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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

She rolled her eyes. “No I don’t think you’ve ever mentioned it.” She said with a small laugh. She smiled at him when he gave her shoulder a squeeze. “I think she might think I’ve abandoned her.” Rose said before she nodded. “I’m glad things have gotten better for you.” She told him, happy that he found a friend. “Yes. Go back to your friend, I’m sure he’s wondering where you are too.” She said.
Logan nodded and smiled, getting one last looked at Rose before parting from his twin sister that he loved so dearly. He came back to the Slytherin table and sat down next to Kaleb with a grin. “Sorry for taking so long mate, just wanted to talk with my sis,” he said. “You know, I’m technically one minute older than her so that means I’m better,” he said with a playful smirk.
Rose smiled at her brother before she turned away and headed back towards Allison. She sat down beside her friend with a smile. “Sorry about that. My brother wanted to talk to me. And make sure I know that he was in fact a minute older than me. Boys. It’s worse when they’re related to you.” She said with a laugh.

Kaleb looked over at Logan when he sat back down. “It’s all good mate.” He said with a smile. “Is that so? I can see that clearly.” He added with a laugh.
“Oh boy,” giggled Allison, “So he did know, huh?” she asked. “But it’s quite alright, don’t worry about it. He’s your brother- no, your twin! You guys share something special,” she said.

“Well I’m glad you recognize my greatness,” said Logan, still wearing a smug grin but clearly being facetious. “Oi, what class do we have next?” he asked Kaleb.
Rose giggle. “Yes he did know. Unfortunately and he won’t let me forget it.” She said with a smile. “Yes, and we do. I guess I’ll keep him around.” Rose laughed.

Kaleb laughed at Logan’s words. He pulled out his schedule and checked. “We have potions next.” Kaleb told him.
“Potions eh?” Logan said, “How do you think we’ll fair there,” he said, putting a hand to his chin and scratching it. “Wonder what sort of things we can brew!” he said aloud. “Perhaps a potion to make us giants! Oooo! Or maybe even to shrink us to be super tiny! The possibilities are endless!” Logan said excitedly, laughing a bit.
Kaleb laughed. “I think we’ll fair rather well.” He said. He shook his head at Logan’s words. “Maybe! It’ll be crazy to make a potion that did that!” He said with a chuckle.
“Guess we’ll have to see,” said Logan with a playful grin. “Think I’ll go ahead and ask the professor if you could do such a thing,” he said with a shrug. Whatever they’d be doing in potions class, Logan was just glad to be doing it with Kaleb.
The first three months passed pretty quick for Rose. She spent her time with Allison and she enjoyed her classes. She did okay in them, and honestly was just enjoying learning magic along with her best friend.

Today was November 2nd 2015, the quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Slytherin was today. It would be the first match of the season and Rose couldn’t wait to see it. She also couldn’t wallet to see it with Allison, especially since it would be Allison’s first game. Rose had been awake for a few minutes, getting out of bed and putting her robes and scarf on.
The first day of classes had went on and had gone smoothly, to much success for Logan. Unfortunately, the potions professor quickly shot down Logan’s silly childish aspirations to potentially brew a potion make himself a giant or even shrink himself (although the potions master did inform him that there were potions that could do this, but that they just would not be learning them here at Hogwarts). Months passed by and Logan became even closer with his new best friend Kaleb, learning all sorts of different things about the Gryffindor boy with his stunning blonde hair. Before he knew it, November was underway. It was the second of the month here in 2015 and Logan found himself waking up early that morning, alongside his roommate Gabriel, who hadn’t talked much to him since his outburst on the first day.

Logan quickly put on his Slytherin robes and made his way down to the Great Hall. This morning was the first Quidditch match of the season (technically the second, but the first for Slytherin, as Gryffindor and Hufflepuff had played yesterday). Today, Logan’s Slytherin house was taking on Rose’s Ravenclaw. He couldn’t wait to watch the game. Although he didn’t think he’d ever play it like their papa, it was still fun to watch. He also knew how much Rose seemed to really want to play it, so it would be an enjoyable experience to watch alongside her.

Allison knew that today was the first Quidditch match of the season for Ravenclaw. She awoke to a growl in her stomach. Luckily, breakfast was before the game, because the blonde haired hazel eyed girl was hungry. Allison hopped out of bed and smiled to herself, humming a soft tune as she got ready for the day, getting dressed and doing her hair nicely. She had finished combing it and finally completed her blue and white stripped Ravenclaw tie. “Ready to go, Rose?” the girl asked, looking over at her roommate and best friend. “I must say I’m quite famished. Breakfast seems nice right now,” she said, rubbing her belly.
Kaleb and Alex had been celebrating the win yesterday for Gryffindor and in doing so, Kaleb had ended up sleeping a little later that morning. He got woken by both Alex and his stomach. Kaleb quickly got dressed and headed to the Great Hall alongside Alex. He entered the Great Hall and looked around for Logan.

Rose had just finished brushing her hair when Allison asked if she was ready. “Yep! I’m so hungry. Can’t cheer our team on with an empty stomach.” She said with a laugh. She turned towards their dorm room door, ready to head to the Great Hall with her best friend and roommate.
“Not at all!” Allison agreed. “I’m so hungry I think my tummy is eating itself,” she half joked. The blonde haired girl went out of their dorms and headed to the Great Hall with her best friend. She’d learned a bit about Rose over the past few months. She loved every moment she spent with the brown hair and eyed female.

Logan entered the Great Hall and immediately sought out his best friend Kaleb, looking for a set of Gryffindor robes on a blonde haired boy. He then found him and ran over to him excitedly. “Kaleb! Morning mate! Breakfast?” he asked with a smile. Once they sat down he’d invite Kaleb to go to the Slytherin vs Ravenclaw Quidditch game with him.
Rose laughed at that. She’d been enjoying learning things about her blonde haired hazel eyed best friend. Rose followed beside Allison out of their dorm and out of the common room, making their way to the Great Hall. Once there, Rose headed to the loud Ravenclaw table, the entire house was eager for the game against Slytherin.

Kaleb heard his name called and he smiled, looking over to see Logan running over to him. “Good morning mate! Yes. I am starving!” Kaleb said automatically heading to the Slytherin table to eat breakfast with his best friend.
As Allison entered the Great Hall with Rose, she instantly noticed the noise. Or was significantly louder than usual with excitement from mainly both the Slytherin and Ravenclaw tables anticipating the match later. Allison sat down and smiled as she looked at the wide array of tasty breakfast foods available to her. She could hear here stomach groaning with hunger. “Alright alright!” she said as she quickly pulled over some pancakes to eat.

Logan was thrilled to see Kaleb, even though he saw him everyday at this point. “Hullo lad!” he greeted his Gryffindor companion. “As am I!” Logan replied, nodding his head. He too was quite hungry. Kaleb seemed to make his way towards the Slytherin table so he followed. It was filled to the brim with many wild Slytherin students, all dressed in green gear for their house. “So mate!” Logan said, having to shout over the noise to talk to Kaleb. “I was wondering if you’d like to accompany me to the Ravenclaw vs Slytherin Quidditch game after breakfast?” he asked.
Rose could feel the energy in the air. She loved the energy and excitement. As she sat down beside Allison, Rose was ready to explode with excitement. She filled her plate happily.

Kaleb nodded with a laugh. He saw all the Slytherins eagerly waiting for the game. Kaleb sat down and looked at Logan, hearing the question. “Really? I’d love to!” Kaleb happily, smile wide on his face.
“This is all so exciting, isn’t it?” Allison asked as she munched on her breakfast. “Everyone seems to be in such a good mood. Quidditch really is a big thing here, huh?” she said. “I’m looking forward to watching the game with you,” said Allison, offering a soft smile over to Rose.

Logan’s brown eyes widened and his face lit up, a big smile appearing on it as Kaleb happily accepted his invitation. “Great!” he shouted excitedly. “I- I mean cool! Cool!” he said, trying to calm down and play it off as if it were no big deal. But it was a big deal, at least to Logan. “I know it’s not Gryffindor playing but I was going to maybe watch with my sister and her friend. I’d love you have you tag along,” he told his friend with a nice smile.
“It’s very exciting!” Rose said excitedly. “It’s a very big deal here.” She added, excited to see the game as it was played here. “I can’t wait to see the game with you either.” Rose said with a smile.

Kaleb smiled at the excitement in Logan’s voice. “That sounds like a great idea.” Kaleb agreed. He’d love to watch the game today with Logan!
“Didn’t you say your brother might come along?” Allison asked curiously. “It is Ravenclaw vs Slytherin after all, and Logan is a Slytherin!” she said.

Logan was delighted at Kaleb’s enthusiasm. It made him enjoy the boy that much more. “Oh awesome! I knew my best mate would say yes to something like this,” he said excitedly. “Now all that’s left to decide is what to eat!”
Rose sighed. “Yes I did. And I can’t wait for our team to beat his.” Rose laughed, hoping that Ravenclaw would win so she could tease her brother.

Kaleb laughed. “I’d never say no to you mate!” He said, then at the mention of food, his stomach rumbled. “Yes, let’s get some food!” He added, ready to eat.
“I think they’ll beat them too!” Allison said with a little giggle. “Do try the pancakes Rose! There quite tasty,” she implored her best friend with a smile.

Logan nodded, very hungry too now that he thought about it. He pulled over a plate of some French toast and much like his papa, lathered it in excessive amounts of maple syrup. “I really hope Slytherin bears Ravenclaw so I can rub it in my sister’s face!” he laughed.
Rose laughed as she looked over at Allison. “Maybe if we wish hard enough we can manifest it.” She said with a giggle. Rose reached for a pancake. “Okay!” She said with a smile.

Kaleb laughed. “I think we can definitely beat them!” He agreed, taking some pancakes and putting a small amount of syrup on them.
“Is there some sort of spell we can cast to give them an advantage?” Allison asked. “Or would that be considered cheating? Perhaps scrap that idea- I wouldn’t want our team to get disqualified!” she said.

“We?” Logan asked, slightly confused and stunned. “Y- you know our houses are err, kinda rivals, right?” he asked, shifting slightly uncomfortably in his seat as he recalled the many stories of his Gryffindor papa about Slytherin. Though, it was a nice thought that Kaleb wanted to cheer for Slytherin, even as a Gryffindor himself.
Rose shook her head. “Definitely not.” She said with a little laugh. “I don’t want our team disqualified for that. I’d never hear the end of it from Logan.” She said.

Kaleb realized what he’d said but decided to go with it. “Yes, we. I’ll cheer for Slytherin as long as they aren’t playing against Gryffindor. Then I’ll cheer for my team. Even though the houses aren’t really rivals anymore.” He said with a small laugh, smile on his face. He knew that the two houses used to big rivals but as Slytherin fixed it’s reputation, the rivalry kind of died down.
“Oh that would be annoying,” chuckled Allison, “My poor, poor Rose,” she said, faking a frown. “We’ll have to make sure Ravenclaw wins by cheering really loud! Can’t have your brother gloating about a Slytherin win, can we?” she said. She was almost done with her pancakes and it seemed that the other Ravenclaw students were finishing up their breakfasts as well so that they could get to the game.

Logan smiled, liking the sound of that. “Alright, that sounds good to me,” he replied. The brown haired boy worked on finishing his French toast. Soon, breakfast was coming to an end and excited Slytherin students were getting up and leaving the Great Hall to head out to the pitch.
Rose nodded. “Thank you. At least someone knows my pain.” She said with a laugh, finishing her food and standing up. “Let’s go cheer really loudly for our team.” She said, holding a hand out for Allison. “No, definitely can’t have him gloating about that.” Rose added.

Kaleb smiled. He noticed that everyone was finishing up breakfast, his own done. “Ready to go cheer for Slytherin?” He asked with a smile, standing up from the table to stretch.

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