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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Allison grinned at Rose’s response. It was sweet that despite their differences and occasional joking around, her friend was close with her twin brother and they had each other’s backs all the time. “That’s cool,” she said, “Makes me wish I had a sibling myself. But, I’ll settle for having you,” she said with a chuckle.
She smiled at Allison’s response. “Yeah, it’s pretty great.” She said softly before looking at Allison with a small blush. “Thanks. I’m glad to have you too.” Rose told her happily
“Logan’s lucky to have a lass like you as his sister,” said Allison softly, smiling but turning away slightly and blushing. At his Slytherin table, Logan felt a small urge to check in on his twin sister and see how she had enjoyed their first class with their dad teaching.
Rose smiled. “Well thank you. I’m pretty lucky to have him as my brother, just don’t tell him I said that.” Rose told her with a giggle. She loved her brother though.
“Oh I won’t. Boys have such an ego! It’ll go right to his head!” Allison said, laughing. “Excuse me for a sec,” said Logan softly as he got up from the table and approached his sister at the Ravenclaw table, wanting to check in on her.
“I know! Sometimes his ego is crazy big already so I appreciate that!” Rose said with a laugh, not knowing that Logan was coming to see her. Kaleb nodded as Logan got up. “Okay mate!” He said with a smile.
Hopefully a little visit to Rose would give Kaleb some time to forget about his eating mishap from before. Logan smiled as he approached his sister at the Ravenclaw table. He quickly sat down right next to her, very close, shoulder touching, to make her feel a bit uncomfortable (even though he knew she didn’t mind the physical contact, but he was only being playful). Logan grinned, “Hiya sis!” he started off.
Rose wasn’t expecting for Logan to sit so close to her. Their shoulders were touching. She knew he was trying to make her uncomfortable and she pushed closer to him on purpose. “Hey bro” she said, looking at him with confusion and a little suspicion in her eyes.
Logan laughed as Rose greeted him with a little push back. He then looked over at Allison, who simply smiled and gave a little wave. He nodded back at her and smiled too. But, he didn’t really want her here since he wanted to ask Rose some questions about last class that would involve revealing the embarrassing secret that their dad was the charms professor. Still, he was happy that Rose was finding a friend, just like him. “How’d ya do last class?” Logan asked his sister, “I didn’t quite see.” he said.
Rose smiled at her brother when he laughed. Rose got the sense that her brother wanted to talk about more than just how she did in class. “I did okay. It took me a couple tries to get the charm right. How about you?” She asked her brother. While she waited for an answer, she turned to Allison and smiled. “I’ll see you in our next class.” She said, excusing herself. She turned to Logan. “Want to take a walk with me?” She asked her brother. She wanted to talk about last class too, but also about their professor aka their dad.
Logan was glad as Rose excused herself from her new friend to go talk with him privately. Allison nodded at her best friend and smiled, understanding that the siblings wanted a moment to themselves alone, as the twins probably hadn’t gotten one in a while now. She was more than happy to oblige and finished up her second turkey sandwich as the brother and sister got up and went elsewhere. The brown haired boy nodded as Rose asked to walk with him. Logan smirked as they walked together. “A few tries? I got it my first time!” he bragged. “Dad gave me ten points!” he told her. “Speaking of dad….” he said, getting that part of the conversation started.
Rose smiled at Allison before she turned to walk with her brother. She rolled her eyes at his little bragging comment. Then her eyes widened at that. “No way.. dad gave you ten points?” She said in surprise. “What about dad?” Rose asked confused. “I’m just glad he didn’t embarrass us.” Rose said quietly.
“Yea, he also gave me a few for helping out a new friend of mine,” said Logan with a grin. “He’s great, I really like him. He’s so c-“ said Logan, quickly stopping himself before he went on rambling about his newfound best friend. “Erm, yes, dad was surprisingly fine. It’s so weird having him as a professor though, I have to say,” he said to his twin sister. “But I’m very glad he didn’t embarrass us.”
Rose looked at Logan when he started talking about his new friend. “I’m glad you found a friend.” She said with a smile. “Yeah, it’s definitely weird with him being a professor but I can see why he is and so good at it. He was very patient helping my friend during class.” Rose said.
Logan nodded and grinned. He could go on and on about Kaleb and how awesome he was even though he knew him for a day now, but he’d spare his sister here. “Yea, dad’s great. I talked to him about my sorting into Slytherin by the way. He told me that papa and him are so proud. Made me feel a lot better,” he said with a sheepish smile.
Rose smiled as she looked at her brother. She was glad he'd found someone to be friends with. "I saw that you'd been sorted into Slytherin. I think you'll do great there, and I'm glad that dad was able to make you feel better. We're all here for you Logan, both dad and papa as well as me. I may think you're a pain sometimes but I'm always here for you too bro." Rose told him with a smile.
“Well you’re an even bigger pain, so you’re lucky I still love ya and am always here for you too,” he replied back with a chuckle, playfully rolling his eyes as he joked. “Well, I’m glad you’re liking Hogwarts so far sis,” said Logan. “I see you and Allison have gotten rather chummy,” he said with a grin.
Rose laughed, looking at Logan with a smile. “Thanks bro.” She said. Then her face turned red as she looked away. “Yeah, she’s really great. Super sweet.” Rose said.
Logan grinned as his sister expressed how much she enjoyed the company of her newest friend. “Well that’s good,” he said. “I guess we’ve both got a new friend,” he said happily. “Kaleb called me his best friend, ya know,” he said with a proud smile.
Rose smiled. “I guess we do.” She said. Rose then looked over at Logan. “Yea? That’s awesome! Allison and I are actually best friends too.” Rose told him. She was glad that they both had not only new friends but new best friends.
“Would you look at that? We’re moving up in the world!” Logan told her with a big smile and a little laugh. He briefly pulled her into a tight side hug. “But remember, you’ll always have me, whether you like it or not,” he told her, a hint of playfulness in his tone.
Rose laughed, a large smile on her own face. “Yes we are!” She agreed. Rose looked at Logan when he pulled her into a brief side hug. “I know I’ll always have you. I can’t seem to get rid of you.” She said teasingly.
“And you never will sis, never will,” said Logan with a grin. “Besides, I am a minute older that you, so I have to take care of my baby sister,” said Logan playfully. Of course, the boy seemed to always remember the fact that the official papers say he was born approximately one minute before his twin sister.
“Lucky me” Rose said playfully. She looked over at him, shaking her head. “Yes I know, you never let me forget it.” She said nudging his shoulder with a laugh.
“Have I ever mentioned that I’m about a minute older than you?” Logan asked jokingly, to hammer home his point across. He snickered at his own joke and simply gave his sister’s shoulder a little loving squeeze. “Alright sis, I’ll let you get back to your friend,” he said, “I’m just glad everything has gone smoothly for you,” he told her. “Now, I should probably get back to Kaleb as well.”

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