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Realistic or Modern The Teens of Randleigh Mansion

Jordan woke up late to her alarm blaring MCR. She looked at the time and let out a sharp breath. "Its too god damn early for me to be awake." She was wearing her usual, a pair of dark black jogging pants and a bright green tank top. She walked down the stairs, "Who's all awake and what did I miss?" She yawned.
Blake laughed, "I'm pretty good at running. I've had to do it enough." What he said was in a joking tone but it hit home harder than anyone would ever know. All the nights he'd ran away for his safety. All the times he didn't have it in him to fight so the only thing he could do was run. He snapped out of it and looked back to the pretty girl in front of him and a soft smile took residence on his face.
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Quincy smiled at him happily, moving to lean on the counter next to him. She caught the serious look that fell over his face, and grew a little concerned. “Why?" She asked, keeping her tone light as his smile returned. But her curiosity was enough for her question to be sincere. She put a single candy in her mouth, her blue eyes watching his expression closely even though she was smiling.
"I just.. used to play sports and such," he said, giving her what he hoped was a reassuring smile. He didn't want to get into that right now, maybe not ever. He'd never talked about it with anyone.
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Quincy raised an eybrow. She nodded, pretending to believe him for a second. Then, she smirked at him and leaned up to kiss his cheek. “Youre a horrible liar, Blake," She said next to his ear. Moving past him to the counter, she refilled her cup of candy. “But I understand." She added, tossing a smile at him. “So. Whats your favorite candy?" She asked, eating a handful of hers.
Jordan had walked past just in time to see her lay a kiss on his cheek. "Aww you guys that's so cute." She laughed a bit and flipped her hair. She thought to herself, what's the point in affection if you can just get laid for nothing?
Quincy's blue eyes shot up at the sound of a unfamiliar voice. A mocking voice. Her glare was harsh, but short, as she dropped her gaze out of embarrassment. She frowned at the ground, her good mood derailed for the moment. “Thats Jordan, right?" She asked Blake softly, glancing at him from under her dark lashes. Her hair fell in her face, still unruly from Blake messing it up, and she decided to take it down. It fell stubbornly into her face, but she didnt mind. It created a small screen between her and the world while she tried to get past the blue haired girl's teasing comment. Maybe it had been meant as a kind jest, but it cut Quin to the bone.
Jordan had just seen the look pain for a split second. It was a look that she knew all too well. She smirked a bit, "Its Quinn right? Just to put it out there I didn't mean to hurt you. Pain is something nobody should ever know." She giggled a bit, "I am really sorry." She walked over and sat beside Quinn, and moved her hair out of her face. "There that looks better. Let the world see your face, show them that no matter what you are your own person." She laughed a bit, hoping the girl wouldn't

Find her too weird.
Blake stood by and watched as this girl, seemingly rude, turned into a decent person right before his eyes. Wow. Girls are weird. He pushed his hair out of his eyes before flipping it back into place. He didn't know whether to say anything or not, so he stood there awkwardly by Quin's side, waiting for her response, a slightly confused expression lingering on his features.
Jordan saw Blake, she had moved here a couple months after him. She blushed a bit but not brightly. She had liked him for about two weeks, then again she only saw his picture. But she never told anyone. She also knew he would never have an interest in her so she never bothered talking to him either. She looked at Quinn, it was obvious that Quinn liked him so she thought she would back off. Since this girl did not seem to need anymore pain
Quincy nodded mutely, glancing up at Jordan as she came closer. She let the girl brush her hair back, forcing her blue eyes to meet Jordan's. Slowly, a smile came back to her face. “If youre looking for the party, its supposed to be in the living room." She whispered secretively. “But its having a hard time getting started." She wrinkled her freckled nose playfully, her good mood replenished by the girl's kinder words. She innocently ignored her looks at Blake, choosing not to notice the blush on the other girl's face when she looked at the male.
Jordan smirked, "Theres a party?" She laughed a bit, "Well, there no fun unless hot guys are involved." She made a quick glance at Blake, "Why aren't you at the quote un quote party?" She giggled, "Is there like no alcohol or something?"
Quin nodded, smiling a little wider. Her smile faultered for a brief moment as Jordan slanted her eyes at Blake again, becoming a heartbreaking frown, but she recovered quickly and covered it up by eating a few candies. “Plenty of booze. We lack in party goers." She explained, gesturing to the empty kitchen, and by extension the almost empty living room. “Not many are in the party hard mood tonight." She added with a shrug, knowing there were quite a few people hiding in their rooms.
"Good point. Who's idea was it to have a party today?" She walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of pink vodka. "You guys want a glass?" She asked as she pulled out three wine glasses.
Quincy shrugged. “I dont know her name. The one that always plans the parties." She answered, munching a few more candies. At the offer of vodka, she shook her head, dark hair bouncing as she did. “I dont drink." She said lightly, raising her can of soda as evidence. Taking a sip of it, she glanced at Blake, watching his reaction to this girl with clear eyes.
Tristan could be found playing the piano in the main living room, he didn't really care who was listening he was just enjoying playing it. He was playing a range of music from piano covers of modern music to classic music like cannon in D. He stopped playing for a minute and grabbed his scone and orange juice of the top of the piano, and began to slowly snack on his food, he switched between playing and snacking constantly. Until he finished his food and started to play some Christmas music, loud enough that anyone in the mansion could here.
Jordan laughed, then she heard the piano. "Could you excuse me for a second?" She grabbed her drink and made her way out to the living room where Tristan was playing piano. She walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder, "your really good at that!" She smirked
"Why thank you madam." He said with a smile as he continued to play, "is there anything you would like to hear. He said with a kind look in his eyes almost like a puppy's. "I can play almost anything." He turned around and looked at Jordon with a smile. "Give me something challenging though or there is really no point in me playing it."
"Umm... well, how about roger rabbit by sws?" She asked smiling and taking a sip of her drink. She thought to herself that this guy was quite pretty. She wondered if he was gay or if he just looked thst tiny bit like a girl. But it didn't matter to her, he was cute none the less.
Tristan began to play it better then perfectly. He played threw is twice before stopping and smiling. "Do you play any instruments, or even better do you play piano or violin at all." He said with a smile.
She took a large sip of her drink, then threw her arms over his shoulders and rested her head right beside his. Her breath had a strange smell of sttawbetry alcohol. Well I can sing, and I have no gag reflex. She giggled a bit and smieled. (Oh did I mention her alcohol is 60 percent?)
Quincy watched Jordan exit, her face reserved. She was making an effort not to show her emotions, a mix of appreciation and disgust. With a small, fake smile she looked back at Blake. “I think if youd like a party, you should be following her." She said, her voice keeping its light tone despite what she was feeling. Even from the kitchen, she could hear Jordan's laugh and her voice. She grimaced down at her M&Ms at the gag relex comment. It disgusted her, but it was probably music to any male's ears. Despite Jordan's kind words to her, in the vibrant girl's wake, Quincy was left feeling as insecure as ever, and it was more exposed than usual.

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Tristan smiled a bit, he could tell she was drunk. He continued to play the piano and let Jordan rest on his shoulder. After he played for ten more minutes he looked at drunken Jordan. "You seem a little unable at the moment is there anything I can get you or help you with. Or would you just like me to get drunk as well."
Blake grimaced at the words that came from Jordan. He looked down at Quin and gave her a half smile, "I don't think it'd be good for my health if I followed her." He brushes the tangles out of her hair where he'd messed it up earlier and steals a few M&Ms from her.
She giggled, she realized just how drunk she was. About five minutes before she left her room she had chugged a 245ml bottle of strawberry vodka. "Well Tristan, theres a lot you could do for me. The question is would you be willing to do it?" She giggled.

She stopped and stood up straight," I'll be right back." She giggled and walked back to the kitchen, "You can't say I would be bad for your healthier you don't know jack s*** about me thanks." She looked at Quinn "Good job your showing your emotions." She smieled a medium sized toothy smile.

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