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Realistic or Modern The Teens of Randleigh Mansion

Blake walks around Quin and up to Jordan "I know that you have an alcohol problem and you probably don't have one sincere bone in your body," he returns the same smile and adds, "you're welcome," before taking his place back at the counter.
Tristan smiled lightly and followed her. He was not the kind of guy who had dirty thoughts and wants all that much so when people brought them else his mind imediatly tried to look at it threw the best possible way, but sometimes that failed. Tristan walked up behind her and put his hands on her shoulder. "I would be willing to help you with anything preferable clean but I can also play the dirty role depending on how convincing you are. But I really don't want to take it that fast you'll have to agree to go out on a date with me before this goes anywere."
She rolled her eyes, "no I like alcohol I don't have a problem with it. And what would you even know about the word sincere? Does Quinn know about how your good at running? I'll have you known that I do! God I hate people almost as much as I hate myself!" She brought her arms to cover her chest when a flash of scars showed on her arms. She walked over to the fridge to avoid everyone.
Quin smiled faintly to herself at his comment, standing perfectly still as he played with her hair. She looked up as Jordan came back in, flinching away from her fakely sweet tone. She stared at the white toe caps of her shoes, expecting the drunk girl to say more to her. When she didnt, she edged her way toward the door, the hair on the back of her neck standing on end. Her blue eyes clouded as she stood next to the doorway, just trying to stay out of the line of fire. Her eyes shot up to Blake at the mention of running, a puzzled, upset look in her eyes as they quickly dropped back to her shoes.
Blake's face went slightly pale as worry flashed across his face. He recovered quickly and shot back at her, "No, she doesn't. Why don't you tell her?" He suggested. A front, nonetheless, but he really hoped she wouldn't say a word. He glared at her, almost threateningly. "I bet you don't have a damn clue," he almost growls.
Jordan saw Quinn inch to the doorway and then realized what she had done. "Shit you guys im sorry." She said as her eyeliner began to run . It turned out that she was crying, she ran through the door way trying her best not to hit Quinn.

As she began running up the staris she feel and smashed her elbow blood dripping on

The white banister. "Im sorry please don't hurt me. Were the last words she let out before running into her room with blood drips following behind her.

But the thing that hurt her the most, was the fact that Quinn had hurt in her eyes and Blake was surprised by scared at the same time. She hated herself so much. Then she looked at her elbow. Oh well I have had worse, then she looked at her ceiling as tears filled her eyes again "Please don't hurt me. Dad no please."
Quincy saw the worry flash across his face, but her eyes went to the floor again at the tone of his voice. She crossed her arms, rubbing her own upper arms slowly. She couldnt raise her eyes as Jordan ran out crying. Numbly, Quincy fiddled with a few M&Ms, still standing in the corner near the door. She looked like a small child trying to escape notice.
Tristan watched Jordan run out and he wondered what was up. He walked up to her room and knocked. "Is everything alright madam." He said in a polite tone. "Is there anything I can to to help you threw whatever this is." Tristan was worried he was like that he worried when people around him looked sad and hurt.
She laughed a bit "No ots nothing you can fix its all im the past." Then she got up and walked back into the kitchen. She stuck her bloody elbow under the sink, then she looked at Quinn. She wiped the water of her elbow and stood next to her. "Im sorry, what ever you want to say to me go ahead and say it. I deserve it after all that."

Then she looked at Blake, "Same thing goes for you. Im not gonna tell her what I know. Because its up to you to tell her not me." She looked at her elbow with teared eyes. "I am really sorry"
Quincy kept her eyes on her shoes as Jordan returned, her shaky confidence all but destroyed. “I dont have anything to say," She said in a tiny voice, keeping her head respectfully down. She didnt want to look up, she half expected to see an older version of herself holding a bottle of wine. Her mother had always drunk wine. The strawberry smell of Jordan's choice drink reminded her of it. Her blue eyes wanted to find Blake, but to do so they would have to see Jordan first, and she didnt want that.
" Your lying Quinn. Please tell me the truth, I need to know. I know I seem like your mother, I mean shit. Im sorry." She looked around. Then put her head down, "Dont worry I have my secrets,ill yell them from the roof tops . Please just tell ne I need to know."
Quincy whined softly in the back of her throat, like a caged pup. She kept her eyes firmly on the ground. Her brow furrowed, wondering how Jordan knew what she was thinking. Her hands shook around her cup of candy, causing them to rattle softly “I don't have anything to say." She repeated, almost robotically. She sidled along the wall, making her way around Jordan. She backed up, making her way over to Blake without lifting her eyes from her shoes.
Jordan laughed, "im turning into my father slowly. I cant do this." She picked up the cup she had and it slipped out of hand smashing on the ground. F*** was the only thing she said before going to pick it up. She grabbed the glass and it cut her. The blood dripping rapidly down her hand and for-arm. She got up and watched as the blood dripped down her arm. She looked around and everything went blurry. She stopped and looked at Quinn and Blake, "im really sorry." Then she fainted. As she was falling her thoughts were i'll probally wake up in my bed. I hope this was all a bad dream

(Last post for the night, this is getting weird. My characters messed lol. Cant wait till tomorrow.)
For a long moment, Quincy stared at Jordan, laying crumpled on the floor. Then, with a soft sigh, she turned and walked into the laundry room, pulling out a first aid kit and setting her cup on the counter. Wordlessly, she brushed past Blake as she pulled on a pair of rubber gloves. Carefully, she cleaned the fresh cut and put a bandage over it, and did the same to the one on her elbow. As she worked, Quin's face was completely blank. She avoided looking at the two men in the room. She carefully wrapped gauze around both wounds to keep the bandages secure. The first aid kit was replaced, gloves disposed of, and swapped for a broom. Hands shaking, Quin swept the broken glass from the floor into a pan and threw it away. Finally, Quin sat down on the counter, shaking slightly. “Someone needs to put her to bed." She stated flatly. She had picked up her cup of candy before sitting down, and now she pulled her feet onto the edge of the seat. With her knees against her chest, she ate M&Ms one by one, staring into the cup to avoid their eyes.
Blake's lips formed a flat line as he wordlessly walked over to the girl lying on the floor. He picked her up gently and effortlessly and walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her room. He set her down gently on the bed and pulled the covers up over her. Before he left the room, barely above a whisper he said, "It'll all be okay some day," and walked out the door to meet back up with Quin. He knew that if anything was going to work between them then she deserved some answers.
Quin slowly pulled her hair back up into its spunky ponytail, feeling like she was moving in through think syrup. Wasnt this place supposed to be better than home? She set her cup on the counter in front of her and fiddled with it for a moment, suddenly not wanting to eat any more candy. Her parents wouldve said it would make her fat. She didnt glance up as Blake returned, too far in her own mind to even notice. Her face was blank, and her eyes had lost their luster as she rested her chin on her knees. She wasnt aware of the tears that ran silently down her freckled cheeks as she sat there mutely, staring at her candy and fiddling with her shoelaces. Quincy had retreated into herself so far she didnt know she was crying.
Tristan couldn't make sense of all of what was going on, he just knew he slightly liked this Jordan girl, so he followed Blake to Jordan's room, then took a seat outside her room. He sat there silently there to help if she needed anything. After a while he got board so he ran to his room and grabbed his violin before going back to her room and sitting outside it. He began to play his violin lightly almost silently as he waited for Jordan to get up.
Blake walked back into the kitchen and immediately noticed the tears running down her face. He squatted down in front of her and gently wiped her tears away with his thumb. "Hey.." he whispered, concern evident in his tone and eyes, "she's alright. Just needs a little rest and time. Are you okay?" He was still speaking in a soft tone, and his eyes searched her face. He wanted nothing more than to bring back the smiley, joyful girl from earlier. The one who seemed carefree. Seeing this side of her somehow made him want to know her more. He'd just met her, but he wanted her to be happy. He wanted to know what made her happy and what made her sad and what made her laugh and everything in between.
Quincy blinked rapidly a few times, surprised to see Blake's face again. She was equally surprised by him wiping tears from her cheeks. She brought her hands to her face, feeling the dampness for herself. “Oh. Crying." She muttered, her surprise in her voice, wiping what was left of the tears away. Taking a deep breath, she nodded a little. “Im okay." Her eyes were wide and a little distant, but she held his gaze without hesitation. “Sometimes people say mean things when they drink, and then apologize right after, just to say more mean things. Jordan is like that. So is Mum. Mum is worse." She spoke in short sentences, keeping her thoughts brief. It was a coping mechanism. Her tone was serious, but not at all sad or angry. She blinked a few times, then tilted her head to the side a little. “Being made fun of reminds me of home. I dont like home." She paused, thinking. “Doctors say I disassociate when things are bad. I think thats now." She added, gazing at him and gently putting a hand to his cheek. “I get stuck in space and dont know how to come back." Quincy was somewhere between ‘space' and ‘earth,' caught in limbo between the two states.
Blake took her hand in his, looking her in the eyes. "Everyone is here for one reason or another. It doesn't make us bad or any other negative word people might associate with this mansion. Some people pinpoint the weaknesses of others and try to bring them down, and that's their way of coping with the internal storm that inhabits their minds. It doesn't in any way make it right for them to do so, but it's what they know and are good at. You have to know that people can be really harsh. Words just come out for them without any emotion or regret. Don't listen to anything negative because it's not what defines you. You aren't what people say about you. You're who you put yourself out to be, and no one can change that with a few bitterly intended words," he maintains eye contact and a soft tone the whole time he is talking. This was the most he's talked in a while, and he didn't know where it was coming from but it felt right to say it.
Quincy stared at him, listening to his words silently. It took a moment for her brain to begin to process them, but they brought the tiniest of smiles to her lips. After a heartbeat of silence, she spoke. “I like when you talk. It makes me feel.." She struggled to find the right word for a moment. “Valid. It makes me feel valid, like a real person. Or maybe I mean worthwhile." She wrinkled her nose for a moment, not sure if she had chosen the right words. Her eyes had become a little more focused, even though they didnt quite regain their shine. Her head tilted a little, not unlike a puppy's or Trinny's would, as she pondered, still hung up on her word choice. “Or maybe accepted is better." She added, scowling briefly. Words were hard, especially in that moment. She searched his face with her eyes, leaning towards him subconsciously. His scent washed over her, sweet but still masculine, making her feel even more comfortable.
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Jordan woke up in her bed, "What the f*** did I do?" She laughed as she saw the dressed wounds. "Just great I ruined someone's life already."

She got up and changed into tight jeans and a bright orange top. She walked down the staris chosing to ignore the male figure sitting outside her door, and walked over to Quinn,

" i am so sorry that im interupting but im sorry you had too see that as I know your mom is a heavy drinker and ruined your life. I have a bad reason to drink and I will tell you if you wish." Then she looked to Blake, "You, on the other hand. If you were the one that carried me up thank you but you don't know jack about me there for you don't know if im good for your health."

She looked at them and walked over to the fridge and poorer all of her alcohol down the sink and walked back. " I am going to try and drink as little as possible, and its all because of you. If I didn't see you like that then I would have never re-thought of my mother and father. I wanted to thank you."

During her second last sentence she began to cry. Her eye liner running down her face in large streets. She had betrayed some one she did not know and she hated herself for it.
Quin leaned away quickly as Jordan appeared suddenly, clearing her throat softly. “Its okay." She said, staring at her blankly. The blue eyes were extremely guarded as they watched her move about the kitchen. In fact, they were uncharacteristically cold. Frigidly, she spoke again. “Dont speak to Blake that way. As a drinker, you are, by definition, bad for people's health. Mostly your own. Im glad youre trying to clean up." There was no longer any friendliness in her, not even a falsehood of it. Her freckled face remained set, despite the girl's new tears. It was clear she would not allow this girl to cut her down again, changed or not.
Blake stood with a blank expression clouding his face. His jaw set, he didn't say a word. He didn't want to start another argument and he most definitely didn't want to show his angry side again. He'd already let it have its time for the week. It's a wonder Quin still wanted to speak to him, he thought. He hardly heard the words spoken to him, but the ones spoken in his defense were heard more clearly. His expression softened a tad at Quin's words but he still stood at guard for everyone around him's sake. He usually wasn't easily angered but this Jordan girl knew how to pick at his very last nerve before he even knew it was presented. He hardly knew her but he did know he didn't want to have her around if he could help it at all.
Quin stood, picking up the bag of M&Ms and her soda. She leaned close to Blake, dropping her eyes to the floor. “I dont want to be in here anymore. Youre welcome to join me if youd like." She whispered, glancing up at him from under her lashes. With that, she walked quietly away, careful not to brush into Jordan on her way. Her feet hardly made a sound as she walked up the stairs. At the end of the hall, there was a door that lead onto a large balcony, floored in deep wood, screened on the two open sides from the bugs, covered from the rain, and furnished with a pair of plush couches, one facing out towards the world and the other angled to see the television on the wall. She slipped into this space, choosing the couch that looked out on the darkened forest. Kicking her shoes off, the girl ran her fingers through her hair, taking out a few tangles.

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