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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier held back the chuckle he wanted to let out. “Follow me.” He said simply. He could tell that his son was unsure of what to call him. Xavier definitely was trying to keep it professional. He led the way through the halls, making sure that Logan could keep up. Once they reached his office, he let his son in before shutting the door. His office was simple, pictures of different stages of the twins and pictures of Aaron and some of them all together on his desk and a few on the walls. “So, I saw the sorting last night. Did you want to talk about it?” He asked gently, leaning against his desk.
Logan nodded and gulped nervously. What did his father need from him? Was he in trouble? What had he done? Was Xavier just going to embarrass him? Was he here to gush over him and tell him how proud he was of how much he had grown, and that it seemed like just yesterday to him that he was changing his diapers? Whatever the case, Logan felt his stomach churn on the way to his father, Professor Collins’, office. As he entered the office, he noticed it almost felt a bit like home. There were many pictures of himself and his sister at various stages in their lives- as babies, little kids, and some recent ones too. Of course there were some photos of his papa, particularly one in a special frame which Logan assumed was from their wedding day dressing by the attire and the loving smiles on his fathers’ faces. Then Xavier told him why he had brought him into his office- the sorting. Logan frowned and looked ashamed of himself. “I’m sorry dad….” he said softly. “I- I didn’t want Slytherin. Not at all!” he said, looking back up at him. “I don’t belong here dad. Think of what papa will think! Hell I don’t even know how you think of me now!”
Xavier tilted his head a little as he listened to Logan. He could see the boy looked ashamed and he sighed softly. Xavier knelt down on one knee, hand on Logan’s shoulder. “There is absolutely no need to be sorry for one.” He started. “And I know that you belong here and Slytherin is lucky to have you in their house. Papa will love you no matter what, just like I do. You want to know what I think of you? I think you’re a smart, kind, caring young boy who will make us and your house proud.” Xavier finished. He held his arms open for his son, a silent invitation for a hug.
Logan looked up and to the side at his father who had come over to him and knelt down to put a comforting and gentle arm on his shoulder. Logan held onto every word Xavier said and listened. It eased the pain of being sorted into Slytherin. Seeing as that his dad and papa truly wouldn’t be ashamed that their son had been sorted into the house of the serpent coupled with how Kaleb didn’t seem to mind he was a “slimy snake,” perhaps this really wouldn’t be so bad after all. Logan saw his father open his arms inviting him in for a hug. A small smile was forced onto Logan’s lips as the boy went towards his dad and wrapped his arms around him. There was one thing that would hold true- he always felt special in either of his fathers’ embraces. “Thanks dad, I love you,” he said softly.
Xavier wrapped his arms tight around his son. He gave him a tight hug and smiled. “You’re welcome buddy. I love you too.” He said gently. A moment passed and Xavier pulled away. “If you ever need to talk to me about anything, my door is always open okay buddy?” He made sure to tell him that. Then a grin on his face now that he’d helped his son. “So, who’s that boy you were sitting with?” He asked in a teasing tone. Yes, Xavier would be there for his kids, and he’d also tease them too. But he wouldn’t embarrass them either. He’d tease them in his office or if they were at home or alone.
Logan nodded and smiled softly. He appreciated his father. Sure he was his professor now but he’d always be his dad, and he was glad that he could come talk to him at any time, even at school. He then saw a grin on his dad’s face and suddenly, widened his eyes and blushed profusely as his father asked him about the boy he was hanging out with that he must have seen from afar. “Nothing! H- he’s just a new friend! That’s all!” Logan quickly replied. “And dad, please try not to embarrass me in class today,” pleaded Logan. “Don’t start regaling the class in tales of changing my diapers when I was a baby and whatnot.”
Xavier chuckled, seeing the blush on Logan’s face. “A new friend? I see. I can’t wait to meet him.” Xavier said with a smile. “Oh why not? I’m sure all your classmates want to hear the stories of you as a baby.” He said playfully. “Me? Embarrassing? I would never.” Xaie added, looking at Logan. Then his soft smile came back after he finished his little playful teasing. “Don’t worry son, I’ll be super professional. Are you ready for class?” He asked.
Logan rolled his eyes but couldn’t help but smile and laugh at his father’s antics. “Bloody hell dad, you’re going to be the death of me,” he chuckled. He then nodded in response to his dad’s question. “Yea, I think I’m ready. I’ve got my textbook and stuff,” he replied with a shrug. “Maybe you can get me some brownie points with my new friend and give me and him good grades and no homework, eh?” Logan asked with a grin, jokingly trying to cut a deal with his father he knew he’d never accepted. He valued not only his son’s education but education in general and its integrity. “His name is Kaleb, by the way. Kaleb Price.”
Xavier laughed himself. “That’s what dads are for.” He said, a smile on his face. A smile that was replaced with a playful frown. “I’m glad you’re ready buddy and yeah that’s not gonna happen.” He said, shaking his head at Logan, the smile back. “Kaleb. Okay.” He nodded. “Well, I think it’s about time for class. You wanna head down the hall and I’ll be there in a minute? And Logan? I’m proud of you bud.” He told him with that fatherly smile on his face.
Logan smiled and nodded at his dad. “Yea, that sounds good dad,” he said, starting towards the office door. “I love you,” he told his father. “See you soon in class, Professor Collins,” he said with a wink. He then exited the office and went back to the Great Hall to look for Kaleb.
Xavier smiled as he watched his son head towards the office door. “I love you too buddy.” And he couldn’t help the swell of pride hearing his son call him Professor Collins. As the door shut, Xavier shook his head with a laugh, going and sitting at his desk, getting the last things taken care of before class.

Kaleb was waiting patiently for his friend to come back, unsure what was taking him so long.

Rose had been chatting with Allison, hoping that their dad was able to help Logan out. She’d never seen him so upset.
Logan eventually came back to the Great Hall and returned to where he and Kaleb had been sitting at the end of the Slytherin table. He blushed when he realized just how long he had been gone for. He wasn’t going to tell Kaleb that he actually hadn’t been to the bathroom and he sure as hell wasn’t going to tell him that he just had a meeting with his dad- also the charms professor. “Hey uhh, sorry about that!” Logan said as he returned to his seat. “The French toast went right through me, didn’t agree with my stomach and all that,” he said, revealing perhaps too much information, even if none of it was true. “I’m back though, and I think just in time!”
Kaleb looked up at Logan when he came back with a smile. "Hey, that's okay! I'm just glad you're okay! Though I think it might be time to head to class?" He said, looking at his friend who sat next to him. Kaleb noticed that he seemed in much better spirits now than he had before. Perhaps it really was some bad French toast.
Logan was relieved that Kaleb didn’t question him any further or seem suspicious of him because he didn’t want to have to make up any more graphic bathroom excuses. But, he was in much higher spirits than before, and was all ready to go. Logan nodded, “We should probably head there now, let’s go,” he said with a smile.
Kaleb smiled as he stood up from the table himself. "Sounds good to me!" Kaleb said excitedly. He was beyond excited to be headed to the first class of the year.

Rose smiled at Allison as she checked the clock. "Ready to get going to class?" She asked her new friend. She was nervous and excited for her first class, since it was her first class of the year but also because it was her dads class.
Logan smiled as he stood up and went out of the Great Hall with Kaleb. He briefly gave a little glance and a nod to his sister as he saw her getting up from the Ravenclaw table with Allison. Allison nodded, ready to go as well.
Kaleb walked beside Logan as they headed to the Charms classroom.

Rose smiled at Allison and nodded to her brother as they two headed to the Charms classroom.
Logan smiled seeing his twin sister acknowledge his gaze. He walked with Kaleb to the charms classroom as Allison walked with Rose. When Logan entered, he looked over at Kaleb. “Where do you wanna sit? Front or back?” he asked the blonde haired boy. “I say we go back- that way my d- I err, the professor, doesn’t call on us,” said Logan.
Kaleb nodded, though he wouldn’t have minded behind called on. “Sounds good to me.” He said with a smile. He found a table for them near the back of the classroom. Rose entered the classroom and looked around. “Middle of the room with you?” She asked Allison looking at an open table just in front of Logan and Kaleb.
Logan grinned and nodded as Kaleb agreed to sit in the back of the room with him. Hopefully here his dad wouldn’t notice them, as much as he of course loved him. He didn’t want to be called on in general in class, but let alone by his own father. “See, this is the best seat in the house! We’re practically immune from being called on! Professors never check the back!” Logan said as he sat down and leaned back, kicking his feet up on the desk and putting his hands around his head, relaxing.

Allison nodded at Rose as they entered the room and she suggested they sit in the middle. “Sounds fine to me, as long as I get to sit with you,” she said, giving her new friend a little smile. “I wonder what the professor will be like!” said Allison as she sat down. “I hope he’s nice.”
Kaleb shook his head with a laugh at Logan who looked very relaxed. He had never met someone quite like the boy he was sitting beside. And he was perfectly fine with that.

Rose blushed at that, smiling at Allison. She sat down and then turned her attention to her friend. “I heard he’s really nice.” Rose said. She definitely did not want to admit that their professor was her dad. She looked around to see that the classroom was indeed full and wondered where her dad was.

Xavier made his way into the classroom a moment later. His eyes immediately found both his daughter and his son. He narrowed his eyes at the way Logan was currently sitting. “Welcome first years. My name is Professor Collins and I’ll be your Charms professor for the next seven years. We’re starting off with a simple levitation charm today. There is a feather in front of each of you. The charm is Wingardium Leviosa. It’s a simple swish and flick motion with the wrist.” Xavier demonstrated on his own feather. “You may begin. I will be walking around to gauge your progress.” He added.
“Oh well that’s a relief,” said Allison with a smile as Rose informed her that the professor was supposedly a nice guy. What she didn’t know of course was of Rose’s relation to him. She didn’t even know his last name yet! Logan was relaxing a bit too casually as his father came into the room. As Xavier began to speak, Logan noticed him sort of glaring at him, which quickly told him to sit normally and show some respect and care for learning. It was so weird to him seeing his dad get up there and lecture a class. This was the same man that had held him in his arms and played toys with him when he was younger. Now he was his teacher, as well as all of his other classmates’ teacher too. Logan listened to Professor Collins as he explained to them the levitation charm and the correct wand movements to perform it. It was an easy swish and flick motion. Logan shrugged as his father asked the class to try it for themselves. It seemed simply enough. The incantation wasn’t too bad either- easy to say if you listened to the correct pronunciation. Logan took out his 12 inch maple wood wand and began to swish and flick it towards the feather in front of him, hoping that Kaleb was watching and more so, if he was successful, that the blonde haired boy would be impressed with his new Slytherin best friend. Instantly, the feather began to levitate for Logan, causing the brown hair and brown eyed boy to grin. Allison tried it next to Rose, but to no avail yet for the muggle girl. But Logan had been one of the few in the class to get it done on their first tries.
Rose smiled at her friend before her attention drew up to the front when her dad walked in. It was weird seeing him up there, addressing them as students. In class he was no longer their loving dad, the teasing stern one. He was her professor. She listened intently as he talked, explaining the charm they’d be working on. Rose looked at her feather and drew out her wand, trying the spell out herself. She didn’t get it the first time but she did get it the second time. Her eyes went over to Allison, watching her as well as trying it again.

Kaleb tried the charm himself, but he was having troubles doing it. He tried a couple times and sighed in frustration. He did notice Logan so it first try and smiled at him. “Good job mate!” He said. He just wished he could get his to levitate.

Xavier began walking around the classroom, and his eyes were looking at all of them but he noticed that Logan got his feather to levitate first try. Xavier made his way that way looking at all his students. He paused in front of Logan’s table and nodded. “Excellent job S- Mr. Hoskins-Collins.” He said, almost tripping up and saying son. Then he carried on, checking on other students.
Logan was quite impressed with himself that he had gotten it right on the first attempt. He smiled proudly as his heart swelled with pride upon hearing Kaleb’s compliments. The Gryffindor boy had seen him do it correctly. “Ah thanks mate!” he replied. Logan looked over at Kaleb and saw him unfruitfully try to levitate the feather. He saw his father coming over and his heart leapt. The professor then complimented him, and Logan could tell he was about to call him son, but he corrected himself quickly before anyone can figure out what he would’ve said and simply called him Mr. Hoskins-Collins. A grin re-appeared on Logan’s face at the compliment, but it didn’t stay for too long as he frowned seeing Kaleb fail.

“Hold on mate,” said Logan, scooting closer to his Gryffindor buddy, “I think you’re not swishing it hard enough,” he said. “You’ve got to be loose with the motion yet firm,” he went on. “Here,” he said, putting his arms against Kaleb’s and gently grabbing his wand hand. “Try more like this,” said Logan as he made a firm but fluid swish and flick motion with the wand. He then offered a soft smile to the blonde haired boy as he pulled away. “Get it?” he asked, ready to help some more if need be.

Meanwhile, Allison wasn’t having much luck. “This isn’t easy…” she said with a frown. But she wasn’t too deterred- she’d do what she did back in muggle school. When you needed help or assistance from the teacher, you’d simply raise your hand. So, that’s what she did. “I think I’m going to ask the professor for some help,” she said. Allison then raised her hand high up in the air and waited for Professor Collins to come over to them.
Kaleb was definitely frustrated but happy for his friend. He blushed when he felt Logan put his arms around him and grabbed his wand hand. Kaleb watched intently at the motion that Logan made. “Okay. I got it. I think.” Kaleb said. He went to try it again. “Wingardium Leviosa” He said as he did the same motion that Logan showed him. Then his feather levitated in the air a few inches. “I- I did it! Thanks mate! I really appreciate the help!” He said excitedly, giving Logan a side hug in appreciation.

Rose was going to help her friend but then she’d raised her hand and Rose looked away, she was nervous that her dad would embarrass her.

Xavier had helped a couple students before he heard his son talking to the boy Kaleb. It made him happy that he was willing to help another student. He passed by casually again, pausing. “Excellent job helping a fellow student Mr. Hoskins-Collins. Ten points to Slytherin for helping a student.” It was like an echo to Xavier back when he first helped Aaron and Professor Flitwick had done the same. His attention was drawn to a raised and headed that way. He stopped beside Allison. “How can I help you Ms. Davis?” He asked her, his eyes looking over at Rose real quick before returning to Allison.

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