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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

“Watching it is quite fun,” he said with a smile as he waited to digest a little bit before he moved onto the next one. Logan was sure to heed the warning from his childhood from his fathers not to eat too fast, especially not candy. He nodded at Kaleb. “Yea, she’s big into it, just like my papa,” he told him. “Next year, she wants to play for Ravenclaw, not sure what position though. And one day, I think she wants to play pro, just like our papa.”
"I definitely agree" Kaleb said, letting the chocolate he'd just eaten digest. He looked over at Logan when he spoke again. "Oh really? I gathered that she wanted to play next year. I didn't know your papa was a professional Quidditch player" Kaleb said, a little bit of fascination in his voice. "What team?" He asked, mostly out of curiosity, he didn't know any teams though, so he wouldn't know the team, but he could always look them up.
“Oh uhh yea,” said Logan with a nod, “My papa play profession Quidditch,” he said, realizing he must have never told Kaleb this fact before. It was a cool fact but Logan didn’t like to brag (at least when it came to things like this). “Guess I haven’t told you,” he shrugged, “Not that it’s ever come up,” he chuckled. Logan worked on opening another chocolate frog after some time had passed. “He plays for the Montrose Magpies. They play in Scotland,” he told Kaleb. “Why, you watch?” he asked, wondering if Kaleb was familiar with professional Quidditch at all.
Kaleb nodded, listening to Logan. "That's pretty cool." Kaleb said with a smile. "I haven't, but mostly because Dad never cared for quidditch. I think its fascinating" He said, looking at him. "I'll have to check them out" He added, curiosity in his voice.
Logan smiled upon hearing that Kaleb was interested in the fact that his papa played professionally. “Yea, it’s cool. Although I’d never play it, I love watching him play any chance I get,” he said. “He’s really good!” he went on, speaking highly of Aaron. How could he not though? Logan opened the next chocolate frog but unfortunately, it successfully escaped from his grasp and began to hop around on the floor. “Darn it!” he hissed. “Oi! Get over here you!” Logan said as he got ready to pounce on the moving candy, like a predator hunting for its prey.
Kaleb smiled, listening to Logan talk about his papa. It was fascinating to him how highly he spoke of him. "I'd love to see him play one day with you." Kaleb said softly. He laughed a moment later when the chocolate frog Logan was opening managed to escape. "Get him!" Kaleb said, watching his friend aiming to pounce on the frog.
“I’d love to take you one day,” said Logan with a smile. The idea of taking Kaleb to see his papa play in a professional Quidditch game on the big stage, hanging out in the stands with his best friend, sounded amazing. His heart fluttered with excitement just thinking of it. He then nodded and giggled as Kaleb urged him on to catch the runaway chocolate frog. “Hold on hold on, I have to get him in a good spot, maybe lure him or something,” said Logan, getting ready to pounce upon his prey. The reward for catching it would be the oh so good taste of delicious chocolate, so there was very much incentive to do so and not let the little thing get away to “live” another day. Logan bent down and was practically crawling as he slowly crept up on the frog, chasing the hopping enchanted chocolate candy intently with his brown eyes. It was like a game. Perhaps that would make it all the more satisfying when he finally did catch his food. It wasn’t too often that muggle food ran away from you- or at all. Logan briefly turned around and put a finger on his lips to signal Kaleb to be quiet.
Kaleb smiled at the fact that Logan would want to take him to one of his papa's games. He had no idea the level of excitement that the professional games had. If Kaleb thought the school stands were excited and crazy, it was nothing compared to a professional game. He looked at Logan and nodded, keeping quiet and watching him basically crawling after the frog.
Logan then turned around and suddenly, lurched forward and grabbed at the frog. "Gotchya!" he shouted as he held his hand up, showing that he had caught the chocolate frog, triumphant in victory. "Thought he could get away from me, eh?" he said with a laugh. "And now, for my reward," he said with a grin, chomping down on the magically enchanted candy that moments prior had tried to evade his capture. Logan chewed, enjoying the wonderful taste of the chocolate before swallowing the first bite. "Tastes even better when you have to work for it," he chuckled, smiling over at his friend. The brown haired boy then returned to his seat near the box in front of the fire.
Kaleb laughed the moment Logan grabbed the frog. He shook his head in amusement, watching him. "Clearly that frog had no idea he was messing with the best Slytherin around" Kaleb said with a smile. "Does it? I've never had to work for my food before" He added, as Logan came back to his seat. "I'll admit that was quite a show to watch, never seen someone hunt a chocolate frog before" Kaleb told him.
Logan felt his heart flutter and a red blush began to paint his cheeks as Kaleb told him that he was the best Slytherin around. The words were sweet and touching, and gave Logan the feeling of butterflies in his stomach- or perhaps that was the chocolate frogs. “Well, heh, thanks. And yea, typically this doesn’t happen, but when it does, I’m ready!” he replied.
Kaleb smiled at Logan. This was proving to be his favorite Christmas in a while. "You're welcome mate. I can see that you were ready to grab it." Kaleb said with a chuckle looking at his best friend.
Logan smiled sheepishly as he looked over at Kaleb. His words from before were very sweet and the brown eyed boy found himself replaying them over and over again in his head. “Err, w- would you like another one?” Logan asked, offering a new box of chocolate frogs to his Gryffindor friend. “A boy like you deserves a world full of these things,” he said, blushing.
And now it was Kaleb's turn to blush and looked away. He shyly took the box with a soft smile. "Er t- thanks." Kaleb was lost for words, he really didn't know what else he could say. That was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to him, and it made it even more special coming from Logan.
Logan sat there, practically frozen, looking back at the blonde haired Gryffindor with his brown eyes. Logan still had a light pink blush tinting his cheeks. He suddenly realized he was just sitting there and staring at Kaleb and shook his head, snapping out of it. “Umm, h- here,” he said, finally handing another box of a chocolate frog to Kaleb.
Kaleb noticed Logan looking at him, his own cheeks reddening. He finally pulled himself together and gratefully took the box. “Thanks..” Kaleb said softly, opening it and snagged the frog before it leapt away. Kaleb ate it before it could get out of his hands. He was really enjoying hanging with Logan.
“Of course,” said Logan with a shy smile, the blush still on his face as he nodded at Kaleb. He then took out one more box of chocolate frogs and unwrapped it. Once he opened it, he quickly caught the frog and put it into his mouth. “Perhaps I’ll limit myself- this will be my last one,” he said. “You want any more?” the Slytherin asked his Gryffindor friend.
Kaleb sent a small smile over at Logan. He was full himself and looked over as Logan ate another frog. “That’s probably a good idea. I’m done myself but thanks for sharing with me.” Kaleb told him happily. “I think this has been my favorite Christmas in a while.” He added.
Logan couldn’t help but grin at this. He decided to leave the box and scoot a little closer to Kaleb so that now, their shoulders were touching as they sat on the floor in front of the cozy and warming fireplace. It made him so happy to hear that his friend was enjoying Christmas despite what he hinted at earlier. “I’m glad, mate. And we’ll have more Christmases each year, and I’ll make ‘em even better than the last one if I can,” he said. Logan put the rest of the chocolate frog he was working on in his mouth, chewed it, and swallowed, feeling satisfied. “Only three shouldn’t make my belly hurt that much, right?” he asked with a little chuckle.
Kaleb blushed as Logan scooted closer, their shoulders were touching now. Kaleb liked the contact, it was comforting. “That sounds like a great plan. And I really appreciate this, and you.” He said softly. “No three shouldn’t make your belly hurt.” He added with a small laugh.
“Good, then the rest of Christmas this year should be pleasant,” replied Logan with a little grin. He was content to just sit here by the fire with his friend. This was the best Christmas present of all, if he had to be completely honest.
The rest of the school year went by rather quickly for Rose. She used her new broom every flying lesson, quickly getting used to how it moved. She only fell off a couple times in the beginning. She spent all her free time between studying and spending time with Allison. The months flew by and as it came closer to exams, Rose spent more time studying than she did anything else, but being roommates with her best friend was helpful. She could study in their room and spend time with her at the same time.

Rose wasn't as adept at magic as her brother even with her constant studying. She struggled in classes, especially Charms and Transfiguration and as much as she tried to avoid associating with her dad at school, she did ask for help with some charms. Each time it was nice, because it was just them so it was more relaxed and she could talk to him. Of course, she never told him about the broomstick Aaron had bought her. Even if she did want to show it to her dad so badly.

Eventually the end of May came and with it was final exams. Rose worked hard to study for them and eventually the two weeks of exams were over. Now it was June 19th 2016. The twin's birthday had happed a few days ago, and Rose was officially 12 years old. Today she was up early, packing her trunk up for the train ride home. She was excited to be headed home, but she'd miss Allison. Rose also couldn't wait to see her papa again, and be able to spend time with her dad outside of school. Rose had her trunk all packed and she'd wait for Allison so they could head to the carriages.

Kaleb had a wonderful Christmas, and spent as much time with Logan as he could over the next few months, though that time was cut a little by the studying for exams at the end of May. Now it was June 19th and Kaleb was packing his trunk and so was Alex. The pair of boys headed out of their dorm room, through the common room and out to where the carriages were waiting. Kaleb was waiting for Logan to board a carriage with, and bid Alex farewell for the summer with a small hug. He got along great with his roommate.
After Christmas, the school year only seemed to speed by. 2015 turned into 2016 and before Logan knew it, he was learning more and more magic, and excelling in his classes. He sure didn’t like to study but he’d muster up the will to do so, especially for his dad’s charms class. It was charms that Logan seemed to do the best in. He was at the top of his class, just like his dad was in his day. Charms came to Logan easily, and he was always there to help his best friend Kaleb in that class if the Gryffindor boy needed it. With each passing month, Logan felt himself get closer with and build more of a connection with Kaleb Price. The Slytherin boy loved every second of the day that he got to spend with him. Of course, Logan also made sure to always keep up his excellent relationship with his twin sister Rose, checking in on her often and hanging out with her quite a bit.

Final exams season rolled along in the late month of the tail end of spring and the early month of summer just before the twins’ twelfth birthday. Logan was hard at work studying, something he didn’t like to do (and in all honesty, didn’t seem to need to do much, as lots came naturally to him), and turning in his last assignments, spending many hours in the same library his dad and papa used to in order to grind out their papers. Their tests came faster than expected and finals weeks were a difficult time, but finally, they were all done. The twins’ had “celebrated” their twelfth birthday on the 13th of June (but didn’t get much time to do anything as they had their potions examination that day), and the two were officially twelve years old. The last day of school would be June 19th, 2016, and Logan found himself packing, stuffing his clothes into his trunk messily in the early afternoon hours. Although it probably would’ve made Xavier scream (and Aaron wouldn’t have batted an eye), Logan was packed, even if it wasn’t organized at all. He’d managed to get everything to fit in the trunk.

Logan said a brief goodbye to his roommate Gabriel, whose last name he learned was Banks. He’d re-built somewhat of relationship with Gabe ever since his outburst on the first day. Logan wouldn’t say he was exactly best buddies with Gabriel, but they seemed to be at least on good terms now and Logan could confidently call him a solid friend. Of course, he was nowhere near on the level that Logan valued Kaleb Price. Logan felt he shared something very special with the Gryffindor boy. After finishing his packing and saying goodbye to Gabriel, Logan was off to leave the Slytherin dormitories and common room and get to the front of the castle. Logan was leaving Hogwarts this year with excellent marks- top grades in all of his classes. He hoped his father and papa would be pleased. Logan’s work ethic was questionable, but he certainly got results. He seemed to have his papa’s attention span and drive (or lack there of academically) and his dad’s brain.

As for Allison Davis, she had very much enjoyed her first ever year at the magical Hogwarts school. She’d managed to do alright in her classes and on her final exams, but none of that mattered. Most of all, she was so happy to have met an amazing girl, her roommate, Rose Hoskins-Collins. Getting closer to Rose and developing a great friendship was Allison’s favorite part of it all. She didn’t want to leave Hogwarts because it meant leaving Rose for the summer, but she knew she had to. Plus, Allison did miss her muggle parents, who she had minimal contact with throughout the year due to just them not knowing how to reach Hogwarts (the owl post was a foreign concept to them). So, with her Ravenclaw roommate, she packed her bags and got ready to leave Hogwarts.
Rose had her trunk in hand, managing to get to the floor, and looked over at Allison with a smile on her face. "Ready to head out?" She asked her friend, dragging her trunk towards their dorm room door. She was excited to go home, but didn't want to leave her best friend. She'd miss Allison a lot over the summer.

Kaleb looked around for Logan before he spied the brown haired Slytherin boy. "Logan!" He waved excitedly. While he missed his dad, he didn't like that he'd have to say goodbye to Logan for the summer. They had a special connection and Kaleb would miss him a lot.
“Yea, I think so, though I’m gonna miss this place,” said Allison with a bittersweet smile. “Well, really I’m going to miss you,” she admitted, “And those tasty meals they serve us in the Great Hall. I’m going to miss those a lot too,” she said with a giggle. Perhaps her mom’s cooking would have to do over the summer.

Logan perked up as he heard a familiar voice. His brown eyes widened and he immediately turned around and grinned excitedly upon both hearing and seeing Kaleb, his best friend. He dragged his trunk over as fast as he could to the Gryffindor boy. When he had made it, he put it down, panting a bit because it was heavy, but still maintaining his smile. “Kaleb mate! Just the one I was looking for!” he told him. He was going to miss Kaleb’s awesome personality and even his cute face and nice blonde hair.

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