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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Rose nodded. "Me too, It's going to be a long summer." Then Rose blushed hearing Allison say she was going to miss her. "I'm going to miss you too" Rose said shyly. "And the food too. My dad's got a high bar now for food quality" She laughed. Rose grabbed her trunk and opened the door, ready to lead the way to the castle front.

Kaleb smiled as he watched Logan drag his trunk over to him. "Logan! I was looking for you too. Mate these trunks are so heavy too" Kaleb complained. He looked his best friend and sighed, he was going to miss the boy. His personality, adorable looks and really nice brown hair. Kaleb was going to miss Logan a lot he realized.
Allison chuckled at her friend’s comment. Although her stomach would miss the Hogwarts food it certainly would be full at home. What might be empty though was her heart. She was going to miss Rose deeply. But at least she had a whole multiple hour long train ride to spend her last few moments with before they parted for the summer. Allison followed Rose out of the Ravenclaw Tower and to the front of the castle where the students were gathering to get to the Hogwarts Express which was waiting for them at the station.

“Crazy how fast this year went, eh?” Logan asked his best friend with a grin. “We’re done with our first year! Learned a ton of magic and stuff! Can’t believe it’s over,” he said. “Try not to miss me too much when I’m gone, okay?” Logan asked, snickering as he booped Kaleb right on the nose. The truth was, Logan was probably going to be a wreck without Kaleb he was going to miss him so much. He just wished he could hug the boy for hours, running his hand through that blonde hair of his, but that of course would be weird and out of place for him to do.
Rose smiled at her friend while they walked. It was quiet heading through the castle. She saw the students gathered at the front of the castle and sighed. She knew it was going to be hard to leave Allison but she also knew that she had the train ride to spend time with her. "I miss my dads but I'm going to miss being here with you more" Rose said softly, while they waited for the carriages.

Kaleb nodded. "I know! I can't believe we're already done with our first year" Kaleb said with a laugh. "I'll try not to miss you too much if you try not to miss me" He said with a laugh. He blushed at the boop on his nose and looked away, cheeks red. He wanted to hug Logan, and never stop. That was an odd thought and his stomach felt like it had butterflies in it.
“Me too. I miss my parents but I’ve really enjoyed our time together. I already can’t wait for the summer to end so I can see you again and it’s barely even started!” Allison told her. The carriages soon arrived and Allison smiled as she went to an empty one and waited for Rose to follow her.

Logan grinned and giggled as he noticed the little touch to the tip of Kaleb’s nose he gave him seemed to make the boy blush. Kaleb was cute in general but even more so when he blushed, in Logan’s mind. Of course he couldn’t admit that, and he even wondered why he was thinking such a thing. Eventually the carriages did arrive. “C’mon Kaleb, we’ve got to spend every little hour we’ve got left,” he said, wanting the Gryffindor boy to ride in the same carriage as him to the train.
"Same here. I hope summer flies by so I can see you again" She said with a smile, following Allison to an empty carriage. She hauled her trunk up into the carriage before sitting down on one side.

Kaleb smiled at Logan nodding. "I agree." He said with a smile, following Logan to an empty carriage, hauling his trunk up and climbed in, waiting for Logan to join him.
Allison and Rose hopped into a carriage, and Logan with Kaleb did too. The carriages began to take all of the students to the Hogwarts Express which was waiting on the train tracks for them. Logan practically grabbed Kaleb and pulled him off the carriage with one hand, his other hand dragging his trunk towards the stationary locomotive. Allison was a bit more polite and waited for her friend to get off of the carriage before making her way to the train with Rose.
Kaleb laughed as Logan basically pulled him off the carriage. Kaleb had enough time to grab his trunk and drag it with them. Kaleb found an empty compartment as they entered the train. "Logan, this one's empty" He said, stepping into the compartment. Rose led the way onto the train, finding an empty compartment as well, she loved her brother but she wanted to spend the last few hours with her best friend.
As they entered the train, Logan smiled as Kaleb found an empty compartment. He followed the Gryffindor boy in and set his luggage down under the seat and sat down. He knew he’d get to see Rose later so as much as he adored his sister, he’d spend these last few hours with Kaleb. Allison followed Rose into an empty compartment and put her trunk under the seat and sat down, patting her robes.
Kaleb sat down on the seat across from Logan with a smile on his face. "Do you have any plans this summer mate?" He asked Logan curiously. Rose sat down across from Allison. "I hope summer goes by fast, any plans this summer?" She asked with a smile.
Logan shook his head, “No, I don’t think so,” he said. “Rose’s probably going to force me to help her train for Quidditch so perhaps I’ll be a punching bag or something,” he said with a chuckle, only half joking. “And you? Does Mr. Kaleb Price have anything fun planned?” he asked him.

Allison shook her head no. “I think I’m just going to spend the summer with family. Perhaps we go on holiday but I’m not sure we have the funds to do so,” she replied with a shrug. “How about you?” she asked.
Kaleb couldn't help but laugh at that. "Logan, his sisters punching bag" He said before shaking his head. "Probably nothing honestly" He admitted. He really didn't do much during the summer.

Rose nodded. "I'll probably practice for the Quidditch season. Maybe my papa will help me practice." She said. "That sounds like fun though" Rose told her friend.
“Oi, I’ll fight back if it comes to it!” Logan said, “I won’t make it easy on her!” he insisted, grinning playfully. Logan faked throwing a few jabs and dodges, laughing. He then stopped and nodded as Kaleb told him that his summer would probably be uneventful. “Maybe you can spend your off time thinking about me and how awesome your Slytherin best mate is,” he said with a smirk. Logan sure knew he was going to spend lots of time thinking about Kaleb, but he wouldn’t admit that now.

“Practicing for Quidditch sounds fun. I bet your papa will be more than willing to help,” replied Allison with a smile. “Maybe you can even use that twin brother of yours as a dummy of sorts, perhaps an opposing player or whatnot,” she giggled.
Kaleb laughed watching Logan fake punches and dodges. "I can only picture how that will go down. Your sister seems like she could hold her own against you" Kaleb said, rolling his eyes. "What else would I have to think about? Maybe thinking about how fast summer should go by so I can see my best friend again" He told Logan. Kaleb would definitely be thinking about Logan most of the time, especially having no one else in the house but his dad.

Rose nodded. "Most likely especially since he got me my new broomstick" She said with a laugh. "Oh of course I'm going to use him as a some kind of dummy, I mean it fits him." She giggled. She loved her brother, but she also loved to pick on him.
“What? Are you saying I couldn’t beat a girl in a fight? Let alone my own bloody sister?!” Logan asked with wide brown eyes of disbelief. “I’d have her crying uncle in a heartbeat!” Logan claimed, smirking boastfully. “Maybe I’ll challenge her and let you know how the fight goes,” said Logan. He could never really bring himself to actually hurt his sister. Sure they fought sometimes, and physically at times, but nothing too bad. Just a few cuts, bruises, and when they were younger, bite marks if it got bad enough. “Guess we’ll both have a long summer to think about each other…” he added softly.

Allison couldn’t help but laugh at Rose’s little jab at her twin brother Logan. If there was one thing a girl found amusing or fun, it was picking on a boy, even if it was all just in good taste. It was ironic though to call Logan the dummy considering that if you looked at it, he had the best grades of them all. Allison kept that in the back of her mind- she knew Logan, although he didn’t seem it, was very smart. “It certainly would, wouldn’t it?” she joked back. “I can’t wait for you to be on the team next year,” she added.
Kaleb saw Logan's brown eyes held disbelief at Kaleb's words. "I have to doubt in my mind that you'd win. I was just saying that it would definitely be a good fight" He said with a chuckle. He wished he had a sister to pick on sometimes. Kaleb blushed at the last sentence. "I guess so..." He said just as softly with a shy smile on his face.

Rose knew her brother was smart, but she loved picking on him, and even though they fought sometimes, she didn't believe the words she used on him. "I can't wait to be on the team myself. It'll be a lot of fun" Rose said with a laugh. "Maybe I'll make him set up the little hoops I have when I practice" Rose said with a smile.
“Oh she’d fold like a lawn chair,” he bragged with a dismissive yet cocky grin. Of course, Logan knew if anything, it would be a good fight and even one that he would probably lose. He was more sharp in the brain like his dad, not the brawn like his papa. “Well, I’ll be counting down the days till I can see ya next!” Logan said with a smile.

“I have no doubt you’ll make it easily,” said Allison with the utmost confidence in her best friend. It wasn’t a cake walk to make the Quidditch team, but Allison had lots of faith. Plus, with her professional Quidditch playing papa, she’d be unstoppable!
Kaleb shook his head with a chuckle listening to Logan. "Yeah? I could see that, no one can stand against you" Kaleb said, feeling the train start to move. "I will too! September 1st can't get here fast enough" He said, soft smile on his face.

"You really think so?" Rose asked Allison, hope in her eyes. She was so happy to have such a great best friend. One that was confident that Rose could make it onto the team.
“Agreed!” Logan replied. Although he was happy for the summer to return so he could return to his dads and back home, now he had Kaleb he’d be missing. So, there was even more excitement to go back to Hogwarts for the next semester. He was twelve years old now, having just celebrated his birthday a few years ago. Perhaps his fathers would throw him and his sister a little party to make up for the first birthday they couldn’t all celebrate together with as a family. Soon, all of the students boarded the train, and the Hogwarts Express was off on it’s journey.

Allison grinned and gave a single head nod over to Rose. “No, I know so!” she said with a little wink. “They’d be foolish not to take you! I saw how well you did in flying lessons this year!” she told her. “Took me a good few weeks to comfortably get my bloody broom off the ground!” she chuckled, recalling her struggles in that class.
Kaleb sighed, thinking that this summer would go by so slow because all he wanted was for it to go by. He felt the train moving and looked out the window. Kaleb knew that it would be boring at home with just him and his dad.

Rose smiled over at Allison, blushing at the wink. "Yeah? I never thought I did that well." She said quietly. "I did see that, I'm just glad you managed to get it off the ground." Rose told her with a laugh. She felt the train moving and sighed softly, she couldn't want to see her papa and thank him for the broomstick, but she also knew she'd miss Allison a lot.
A little moment of silence befell the two boys and Logan found himself looking out the window at the rolling British countryside zooming by then. He began to kick his feet a little and smiled as he hummed a soft tune to himself, some joy clearly in his tone. He was just happy to be with Kaleb for as long as he had left.

Allison laughed, “After many weeks yea. No matter what they told me I just couldn’t do it,” she recalled. “Safe to say though I much prefer the ground, so I don’t mind cheering you on from down below.”
Kaleb looked out the window before looking at Logan, listening to him hum. He could listen to his friend hum all day. It was a soothing sound and Kaleb really didn't have much to say, he was just enjoying the peacefulness in the compartment.

Rose laughed, listening to Allison. What she didn't know was this was a mirror to Aaron and Xavier's relationship. Rose was like Aaron, the Quidditch player at home in the air and Allison was like Xavier who much preferred the ground to the air. "I can't wait to have you cheering me on in the stands though" Rose told her with a smile.
Logan continued to hum softly to himself for a few more minutes. He wasn’t really aware he was doing it nor did he know if Kaleb was listening or not. He eventually stopped, letting out a yawn. He felt tired yet didn’t want to sleep, not wanting to miss out on any time with Kaleb. “And I’ll gladly do it!” Allison said with a grin. She’d cheer as loud as she could for Rose when her friend made the Ravenclaw Quidditch team.
Kaleb sighed, he too let out a yawn but refused to fall asleep. He was too happy spending time with Logan to want to take a nap. Rose smiled at her best friend. "Well now I want next year to come even sooner." Rose told her with a happy smile. She couldn't imagine anything better than playing for her house's Quidditch team and having Allison cheering her on.
Logan turned his head and found himself looking across at Kaleb. He offered the boy a little smile as he began to analyze all the little features of the Gryffindor’s youthful face. The pretty eyes, the silky soft looking blonde hair he wished he could run his hands through. Allison nodded, “Couldn’t agree more!” she said. The girl wanted nothing more than to be able to see Rose everyday again. Rooming with her and having all of her classes with her was the best.
Kaleb smiled at Logan, watching the boy before him. Those beautiful brown eyes, that nice looking brown hair that he wanted to touch, and his personality was pretty great too. Rose smiled at Allison with a nod, looking at her best friend. She didn't know how lucky she was that her best friend was also going to be her roommate. She felt the train slowing down. Already? It seemed like minutes had passed not two hours. "We're here already.." Rose said quietly, a little upset.

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