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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Allison nodded and smiled. “I’m going to scream my bloody lungs out and my throat will hurt so bad, that’s how loud I’m going to cheer!” she claimed boldly. “Come on come on! I don’t want to get back row seats!” Allison said excitedly as she got up. It seemed that now she was getting hyped up. She’d be seeing a Quidditch match for the first time ever- a sport she hadn’t even heard of until Rose explained it to her at Hogwarts.

“Absolutely am mate!” Logan replied with a grin. “Come on lad! We haven’t got any time to waste!” said the brown eyed boy, standing up and practically pulling Kaleb out of his seat. “We’ve got to get a good view. Sis wants us to come to the Ravenclaw stands so we’ll watch there,” he told his friend. Even more so than previous years, unspoken rules of where one sat during a Quidditch match were much more relaxed. No one would really bat an eye seeing a Slytherin sitting amongst the Ravenclaw stands, especially one that would be cheering for Slytherin.
Rose laughed. “Same here! I can’t wait for this match. Oh Logan and Kaleb are going to sit with us so we have to be especially loud.” Rose said as she started towards the quidditch pitch. She was excited to see her first school match.

Kaleb felt himself getting pulled out of his seat. “Okay okay. Let’s go then!” Kaleb said with a laugh. He had to admit that Logan’s excitement was catchy and he was getting even more excited to watch the match with him.
Allison nodded, ready for the challenge. Surely she could be louder than a couple of boys, right? As they exited the Great Hall, Allison caught sight of a brown haired boy that was about Rose’s height, maybe a little taller, wearing Slytherin robes, walking with a blonde haired Gryffindor boy. “Oh! I think I see your brother!” Allison said, pointing to Logan up ahead of them.

“Come on! Come on!” Logan said, laughing as he urged Kaleb on and practically dragged him along, up out of his seat and out of the Great Hall. “Hold on, I’ve got to find my sis,” he said, looking around for her. “You know what she looks like, right? Same height as me, brown eyes, brown hair, a whole lot less attractive than me!” he bragged, joking with a playful grin.
Rose looked up ahead and saw Logan. “That would be him alright!” She said with a laugh. “Shh. Ready for this?” She asked, finger to her lips to tell Allison to be silent. Rose slowly walked up behind her brother, quietly. Suddenly she put her hands on his shoulders, shaking them a bit. “Hey bro!” She yelled, laughing.

Kaleb laughed as Logan basically dragged him along. He looked at him and nodded. “Okay, calm that ego down mate.” He said with a chuckle but he did look around for his sister.
Allison nodded and grinned excitedly as she did as she was told and went silent, waiting for Rose to sneak up behind her brother. She couldn’t help but laugh at the brown haired girl’s antics as she put her hands on Logan’s shoulder. Logan suddenly went on high alert and widened his brown eyes. “Oi! Who?” he shouted at first, turning around. But then he processed the voice and saw his twin sister and became a little less tense. A smile started to form on his face. “Hullo sis!” he greeted her. “Are you ready to watch your silly little Ravenclaw eagles get eaten up by the great Slytherin snake?” Logan asked, teasing. “I’ve even got the pride of Gryffindor here to cheer Slytherin on with me!” Logan said with a proud grin, pulling over Kaleb to him and giving him a small side hug.
Rose laughed at Logan’s reaction. “Yeah right! Us Eagles are gonna crush your little serpent” She said with a laugh. “Not even the mighty lion can help you!” She added. Kaleb laughed as he was pulled into a small side hug by Logan, his face tinged red. “I wouldn’t call myself the pride of Gryffindor.” Kaleb said shyly.
Allison giggled as Rose’s playful banter with her brother. It was amusing to her, and she was glad Rose could quickly come up with some clever on the fly because she sure couldn’t. Her friend was quite witty. Logan laughed at Rose’s comeback. “Don’t you know? Snakes eat eagles for breakfast!” Logan said. He pulled Kaleb in even closer and tighter now. “What?! Well I would call ya the pride of Gryffindor!” he said with a proud grin, hugging his best buddy.
Rose rolled her eyes at her brother. “That is totally incorrect dear brother.” She said with a laugh. Kaleb blushed more when Logan pulled him both closer and tighter. He looked away, trying to hide his red cheeks. “I guess it’s true if you say so.” He said with a small chuckle.
“Oh it’s very true Kaleb! And you know what else is true? That Slytherin is beating Ravenclaw! Let’s go so we can get some good seats,” said Logan with a grin. “C’mon sis, don’t want to watch your team lose from the back row, do ya?” he asked in a taunting manner.
Kaleb laughed. “Now that is true!” He agreed. Rose glared at her brother. “I want front row seats to watch your team lose and mine win.” Rose said taking Allison’s hand. “Let’s go get our seats.” She told her best friend when a smile. Rose started walking towards the field again.
Allison blushed slightly as she felt Rose take her hand. She smiled and nodded, ready to follow her, her brother, and his friend outside to the pitch. The group of four followed the flow of the crowd and filed outside, making their way to the stands. Luckily, Logan had managed to find them some nice seats towards the front in the Ravenclaw section.
Rose followed everyone up into the stands, sitting down and patted the seat beside her for Allison to sit beside her. Kaleb was happy with the view from their seats. He sat down, leaving an empty seat between him and Rose for Logan.
Logan sat down right next to Kaleb. He grinned, sitting next to his best friend. Logan made sure that Rose sat right next to him. Allison was on the end, sitting next to Rose.
Rose was rather impatiently waiting for the match to start. Students were still filtering into the stands. “Are you excited for your first Quidditch match?” Rose asked Allison, turning to look at her best friend and roommate. Kaleb was excited but also curious to see just which siblings house would win. Both seemed confident in their team. It certainly would be fascinating to see how this match would play out.
“Oh absolutely, Rose! I can’t wait to see it all go down!” Allison replied with a smile. “And I can’t wait to see you playing for us one day,” she said with a little blush and a sheepish expression on her face. “You’ll be crying after this match sis! I’ll make sure to write papa so he can go and send you some tissues in the post!” Logan teased Rose.
Rose blushed herself when she heard Allison say she couldn’t wait to see Rose play. “I’m hopeful for next year!” Rose said with a smile. Then she looked at her brother. “I’m pretty sure you’ll be crying yourself. I’ll write Dad to make sure to send you a ‘sorry your sister’s team crushed yours’ card in the post.” She teased right back. Of course their dad was at the school, so it wouldn’t be that hard for Rose to carry out her playful threat.
“You won’t have to do much hopping lass, you’re certainly talented,” mentioned Allison softly, still blushing and smiling sheepishly. Luckily her brother’s teasing and jokes seemed to be louder. “Yea right!” Logan snorted. “Well I bet Kaleb and I will be cheering louder than you girls could ever hope to cheer!” Logan claimed boldly, once again wrapping his Gryffindor friend into a side hug and pulling him close.
Rose had heard it, the blush creeping into her cheeks. She turned her head to look at Logan. “I doubt that! We can cheer louder than you boys!” Rose said confidently. Kaleb blushed as he felt his Slytherin best friend pull him into a side hug, close to his side.
“Yea! I think so too!” Allison chimed in, agreeing with Rose determinedly. “Well I know Kaleb’s got the roar of a lion!” Logan said, grinning as he spoke highly of his best friend. As they went back and forth with their banter, more and more students began to fill the stands. They were mostly Slytherins and Ravenclaws but there were a good few Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs (mainly friends of Slytherin and Ravenclaw students who were tagging along to watch). There was even a good few group of Gryffindors who had gathered in their stands to cheer against Slytherin.
Rose was planning on out cheering her brother. She was in fact determined to do so. She noticed that the last of the students had filled the stands, and she could hear them announce the first team, Slytherin and the players flew out onto the pitch. A few moments later Rose and Allison's team was announced and also flew onto the pitch. Rose leaned forward excitedly, as the balls were enchanted and then the game got underway. Kaleb had been blushing as he listened to Logan speak about him like he was. It was nice. He watched as the game started. He could hear the girls already cheering for Ravenclaw and he followed suit with his cheering loudly for Slytherin.
It wasn’t too long until the players began to make their entrances onto the field. Slytherin was out first and along with the other Slytherin students, Logan roared with loud cheers for his house’s athletes. Next came Ravenclaw, and Allison joined Rose in hooting and hollering for their players. All of the players got into position, the referee enchanted the balls, and they were released. It was game on. Logan chanted loudly for Slytherin, making sure he was as loud as he could possibly be.
Rose was loudly cheering for her team along with Allison. Not only was Rose cheering very loudly for her team, she was watching with fascination at each player and their position. She knew her papa wanted her to be a chaser, but her eyes were watching each position to see just which one she really wanted to try for. Kaleb chanted and cheered for Slytherin with Logan. The game was tied so far for points.
With each point Slytherin scored, Logan was rowdy and loud with applause and cheers. Each time Ravenclaw scored, he booed. Allison tried to keep herself engaged with the game and did her best to be loud each time that Ravenclaw scored. She knew that if Rose got on the team next year, she’d be going to watch many of these games to support her friend in the future. The game was very close and a good and entertaining back and forth affair. “Just you wait Rosie! Slytherin’s gonna blow the game wide open!” Logan proclaimed.
Kaleb would cheer and applaud every time Slytherin scored, and booed for Ravenclaw at their scores. Rose was as loud as possible at each score from Ravenclaw. She also watched the balls, but her eyes kept locking onto the golden snitch, which was the seekers job to capture. She had always had a keen eye, even as baby. Rose started to think that perhaps she should try for seeker. "Yeah right Logan, Ravenclaw's going to win this" She said with a laugh, watching the close game. It was really hard to tell just who was going to win this one.
“You’re delusional sis! How could you even think Ravenclaw even has a chance?” Logan chirped back with an arrogant yet playful smirk. “Well the game is quite close! I do think it’s anyone’s game,” chimed in Allison, trying to be the middle man. “You poor soul, hanging out with Rose has corrupted your mind,” laughed Logan.

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