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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Rose smiled. “He is. He made a blanket for our papa with our names and adoption dates and their names and wedding day on it. It’s beautiful and so warm.” Rose had used that blanket more than once on a cold day. She reached for the little present and opened it. Inside was a beautiful pin, with two broomsticks behind the word Ravenclaw in blue and black colors. “Wow..” Rose said softly, looking at it.

Kaleb laughed. “It sounds like it.” He said with a smile. Kaleb looked at him for a moment, face pale. Before he could say anything, he jumped when Logan turned and playfully pounced on him. “Not funny..” He said, though a smile tugged at his face. “I’m glad to hear that.” He added.
Allison couldn’t help but smile fondly as Rose told her that her dad had knitted them a comfy blanket with some special days in the family’s lives embroidered in it. “That’s really sweet of him, Rose,” she said. Her dads seemed like really amazing people. Her next present in the small box was a small Quidditch pin with brooms and the Ravenclaw logo and colors. It was a little call back by Aaron to Xavier’s very first Christmas gift for him when they were eleven. But Allison noticed one more present under the tree. It was a medium sized box but looked average and certainly didn’t catch any attention. “That’s a pretty cool gift from your papa, but I think you’ve got one more,” she said, pointing over to it. The tag again read “from papa.”

“Ok enough dilly dallying,” laughed Logan, “Come with me. I might explode if I don’t open presents,” he said as he made his way through the common room and to the boys’ dormitories. He walked down a few halls and turned some corners before finally reaching his room. He opened the door and grinned as he waited for Kaleb to step in. “Welcome to my dwelling!” he said proudly. Luckily, Kaleb didn’t seem to be there yet. There was a small tree with a few presents under it. Logan’s bed wasn’t made and there were some clothes on the floor, various under shirts and boxers. A spare Slytherin tie was strewn across a chair at Logan’s desk. It was a bit messy and surely would’ve made at least his dad, a bit crazy.
Rose nodded. Her dad was defiantly a softie when it came to his family. She tilted her head when she heard Allison say she had one more present. Rose reached over and took it in her hands. It wasn’t huge and she wasn’t sure what it was. Rose opened it and looked inside. Wait. No. Really? Rose pulled out a new broom stick. It was surprisingly light and a beautiful darker color wood.

Kaleb followed Logan through the common room and up into his room. Kaleb looked around at it. It was messier than his own room but he didn’t want to judge his best friend. “Alright, I don’t want you to explode so let’s see what you got!” Kaleb said with a laugh.
As Rose opened the medium size box, she pulled out a broomstick from it somehow. By some sort of magic, Aaron had managed to hide and enchant a broomstick in such a small and unsuspecting box. Allison widened her eyes as she saw the sight. It was the newest model of broomstick there was, very expensive, but Aaron was willing to pay any price for his little girl. On the tag, there was a small note from her father. It read: “Dear Rosie, Don’t tell daddy about this! He doesn’t know about it and I’d like to keep it that way! I love and miss you and I’m always thinking about you and your brother! Hope you’re enjoying Hogwarts! Merry Christmas my sweet girl! Love, papa,” written in Aaron’s somewhat messy handwriting.

Logan didn’t seem to mind the mess at all and simply walked over to the small Christmas tree. “Let’s see here,” he said as he bent down to look at his presents. “Papa’s first! Can’t go wrong with papa,” he said aloud as he took the first box and ripped it open. Inside was a large pack of chocolate frogs- Logan’s favorite candy. His brown eyes widened a big smile came across his face! “Woah! They never let me have THIS much candy!” he said. He then looked over at Kaleb, “Don’t worry! I can’t eat all of these myself! I’ll share!” said Logan. Logan too had a little written note from Aaron. It read: “Dear Logan, Make sure not to eat all of these in one sitting. I don’t want any stomachaches from you. Dad’s told me you’ve made a friend so maybe share a bit with him, will ya? I love you so much son. Have a very Merry Christmas little boy, I miss you and your sister so much. Love, papa.” Logan couldn’t help but smile fondly at the note, his heart touched.
Rose read the note attached to the broomstick and giggled. Then she admired the broomstick with wide eyes. “I can’t believe he got me the newest model!” Rose said in disbelief. It was beautiful and she couldn’t wait to try it out. She knew he was as excited as she was for her to play Quidditch and this was a beautiful present for that. “I’m gonna be the coolest member of our team next year!” She said excitedly.

Kaleb looked at Logan open his first present and his eyes widened. He’d never seen such huge pack of chocolate frogs. He smiled at Logan’s words. “Thanks mate.” He said gratefully.
“That’s the newest model?” Allison asked in disbelief. “Wow! Must be ruddy expensive, yea?” she said. “They really love you,” she said, smiling. “I mean you were already going to be the coolest member of the team next year, Rose, but this just seals the deal!” she said to her best friend. She tried not to snoop too much but couldn’t help it and looked a little bit at what the note from her papa said. It was very sweet and made her miss her own parents. She could almost feel the love Aaron had for her daughter through that little letter.

Logan laughed and put the boxes of chocolate frogs from his papa aside. “Don’t know how in the world my papa managed to convince my dad to send me this but I won’t ask!” he said with a grin. The brown haired boy then moved onto the next present. It was a box and the label read “To Logan, from dad.” Logan couldn’t wait to see what Xavier had gotten him as he tore through the wrapping paper.
Rose nodded with an excited grin. “Yep!” Then she frowned a little. She knew the newest models were usually expensive. “They do. And thanks.” She said softly. A small blush on her face.

Kaleb laughed. “Maybe he sent it without your dad knowing.” He said with a grin. Kaleb was curious as well, and he caught a bit of the note and blushed. Logan told his dad about him? That made Kaleb feel very special since he hasn’t really told his dad much about his school life at all.
“Maybe one day I can meet them. They seem like the perfect parents,” said Allison with a dreamy smile. “I’m glad you liked your gifts,” she told Rose. She wondered if she ever would meet Rose’s family? Would she want this? Was this even something feasible happening? Hopefully they’d remain friends for a long time like it seemed they were on track to do.

“Not much gets by my dad,” chuckled Logan, “But perhaps. Papa’s got a knack for tricks,” he told his friend. He didn’t quite know that Kaleb had seen the note from Aaron and furthermore, that it revealed that both he and Xavier had written him home about a special friend Logan had made. Logan moved onto opening his present from his dad now.
Rose both wanted and at the same time didn't want Allison to meet her dads. She wasn't quite sure she wanted her best friend to know that her dad was their professor. Rose didn't want to be treated like a teachers pet or something just because she was related to him. "I think you'd like them a lot" Rose finally said, not quite confirming if Allison would get to meet them or not.

Kaleb smiled, knowing that one. He'd never been able to get much past his own father, especially after the accident. He was surprised his father had let him even come to Hogwarts considering how protective he'd gotten. It was actually nice to be away from home. "He sounds like really fun guy" Kaleb said with a laugh.
Allison simply smiled at this. Rose’s dads seemed like great people. She was very sure she’d like them, if she ever did get to meet them. She thought about suggesting one day Rose meet her parents, but stopped herself. Perhaps that was a bit too much or seemed too desperate. Besides, why would a magical girl want to see her lame, non-magical parents?

“Oh pops is real fun! I’ve learned everything I know from him!” Logan said with a grin. He worked on opening his present from Xavier. Inside the box was a beautifully knitted scarf with Slytherin colors from his dad. Logan widened his eyes and smiled, hugging the scarf close. He loved it, and it even smelled like his dad, who although he was his charms professor, he missed. He missed being able to openly hug his father. “Ah this one’s from my dad,” he told Kaleb.
Rose ran a hand down the broomstick, thinking about whether or not she'd get to meet Allison's parents. It also tugged at her mind that Allison might end up meeting her dads on accident when they headed home. She wanted to share a compartment with her best friend, but when they got off, it wouldn't be hard to figure out who her dads were since Xavier would be getting off the train with them and her papa would be right there to greet them.

Kaleb laughed. "I can see that" He said with a smile. His attention was drawn to the scarf that Logan pulled out. "That's beautiful! He's really good at knitting huh?" Kaleb mentioned, looking at the scarf. It was definitely beautiful.
Allison smiled and gave Rose some time to admire her awesome presents from her dads. Meanwhile in his room deep down in the dungeons in the Slytherin dorms, Logan grinned as he showed off the cool scarf his dad had knitted for him. He had to wonder how Xavier had any time to do it. Perhaps he did it recently over the past week where they had no classes because of winter break. Nonetheless, it was an amazing gift, and Logan was very pleased to receive it. “Oh yea! Dad’s the best at it! He’s always making us stuff!” Logan said happily to Kaleb.
Kaleb smiled at his friend. "That's awesome! I wish my dad made stuff like that" Kaleb told him, admiring the beautiful scarf. "Maybe one day I could meet your dads. They really seem like awesome parents." Kaleb mentioned, looking at his friend.
Logan widened his eyes as Kaleb expressed a desire to perhaps one day meet his dads. For one, that would mean Kaleb would have to find out that his dad was the charms professor. Luckily Collins wasn’t too rare of a last name and that Logan even has “Hoskins” tacked onto it or perhaps Kaleb, and others, would’ve found out the relationship between the two sooner. “Err, y- yea, maybe,” shrugged Logan, mostly dismissive of the topic. He then grabbed the box of chocolate frogs. “Hope you didn’t fill up too much on breakfast! Wanna enjoy some of these by the fire in the common room?” Logan asked his buddy with a smile.
Kaleb was unsure now. Maybe Logan didn't want him to meet his dads. Maybe they'd only be best friends. Kaleb got lost in his thoughts until he heard Logan ask if he wanted to enjoy some of the chocolate frogs by the fire. "Okay!" He said with a smile. Maybe his thoughts weren't true after all. "Those look good, I love chocolate frogs" Kaleb added happily.
Logan grinned and nodded as he took the giant box of chocolate frogs and exited the room, waiting for Kaleb to follow him into the hall and to the common room. “Yea me too, loved ‘em ever since a year or two ago when my papa showed them to me!” he told him, “Can’t get enough of them now! But my papa did say I should share so you’re in luck,” he chuckled. He then guided his friend into the Slytherin common room. It was dimly lit yet oddly cozy. There was a small fire going and only a few Slytherin students were lounging on the green couches in the room.
Kaleb smiled, walking out of Logan's room behind the boy. "I didn't know they were a thing until I had one on the train but I loved them." Kaleb said as they entered the common room. "I'm glad he said you should share, your stomach would hurt if you ate all those yourself" He said with a laugh as he looked at the dimly lit common room. It was nice and quiet.
“They’re so delicious! And they’re always fun to catch too when they try and escape from ya!” Logan said as he smiled and took a seat down at the fire. The common room was peaceful and quiet, like usual. It was also usually never crowded, unlike the usually packed and rowdy Gryffindor common room. “Don’t worry,” chuckled Logan, “My papa warned me about the bellyaches and whatnot. Frankly he’s worrying too much. But I’ve got lots to share, and share I will!” he said with a grin, setting the box down and patting the open spot on the carpet next to him.
Kaleb nodded. "I almost lost mine that way" He said as he sat down beside Logan when he patted the carpet beside him. His gaze looked over the common room before returning his attention to Logan. He wasn't used to a quiet common room and it was nice. "I dunno mate, I ate too much sugar once time and I had a bellyache all day. It was the worst. Maybe his worries are valid" Kaleb said, looking at Logan with a smile.
“Fine then, I’ll be sure to limit it so you don’t worry like my dad’s,” said Logan. “They’re always like ‘oh Logan! Don’t eat too much! Blah blah blah!’ And all that rubbish!” laughed the brown haired boy, mocking his dads, although in a playful manner. He grabbed a single blue and gold box with a chocolate frog inside and tossed it over to Kaleb so he could open and eat it. “There ya are! Make sure not to lose it! Those slimy little things always try to evade getting eaten!” Logan said.
Kaleb shook his head with a grin, chuckling softly. "Hey, worrying has its place in life." Kaleb said, snagging the box from Logan. "I'll try not to lose it" He said, ripping the top of the box off and grabbed the frog tightly in his hands. It squirmed in his hands trying to get away. Kaleb didn't waste any time in popping it into his mouth, enjoying the chocolate flavor.
Logan opened his own box of the magically enchanted chocolate. The frog candy attempted to hop right out of the box and away from Logan’s grasp but he caught it just in time. Logan put the candy into his mouth and smiled as he chewed, the excellent flavor of British chocolate gracing his tongue.
Kaleb looked over to see Logan catch the frog before it hopped away. "Nice catch mate!" He said with a laugh, enjoying spending time with his best friend on a day that had been his least favorite for the last three years.
Logan grinned upon hearing Kaleb’s compliment. “Thanks! I’m usually pretty quick with it,” he told his friend once he had swallowed what was in his mouth. The chocolate frog was delicious as always. “My papa used to say I should be a seeker but ehh, I’m not really into Quidditch as much- or at least playing it,” he said with a shrug. “That’s Rose’s thing.”
Kaleb nodded. "Really? I'm with you though, I'm not a big fan of playing the game. I'd much prefer watching it." He told his friend. "Rose does seem really into playing Quidditch doesn't she?" He asked, remembering how excited she was at the game in November.

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