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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Rose looked down at the water, she didn't like that she couldn't see what was in there. It was too dark and murky. "Boys.." She muttered. "So Allison, what do you think of all this? Isn't it great?" She asked the other girl.

Kaleb nodded along. "It is isn't it?" He said, looking at the water himself. "I don't know, and I'm not sure I want to know" He laughed, seeing Logan's face closer to him and feeling heat in his own cheeks.
Allison couldn’t help but snicker at Rose’s comments about boys. Perhaps she would never understand boys. “I think it’s marvelous. I’ve never seen a place like this at all. Frankly I’m still shocked to learn I’m magic and I’m going to be going to this school,” replied Allison, hinting at a muggle born family origin.

“Well I do wanna know,” giggled Logan. He felt his face become a bit red and heated though as he realized how close he was to Kaleb’s, so he pulled it back a bit. “A sea monster would be pretty cool, wouldn’t it?” he asked.
Rose giggled herself as she heard the snicker from Allison. "I have to agree. I've never been somewhere this cool. Wait, what do you mean? Are your parents not magic?" Rose asked, curious as she shifted forward to be a little closer to Allison.

Kaleb laughed listening to Logan. "I don't think they have sea monsters here. I know that my dad said there was some like mermaids or something but they were evil" He said, looking back at the water before he looked at Logan.
Allison widened her eyes and blushed a little bit, realizing she had probably said too much. “Err- y- yea…. N- neither of my parents are magic…” she admitted, looking down at the water and away from Rose, frowning. She hoped her potential new friend didn’t think of her any differently.

Logan laughed, “Well maybe there’s a kraken under there! Or maybe a man eating shark!” he proposed. “Better be careful or it’ll eat ya!” Logan teased, pouncing on Kaleb and playfully taking him by the shoulders and shaking him, laughing, rocking the boat a little bit as he did this.
Rose looked at Allison with a smile. "That's okay! At least you're here and you can be the best witch in the school" Rose told her happily. She didn't like the frown on her new friends face.

Kaleb looked at Logan, hearing him talk about a kraken or sharks. He wasn't expecting Logan to grab his shoulders and shake him. He moved one hand to the side of the boat as he laughed, listening to his possible new friend.
Allison looked up from the water and back at Rose, cheering up a bit as she showed a soft smile. Her new friend’s words were heart warming. “Thanks,” she said shyly, looking back to the massive Hogwarts castle up above. She then looked over at the two boys roughing and playing around with each other and rolled her eyes, smirking. “Boys,” she said.

Logan laughed as he joked around, shaking Kaleb back and forth and making mock eating sounds. He finally stopped, the boat shaking a bit less. Logan held his stomach as he tried to calm down a bit from his laughter.

Rose smiled as she saw that soft smile on her friends face. "You're welcome" She said, her voice a little quiet. She looked over at her brother and rolled her eyes. "Exactly, boys" She said with a giggle.

Kaleb laughed as he was shaken back and forth in a manner like he was being eaten. Eventually Logan stopped shaking them, the boat rocking much less. Kaleb couldn't help but shake his head at the other boy who was holding his stomach trying to calm down. He was definitely hoping to be this boys maybe best friend.

Logan internally hoped that Kaleb didn’t mind him getting playful and a little physical. The blonde haired boy with the brown eyes seemed to be nice and Logan was hoping that he could be a friend, maybe even somewhat of a best friends. Friends were important at Hogwarts after all. The boys had calmed down and they finally reached the dock near the entrance to Hogwarts. The boats came to a stop and all four of them got out, joining a crowd of students outside two large wooden doors- the front doors to the castle. Logan looked back at Kaleb excitedly. Allison seemed to be in awe at the grand scale of the castle.
Rose looked at the large castle, in awe of the size of it. She watched as her brother and Kaleb had calmed down. Rose noticed that Allison seemed in awe of the castle just like she was. She hoped that that blonde haired and brown eyed girl would want to be her friend. “It’s beautiful!” Rose breathed out as they walked up to the castle. Kaleb followed excitedly as they moved. He hadn’t minded Logan being playful and physical. He enjoyed the dark brown haired and brown eyed boy’s company already and wanted to be his maybe best friend?
The group of four from the boat all stood in awe at the large set of doors on the even bigger castle. “Woah,” whispered Logan in awe. He turned to his sister and grinned excitedly. Some adult up front then opened the door and let the students inside. Everyone entered the castle and Logan found himself strolling through the hallowed halls of Hogwarts- the very place his two fathers met (and one of them taught). He wondered where Xavier was but he had more important things to do. They were all guided through the halls and Logan found himself in awe at the moving paintings on the wall. “Oi Kaleb! Did you see that? I think one of the ladies in those paintings winked at me!” said Logan excitedly as he tugged at the blonde boy’s sleeves.
Rose was looking around at the halls as they were led inside. “Allison! Look at the paintings! They move” She said excitedly, looking at the girl as she fell into step beside her. Kaleb looked at the boy beside him and laughed, listening to how excited he was. “Maybe they like you!” Kaleb said with a grin as he felt Logan tug at his sleeves. The four eventually found themselves in the large and exquisite Great Hall. Rose looked around before she caught sight of her dad sitting beside the other teachers at the front of the hall. She didn’t look at him, too busy admiring the hall.
Logan smirked and wiggled his eyebrows, “I’m a chick magnet! Not surprised in the slightest,” he said suavely, walking with a bit of an arrogant strut in his step now. Meanwhile Allison had never seen such a place before and had never seen paintings that moved. She was in complete and utter awe as Rose pointed them out to her. “Blimey,” she whispered, “A- are they alive?” she wondered softly aloud. They eventually were let into the Great Hall. There waiting for them in the back of the room were all of the professors, one of them Logan and Rose’s very own father, the charms teacher Xavier Collins. Then of course there were four large and long tables, one for each Hogwarts house, seating all of the students years two through seven. Logan stopped strutting so confidently and exaggerated and took a moment to take in the scenes. As Allison looked up, she saw the night sky and that there was no roof, but thousands of little floating candles that illuminated the large room.
Rose didn’t have an answer for that, she didn’t know herself. “I don’t know..” She finally whispered. She looked up at the ceiling in awe, especially at the little candles everywhere. It was beautiful. Kaleb had laughed at Logan’s strut and shook his head, he noticed that it stopped when they made it into the hall. Rose was too busy looking around to pay much attention to the welcome speech from their headmistress McGonagall. Though her attention turned back when she pulled out an old hat, the sorting hat. Now came the nerves full force again.
“I’ve only heard of places like this in fairytales,” whispered Allison to Rose. The headmistress, Minerva McGonogall, who had taken over for Dumbledore after his untimely death when both Aaron and Xavier were still going to school, was still in charge. She gave a speech to all of the incoming students and described that they would be sorted into one of their four Hogwarts houses, which would become like family for them. Logan felt his stomach lurch forward. Now was his chance to impress his father right in front of him by being sorted into either Gryffindor like his papa or Hufflepuff like his dad. He looked over at Rose and sensed that there were nerves inside of her stomach too.

McGonogall cleared her throat and took out a scroll with names of all of the first year students on it. The Sorting Hat and the stool were brought out, and the very first name was called. Logan watched as an Anna Aberdale was sorted into Hufflepuff, causing the yellow and black house of the badger’s table to erupt into applause, welcoming their newest housemate. Logan watched on as one by one, first year students were sorted. Soon, a name in the D last names was called. “Davis, Allison!” McGonogall announced. The pretty blonde haired girl from the boat stepped forward. Allison gave one last glance to Rose, smiling at her shyly.
Rose’s attention finally went to the sorting hat. She was so nervous as to where she’d be sorted, especially with her dad right there watching. Her eyes drew toward Allison when her name was called. Davis suited her. “Good luck!” She told her friend with a smile. Rose had shared a look with her brother, trying to swallow her own nerves as she waited her turn.
“Thanks,” said Allison with a nod as she turned around and approached the front of the room and took a seat on the stool. The old Sorting Hat was slowly lowered onto the girl’s head and instantly came to life. “Ah yes, I sense quite a bit of wit in this young one. The creative type too, and quite the thinker! I know where to place you….” the Hat went on. “Better be…. RAVENCLAW!” it yelled. Allison didn’t really know what this meant but she smiled anyways as the Ravenclaw students at the house of the eagle’s table began to hoot and holler as they welcomed the muggle born female. Allison grinned excitedly as she hopped off the stool and made her way down to the Ravenclaw table to join the ranks.
Rose watched eagerly as she watched her friend get sorted into Ravenclaw. Rose clapped for her, smiling over at her. She knew that they’d be up soon, though thankfully not too soon. It was times like this, that she was glad their dads had given them Aaron’s last name first, though it did nothing to quell her nerves. She waited and listened, the E’s finished and then it was the F’s. Working closer to the H names. Rose was hoping that she got Hufflepuff, but she wouldn’t mind Ravenclaw now that she knew Allison was in it.
Logan had clapped politely for Allison, recognizing her from the boat. The girl was quite pretty and he wouldn’t mind being friends with her at all, but he had certainly taken a particular liking to the Kaleb boy beside him. McGonogall got through the rest of the students, and before they knew it, they had reached the H last names. That was when Logan’s heart started to pound. He briefly glanced at his dad sitting amongst the professors. He wondered the thoughts running inside the man’s head. Was he thinking of them? Suddenly, Logan was snapped into reality. “Hoskins-Collins, Logan!” announced McGonogall. Again, Logan’s stomach lurched and seemed to do a back flip. He turned towards Kaleb and cracked a nervous smile, gulping. “Err, wish me luck!” he whispered, uncomfortably.
Xavier hadn’t been paying attention to the sorting, his eyes were on his two kids who seemed to be talking with two others and he smiled. Friends were important, that was for sure. Xavier’s attention was turned when he heard Logan’s name called, his gaze going to watch his son be sorted.

Kaleb smiled, placing a hand on Logan’s shoulder. “Good luck mate!” He said encouragingly. He had noticed the last name and was curious if he was related to their Charms professor. Rose smiled at her brother. She was worried herself since she’d be next.
Logan felt his cheeks grow slightly heated and red as he felt a gentle hand from Kaleb on his shoulder. He nodded and smiled, then looking briefly at Rose. They seemed to share an almost telepathic moment with each other, and Logan knew his sister wished him the best of luck, even if she didn’t say it verbally. He then turned around and made his journey to the stool. He felt a thousand sets of eyes all peering down at him as he made the journey to the stool. His heart pounded within his rib cage and his stomach continued to churn. He wished his name was something like Zachary so his sister was going first. But, he had to go first of the Hoskins-Collins children.

Logan approached the stool and hopped up onto it, looking briefly at his headmistress. The kindly older witch gave him a pleasant smile before lowering the Sorting Hat onto his dark brown haired head. He knew his father was watching him from the table as the very hat that had sorted both him and his papa was now on top of his head. “Oh yes! Hmm, interesting!” hummed the Hat. Logan gulped nervously again, wishing the hat would spare some details and just bloody sort him already. “This one has boundless determination! Oh my! And he’s quite the stubborn fellow! Yet I sense drive and ambition in this young mind. Loyal to a tee and resourceful as well! I know exactly where to put you!” the Hat went on. Logan didn’t really know the quality of any of the houses but this didn’t sound like Gryffindor at all. Perhaps it was Hufflepuff?

The moment of truth was now. “SLYTHERIN!” the Hat shouted. The world paused for Logan Hoskins-Collins. He could barely hear the loud and rambunctious applause and cheers coming from the Slytherin table. All he knew was that this wasn’t Hufflepuff like his dad and it wasn’t Gryffindor like his papa. It was worse- it was the rival of his papa’s house- Slytherin. Was this truly where he belonged? Would his father’s secretly be disappointed, even if they didn’t show it. Logan looked uneasy as the hat was lifted off of his head. He slumped off the stool and nervously approached the welcoming new housemates of his at the Slytherin table. He turned around and glanced at his father at the professor’s table to see if he could read his face. He didn’t even get to look at his twin sister as he heard her name called. “Hoskins-Collins, Rose!” McGonogall announced, Logan still standing and certainly taking his time to get to his seat.
Rose watched as her brother made his way up to the sorting hat. She knew he was nervous and she wished she could help him. Her eyes widened as she heard the house he was put into. Slytherin. And while she clapped for her brother, she could tell he was uneasy and probably pretty upset at the house he got. Rose heard her name and made her way up to the hat.

She sat on the stool nervously. The old witch smiled her before the hat was placed on her head. It came alive and she swallowed. “Yes, a thirst for knowledge, witty, yet loyal. I know what will work for you. Better be RAVENCLAW!” The hat yelled. Rose was both relieved and unsure. The Ravenclaw table erupted into cheers as she made her way there.

Xavier watched as his son was placed in Slytherin and his daughter got Ravenclaw. He was proud of them no matter what and knew that the house they were sorted into would be where they’d shine the most. Rose sat down next to Allison with a soft sigh. She was happy that she’d gotten into the same house as her new friend. Eventually they made it to the P’s and Kaleb made his way up when she called out. “Price, Kaleb!” And he sat on the stool. “Brave, determined, and a little mischievous. Yes you’ll fare well in GRYFFINDOR!” The hat said and Kaleb walked over to the cheering table, sitting down with a smile.
Logan couldn’t quite read his father’s face for the brief moment he got a look at it. Despite the pats on the back from his older housemates, he still felt like he didn’t quite belong here. He slumped into his seat as the Sorting Hat was working on sorting his sister. He didn’t hear much about what it was saying about Rose as he was too deep in his own worrying thoughts but he perked up as he heard it say Ravenclaw. He wondered what was going through his twin sister’s head but had a sense she was a bit unsure about what being sorted into Ravenclaw meant for her. But she clearly wasn’t as upset about her sorting as he was.

The brown haired and brown eyed boy sat silently, looking down at the table, wondering what this all meant for him and perhaps if the Sorting Hat by any chance had made a mistake. He remembered Aaron telling him that the Hat never made a mistake and its decision was final. Maybe Hogwarts wasn’t going to be as grand and fun as he thought it was. Logan admittedly didn’t pay much attention to the rest of the sorting but perked up heading a familiar name- Kaleb- Kaleb Price. Meanwhile at the Ravenclaw table, Allison Davis excitedly grinned as she welcomed Rose to the house. She couldn’t believe her new friend had been sorted into the same house as her!

Logan watched on as Kaleb hopped up onto the stool and McGonogall put the Sorting Hat on his blonde haired head. It didn’t take too long to make its decision- Gryffindor. Logan was stunned. He was happy for his new friend but slightly jealous. In Logan’s mind, that was the house that HE belonged in. HE was supposed to be there in Gryffindor, right with Kaleb, and just like his papa. But here he was, sitting at the worst of them all- Slytherin. The amount of jokes he had heard Aaron make about Slytherin and beating Slytherin in Quidditch and loving every minute of it made him uneasy about being in such a hated house (even if it was years ago and Slytherin’s reputation was repaired by now). He clapped for Kaleb but felt unsure of his own future. Would Kaleb want to be friends with a Slytherin like him now that he was a Gryffindor?
Rose could feel her nervousness washing away as she sat beside Allison, happiness and excitement flooding through her. She couldn’t wait to see just what the year would have in store for her. Her eyes moved over to look at her brother, she felt bad for him. She too had heard their papa talk so often about Slytherin house in a bad way. She could only wonder just what was going on in her brothers head. Rose watched as Kaleb was sorted into Gryffindor and clapped for him. Rose looked at the food when it was served and was in awe. “Look at this Allison!” She said with a grin, taking a little bit of everything.

Kaleb looked over at Logan at the Slytherin table and smiled at him. He hoped that the boy would want to be friends with him. He’d heard stories of the rivalry between the two houses and hoped that it wouldn’t matter. Kaleb had liked the little time they’d spent together. Kaleb looked at all the food and smiled, filling his plate and talking to another first year next to him.

Eventually the food was served to the houses as they finished up the sorting. Xavier knew he’d have to talk to Logan alone, tell him that Slytherin was not a house to be shamed of, the house had been working on fixing its reputation since 1998 and has done well. He knew Aaron talked often about beating Slytherin and about the house in general not so nicely.
Soon, the Sorting Ceremony was finished and the last of the students was sorted. McGonogall then gave a brief speech before she commenced the welcoming speech. Magically, plates of hot and delicious food appeared on every table in excess. Allison widened her eyes and gasped, delighted at the scene. She looked over at Rose excitedly and grinned. “Wow! H- how do they even do that?” she asked. Around her, her Ravenclaw housemates began taking food and digging into their meals for themselves.

Logan was too melancholy to even be in awe or wonder at the tasty looking food that had appeared in front of everyone. He felt his stomach growl and knew his was hungry, so he pulled over a plate and put some food onto it. But he didn’t looked happy at all. One of the older Slytherins must have noticed it and looked at the young first year. “Oi you look miserable. Cheer up mate, Slytherin’s not that bad!” said the older housemate. But this did nothing to cheer up Logan. Would Kaleb want to be friends with him? Did Xavier approve of his sorting? Did Rose see him differently? What would Aaron think?
Rose giggled at Allison’s reaction to the food. “Magic! Though I was told by my dad that they have house elves that make the food.” Rose said with smile. She was happy to have her friend. Though something in her made her want to go talk to her twin. That intuition gnawing at her even as she ate. “The food is delicious!” Rose said as she swallowed her first few bites. Sorry dad, but this food is so much better.

Kaleb kept trying to catch Logan’s eye but as he ate, it was unsuccessful. He felt bad for the Slytherin boy. He just wished he could talk to him. But there would be no time to do that until tomorrow at breakfast. He sighed, picking at his food a little slower now.

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