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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

“House elves?” Allison asked. She had never heard of such a thing. She ate her food in awe at this magical and wonderful place that was Hogwarts. The muggle born was going to be in for a wild journey here. Meanwhile Logan didn’t look so happy. Everyone else seemed satisfied but him. He got the sense that Rose didn’t mind being in Ravenclaw because she had Allison. Kaleb was in Gryffindor and who wouldn’t be happy getting into arguably the best house at Hogwarts? That just left poor Logan, alone and in the worst house of them all- Slytherin. He was so miserable he didn’t even notice Kaleb looking over at him from the Gryffindor table. Eventually the feast did end and the prefects were working on getting the first years up and gathering them around to take them to their respective dormitories.
Rose nodded at her friends question. “Yeah.” She said with a smile. Eventually though dinner had finished and their prefect was getting everyone up to head to their dormitory. Rose wondered who her roommate would be, maybe it would be Allison. Then again, she wasn’t that lucky. Rose stood up from the table and stretched, a yawn coming out. She was tired and arguably so, it had been a long day.

Kaleb got up with the rest of his house, losing sight of Logan as the other houses got up. He was led to Gryffindor tower with the rest of his house. He couldn’t wait for morning to see Logan and talk to him.

Xavier knew he needed to talk to Logan soon. He could see that his son wasn’t happy with his sorting. Perhaps he’d bring him into his office tomorrow before class. He didn’t want his son to go through the year upset about his sorting.
Logan frowned as he got up and followed the rest of the Slytherin first years guided by the prefects out of the Great Hall and down to the dungeon where the Slytherins were housed. Just great- the Slytherin dorms were down deep inside of the dark dungeon of the castle- as if things couldn’t get any worse. Logan wondered if Kaleb even wanted to see or talk to him at all now that he was a Slytherin. He didn’t even know if he could face his own father. Surely he was a disgrace to the Hoskins-Collins line now.

Meanwhile Allison couldn’t be happier. She was in this magical place and now had a new friend in her house to be by her side. She followed the Ravenclaws over to Ravenclaw Tower where their dormitories were. She couldn’t wait for her first day of classes tomorrow. It was an exciting time in the young girl’s life for sure.
Rose followed Allison and the other Ravenclaws to their dormitories located in Ravenclaw tower. She was happy having her new friend by her side and as they entered, she made her way to her new dorm room, entering it and seeing her trunk at the base of her new bed. She looked around, wondering who her roommate would be.

Kaleb’s thoughts were of his new friend or if he even wanted to be his new friend. He entered the Gryffindor tower with his house and made it to his new dorm room. A minute later a boy with black hair and blue eyes entered. He introduced himself as Alex. He seemed nice enough to Kaleb, and a little cute too if the boy had to say. Kaleb changed into his sleep clothes and laid down in the bed, ready for bed himself as he yawned.
Once they had arrived at Ravenclaw Tower, the girls were sent left and the boys right. Allison was given her room and went to it after parting with Rose. She was extremely surprised but equally delighted to see that Rose would be her roommate. She entered their dorm room excitedly, a contagious smile on her face. Her luggage was already there but she didn’t even begin to fathom how that was possible yet.

Logan sulked off to the Slytherin boys dormitories. As he entered his room, he noticed there was a boy there. He had dark colored hair and hazel eyes, almost a bit like his own papa’s. He was a bit cute but that wasn’t even on Logan’s mind. The boy introduced himself as Gabriel but Logan barely said a word to him, causing the other to frown. Logan simply changed into his pajamas and slipped into bed, burying himself under the emerald green colored covers and wishing that tomorrow he’d wake up and it would all be a bad dream.
Rose looked up when Allison came into their room. How lucky was she that Allison was her roommate! Rose had changed into her sleeping clothes while she’d been waiting. “Hey! Can you believe we’re here and roommates?” She asked excitedly, sitting on her bed and pulling the blue covers over her. Rose yawned as she sat there. She wanted to talk more to her friend but she could feel herself getting really tired.

Kaleb had passed out a few moments after he’d laid down. Wanting the morning to come quickly.
“Not at all! This place really is magic!” Allison said excitedly. Soon the girl let out a yawn and it wasn’t too long until she chanted into her pajamas and slipped into bed, saying a last good night to Rose before climbing into the four-poster bed and sliding under the blue covers. The next day, everyone woke bright and early for the first day of classes. Allison was up and readying herself for the morning. Meanwhile Logan opted to sleep in. His roommate Gabriel was getting ready and noticed the boy hadn’t gotten up yet. After doing his green and white striped Slytherin tie, he went over to Logan’s bed and gently shook him awake.

“Psst! Mate!” Gabe whispered. He didn’t even have a name for Logan as the boy had quickly dismissed him last night. Still, Gabe felt it was the right thing to do to wake his new roommate up. He was a fellow Slytherin after all and your houses were like family, right? Logan groaned feeling himself be shaken. “Piss off,” he mumbled, burying himself further underneath the covers. Gabriel frowned at this but something in his gut wouldn’t let him leave this kid alone. “Oh come on… you can’t be like that, can you?” Gabe asked.

“We’ve got first day of classes lad!” Gabriel mentioned. This caused Logan to sigh and roll over to face his roommate. Perhaps he’d get up- he had been looking forward to this day for years now. “Fine then, you go on without me,” said Logan, brushing Gabe aside as he hopped out of bed. Gabriel shook his head no. “I’ll wait for you. Us Slytherin have to stick together,” he said. Logan turned around and glared at Gabe. “Don’t call me that,” he hissed at the boy. Gabe went silent but still waited for Logan, much to Logan’s annoyance. Logan felt sick to his stomach as he put on his uniform and now robes that dawned the Slytherin house crest and colors.

Logan didn’t feel like be belonged in the house of the green serpent at all. “All ready to go, mate?” Gabe asked with a friendly grin. Logan just huffed, looking as miserable as ever. “Didn’t I say to buzz off earlier?” Logan asked as he pushed past Gabe. Gabe frowned at this but quickly followed after Logan. “You know, I think it’s pretty cool they have us Slytherin down here. It’s like our own little secret area of the castle!” Gabe said, the tone of his voice clearly indicating that he was not at all disheartened by Logan’s behavior towards him. “I’m not a bloody Slytherin like you,” muttered Logan.

Gabe paused at this odd statement. “Well of course you are! That’s where the Hat put ya! Didn’t it?” he said. “You’re also wearing Slytherin robes silly,” giggled Gabe as he followed Logan up to the Great Hall. Logan turned around and glowered harshly at the trailing boy. “This was a mistake. I’m no Slytherin! My dads are going to disown me for being in such a filthy house! In fact, out of all four, Slytherin has by far got to be the worst!” Logan said, raising his voice angrily now. Gabe looked stunned and frowned a bit. He was silent after that as Logan grumpily entered the Great Hall for breakfast.

Rose woke up early the next day, excitement flooding her as she got up. Eagerly and excitedly she put on her new Ravenclaw robes and noticed Allison was up too. “Ready for classes?!” Rose said, her voice raised in excitement as she looked at her roommate. She couldn’t wait to make it through breakfast. She hadn’t yet checked her schedule and she planned to do that at breakfast. Along with checking on her brother.

Kaleb had woken up to a boy shaking his shoulder. He opened his eyes to look at his roommate. A wide grin came across his face, and he got up. “Come on mate! Get dressed!” Alex said with a wide smile, already dressed in his Gryffindor robes. Kaleb nodded excitedly and got up from the bed. He slid on his own Gryffindor robes and nodded. He couldn’t wait to get to breakfast so he could see Logan again. “I’m ready, I’m ready!” He said with a laugh, following Alex out of their room. The two boys chatted as they made their way into the Great Hall. Kaleb’s eyes looked around and they landed on Logan and he called his friends name, trying to get his attention. “Hey! Logan!”

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“I think so,” replied Allison as she was finishing doing her tie. “A rather large man helped me get my books and wand, so I think I should be ready. Think his name was Hagrid or something,” she told Rose. When they were finished, both girls headed down to the Great Hall for some breakfast. Meanwhile Logan had found a spot at the very end of the Slytherin table, away from Gabriel, who he shooed off, all alone. He was about to eat when suddenly, much to his surprise, he heard someone calling his name. Logan looked up and widened his brown eyes- it was Kaleb. He looked good in those Gryffindor robes- Gryffindor robes he wished he could be wearing. “Kaleb?” Logan asked, honestly stunned that the Gryffindor was talking to a Slytherin like him.
Rose nodded. She’d heard about Hagrid from her fathers. He was a nice guy and she was glad that Allison had him to help her. She followed her friend down to the Great Hall. She had wanted to talk to her brother but she saw Kaleb headed towards him so she left them alone. Rose made her way to the Ravenclaw table, sitting down with a smile. “I’m so hungry.” She said with a laugh, grabbing some breakfast.

Kaleb smiled as he saw Logan look at him. He looked good in those green robes. Alex was confused with his roommate going to the Slytherin table. He bid Kaleb goodbye and went to their house table. Kaleb sat down beside Logan with a smile. “Hey mate! I wanted to congratulate you on your house last night but I couldn’t get your attention.” Kaleb said with a grin. “Are the dungeons as creepy as I think they might be?” He asked, grabbing some breakfast while he talked.
Allison giggled as she pulled over a plate. “I’m hungry too, and this Hogwarts food is great!” she said. “To tell you the truth, it really does blow my mum’s cooking out of the water. Sorry mum!” laughed Allison. At the Slytherin table, Logan was stunned to see Kaleb walking over to him after saying a brief goodbye to a fellow Gryffindor. Logan felt his heart pounding. He couldn’t believe Kaleb was coming to him when he had a whole table full of other Gryffindors to sit at. Logan’s brown eyes went big as Kaleb came over and sat down right next to him, grabbing some breakfast. Logan felt a slight blush tint his cheeks as Kaleb complimented him on his sorting. It meant a lot to hear that Kaleb seemed to find it cool, not repulsive, that he was sorted into Slytherin. “Th- thanks lad,” he replied, initially shocked. “Erm, congrats to you too, on Gryffindor. That’s my pops’ house,” he told him. Logan then sighed and frowned thinking about the dungeons that Hogwarts seemed to shove the Slytherins down into. “Oh it’s bloody awful mate! Terrible I tell ya! Can you believe they stuff us down in the belly of the castle? Tell you what- it’s probably cuz they don’t want those slimy snakes mixing with the others. I’m right pissed off about being a Slytherin- couldn’t believe it! It’s no house for me! And green isn’t even my color!” Logan ranted. “Err, the red looks very good on you though, I must say,” he added.
Rose laughed as she listened to Allison. "I know! The food is so much better than my dad's cooking and I thought his was great." She said with a smile. Rose loved her dad's cooking but even Xavier had nothing on the house elves and the food here. "Are you excited for courses? Any class sound super interesting to you?" Rose asked her friend in between bites. She, like her dad, was big on manners.

Kaleb smiled over at Logan, though he heard the initial shock in his words. "Thanks mate.. I didn't expect to be sorted into Gryffindor. My mum was a Ravenclaw" Kaleb admitted, then he tilted his head. "What do you mean? I think it's so cool to be down in the dungeons. It's like a bad horror movie down there!" Kaleb said with a laugh. "Really? I think Slytherin is a pretty great house, my grandpa was a Slytherin, and he was the greatest man I knew. And besides, I'm sure with you there, that house will be even better!" Kaleb told him, nudging Logan's shoulder playfully. "I think you look good in green.." Kaleb said softly, a blush on his face as he heard Logan say that red looked good on him. "T- Thanks." Kaleb said, taking some bites of his breakfast.
Allison was certainly more like Rose when she ate rather than Logan who got excited and was like Aaron as a kid, who threw manners out the window. She took small bites and waited to swallow so she had an empty mouth to speak. “Not sure,” she replied. “To tell you the truth, I don’t really know what type of classes we are taking! I know the name of some of them because of the books we’ve got but I’m not sure what any of them mean,” she said. “Like err, transformation or whatever,” said Allison, incorrectly recalling the name of transfiguration class.

Logan was surprised to say the least with Kaleb’s answer and reaction to him being a Slytherin. He blushed slightly as Kaleb went on and it became even more pronounced as the blonde haired boy told him that he did in fact look good in green. That certainly stuck with Logan. Clearly to Kaleb, being in Slytherin not only didn’t mean that he thought of Logan any differently, but if anything, he thought it was the coolest thing ever. “Thanks lad,” replied Logan softly as he focused on eating, wishing the pronounced blush that was now on his face would go away. Perhaps Slytherin wasn’t that bad, but would his dad see it that way? His papa especially?
Rose looked at her friend with a smile. “Transfiguration. It’s basically transformative magic, and I heard it’s a lot of fun. I can’t wait for flying class myself! My papa was teaching me how to fly on a fake broom so I can play quidditch just like him! He’s a professional player.” Rose said. “Sorry, I tend to talk too much sometimes” She added. That was one of the traits she didn’t share with Xavier. Where he didn’t talk much, sometimes Rose couldn’t stop, especially when she was excited. “Have you ever seen a quidditch match?” She asked Allison after some more bites of her breakfast.

Kaleb smiled at Logan. “Of course mate!” He said with a smile. “Besides, we’re best friends now right? So why would we let who is in what house get in the way of that?” He asked in between bites of his own food. “Enough of the boring house talk. What class are you excited for?” He asked his new friend.
Allison raised one of her eyebrows, hearing a word she had never heard before- “Quidditch.” She simply laughed it off and shook her head. “Oh no worries about rambling,” she said. If Allison was being honest with herself, she could listen to this Rose girl talk all day. “No,” she giggled, “I can’t say I’ve ever heard of Quidditch,” she told her. “So no, I haven’t seen a match,” she revealed. “Is it a sport, like football?” she asked Rose curiously.

Logan raised his two eyebrows hearing Kaleb call him his best friend. Best friends? Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. If a Gryffindor like Kaleb wanted to be best friends with him, then clearly Slytherin couldn’t be too awful. A very slight blush tinted Logan’s cheeks as he smiled shyly, nodding. “Yea, right,” he said softly, “best mates!” he said, liking the way that sounded. He really liked this Kaleb fellow. They then shifted their conversation from houses to classes. Logan simply shrugged as he began to eat some of his French toast.

He wanted to say charms because truthfully, that was the class he WAS most excited for. But, if Kaleb ended up finding out that the charms professor was his dad, it might get weird. Plus, as excited as he was for charms, he was nervous about his dad being his teacher and perhaps embarrassing him in front of everyone. “Err, uhh,” said Logan as he tried to think of something other than charms. “Potions I guess,” he said with a shrug, rather unconvincingly. “And you?” Logan asked, turning the question on Kaleb.
Rose looked at Allison with a smile. “It’s a sport played on broomsticks up in the air. You have seven players on a team and the chasers, which is what my papa is, has to score while avoiding balls that can knock you off and other players.” Rose explained. “I’m planning on trying out for it next year!” She added. Rose had to admit, she was happy that Allison didn’t mind her rambling.

Kaleb smiled, he was happy to have found a best friend already. And a really nice one too. He listened to Logan talk about the class he was excited for. “Potions seems like fun but I’m most excited for Charms!” Kaleb said excitedly not knowing that the professor was Logan’s dad. Kaleb finished his food, his stomach full. Then he pulled out his schedule. “Looks like I have Charms first too! What about you?” He asked Logan curiously.
“Wow! That sounds pretty crazy!” Allison said, her eyes wide with wonder and awe as Rose explained to her what Quidditch was. It sounded equally wild and equally fun. “That’s pretty cool that your papa plays too! Maybe you’ll be just like him here at Hogwarts once you make the team!” Allison said with an encouraging grin.

Logan perked his head up and raised his eyebrows as Kaleb expressed that he would be most excited for charms class. “Oh uhh charms! Uhh, that seems like it would be a fun class,” said the brown haired boy with a small smile. He was a bit nervous now to go to charms considering his dad taught it. But it was truly the class he was most excited for. Growing up and watching Xavier perform charms made him want to learn them well too.

After finishing the last of his French toast, with a full belly, Logan took out his schedule and widened his eyes, surprised to learn that he did indeed have charms class first. That was bound to be interesting. “I’ve got charms class first too,” he told Kaleb. “That’s exciting- we share the same class!” Logan said with a smile.
Rose nodded her head with a smile. “It looked like a lot of fun when my grandpa took me and Logan to go see our papa play. He started teaching me on the ground. I hope I can be like him here.” Rose admitted. She really did want to be like her papa. Rose finished up her breakfast with a soft sigh. Stomach full, she pulled out her schedule. She noticed that she had Charms first. “What do you have first for a class Allison?” She asked her friend.

Kaleb nodded. “I’m excited for it! I read through the book and it looks so cool.” He said. “I hope the professor is really nice.” Kaleb said with a small smile before he felt it widen. “No way really? We can sit together!” Kaleb said with a happy grin. Today was just getting better and better for the blonde haired boy.
“Oh that sounds like a wonderful time!” Allison said with a smile. Eventually she had finished her breakfast and with a full stomach, she was ready to tackle the day. They still had a little while before classes actually started, so Allison was content to hang out with Rose the entire time. She quickly pulled out her schedule, hoping she shared some classes with the brown haired girl. When she saw that she had charms first too, she was delighted. “Look at that! Looks like I’ve got charms first too! We could sit together if you’d like!” Allison said.

“Erm, y- yea I’m sure the professor is fine,” said Logan with a dismissive shrug. How embarrassing it would be if not only Kaleb but literally anyone found out that his dad was the professor for charms. He did cheer up a bit and smile softly as Kaleb suggested they sit together during that class, and seemingly was eager to do so. “Yea you know, we could,” he said with a grin and a nod. Logan’s stomach was full so he wouldn’t eat another bite, but they still had some time before their classes actually went underway.
Rose nodded as she smiled at Allison. “Yes! Maybe we can go to the first match here together?” She asked Allison. How awesome would it be to see the first match with her new friend? Rose was excited that Allison had Charms first with her. Hopefully her dad doesn’t embarrass her in front of her new friend. That would be the worst. And it would be just like Xavier to do it. “That would be awesome! I’d love to sit with you!” Rose told her excitedly.

Kaleb knew they still had some time before class and he smiled at Logan. “That would be pretty great. I can’t wait for class.” Kaleb said with a smile. “Are you not excited for class?” He asked his new best friend. He was still concerned that his friend might still be down about his house. Kaleb hoped not.
“Oh joy! I think charms class will be lots of fun then!” Allison said with an excited grin. The muggle girl was certainly going to like having Rose around. She was nice, kind, helpful, and even pretty too. Allison had no doubt that Rose would help her out at Hogwarts and teach her what she knew about the wizarding world considering she knew little to none about it.

“Sure I'm excited, but more for the class, you know? For me, it’s all about the class, not the professor teaching it!” Logan replied with an uncomfortable smile. “It’ll be fun, I think,” said the brown haired boy as he briefly glanced over at his father sitting with all of the other Hogwarts professors.
Rose nodded happily as she glanced up at her dad before looking back at Allison. “Yea. I can’t wait for it!” She said. She just hoped that her dad would be normal and not weird. Rose was really glad to have her new friend beside her. She was nice, sweet, pretty and Rose couldn’t wait to learn beside her.

Kaleb tilted his head slightly. “Well, wouldn’t the professor kind of make the class better or worse?” He asked confused. He nodded though. “I think it’ll be a blast!” Kaleb said excitedly.

Xavier had been watching his two kids with their new friends as he ate. He was just about done with his own food, knowing he had some time before their class so he could talk to Logan.
Allison was looking very much forward to her first ever class, and going through it alongside Rose. Logan simply shrugged, “Yea whatever, the professor doesn’t matter to me,” he said dismissively. “I’ll be right back,” he said, getting up from the table, “I’ve gotta go to the bathroom,” he told him.
Rose was content to hang with her new friend. She watched Logan getting up from the table, and a moment later she saw her dad get up from the professors table.

Kaleb was confused at the change in tone from his friend. “O- Oh okay. See you in class?” He asked.

Xavier watched as Logan got up from his table and sighed. He stood up a moment later and headed out towards his son. “I’d like to see you in my office Mr. Hoskins-Collins.” He knew when to be professional. He knew that Logan didn’t know where his office was so he would lead him to it.
Logan simply nodded at Kaleb as he got up. He didn’t really need to use the bathroom. Logan more just wanted to take a small break in the boys’ lavatory, maybe wash his face up a bit, even though he didn’t need it, and get set for the day, and more specifically, his first class with his dad teaching. But as he headed out of the Great Hall, he heard the familiar voice of an adult male. Logan turned around and widened his brown eyes to see his father. His heart leapt as his father requested to see him, and even used “Mr. Hoskins-Collins” with him. Perhaps Xavier was trying to keep it professional, but Logan had only ever been called that when he’d been in trouble back at home. “Err, o- ok dad. I- I mean erm, professor…” said Logan nervously and uncomfortably. “Umm… I’m not sure where your office even is, dad- err, professor,” said Logan, not sure if he should be calling the man he used to call daddy, now called dad, Professor Collins.

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