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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

“Let’s just hope for the best,” said Logan with a sigh. Suddenly, the boy could hear a low grumble and vibration beneath him. Before he knew it, the train began to move and pull out of the station. Logan looked out the window to see the parents of all their children waving as they sent their kids off to Hogwarts. They were off on their way to Scotland.
Rose nodded. She felt the grumble and vibration as well as the train moved. She looked out the window and smiled. They were headed to Scotland, to Hogwarts for their first year! It was exciting and she was a little anxious still.
Logan absentmindedly looked out the window as he began to see the rolling British countryside. Eventually they heard a soft knock on the door to their compartment and Logan turned around to see it slowly sliding open. There outside was a kindly looking old lady with a trolley full of all sorts of different kinds of sweets. “Anything from the trolley, dears?” the old lady asked sweetly. Logan’s eyes widened as he saw all of the candy. Logan felt his stomach growl and realized that breakfast and lunch were a while ago. He was a bit hungry for a snack.
Rose was watching out the window before she too heard the knock and looked over to see door sliding open to show an old lady with a trolley of sweets. Rose shook her head, she was so nervous she wouldn't be able to eat anything. "I'm all set myself" Rose told her with a smile. She saw her brother eyeing and heard his stomach growl which made her laugh a little.
Logan didn’t know how his sister couldn’t want any candy but he heard Rose laugh at his stomach growling a little and looked back at the old lady with the trolley. “Two chocolate frogs please!” Logan requested. The lady nodded and reached for two blue and gold boxes of chocolate frogs. “Of course young man, here you are,” she said as she handed them to Logan. “Make sure not to eat them too fast, wouldn’t want you to get a bellyache,” she said with a pleasant smile before gently closing the door to their compartment and left them alone, going on to the next one. Logan looked down at his two chocolate frogs and grinned. “Can’t believe you didn’t want any sweets,” said Logan to his twin sister.
Rose rolled her eyes at her brother when he asked for two chocolate frogs. "I can't eat when I'm nervous! I'll get a stomachache" She said, crossing her arms at her brother. "You should know that by now" She added looking at him. Until she got sorted, Rose would probably keep this nervous energy. It was just part of who she was.
Logan shrugged and nodded. She was right- he did know that if she ate while anxious she’d probably get a stomachache, but he didn’t really know she was that nervous right now. “Why are ya nervous, sis?” Logan asked with a concerned frown as he worked on opening his first box of chocolate frogs. “You should be excited Rosie!” he said with a smile.
Rose shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. "I'm just nervous about what house I'll get." She admitted. "I am excited, I promise! I'm just nervous too" She told her brother. Rose knew he cared about her, just like she cared about him. "I'll be fine once we get there and sorted, promise" She told him with a small smile.
“Well I’ll always be right here with you to support you sis,” said Logan nodding, looking back at her with his brown eyes- the very eyes she shared. “We’ll get through it together, like always,” he said, giving her an encouraging smile.
She smiled at her brother. "I know you will." She said, her own brown eyes looking at him. "That's why your my brother, you always know what to say" She said with a grin. Sometimes it was scary how on the same page they could be even with different personalities.
“Of course sis,” he said with a smile and a nod. “Well if you’re sure you don’t want anything, I’m probably going to eat both chocolate frogs if that’s ok with you,” said Logan. The twins were always in tune with each other. For as different as they were they were similar and always in sync. They had a special bond that could never be broken, no matter how much they teased each other or even fought with one another.
She nodded. "I'm sure, but thanks bro" She told him. She turned her head to look back out over the rolling countryside. Once they got to Hogwarts, sorted and in her bed, she'd probably feel a little better. She knew that she'd had Logan there, even if they get different houses. Her brother would always be there for her, just like she'd always be there for him.
“Of course,” he said, offering her a sweet smile. The ride went on and at some point on their journey to Hogwarts, Logan had fallen asleep. Hours passed and before they knew it, the train was here and pulling into the station at Hogwarts. Logan was still sleeping by the time they had arrived.
Rose had been looking out the window the whole ride, the butterflies in her stomach keeping her awake. She felt the train stop and looked over at Logan who was sleeping. She chuckled, leaning forward and shaking her brother's shoulder. "Wake up! We're here!" She said excitedly.
Suddenly Logan’s slumber was interrupted as he felt himself be shook awake. He slowly opened his eyes to see that it was his twin sister. His brown eyes were fully open and awake now as he realized that they had finally made it to Hogwarts. A big smile instantly showed itself on Logan’s face as the young boy sprung to his feet. “Come on now! Let’s go!” he said, working on getting his luggage out from underneath his seat.


(Just posting this here so we have it in the rp lol)
Rose laughed as she saw him wake up the moment he realized they were there. Quickly Rose got her feet, pulling her trunk out from under the seat. "I'm coming, I'm coming! I just need to get my trunk" She said, finally getting it free from underneath the seat. She dragged it out of the compartment, making her way down the aisle and stepping off the train and putting it where the other first years were told to put their trunks. She waited for her brother as the first years were directed to the boats.

I agree to have it as reference in the rp
“Well hurry up then Rose, come on now!” Logan said excitedly, urging his sister on. He was like his papa and not like Rose and Xavier- if there was one thing Logan didn’t have, like Aaron, it was patience. The two dragged their luggage trunks off of the train and placed it in an area on the dock as they were all instructed to board these small little four-person-seating row boats. Logan looked over at Rose and tugged on her arm, guiding her over to an open boat.
Rose laughed as Logan guided her over to an open boat where she climbed on, excitement and nervousness in her stomach. She wondered if any of the other first years would join them in the boat. As she wondered that, a young boy with blonde hair asked if he could join them in their boat. "Sure, that okay with you Logan?" She asked her brother.
Logan got into the boat and sat down next to Rose. A young boy with blonde hair and unmarked Hogwarts robes like them then came to the boat and asked if it was ok if he could sit there. The boy was a bit cute, if Logan had to admit, and he was initially stunned but quickly nodded his head, agreeing to let the kid sit with them. “Uhh y- yea! Of course!” he said. Then a young girl with blonde hair as well came to their boat. “Err- appears you’ve got one more spot. Mind if I take it?” she asked. Logan was stunned at her beauty too but quickly tried to play it off and nod. “Of course! The more the merrier, right?”
Rose smiled as the young boy sat in their boat and even she had to admit he was cute. She turned her head away but it was quickly turned back when another came up to their boat, a young girl with blonde hair also. Rose smiled at her, nodding her head. "Yes. Um, I'm Rose. It's nice to meet you two." She said with a smile. The boy smiled at her and so did the girl. "I'm Kaleb, nice to meet you" The boy said with a smile.
Kaleb- now he could put a name to the pretty face. “I’m Allison,” said the blonde haired girl with a pleasant smile. Logan tried not to think of how attractive both the blonde boy and girl were and nodded. “My name’s Logan- we’re siblings, me and Rose. Twins!” he told them.
Allison. The name was pretty, just like her. Rose smiled at her, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Yeah, I'm stuck with him related to me" Rose joked, looking at her brother before back at Allison. Kaleb smiled at the twins. "It's nice to meet you Logan" He said, looking at the brown haired boy.
Allison giggled at Rose’s little joke about being related to Logan, her melodic laughter filling the air. Logan almost blushed as Kaleb said that it was nice to meet him. “It’s real nice to meet ya too,” said Logan shyly with a soft smile. Soon, the boat began to move and slowly glide across the dark water.
Rose felt a little heat in her cheeks hearing Allison giggle and she had to look away for a minute. She didn't know what this feeling was, but she definitely wanted to know Allison as a friend. She seemed really nice. Kaleb was glad to meet Logan for sure, there was something about the boy that made him want to be his friend.
“This is bloody wicked, isn’t it?” Logan asked the rest of the kids in the boat as he looked down at the water. It was dark and murky and he couldn’t make out anything underneath them. “What do ya think lurks beneath the depths?” he asked, looking at Kaleb and leaning in close near the boy’s face.

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