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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Logan spent the rest of the train ride in relative silence, just enjoying Kaleb’s presence near him. They chatted a few times but mostly soaked in their last few moments together before the summer started. Eventually, they arrived. “We’re here,” said Logan softly as the pulled into the station, a neutral expression on his face. Allison frowned as they had arrived at King’s Cross Station. This meant that her time with Rose was unfortunately going to have to come to an end, and that she wouldn’t see her until September. She nodded and began to grab her luggage.
Kaleb couldn't believe that they were already at King's Cross. It was sad and Kaleb didn't want to leave the train. "Yep. I guess so." Kaleb sat, standing up. "Logan.. I just want to say that I'm glad that I met you this year, I'm really glad you're my best friend." Kaleb said quietly. Rose grabbed her trunk before she looked at Allison. "I'm really happy I met you Allison, this year has been really fun having you as my best friend." Rose told the blonde haired girl.
Logan stood up and looked at Kaleb, hearing the words he had for him and swallowing thickly. His stomach churned and his heart fluttered at the sweet statement his best friend had said to him. A sheepish smile was forced out of Logan’s face. “I feel the same way, mate,” he replied softly. Before he got his own trunk, he took a step forward and without thinking, wrapped Kaleb into a tight hug, pulling the blonde haired Gryffindor boy close to his body. Allison smiled shyly and nodded at Rose. “I’m happy to have met you too- you’re the best friend I’ve ever had,” she said. “I can’t wait to see you next year,” she told her. With that, the blonde haired girl grabbed her luggage trunk from underneath the seat.
Kaleb had been thinking if it was appropriate to hug his best friend, when he heard Logan mention that he felt the same as Kaleb. He blushed when Logan wrapped him up in a hug. It was comforting even if it was tight. Kaleb wrapped his arms around the boy, hugging him back. Rose smiled at Allison, grabbing her own trunk and nodded. "I can't wait to see you next year too" She told Allison. Rose turned to the compartment door ready to head out into the hallway and onto the platform.
Logan didn’t ever want to let go of that hug if he was being truthful. But he did know that at some point he’d need to let Kaleb go so that he could go off to his dad, and Logan could reunite with his own fathers. Allison smiled at Rose and before she left, grabbed her hand and gave it a little squeeze. “I’ll see you next year,” she said before going off to find her parents. As for Logan and Rose, Aaron was somewhere on the platform waiting for them.
Kaleb let go of the hug finally taking a step back. "I'll see you next year mate" He said with a smile. Kaleb turned and headed off the train, trunk in hand to find his dad. Rose smiled at Allison when she took her hand and squeezed it. "Okay" She said watching her friend head off. Rose grabbed her trunk and headed out herself, stepping onto the platform and looking around for her papa. A second later, she felt a hand on her shoulder and looked to see Xavier beside her with a smile. He too was looking for Aaron as well.
Logan frowned as they let go of their hug and looked back at Kaleb with his chocolate brown eyes. “Y- yea, I’ll cya soon, mate,” he replied softly. With that, Logan watched his best friend leave and go off to find his dad. Logan stood there until he couldn’t see Kaleb anymore as the blonde head of hair disappeared into the crowd. He then sighed and took his trunk and went onto the platform, looking for his papa, or even Rose or his dad. Logan knew Rose had gone to sit with her friend Allison, who had now parted ways with her to find her own family.
Rose walked a little bit away from the train, looking around before she saw Logan getting off the train. Xavier had walked with Rose, but his eyes were looking for his husband as well. "Logan!" Rose called, seeing him and waving him over to the two of them.
As Logan was looking through the platform, he suddenly heard the very familiar voice of his twin sister. He turned around to see Rose standing with their dad. A big smile came across Logan’s face as he ran over to them with his trunk dragging behind him in hand. “Rosie! Dad!” he said, reuniting with his family. Although he had seen them all year, especially Rose, it was nice to see them finally in what would not be a school setting. All that was left was to find Aaron.
Rose smiled seeing Logan running over to them. "Hey bro!" she said with a laugh. Xavier chuckled seeing his son running towards them. He glanced around before deciding to give his son a hug when he made it to them, and a moment later he hugged Rose as well. "Now we just need to find your papa" Xavier said, straightening and looking around.
Logan smiled as his sister greeted him and his dad gave him a hug. Oh how he missed this. “Hiya sis! Hi dad!” Logan said as he looked at them with a grin. He nodded as Xavier said that they should go look for Aaron. “You married papa! Shouldn’t you be able to find him with like husband-senses?” Logan asked, joking around a little.
Xavier looked at Logan with a chuckle. “If I had could find him like that, he’d never be able to hide. Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that.” He said, glancing around the platform. “Hmm. Maybe he fell asleep and forgot about us” He said playfully which made Rose laugh. That would be just like their papa.
Logan couldn’t help but giggle at the comment about Aaron possibly falling asleep and having forgotten. “Yea! Papa’s probably still at home knocked out on the couch!” he said. But, he did know this wasn’t actually true- their papa loved them too much- he’d never miss this. Sure enough, in the crowd, Logan spotted the tall handsome man with light brown hair and hazel eyes. It was Aaron. “Papa!” shouted Logan with joy as he smiled and pointed over at him.
Xavier laughed listening to his son. He knew Aaron too well and knew that he’d be here. Xavier’s eyes moved to see where Logan was pointing. “Well, let’s not leave him standing there on his own.” Xaie led the way towards his husband, Rose right beside him. “Papa!” She called, running towards him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug.
Logan nodded and grinned excitedly as he ran over to where Aaron was standing. “Papa!” he said again as he got closer. Suddenly, Aaron turned around, hearing the lovely and familiar sound of his children’s voices. The biggest smile came across the man’s face as he bent down so the kids could come hug him. And hug him they did, at least Logan first. Logan practically tackled and knocked down his papa with a big tight hug as he nestled his head lovingly into Aaron’s body. He hadn’t seen him in a whole year practically.
Rose was right behind her brother racing over and hugging Aaron just as tightly. She missed him so much. Xavier had a warm smile watching them.
“Oi! Kiddos! I missed you both so much!” Aaron said with a big grin as he hugged both of his children close. Logan didn’t ever want to let go. He was like his papa, he loved good long hugs. “My, have you two grown? You guys look a bit taller! Twelve seems to have given you both a few more inches,” chuckled Aaron. He’d enjoy his greetings to his kids before he went to go say hello to Xavier.
Rose giggled as she held onto her papa. “I think I’m taller than Logan now!” She said, teasing her brother lightly. Rose looked at her papa before she leaned up. “Thank you for my new broomstick and don’t worry I didn’t tell dad.” She whispered to Aaron and then she stepped back with a smile. Rose wasn’t one for super long hugs so she was the first to break away from the hug.
“You are not!” Logan replied back, looking at his twin sister and rolling his eyes. They were the exactly same height, but they both liked to think one was taller than the other. Aaron grinned and winked at Rose as she thanked him for the broomstick. He nodded, “My pleasure. My little girl deserves it, especially if she going to play Quidditch next year,” he whispered to her. Logan knew of her special gift from their papa and had sworn to secrecy- he wouldn’t tell their dad because he knew how much it meant to Rose. Aaron noticed Rose was the first to break from the hug while Logan still stayed onto him. “Ok little buddy, why don’t you let your papa say hello to dad, who he missed very much,” suggested Aaron with a grin. Logan looked up and nodded, letting go of his papa so that he could stand up and go over to greet Xavier, his beloved husband.
Xavier smiled at Aaron as he walked over to his husband. He had missed him just like every year. “Hello love.” Xavier said, opening his arms for a hug he’d been waiting for ever since he’d left last September. He missed Aaron during the school year, and the goodbyes were bitter sweet. The reunions always made up for it and just reaffirmed their love for each other.
“Oh my dearest and most handsome of husbands, how I’ve missed thee!” Aaron said, laughing at his attempts to be poetic as he approached Xavier and fell into his arms, wrapping his one ones around the man he married and embracing lovingly. “How was the semester, good?” he asked. “You look very handsome,” said Aaron. “Kept an eye on the kiddos? Did they behave? Good grades I hope?” he asked.
Xavier rolled his eyes lovingly at his husband. “You’re ridiculous.” He whispered softly as he hugged Aaron. “The semester was great. And thank you, you look handsome yourself dear.” Xavier said with a soft smile. “Yes I watched over them, and they behaved. Rose needed a little help but she’s learning and Logan is very smart and has great grades.” Xavier told his husband. “How was the Quidditch season?” He asked Aaron curiously.
“Oh not as handsome as you, so enough outta you, love,” chuckled Aaron as he playfully pushed Xavier away gently as they broke from their hug. He had missed his husband and his children so dearly over the Quidditch season and school semester. Aaron shrugged as Xavier asked him about the Quidditch season. “It was alright. Failed to win that allusive championship again but there’s always next year,” he said tiredly, after having said this for his whole career now. “I’m very proud of both of them, and glad to hear that,” he said with a smile, glad that both kids, particularly (and a bit surprisingly, like his dad) Logan, were doing so well. Logan grinned proudly at this. He then looked over at Rose. “By the way, I’m like two inches taller than you,” he said, harping on what his sister had said before.
Xavier chuckled himself as he felt Aaron playfully push him away. "I'm not wrong dear." He said with a laugh. He missed his husband so much and he knew that Aaron missed him and their kids. "Oh well, perhaps next year love." He said softly. "I am pretty proud of them too. Especially after the rough first two days" Xavier said looking at Logan for a moment with a proud smile before looking back at Aaron. Rose looked at Logan, crossing her arms. "No you are not! I am" She said with a small huff.
Aaron shrugged at Xavier’s comment. At this point he wasn’t sure if he’d ever win the British and Irish Quidditch League Championship. It seemed running it back with the Montreal Magpies every year wasn’t doing it. Perhaps he’d request a trade to a different team- but that was a huge deal. He’d certainly have to discuss the potential of playing for a while other team in a different city with his husband. For now, he’d keep the idea on the back burner, but he did want to chase a championship and win it for once. The Montrose team was getting older and Aaron was entering his prime. He needed a new team it seemed.

“I’m glad it all ended up working out and going so well,” said Aaron with a fond smile as he looked first at Logan, who he remembered being worked up about being sorted into Slytherin, and then Rose. He was so proud of the both of them. “I’m so happy to have such a young bright Slytherin and Ravenclaw in the house,” he said to Xavier. He couldn’t help but chuckle at Rose and Logan’s back and forth banter. “Nu uh! I am!” Logan insisted. “Ok ok you two,” said Aaron, “You’re both the same height and always have been. End of story.”

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