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Realistic or Modern The Teens of Randleigh Mansion

Blake tilts his head back and laughs. "You're gonna have to get through mee ffiiirrssstt," he says in a sing-song tone. He opened the door and set his bags inside quickly before taking post back in front of her, the smile still evident on his face. He crossed his arms in front of him and chuckles at her attempt to win him over with a little pouting. Though he thought it to be very cute, she'd have to try harder than that.
He smiled at her. The waiter arrived and asked what we would want. ''Well, I'd like a lasagna, if you have one, and, I don't know about the young lady.'' he said to the waiter, after moving his head to her.
She smiles politely at the waiter, "Pizza sounds nice." She says simply, then looks back at him returning his smile. She looks around subtly at the place, taking in her surroundings. She'd never even known this place existed.
Quincy pouted a little more, resisting the urge to stick her tongue out at him. “Blaaake." She whined, bouncing a few more times. Realizing pouting wouldnt work, she poked his chest experimentally. He was solid, and didnt move. Huffing quietly, she took a moment to think.

An idea entered her mind, and it took her a long moment to accept it. Standing on her toes, she leaned up and pressed her lips to his softly. Effectively distracting him, she was able to push the door open and get a foot inside, bags in hand. Pulling back, she tried to think of something to say, but couldn't. Instead, she smiled shyly and stepped further inside, walking backwards for a few steps so she wouldnt have to break her gaze from his. She did have to look away, however, when she turned into the kitchen and set her bags on the counter, a fierce blush painting her cheeks.
He said thank you to the waitress, before looking back at Riley. ''So, what do you do for a living? I am currently working in my dad's place. A local liquor store, even tough I gain little money, it's still money.''
Surprised, Blake followed her into the kitchen a small smile on his face. He puts his bags up and then faces her again. "Alright, I'll admit that was clever." He smirks and sits on the counter. She definitely found a way to distract him. He hoped he didn't wear the oh-so-happy gleam that he was feeling on his face, but he knew he probably was. He maintains eye contacts with her for a moment but doesn't hold it for long.

"I do piercings at a local place. Cheap but clean. It gets me by, for the most part. Is there anything that you want to do? Like, a career? Or college maybe?" She tilts her head slightly, curious of his intentions. Everyone has that 'when I was a kid I wanted to be...' life desire, and she was kind of curious about what his might be. She couldn't guess, even though she tried.
"Oh good your back." Gaia commented walking into the kitchen. Immediately he headed for the bags of food and looked through them. Soon he withdrew the pretzels and opening them ate a handful. "And with drinking snacks."
''Piercing? Sounds awesome. I might pass by some day, and I'd like to be a....well....I don't have any serious plans. I guess when my boss dies, I'll go on his franchise. Possibly the best choice.'' He said, while tapping on the table.
Quin began unpacking the bags, her freckles all but disappeared in her blush. “I needed to get through the door." Her voice had a note of defensiveness in it, but it was masked by an undeniably joy. Glancing up, she managed a passable greeting to Gaia despite her flustered state. She walked past Blake to get a soda out of the fridge for herself, glancing at him shyly, a coy smile dancing on her lips. She let her hand brush across his knee as she did, unable to help herself. It was just too fun to flirt with him.
Denise and Drew got up said "See you guys later" they said in unison as they straighten there outfits as they made there way out the door. they walked to a nearby club.
"You definitely should. It's like a tattoo/piercing type shop. If you wanted anything I could probably give you a pretty good discount. So, you've never thought of anything else?" She didn't mean to ask so many questions but it was foreign to her. She'd never met anyone without huge dreams of some sort.

Blake messed up her hair as she walked by and smiled. "Oh, so next time I need to get by you the correct way to ask would be," he hopped off the counter and gently placed his hand under her chin, tilting her head up and softly kissed her, "to do that?" he ended quietly tilting his head slightly. He smiled and grabbed a water, returning to his spot on the counter.
Gaia preceded to ignore them as he stole the bag of pretzels and left. He was so bored. Why couldn't the party just start already. Maybe then he can get a hot dude to have a wild one night stand. Smiling at the thought he munched on his pretzels and flopped back on the couch. Time to watch some more walking dead.
Quincy wrinkled her nose at the ruffling of her hair, taking a moment to straighten it out. As she did, he hopped off the counter and came to her. She swallowed softly, nervously, her hands dropping to her side as he kissed her. Quincy's eyelids fluttered as her heart did the same. She watched him withdraw back to his spot, too surprised to blush again. Reaching into the fridge, she took the opportunity to regain a little composure. “If thats how you want it to be," She said sassily, shutting the fridge with a small smirk. Grabbing a party cup and the bag of M&Ms, she ripped open the bag and poured them into the cup, filling it almost to the top. Turning back to Blake, she smiled shyly, leaning against the counter opposite him. She held out her cup of candy to him. “Want some?" She asked, still sounding a little coy.
Blake smiled, "It works for me," he states playfully. He watches her fill up the cup and shakes his head when she offers him some, "I'm good." He kicks his feet absentmindedly taking a sip of his water. In a high pitched female impersonation he says, "I'm watching my figure," and smirks at her.
Quincy peered at him cautiously, pondering this development for a long moment. But doing so dampened her mood, and that was the last thing she wanted. Pushing it out of her mind, she returned his grin. “In that case, eat them anyway and run with me in the morning," She shot back, enjoying their playful banter. It distracted her from the fact that they were waiting on a party to start. For now, she was happy to munch on her candy and talk with him in the easy back and forth that was developing between them.
He grabs a small handful of the candy with a grin, "Fine, but you have to keep up. I'd hate to have to leave you behind," he teases eating the candy. He'd forgotten about the party that was supposed to be going on.
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The dark haired girl laughed lightly. “Im doing an easy 8 or 9 tomorrow, you really think Im the one that'll struggle to keep up?" She challenged playfully, popping a handful of her favorite candy into her mouth. Her blue eyes snuck over his body, wondering just how in shape he was.
Blake chuckled. "Oh, we'll see alright." He hops off the counter and throws his water bottle away and this time leans against the counter. "Maybe we can have a little race. I'll go easy on you," he sticks his tongue out at her and then smiles.
Quincy laughed, amused by his antics. “Well, if were racing we could go a little shorter. How about.. 6 miles?" She suggested, raising an eyebrow teasingly. If he thought he could beat her in a race, he had another thing coming. “Thats just under a 10k, not that far. We'll see who goes easy on who." She added, popping another candy into her mouth.
"Fair enough," he says with a sly smile, "As long as you don't cheat, that is." He grins, referring to her earlier antics to get into the front door.
Quin shrugged. “I wont need to cheat." She said, tossing a candy into the air and catching it in her mouth. “Unless youre an avid runner, I could probably beat you with my ankles tied together." She said easily. If there was one thing she was confident about, it was her running. A smile rested permanently on her pretty face, brightening a little each time she looked at him.
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Oh, that was why they'd stopped walking. They were lost. Owlie brushed his hair out his eyes and spun around in a circle, trying to decide which was the right way.

"There's no point going back now. They've probably broken out the alcohol." he said, "I say we head...." He closed his eyes and spun around, picking a random direction, "That way." He opened his eyes, "Come on, Silver."

Jade could smell the alcohol all the way from her room and sprayed some perfume to cover up the scent. She didn't do drinking or parties, (what was the point?). She ruffled through her desk drawer and pulled out a new packet of stickers. She peeled the stickers off one by one and stuck them to her desk, hoping the party would be over soon. Pom the bright side, there didn't seem to be many people participating in this party so hopefully it would die quickly.

Dylan had fallen asleep on the couch- ironically and coolly, of course. He'd been up late last night, trolling people on the Internet which was one of the only things he could ever be bothered to do. So, he'd been tired and fallen asleep, whilst waiting for Clarissa to reach for the remote, (which she never did, the little so-and-so!).

She'd got bored of sitting on the couch with Dylan but had been careful to stick a sign reading "LOSER" to his face before she got up and left. He hadn't even noticed, amazingly. She'd taken one of Nessa's many bottles of alcohol and opened it as she left the room, not even bothering with a glass. The whiskey was vile but Clarissa didn't care, it wasn't like she drunk this stuff for its taste.
Georgina groaned in annoyance, having been able to finish hardly even half of her work, due to the party going on downstairs. She sat by her desk for a moments, tapping her fingers, contemplating whether or not to go downstairs and have a drink. "Just one." she says before heading downstairs.

Georgina passed by a girl with pink hair chugging down a bottle of whiskey. She offered her a warm smile "How's the party?"
She slammed her bottle down on a nearby table as some random girl started talking to her. She didn't even try to hide her annoyance at being spoken to.

"There's a party?" Clarissa snorted, "It must be pretty bad because I didn't know there was one. I just thought we were drinking." She crossed her arms, "Excuse me, princess, I'm trying to get past." She shoved past the girl and headed up the stairs.
Georgina was too taken aback by the girl's rude gesture to protest against being shoved. "You could've asked me to step aside but okay." she said laughing. All Georgina could really do was laugh at the pink-haired girl's rudeness an continue on her way.

She looked through the many bottles of alcohol on the table, settling down on some cider. She sprawled out on the couch, next to the boy who was asleep and started flicking through channels, until she decided to watch cartoon out of boredom. "This 'party' really does seem a bit dead."

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