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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Kaleb rolled his eyes playfully at Logan. "Do you always talk with your mouth full?" He asked him teasingly as Kaleb took a bite of his own sandwich, smiling at how good it tastes. Rose nodded as she took another bite, finishing it before speaking. "My dad's a great cook but somehow even the sandwiches here are better too!" She said with a laugh.
Logan suddenly widened his brown eyes and blushed, quickly swallowing what was in his mouth. “Yes!” he originally said, slipping up (although this was technically the truth). “Err, I mean no!” he clarified quickly and loudly. Logan was now a blushing red mess. He was already making himself look like a fool. Maybe his dad and papa were right to try and attempt to teach him table manners growing up. Allison giggled, “Don’t tell your dad that! I guess I can’t tell my mum either because these are better than the one she makes,” she said.
Kaleb laughed as he saw Logan's reaction. "I was just teasing ya mate." He said with a smile, turning to eat another bite of his sandwich. He found it cute that Logan was blushing from that. Rose laughed as well. "I'm not gonna tell him, that's for sure!" She said with a grin, even though her eyes found Xavier's at the professors table enjoying his own lunch and looked away again. She hoped he hadn't heard her say the sandwiches here were better than his.
“Err, it won’t happen again, sorry…” he said in response to Kaleb softly, still blushing profusely on his face and looking away from his friend as he continued to eat. Logan ate but this time, at a much slower and more normal pace. Even though it seemed that Kaleb didn’t mind and was only messing around, Logan still kicked himself internally. He was making himself look silly in front of such a cute boy and a new friend- new best friend. “Well, at least he’s probably far away, right?” Allison asked with a chuckle. “So he can’t hear ya!”
Kaleb looked at Logan with a smile. "It's okay." He said softly as he started eating himself. He didn't mind, he was just happy to have a cute boy as his best friend. It was the highlight of his first year so far. Rose looked at Allison as she swallowed her bite. "Y- Yeah. He's definitely far away, at home." Rose said, trying to not sound like she was clearly not telling the truth. She did not want Allison or anyone else to know that her dad was a professor here.
Logan didn’t say much anything else after that. He remained silent and ate slower. Allison laughed a bit at the way Rose replied to her but simply shrugged it off and thought nothing more of it. “Kinda miss my folks now that I think of it,” she said. “I hope they know I’m safe and that I’ve made a really great friend here,” she said with a soft smile.
Kaleb wasn't sure about the silence, but he ate quietly as well. Rose was glad that Allison hadn't asked anything about the way she'd answered. "Well, I'm sure they miss you. And you're at the safest place you can be. And I'm glad we're friends" Rose told her with a matching soft smile.
“I think I’ll be okay away from them, as long as I have you,” said Allison with a smile as she finished off her turkey sandwich. She wasn’t much of a big eater but the one sandwich had barely filled her stomach, so she decided to reach for another one.
Rose blushed at that, a smile on her face. “I’ll be right here beside you.” She said, looking over at Allison. Rose then finished her first sandwich and had started on the second one.
“These are pretty good. I know it’s just a sandwich and shouldn’t be anything to write home about but they’re quite tasty,” said the blonde haired girl as she started on her second one. As Allison ate, she thought of some questions. “So, Logan’s your brother, right? Who’s older? Or are you twins?” she asked. “Because you two look a lot alike!”
Rose nodded with a smile. “I know. It’s crazy how good these sandwiches are.” She said taking another bite. She paused and looked at Allison. “We’re twins. I’m not sure who is technically older.” Rose admitted. “We’re considered identical twins, which is why we look like.” She added, looking at Allison with a small smile.
“Maybe I’ll ask Logan then,” chuckled Allison. “The boys always seem to know who’s the older one. I had a friend back at home who had a twin brother. He’d constantly remind her who was one minute older,” she laughed, recalling the memory. “Maybe your mum and dad have the birth certificate and papers still,” proposed Allison with a shrug.
Rose shook her head. “If you ask him, he’d say he was older.” She said with a laugh. Though her comment about her mum and dad having the paperwork made Rose look away. “I doubt that.” Rose didn’t know who her mum and dad were, she just knew her dad and papa. And she didn’t know if they had their birth certificates.
Allison giggled, “Oh boys,” she said with a sigh. But she quickly looked curious and slightly confused as Rose seemed to turn away and doubt as to whether or not her parents had her birth papers. “You doubt it? Why’s that?” she asked, “Child birth is one of the most greatest things in this world! The bond between a mother and her child is something special! I’m sure your mum or even your dad has them lying around somewhere,” she said with a soft smile.
Rose looked over at Allison when she giggled but sighed. “I didn’t know my mum or dad. Logan and I were adopted by our dads.” Rose said quietly. She’s never really talked about it before but she didn’t want to lie to her friend.
Allison raised both of her eyebrows and looked a little stunned as Rose told her this. She frowned and now felt bad for having seemingly made her new friend so uncomfortable. “Oh uhh I- I’m sorry…. I didn’t know….” she said quietly, looking down at her plate and the half-eaten sandwich on it.
Rose noticed the frown and placed her hand on Allison’s shoulder. “It’s okay. How could you have known? It’s not something I announce.” Rose told her softly. She didn’t want Allison to feel bad.
“I- I didn’t mean to make things awkward or anything,” said Allision softly with a little frown. She hadn’t known that not only were Rose and Logan adopted, but they had two dads. Logan and Rose had been informed they were adopted at some point in their life as Aaron felt it was necessary for them both to know.
“Ok, g- good,” said Allison, cracking a soft smile, glad she hadn’t angered or made her friend too uncomfortable. “Well I’m sure your two dads are very nice and have given you a really great home and upbringing,” she said.
Rose nodded, seeing the soft smile. “They are really nice. They definitely gave us a nice home.” She said. Rose looked over at the professor’s table and sent a small smile to her dad before turning back to Allison.
Allison smiled, glad that Rose and Logan’s dads were good to them. “Erm, if it’s not too much to ask and wouldn’t make you uncomfortable, h- how long have you known your dads? Like when did they adopt you?” the blonde haired girl asked, curious and wanting to know more about her new best friend’s past.
Rose smiled at her friend. “It’s okay to ask. They adopted us at three weeks old.” She said, this didn’t make her uncomfortable at all. She had accepted that they’d been adopted and didn’t mind sharing with her best friend.
“Three weeks? Wow…. So you’ve been with them your whole lives, huh?” Allison said softly. “Are you and your brother close? I’m sure you must be as twins! I don’t even have a sibling!” Allison told her, asking even more questions. She wanted to know everything she could about this amazing girl next to her.
Rose nodded. “Yeah we have.” She agreed. “We are, even when he drives me crazy and we tease each other, I know he’s got my back and I’ve got his.” Rose with a smile as she answered her friends questions.

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