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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Rose glared at her brother before smiling. "I think we've got a great chance to beat your team" Rose told him, with a smirk on her face. As she said that, Ravenclaw got two back to back scores, bringing them into a good lead to win. "See! And don't listen to him Allison." She told her friend, seeing what she was trying to do by commented how close the game had been. Kaleb rolled his eyes at his friend with a laugh.
“Just you wait! You girls will be bawling out your eyes while Kaleb and I laugh at you!” Logan declared with a smirk. As he did this, Ravenclaw scored to take the lead, resulting in a cheer erupting from their section of the stands. “I’m not worried at all,” he said, still trying to maintain his confidence. Allison giggled at the boy’s antics and was happy to see their team take the lead. But then, Ravenclaw scored again, and again, and again. Ravenclaw’s lead began to build and with every goal, the Ravenclaw students became more rowdy and supportive of their team. Logan was a bit stunned at the sudden onslaught of offense from Ravenclaw. It was like Slytherin was falling apart in the dying minutes of the game. He needed them to win so he could rub it into his sister’s face.
Rose rolled her eyes at her brother's declaration that her and Allison will be crying. "I'm sure you aren't" She said teasing her brother. Rose cheered louder and louder at each score from the Ravenclaw team. They were making a very decisive comeback. She could see the Slytherin team was falling apart as the game was coming to an end. Rose was cheering so loudly, as the game ended. Ravenclaw had won it, beating Slytherin. "Haha! Who's team is winning now!" She said, looking at her brother with a victorious smirk. Kaleb watched the game and was upset that Logan's team had lost, but he wasn't sure how Logan would handle it. But no matter what he'd be there for his best friend.
The game went on and it became clear that due to a sudden burst of offense, Ravenclaw was going to take home the win. Slytherin tried to mount a comeback but ultimately, it was fruitless. The whistle blew and the game came to an end. Ravenclaw had won. The Ravenclaw student section went wild, standing up on their feet and cheering for their triumphant and victorious team. The Slytherin students on the other hand all frowned, shoulders sunk, as their defeated players flew off of the pitch. Logan sighed and shook his head, wondering where it all went wrong. “That match was ruddy rubbish I’ll tell ya that!” he said bitterly as his sister rightfully rubbed in the Ravenclaw win. His frown didn’t linger for too long though as it soon turned into a playful grin. “Just you wait till next match with these two teams! Slytherin is going to come back better than ever!” said Logan, trying to keep his head up high. At the end of the day he wasn’t too broken up about the loss though. He knew Quidditch was Rose’s thing and that she wanted to play next year. Really, Logan couldn’t care less, but he knew his sister was heavily invested in it all.
Rose was very happy that Ravenclaw had managed to win. She couldn't wait to be able to try out for the team so she could be the one leading their team to victory. Rose looked over at Logan, hearing the bitter tone, but then she saw that grin come back. "I think the match was great! And we'll win the next match too!" Rose said confidently, a playful smirk on her face. Rose had decided while watching the match that she was definitely going to try out for the team next year. "I can't wait to be beating your team myself next year!" She added with a laugh.
“It was a good match, I must admit,” said Logan with a nod. “Bloody hell- if you’re playing Slytherin as a Ravenclaw then I won’t know who to cheer for!” he said, shaking his head. “Join the Ravenclaw side and cheer for your wonderful twin sister!” Allison said with a grin.
Rose smiled. "It was certainly entertaining" She agreed. A smirk crossed her face when she heard his comment. "I agree with Allison, join in and cheer for Ravenclaw. You have a sibling obligation to cheer for me" Rose said with a laugh.
“You’re right I suppose I do,” said Logan with a soft sigh. “Just make sure you don’t beat Slytherin’s arse too hard when you play, sis,” he said with a playful grin to Rose. He didn’t care how much Rose beat Slytherin or anyone by really- all he cared about was that his twin sister was having fun and doing something that she loved. That would make him the most happy.
Rose simply smiled at her brother. She knew that he'd support her and cared that she had found something that made her happy. "I can't make any promises bro." She said with a playful smirk on her face. She was looking forward to their second year even more now, wanting so badly to be able to play in the Quidditch matches for her house.
“Whatever, as long as you’re the one scoring the points and whatnot, I think I can live,” said Logan, crossing his arms. Logan then turned to Kaleb and uncrossed his arms, shrugging. “Sorry about the loss mate. Maybe next time, eh?”
She shook her head with a grin at him, seeing him crossing his arms. "Of course." She said with a laugh. Kaleb looked at Logan and shrugged back. "That's okay. Definitely next time" He said with a smile. He was just glad to spend time with his best friend.
As the four of them all got up to leave the stands, Logan gave a shy smile over to Logan. “I- I uhh, I really enjoyed watching the game with you, Kaleb,” he said softly to his blonde haired friend.
Rose stood up with the others and smiled softly over at Allison. "I'm glad I had you to cheer with during the game." She told her best friend quietly. Kaleb blushed a little and smiled. "I really enjoyed watching the game with you too Logan. It was really nice." Kaleb said with a small smile, looking at his Slytherin best friend.
Allison blushed ever so slightly at Rose’s sweet and kind words. A sheepish grin came across her face as she looked at her best friend. “Me too, Rose. And one day, I hope to see you out on the pitch,” she told her. Logan’s face showed a small blush as Kaleb told him that he too had enjoyed spectating the match with him. Logan was finding more and more that he really enjoyed hanging out with Kaleb. The boy made him feel very special.
Rose smiled at Allison, a blush on her face. She was also realizing just how much she enjoyed spending time with her. Allison was so sweet and kind. "I can't wait to be out on the pitch." She said happily. Kaleb smiled at Logan, his cheeks flushing red as he thought about how he enjoyed spending time with him.
Hoping his small blush would go away, Logan turned to his sister. “Alright you, go celebrate the win with your housemates,” he said to Rose. “I’ll be moping about with Kaleb,” he joked. “I’ll see ya later, sis,” he said with a smile and a wave goodbye as he took Kaleb by the sleeve and dragged him elsewhere. Allison giggled a little bit at this. She was certainly happy for her house but even more excited for her friend, who she hoped could make the team next year.
The month of November passed quickly, and the first few weeks of December were also quick to pass. Rose had been enjoying her classes, with her favorite being flying class. She did well in the other classes but she was a natural flyer. Much like her papa. Rose was enjoying her first year very much, learning magic and hanging out with her best friend. It seemed like no time had passed but soon it was Christmas day. December 25th 2015. Rose was wide awake early, getting up and going over to her roommate and best friend Allison, shaking her. "Wake up! It's Christmas!" She said excitedly.

Kaleb had been woken up early by Alex, grumbling and he got dressed, heading to the Great Hall in search of his best friend.
The month of November passed by without issue. Both sets of best friends, Allison and Rose, as well as Kaleb and Logan, became closer. Classes went on, as did Quidditch. Ravenclaw seemed to be emerging as a front runner both in academics, the house cup, and sports. Before anyone knew it, the month of December came around and with it came the snow that covered the Hogwarts campus in a bright white blanket. In the blink of an eye, it was Christmas morning, December 25th, 2015. Logan was sleeping until he felt a very gentle shake. He groaned a bit before turning around to see his roommate, Gabriel.

Logan had not spoken to Gabriel properly ever since his outburst the first day when he was very disgruntled about being sorted into Slytherin. But he had talked with his dad and even gotten a written letter from his papa expressing how proud he was of him, so Logan was fully coming to terms with his Slytherin sorting. It also helped that Kaleb seemed to think it quite cool that Logan was in Slytherin. But, Gabriel had gotten the message that Logan didn’t want to talk to him. The rest of the months became marked by awkward silence between the two roommates. They would each wake on their own and go their separate ways.

But this morning was different. Gabriel must have mustered up the courage to go wake up Logan. It was Christmas Day and it seemed that the other boy didn’t want his fellow Slytherin housemate to sleep in on the most magical day of the year. “Psst, Logan! It’s Christmas!” whispered Gabe. Logan slowly opened his eyes and saw that his roommate was looking at him with a smile. “Merry Christmas, mate,” said Gabriel softly. Logan let out a yawn before rubbing his eyes and sitting up. “Err, merry Christmas to you too, Gabriel,” replied Logan. The brown haired boy hopped out of bed and got dressed. He couldn’t wait to see what his fathers had gotten him.

Of course, he also couldn’t wait to see Kaleb. So, he hurried himself as he dressed and bolted out the door. He’d make it a point to try and rekindle some sort of relationship or possible friendship with his roommate, but that would have to come at a later time. Right now, it was Christmas, and Logan wanted to see his sister and Kaleb to give them his holiday wishes. The boy went down to the Great Hall where a delicious smelling Christmas breakfast was being served to the students inside.

Allison had awoke that morning to a shaking sensation. She slowly opened her eyes but was delighted to see the pleasant sight of her best friend, Rose, and she looked excited, wearing an adorable smile. It was contagious and forced a grin out of Allison as she sat up in bed. “Good morning Rose!” Allison said cheerily, “And Merry Christmas!” she said before yawning. The blonde haired girl stepped out of bed to go get her clothes. “Excited for presents?” she asked.
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Rose smiled seeing her friend get up, and she took a step back. “Good morning Allison! Merry Christmas!” She said excitedly. Rose went over to her bed and got dressed herself, before looking over at her best friend. “Yes I am! Are you?” She asked. Rose had finished getting dressed and looked over at Allison with a smile.

Kaleb was already sitting at the Slytherin table, waiting eagerly to see his best friend.
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“Oh absolutely, Rose!” Allison replied with a smile as she got dressed. “Wonder what my mum and dad got me- if they can even send mail here,” she said with a shrug. She finished doing her Ravenclaw tie and was good to go.

Logan entered the Great Hall and immediately sought out his friend Kaleb. Sure he wanted to see his sister Rose, but how many Christmases had they shared over the past ten years? Logan wanted to find Kaleb- and find him he did. He smiled, delighted to see the blonde haired boy sitting at the Slytherin table and waiting for him.

“Merry Christmas, mate!” Logan said as he greeted his buddy. “Good to see ya,” he said to his best friend as he sat down. Outside, it was lightly snowing and the grass was covered with a few inches of a white blanket of snow. It was a picturesque Christmas Day.
Rose hadn’t thought of her friend not being able to receive mail. “I wonder what my dads got me too. Unfortunately I didn’t see a new broom under the tree.” Rose said with a laugh.

Kaleb looked over to see Logan and smiled at him. “Merry Christmas!” He said, before nodding. “It’s great to see you too.” He told Logan happily, cheeks tinged red.
“Well perhaps breakfast is in order first?” Allison suggested. “Maybe something will appear while we’re gone,” chuckled the blonde haired girl. “Or you might just have to wait until your birthday, whenever that is,” she added. The girl gestured for Rose to follow her. She was hungry and wanted to eat first before she checked for and opened any presents.

“I can’t wait to see what I’ve gotten for Christmas!” Logan said with an excited grin. “I hoping my dad’s got me something swell!” he said. “How about you? Are you expecting anything nice for Christmas?” he asked his Gryffindor companion.
Rose nodded at that. “Breakfast would be great.” She agreed hearing her stomach grumble. Rose blushed a little at the sound. “Maybe! But I doubt it.” She said, heading towards the door, following Allison.

Kaleb laughed, enjoying Logan’s upbeat energy and excitement. “Not really. I know my dad doesn’t really do much for Christmas.” Kaleb said softly. He didn’t really want to talk about why.
Allison couldn’t help but laugh a bit, hearing the sound that she no doubt knew was the sound of Rose’s stomach growling. “Sounds like you agree,” she giggled. “And you never know. I’ve found that this place can be magical. You never know what can happen,” she said as they left their dorm room. “Or, who you meet,” she said, smiling at Rose.

Logan’s good mood and smile soon dampened a bit as Kaleb revealed that his dad didn’t do much for Christmas. He was a curious eleven year old boy and wanted to know why, so maybe not reading the room, he asked. “Aww really? Why not mate? Christmas is fun! What’s his deal?” Logan asked. “And how about your mum? Does mum do anything for Christmas?” he asked. He was acutely aware that most kids didn’t have two dads like him and had a mother and father. He never knew his mother or biological dad but Aaron and Xavier had given him such a special home and great life that he didn’t care about those saps.
Rose smiled at Allison. “True. Although I’m glad that I met a really cool girl here.” Rose said shyly, as they left their dorm room and moved through the common area.

Kaleb rubbed the back of his neck. “Well. My mum was a big Christmas fan, but three years ago, she left to go Christmas shopping and didn’t uh.. make it back home.” Kaleb was quiet when he spoke, looking at the table like it held all the answers. “So dad doesn’t care for Christmas anymore.” He finished. He’d still missed her but it was easier to talk about as he got older. And he didn’t want to lie to his best friend at all. So he answered Logan’s question. “But hey, I can spend Christmas with you now!” He said, trying to muster up a happy smile.

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