful little grin. “Oi no you don’t papa! Slytherin’s the best! Everyone knows it!” Logan said. Aaron was happy to see his son embracing being a Slytherin rather than being ashamed. Logan secretly had to admit that perhaps he did agree with his papa that Gryffindor was the best house. That was the house that had Kaleb Price in it, after all.
Xavier looked at Aaron with a smile. "I guess I have a new blanket to make now that we know their houses." He said with a chuckle. Xavier didn't need an excuse to make a blanket, but this one would be interesting to make. "Hey! Don't discredit Hufflepuff." Xavier said, playfully nudging Aaron's shoulder before he heard Logan. He was glad to see that Logan was accepting his house, and no longer upset at being in it. Rose rolled her eyes at the three boys. "You don't know the best house, that would be Ravenclaw" She said with a grin, especially since Ravenclaw had Allison Davis in it.
“Good, I’ll be extra warm in the winter with all of those blankets you’ve made,” chuckled Aaron. He was certainly glad that both of his kids were happy with and proud of the houses they were in, but of course he could never resist a little playful banter. “Your dad knows I could go on and on about stories of kicking all of your houses’ arses in Quidditch for Gryffindor,” he told them all with a smirk. “Nobody cares about ancient times papa, the present is what matters now!” said Logan. “Hey I’m not that old!” Aaron replied. This year it was Hufflepuff that won the Quidditch Cup, beating out Ravenclaw. But Logan suspected if his sister made the team next year, that Ravenclaw would win it all.
Xavier smiled. "That's my goal, smother you all in blankets" He said with a chuckle. His attention was drawn to Aaron telling the kids about his own Quidditch days in school. He remembered every match he watched Aaron play in. Then he heard Logan's comment. Xavier laughed loudly at that, he couldn't help it. "Oh man, I'm married to an old man?" Xavier couldn't help but tease his husband. Rose giggled listening to them. "That was a long time ago papa." She chimed in, siding with Logan of course.
“Well perhaps during the car ride back home, this old man can tell the tales of ancient times back in the 90’s when I was going to Hogwarts and crushing all of your houses in Quidditch,” snickered Aaron. “No thanks pops,” replied Logan with a grin. “The 90’s are ancient times!” Logan giggled. “Bloody hell, we’re that old, eh?” Aaron asked, looking at Xavier. “Alright kiddos, come on now, let’s get home,” he said with a smile. He couldn’t wait to relax back at home with all four of them in the house.
"I think they'd rather listen to anything else dear." Xavier told Aaron with a laugh. He heard Logan say that the 90's were ancient times and it was strange now that he thought about it. "We aren't that old. We're only 35." Xavier said with a grin. "Now, when we're 40, I might say we're old." He added before nodding. "Yes, let's head home. I'm starving and yes Rose, I know my food isn't as good as the food at Hogwarts" Xavier said, looking his daughter who blushed and looked away as they headed home.
The family enjoyed a nice dinner that night- something they hadn’t been able to do since August of last year. The summer of 2016 rolled on and Aaron enjoyed having both Xavier and the kids back home. But, something was weighing very heavily on his mind- a big decision he had to make. That decision was a difficult one- the decision to stick with the team he had original signed with and played many years with, the Montrose Magpies, or, to seek a contract elsewhere and play for another team. Aaron had just competed the last year of his contract with the Montrose Magpies and was now was facing free agency. He could either re-sign with the Magpies, the team he played for many years with. Or, he could sign with one of the many teams that were offering him a big contact with large amounts of money. Aaron was a hot commodity- he was still a very good player and wasn’t old enough where he was declining. But, it was becoming clear that the Montrose Magpies weren’t built to compete for a championship anymore. They’d come close many times in the past, but Aaron had never won anything of note with them during his time on the team. So, Aaron wanted to play somewhere else, but, this was a big decision. It was one he would have to talk to his husband about first. He had a few offers from some teams and was serious considering them all. The date was July 11th, 2016, and the family were all outside enjoying the nice summer weather. Logan and Rose were playing football on the grass as Xavier and Aaron sat in the backyard with them, watching the two twelve year olds. “Hey Xaie?” Aaron said, “Can we uhh, talk about something?” he asked his husband.
Xavier had enjoyed dinner that night with his family. It was nice to be able to spend time with his kids outside of school. It had been weird teaching them, but he was glad to see that they were diligent students. Xavier was enjoying spending summer with his family. Today Xavier was sitting in the backyard with Aaron, watching Logan and Rose play football on the grass. It was a warm day for July 11th 2016 and he was enjoying the sun. Xavier heard Aaron and looked over at his husband curiously. "Of course love, what's up?" He asked Aaron, a smile on his face.
“Well umm… you know how I was probably gonna re-sign to play with Montrose, right?” Aaron asked softly. “Erm, well, I- I uhh, I’m not sure I want to do that anymore…” he said, clearly nervous and uncomfortable. “I wanted to talk to you about something….”
Xavier shifted himself so he was facing Aaron completely. "I know you were going to, but if you weren't planning on re-signing with them.. Are you thinking of retiring?" Xavier asked when he heard Aaron finish talking. He could see how nervous and uncomfortable Aaron was and he reached a hand out to take his. "You can talk to me about anything love, you know that." He added softly.
“No love, I didn’t want to retire, not at all,” he told him quietly. “I was thinking of err, moving on from Montrose…” said Aaron. “I’m just conflicted. Montrose has been my team and my home away from home for years. But I just don’t think it’s working out there anymore,” he revealed. “I want to win a championship and I’m not sure I can do it there,” he went on. “Several teams have made me offers,” said Aaron as he looked at Xavier, then glancing at his children playing football with each other.
He was glad to hear that Aaron didn't want to retire. He couldn't picture his husband not playing while he was in his prime. "I can see how that would be conflicting. They've been your team since before the twins were born. But if you think it's not working there, perhaps it is time to find a new team." Xavier said. "Whatever you wish to do, I'll support you." He told his husband. "I'm sure they'll understand the transfer." Xavier added, hoping he was helping his husband out with this.
Aaron nodded, Xavier was right- he had been with the Montrose Magpies for a long time. He’d made connections with management and even longtime players, many of whom were at his wedding many years ago. But, things didn’t seem to be going well for Aaron and he wanted to use the last remaining years of his prime time to go out to a competitive team and win a championship. A small smile came to Aaron’s face as he heard how supportive his husband was. He knew he could always rely on Xavier. “Thank you love, really. You understand the situation and you understand me. And your support is all I need,” he said, taking his husband’s hand and squeezing it lovingly. “I just wanted to talk to you before I made any big moves,” he said. “Some teams looking to sign me are the Appleby Arrows, Chudley Cannons, Caerphilly Catapults, and Puddlemere United,” he told him. “Chudley Cannons and Puddlemere United are real good, should be making good runs next year,” said Aaron.
Xavier smiled at Aaron. "You're welcome dear. I'll always understand and support you." He said, looking at Aaron with love in his eyes as he felt the squeeze to his hand. "I appreciate you talking to me about this. It sounds like those two teams are the ones to choose between." He said. Xavier didn't know these two teams but whichever Aaron chose, he'd support him. "When do you have to choose and sign?" He asked.
“Eh, I’ve got about a month or so to decide,” he told Xavier. “I was leaning more towards Puddlemere United. I think they’ve got the best shot at winning the championship this coming year. Got some really good players and such,” said Aaron. “I wouldn’t be playing in Montrose, Scotland anymore, but it would be a nice change of scenery,” he said.
Xavier nodded. "If you have a good feeling about Puddlemere, maybe that's the team you should go for?" He suggested. He couldn't make the choice for Aaron. "A change of scenery could be a good thing too" He added.
“I do think I’ve got a good feeling about Puddlemere,” he said with a nod. “Like a feeling deep down in my gut, ya know?” Aaron asked, “Like it’s the right thing to do…” he said, returning his gaze to his happily playing children. He wondered how Rose and Logan would react to the news that their papa would be playing for an entirely new and different Quidditch team.
He looked over at Aaron. "Then why wait? I understand that feeling. It was the one that led me to you after all." Xavier said with a warm chuckle. He followed his husband's gaze over to their children. "Did you want to sign first and then tell them?" He asked, glancing over at Aaron before returning to look at the kids.
Aaron gave Xavier a soft little smile and nodded. “I suppose you can’t deny your gut,” he said. “I think I’m gonna sign it. I think I’m gonna sign with Puddlemere United,” he said with a confident nod. “Get ready to see your husband in blue and yellow!” Aaron said with a chuckle. “I think I’ll sign it today and let them know, maybe even let Montrose know out of courtesy that I won’t be re-signing with them,” he said, “Then I’ll tell the kiddos.”
Xavier smiled back at Aaron. "Definitely not" He agreed, before nodding. "I can't wait to see you in blue and yellow dear, I'm so proud of you by the way." He said with warm smile. "It would probably be a good idea to let them know so they can find someone else." He added, before nodding. "Okay, you sign for them, then we'll call the kids over." Xavier said.
“Thank you sweetheart,” said Aaron with a fond smile, his heart swelling with joy hearing his husband say how proud he was of him. He then got up to go inside and officially inform the Montrose Magpies that he would not be playing for them come next season and, to officially sign the papers to play for Puddlemere United, one of the more dominant emerging teams in the British Irish Quidditch League. Aaron took care of that as Xavier stayed outside and Logan and Rose finished their little football game. A few hours had passed and Aaron was ready to tell the kids he’d be playing for a different team come this next year.
Xavier had nodded, smiling at Aaron before he headed inside. Xavier relaxed watching the kids, and after a few hours, their game was finished. He called the kids over to him so that Aaron could tell them that he was playing for a different team this season instead of the Magpies like normal. Rose made her way over to Xavier, curious as to what was happening.
Logan came into the room as Aaron sat down and motioned for the kids to listen. Logan raised a curious eyebrow at his papa, wondering what he and his sister had been called in here for. “Okay kiddos, papa has a very special announcement to make,” began Aaron. “I think you two are both aware that papa plays for the Montrose Magpies, right?” he asked them. Logan nodded yes. “Well, I’ve done some thinking and I’ve ultimately decided to sign elsewhere, with a team called Puddlemere United, to hopefully win a championship,” he told them with a smile. “Now, don’t fret, this doesn’t mean anything. We aren’t moving and we’re staying put here, but I just wanted to let you both know that papa is going to be playing for a different team, not in Montrose, Scotland anymore,” he said. Logan nodded as he processed the information. He was just glad that he’d get to stay at this home and their family was staying together. “Well congrats papa!” Logan said with a smile. “What colors do they wear? No more black and white?” Logan asked. Aaron chuckled, “They wear blue and yellow, son,” he informed them, “Get used to papa in a new uniform!”
Rose looked at Aaron with wide eyes. He was changing his team? She didn't even know that was possible. "Congrats papa." She told him with a smile. She listened as Logan asked what colors they wore. "I hope you get a championship this year papa!" Rose told him happily. She was glad that they wouldn't be moving and their family would still be together here.

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