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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier smiled as he saw Logan come through. “See? Easy” He said. “Come on over here so you don’t get run over by papa” He added with a laugh. He knew Aaron would be through in a moment.
Logan nodded and smiled, laughing, “Ok dad,” he said as he stepped over towards Xavier and Rose. Soon enough, out came Aaron, grinning as he met his family on the other side. “We all made it here in one piece, yea?” Aaron asked.
Xavier looked over as Aaron came through. “Yep. All one piece and together.” He said. Now was the goodbye and sending the two off. He led them away from the pillar and to a spot near the train. “Well. We’re here.” Xavier said with a heavy sigh.
They still seemed to have a bit of time to wait before the train came. Logan looked around and took in the scenes, then looking down at his own black unmarked Hogwarts robes. He wondered what house he would be sorted into. Perhaps into mighty Gryffindor like his papa. Or maybe even the diligent and hard working determined house of the badger in Hufflepuff like his dad. He could hardly wait.
Rose looked around, her eyes taking in the other families around. She too was wondering where she’d be placed. She hoped to be in the Hufflepuff house like her dad. But Rose didn’t know. What she did know was how excited she was to be going. Xavier stood beside Aaron, letting his shoulder touch his husband’s in silent support. He knew this was hard.
Logan somewhat had a desire to be in the same house as his papa, Gryffindor. But he wouldn’t mind Hufflepuff too much either like his daddy. “Dads?” he asked, looking from both of his fathers, “Do you care what house I get sorted into? Would you still love me if I’m not a Gryffindor or Hufflepuff?” Logan asked them.
Xavier looked at Logan with a warm smile. “I don’t care what house you get sorted into buddy. I’ll love you no matter what.” Xavier said. “I’d love both of you no matter what house you get.” He added.
“Logan, I don’t care what bloody house you get sorted into, we’ll love you just the same son,” said Aaron with a genuine smile. Logan grin and nodded, satisfied and relieved with the answer from his papa and dad.
Xavier smiled at the two of them, then he looked at Aaron and sighed. “I can’t believe you two are eleven already. Where did the time go?” He said shaking his head. “I’m so proud, no, we’re so proud of you two.” Xavier said. He knew the train would be here soon, but he just wanted a minute or two more with them all together.
Logan blushed slightly as his dad gushed over how fast he and his sister were growing up. “Ok dad you don’t need to say it every time,” he chuckled. “Well we’ll never stop,” laughed Aaron. He wasn’t ready for the moment that Logan and Rose had to go to the Hogwarts Express, as well as his husband Xavier since of course, he taught at the school and needed to be at Hogwarts too.
Xavier laughed. “It’s our job bud” He said. Rose had groaned as well at her dad. Then the telltale sound of the train approaching made her look. “It’s here! Logan! Look!” She said, seeing the bright red steam engine pulling in.
Logan’s eyes widened as he suddenly turned his head to the train tracks. There he saw it, the bright red steam engine train pulling into the station, the famous Hogwarts Express. “Blimey!” Logan exclaimed, excited to finally get to Hogwarts. Now Aaron felt the emotions coming on. He was going to miss his family so much.
Xavier took a deep breath as he watched the red train pull in. “Alright kids. We’ll board in a minute.” Xavier said. Rose looked over at her dad before she realized that her papa wasn’t going too. In her excitement she didn’t think about it. Rose let go of her trunk and ran to her papa, hugging him tightly. “I’m gonna miss you papa.” She said softly.
Aaron hugged his daughter back tightly and lovingly. “I’ll miss you too, sweetheart,” he whispered to her. Logan looked in awe at the Hogwarts Express as his sister went to go hug their papa and say goodbye. When she was done, Logan heard the train toot its whistle. He quickly set his luggage down and ran over to Aaron, giving his father a quick hug. “Gonna miss you papa,” he said softly. “Me too bud, but I know both you and your sister are going to do great things at Hogwarts,” he told them. “Now, off with the two of ya,” said Aaron as he finished hugging Logan. “And you too,” he said, grinning as he looked at Xavier.
Xavier watched as the two kids hugged Aaron good bye. Once they’d moved away, Xavier walked over. He wrapped his husband in a tight hug. “I’m gonna miss you so much.” He told him. After a moment, Xavier pulled back and kissed Aaron gently. Then he pulled away completely. “We’ll see you in June love.” He said. Then he turned, grabbed his trunk and led the way to the train. Rose smiled at her papa, waved and then grabbed her trunk dragging it behind her as she made her way to the train.
Aaron felt the tears forming now as Xavier walked over to wrap him in a hug. He was going to miss being in his husband’s arms and enjoying his warm embrace. “I’m going to miss you too, love. Good luck and watch over the babies for me, ok? But I do think it’s best the kiddos sit with each other on the train rather than you,” he said softly. Aaron waved and sniffled as the tears began to fall down his cheeks as he said goodbye to his family. “Bye guys, I just know you both are gonna do great at Hogwarts!” he said to his children. “Bye papa!” Logan said, turning around and waving goodbye to his father. He took his luggage behind him and excitedly ran to the train with his twin sister. “C’mon Rosie! We’ve got to get a seat!” Logan said.
Xavier had chuckled at that. He wasn’t planning on sitting with them. That would’ve been a little too much for the twins. He’d also nodded, he’d keep an eye on them. Xavier found his own compartment and sat down. Rose followed Logan onto the train. “Okay!” She said. Rose dragged her trunk onto the big train and she walked down to find an empty compartment. “Logan! I’ve got one!” She said with a smile, dragging her trunk in and sliding it under the seat before sitting down, waiting for her brother.
Logan perked up and smiled as he excitedly followed his sister into the train and then into an empty compartment that she had found. He quickly shuffled inside and slid his trunk of luggage under his seat and sat right across from his twin, grinning eagerly. “Oh Rosie! I can hardly wait to get to Hogwarts!” Logan told her.
Rose looked over at her brother, with a smile just eager. “I know! I’m so excited. I can’t wait to learn all kinds of magic!” She said. She was so excited, she almost couldn’t sit still. “Okay. So what house do you think you’re gonna get? I think I’ll get Hufflepuff!” She said.
“I’m obviously a Gryffindor, just like papa!” Logan claimed with a smirk. “I think we’ll make dad and pops real proud if we get into their houses,” said the boy. “Hogwarts is going to be so fun!”
Rose laughed listening to him. She hoped he would be. “I think so too. But they said they’d love us anyway if we didn’t.” Now Rose was thinking about what if she didn’t get into Hufflepuff. “I agree! I can’t wait to be there” Rose said. “Hey, Logan? Do you think it’ll be weird to be taught by dad?” She asked. It had been in her mind ever since they’d gotten their acceptance letter.
“I guess,” said Logan with a shrug and a nod. But he very much wanted to be sorted into Gryffindor just like his papa. He didn’t know how he’d fair in either Slytherin or Ravenclaw, especially Slytherin considering it was Gryffindor’s biggest rival. He then looked over curiously at his sister as she asked the question about their father being their teacher for charms. “Erm, perhaps. I think it might be a bite embarrassing to be frank…” replied Logan.
Rose wasn’t sure what she’d be sorted into and it was settling in her veins as worry. She was definitely like her dad with worrying about everything. “I was thinking that too.” She said quietly.
“He’s going to be super embarrassing,” groaned Logan, “Like checking in on us constantly and calling us ‘his little babies’ like he always does,” he said with a sigh. “I mean it’ll be nice to have him but hopefully we don’t get bullied because our dad’s the professor.”
Rose’s eyes widened at that. “I hope not! That would really be embarrassing. I hadn’t thought of the fact that he could check in on us constantly” She said. “Oh I really hope not. Maybe we should just use papas last name.” She said with a sigh.

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