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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

“Ditto!” Allison replied with a smile as they entered the Great Hall. The compliment made her heart swell with joy and she felt her cheeks go warm as she blushed. Rose always knew what to say and could always give her butterflies in her tummy and make her heart flutter.

Logan frowned and soon felt a little guilty for even asking and prying into the subject. His heart hurt for his friend. Logan didn’t quite understand what the deal was with Kaleb’s parents based off of what he had said. Were they divorced? Logan remembered when he met a boy at day care whose parents weren’t together and he’d come home confused. Aaron explained to him that sometimes, married couples didn’t love each other anymore and split up (while also assuring him it would never happen to his dads).

Or perhaps, even worse- Kaleb’s mother was no longer with them. Logan didn’t quite know it he wasn’t going to ask. Clearly it was a sore subject and made Kaleb uncomfortable and Logan didn’t need to bring up any trauma. Christmas was supposed to be a happy day so Logan would keep his spirits up and attempt to make this day as fun as he could for Kaleb.

“I’m sorry Kaleb,” he said softly with a frown. Logan put his hand on the Gryffindor boy’s shoulder and squeezed it comfortingly. “But, not to worry. We’re going to have a very enjoyable Christmas. I’ll make sure of it!” he said, the bold grin returning back to his face. “We’ll spend the whole day together! It’ll be fun!” Logan said, although he did spend most of his days with Kaleb. But over the holidays, they didn’t have classes so they could hang out together all the way up until curfew.
Rose smiled at Allison as they entered the Great Hall. She felt her cheeks warm and her heart flutter. Allison seemed to have that effect on her and she was happy with it.

Kaleb felt the comforting squeeze from Logan and looked at him. “Thanks.” He said softly. Then he saw that bold grin as he told Kaleb that he was going to make this a very enjoyable Christmas. Kaleb felt himself blush as he smiled. He knew they spent a lot of time together already but it was the holidays so they didn’t have to worry about school work. They could just hang out. “That sounds like a great idea mate!” Kaleb said, feeling his spirits lifting.
Allison sat down and pulled over a plate of some fluffy pancakes. There was eggnog on the table too for Christmas so she decided to pour herself some in her chalice. “My mum loves egg nog,” she said with a giggle. Admittedly though, now that she thought about her mother and her family in general, she began to miss them. She’d been away from them for a long time in such a forgiven environment. Sure she was learning magic just fine but the wizarding world was nothing like the muggle world she grew up in.

“Don’t you fret your little Gryffindor head there lad,” said Logan, grinning playfully as he poked Kaleb in the middle of the forehead twice. He took a plate of some French toast, his favorite, and took the bottle of maple syrup and began to, as usual, empty out practically half of the jug onto his plate before returning it. “Errr I didn’t get ya anything though, sorry,” he said with a frown. “But I didn’t even get my own sister anything,” he told Kaleb. “Still, presents aren’t everything,” he shrugged.
Rose had gone for orange juice herself and some French toast with a tiny bit of syrup. “Does she? I’m sure you miss your family. But I’m glad you’re here.” Rose said softly. She missed her papa and even though she saw Xavier every class, she missed him outside of class, outside of Hogwarts.

Kaleb laughed as Logan poked his forehead twice. He put some pancakes on his plate and shrugged. “That’s okay mate. I’m just glad to be spending Christmas with you.” He said honestly.
“Yea she loves Christmas time,” she replied with a fond smile. “And yea, I do miss them, a lot. But I’m glad to have someone like you by my side,” said Allison as she took the hug of maple syrup once Rose was done using it and poured just a bit onto her pancakes.

“Me too!” Logan said with a smile. “I’m excited to see what my dads got me! I’ll show ya if you’d like,” he offered. “They always get me the coolest things!”
Rose smiled. “My dad is the same way.” She said with a laugh. Rose blushed hearing Allison’s words. Rose took a bite of her French toast and sighed. “They have such good food here. I almost don’t want to go home to my dad’s food.” Rose giggled, smile on her face.

Kaleb nodded. “That would be so cool mate!” He told Logan. He was happy for his friend and appreciated that he was being so kind, helping Kaleb have a better Christmas than the last few years.
“The food here is delicious. It hasn’t failed to impress me yet!” Allison said. “I won’t admit to my mum but I think the house elves, to whatever they’re called, are excellent chefs, perhaps better than her,” she giggled, covering her mouth with her hand.

“If they get me candies, I’ll be sure to share some- no, half of it, with ya!” Logan said with a grin. “Not really into toy cars as much as I was when I was a little boy anymore but if my dads somehow forget that and give me some I’ll be sure to share,” laughed Logan.
Rose nodded with a laugh. “I have to agree. But I’m definitely not telling my dad that the food is better.” She said with a smile. Though she knew that he already probably knew that.

Kaleb blushed a little more. “Thanks mate! And I’m all set with the cars.” He said with a laugh. “I’m just happy to be spending Christmas with you.” He said softly.
“Speaking of, maybe I can write my parents. I haven’t in a while,” said Allison, cutting her pancake into easily eaten bite-sized pieces. “They must be worried sick by now,” she said.

“Me too! I wouldn’t want to spend it with anyone else!” Logan said with a bit grin. He quickly wrapped one arm around Kaleb for a side hug. When he broke, he blushed and looked away sheepishly, then quickly focusing on his breakfast (soaking wet with syrup French toast) like nothing happened.
Rose nodded. "That would be a good idea. But don't they know where you are? Why would they be worried?" Rose asked, tilting her head in curiosity at her friend.

Kaleb smiled, listening to his best friend. The blush got worse when Logan wrapped an arm around him for a side hug. Kaleb didn't have words to express how he really felt having Logan not only as his best friend, but how he felt knowing the boy was trying to make this Christmas the best for him.
“They do but they don’t understand this magic stuff very much. Honestly I don’t fully get it all either,” replied Allison. “I’m just not sure they know what’s going on, and I’ve been having so much fun with you that I haven’t really written them. And it’s hard to deal with those bloody owls so there’s that too,” she mentioned with a shrug.

“When we’re finished with breakfast, maybe I bring you to my room and we open my presents?” Logan suggested with an eager smile. “Err, only if you want of course,” he said. Luckily in 2015, house mixing rules were very relaxed so Kaleb would certainly be allowed into the Slytherin common room and dorms- just not to stay the night.
"Oh. I see." Rose said, she knew that there were students who didn't have magical parents, but she hadn't met one of them until she knew Allison. She felt bad that Allison had been spending time with her instead of writing to her parents. "Maybe you can send one today?" She asked, looking at her friend.

Kaleb looked over at Logan, wide smile. "That would be awesome!" He told him happily. He was grateful for his best friend. "I don't think you know how much this all means to me" Kaleb said softly. "I really appreciate it mate" He added.
“Maybe, but I did want to spend the day with you. Perhaps it could wait until tomorrow,” said Allison with a little shrug, flashing Rose a small smile. While she missed her parents and did want to write them, that would require her to sit down and do it. She didn’t want to take away from any time with Rose, if she was being honest.

“Alright then!” Logan said happily, glad that Kaleb wanted to come with him to go open presents. “You’ll get to see what my dads got me!” he said. “I just need to finish my breakfast,” he said, beginning to shovel his food into his mouth quickly now.
Rose nodded even as she blushed. "I did want to spend the day with you as well." She said softly. Rose would've understood though if her friend wanted to write to her parents.

Kaleb smiled as he worked on his own breakfast. "I can't wait to see what they got you!" He said happily. He enjoyed spending time with Logan and didn't much care what they did as long as he was with Logan.
Allison smiled shyly at this, blushing ever so slightly. “I’m glad you do too,” she said. Meanwhile, Logan quickly inhaled his breakfast and smiled, wiping the syrup away from his lips with a napkin as he looked to Kaleb.
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Rose smiled softly as she finished her breakfast. She was eager to see what her dads had gotten her. But she would wait politely for her friend to finish her breakfast. Kaleb laughed seeing Logan quickly finish his breakfast. Kaleb finished his own and smiled over at Logan. "Ready?" he asked with a chuckle.
“What shall we do after breakfast?” Allison asked Rose as she finished the last remaining pieces of her delicious pancake. “Anything in mind? she asked. Logan looked to Kaleb and grinned, nodding his head very quickly. “Absolutely mate!” he replied to the blonde haired Gryffindor boy. “Let’s go!” he said, practically leaping out of his seat and tugging on Kaleb’s robes to get him to follow (something unbeknownst to him, his papa would do to his dad back in the day).
Rose looked at Allison when she finished her breakfast. "Presents?" Rose asked with a smile on her face. She stood from the table and stretched a little while she waited. Kaleb smiled at his friend, seeing how excited he was. Kaleb got up from his seat at the tug on his robes. "I'm coming, I'm coming" He said with a chuckle.
“Sure! Let’s go back to the room and see what we’ve been left under the tree,” said Allison with an excited smile. The Ravenclaw girl got up and waited politely for her friend to get up as well. However, Logan wasn’t so patient, urging and rushing his friend along. “Hurry up, or the presents are going to disappear!” laughed the brown haired boy.
Rose smiled, standing from the table. "Sounds great to me" She said happily. Rose started the walk to Ravenclaw tower with her best friend. Kaleb chuckled his best friend's impatience. "I'm pretty sure that isn't how it works" He said with a laugh, though he followed along at Logan's rather excited pace.
Allison followed Rose along to make their way to Ravenclaw Tower. She wondered what her parents had gotten her for Christmas. “You don’t know that! This place is magic! Surely you know with magic anything is possible!” replied an excited Logan as he guided Kaleb down to the dungeons where the Slytherins were housed.
Rose was excited to finally make it to their tower. It didn't take long at all to get there. Once they got in the common room, Rose smiled. "I'm so excited, I can't wait to see what my dads got me! How about you?" She asked Allison with a smile. Kaleb chuckled at Logan and his excitement. "I know with magic anything is possible, but I doubt the presents will disappear" He said with a smile, following Logan down into the dungeons.
“I bet they got you some really cool stuff! They seem very nice!” Allison said with a smile. When she was asked about her excitement, she shrugged. “Not sure my parents know how to send mail to Hogwarts. Guess I’ll have to wait for the summer when I get back to receive my Christmas gifts,” she said. “But don’t let me stop you! I want to see what you’ve gotten!” she said with a renewed smile.

“Oi you never know lad! I’ve seen some crazy stuff happen with magic!” Logan said, probably vastly over exaggerating the extent of magic to which he had seen. The “craziest” he’d seen was his papa using magic to wash dishes when Xavier wasn’t looking, or maybe the time a couple of years ago when he was playing football with his sister and the soccer ball started floating.

Logan practically dragged Kaleb all the way down to the dungeons where they finally arrived at the entrance to the Slytherin common room. “Kaleb, you’ve got to cover your ears mate,” he told his Gryffindor friend before uttering the password. The entrance opened allowing them down into the belly of the castle where the Slytherins called their home. “Hope it’s not too scary for you down here,” chuckled Logan, “You get used to it after a month or two!”
Rose was sad, hearing that from her friend. “They are nice. And I’m sorry to hear that. But you can tell me all about it in September.” Rose tried to make her friend feel better. “And okay!” She said, moving over to the tree. There were two presents underneath and neither of them were broom shaped. Rose took one and looked at her friend. “Here we go.” She said, unwrapping it to reveal a handmade Ravenclaw scarf from her dad. Her last name written on it with a small broomstick beside it. “And this would be from my dad.” She said, showing it to Allison.

Kaleb laughed. “Is that so?” He said, listening to his probably over exaggerating friend. Kaleb let Logan drag him down into the dungeon and covered his ears when he was told. He was a little nervous to be down here but he didn’t let it show. “It’s not scary at all.” Kaleb said, trying to be the brave Gryffindor.
“I certainly will,” said Allison with a grin and a nod. But she was more excited to hopefully see the happy look on Rose’s face once she opened her presents. It would be worth it to see a joyful smile on that face. Perhaps it was better than receiving presents. The two girls entered their Ravenclaw dorm room and sure enough, there were a few presents for Rose under the small tree they had set up. She smiled as Rose opened her first present, a very nicely knitted scarf from her dad. “Woah that’s wonderful! Your dad’s really good at that, isn’t he?” she commented. There was another present under the tree in a pretty small box, and Allison could make out that the tag on it said “To my favorite little girl, from papa.” She was curious to see what it was.

Logan nodded, “Crazy stuff goes on at the Hoskins-Collins house!” he joked, hyperbolizing for sure. He grinned as they went down into the Slytherin common room and Kaleb told him that he wasn’t nervous at all. “Just watch your step or a snake might come out and bite ya!” Logan snickered as he suddenly turned around and pounced playfully on Kaleb, laughing. “Sorry, I just had to do that,” he said, getting off of his friend. “But no seriously, there aren’t any live snakes down here.”

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