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Realistic or Modern The Teens of Randleigh Mansion

Quin laughed, the sound ringing lightly in the parking lot. “Only if theres a prospect of food," She said, then added, “or if they're cute." She grinned wickedly, wondering which it was today. She gave a small, joking curtsy and offered a hand shake. “Im Quincy. Or Quin, if you prefer." She introduced herself, eyes sparkling. “We probably wouldve met sooner, if I hadnt been holed up making Trinny at home." She added, a small shrug follwing the statement.
Haven sat quietly in a secluded room. She pulled out her little acoustic guitar and some sheet music. Although she was in no way good, she loved the way the notes flew around the room. She also liked being alone. Alone was good sometimes.
Dom smiles and laughs "Five cats?" he asks "Thats good, cats need a home." he says as he takes his mug and puts some dish soap and quickly washes it out. "Well feel free to play with Mia, she plays rough though." he says as he watches Mia playfully try to bite Georgina's hand "Careful she tends to bite hard.." he says slightly worried
He felt happy she said yes. ''There's my car, let's go.'' He said, pointing at an average blue Focus car. Not everyone has lamborghinis in this economy, do they? He walked towards there, opening the door for her and sitting in the drivers seat.
Blake laughed along with her his eyes lighting up, "Oh, really? And which one is it today?" He asks only half joking. He liked her name. It was different; pretty. He crosses his arm in expectation of her answer.
"Well...don't know. Most of them from what I can gather are too risky to approach, as some of them are more dominating while others are more passive.." Tris answered Owlie, however he wasn't sure if he confused the guy or not by his response. Putting the thought back in his mind, he decided it would be smarter to go back the way he came since he had no idea where they were. "Unless you know where we are, I think it would be smarter to go back to the mansion before we get permanently lost." He advised Owlie. Tris wasn't much of an leader-type, so if by some chance Owlie did know where to go, then he would follow.
Riley sits in his car suddenly at a loss of words. When he gets in she talks about the only subject she's completely familiar with, "What kind of music are you into? Besides Hollywood Undead." She remembers him earlier softly humming the song to himself and bites her lip to hold her smile at bay.
Jason stood outside the mansions back entrance. He pulled out a pack of cigs and lit one up. He leaned against the door and closed his eyes. He shut out everything and cleared his mind. These were the moments of solitude he could really dig.

After Haven had finished her practice she put her little guitar back in her case and returned it to her room. She turned up My Chemical Romance as loud as she could on her boombox and laid her head next to it, singing along in her head.
Quincy blushed underneath her freckles. “You tell me," She said with a coy giggle, holding his gaze for a moment. Then she dropped her blue eyes, suddenly self-conscious. In the back of her mind, a voice told her there was no way he was actually flirting with her, she wasnt nearly pretty enough for that. “We should get to that shopping," She suggested, peeking up at him through her lashes. The blush was still on her cheeks, but it was beginning to fade.
Georgina giggled as she Mia playfully bears her teeth "It's fine."

Georgina, having been caught up in petting Mia, remembered she had work that needed to be finished. She was trying to land a job as a critic and needed to send in reviews of various art galleries by the end of the week "Sigh. I'd love to still play with her, but I have work to do. It was nice meeting you. Guess we'll see each other around?" Georgina says with a smile before going back up to her room.

She sat at her desk and started fleshing out the reviews with pen on paper, before typing them up on the computer. Georgina found that by writing on paper first, ideas came to her more organically and the language seemed to flow more naturally.

Nessa jogged out of her bedroom, a shoulder bag draped across her. She was weighed down by the bag; it was carrying litres of contraband liquid. Alcohol, of course. Jumping down the last three steps, she opened up the bag. She pulled out the bottles and lay them on the floor, behind the couch. Standing up, she took off her hat and nodded at the 'display'. Smiling, she shouted, "PARTY TIME!" And picked up a bottle of malt whiskey. She had had this for a while, but it had been taken from her. Of course, she stole it back, and here it was, in her hand as she unscrewed the lid and put the bottle neck to her lips. Tasting the liquid, she tensed up. It was a terribly sour taste, but she wanted to feel drunk. She liked the feeling. Pulling out her pack of cigarettes, she tucked them into her pocket and patted them, as if saving them for later. "PARTY TIME!" She shouted once more, as she ran into the garden. With the bottle overflowing, as she ran, she picked up pebbled from the garden display and threw them, randomly, at people's windows. "WOO!" She screeched, as she raised her hands in the air. "SPIN THE BOTTLE, LIVING ROOM, FIVE MINUTES!" She ran back inside, giddily, the rush of the bitter liquid already getting to her brain. Jumping on the couch, she put the bottle down on the table in front of her, and rubbed her hands together.


Hearing the sound of something tapping on his window, Tyler opened his eyes. He had been taking a rather extended nap. and this was ruining it completely. But, he was expecting it. He was ready for some kind of interruption. He knew his sister had planned a party, and he knew he'd have to traipse downstairs to watch her. And that's what he did. Still in his coffee stained sweater, he pulled himself out of bed and walked towards the door. He rubbed his eyes and went downstairs.
Blake grinned at her, "Yeah, we probably should." He noticed the blush but chose not to say anything about it, for now at least. He had forgotten that they had a task at hand. "Um, is there anything you want specifically? It's on me." He makes eye contact with her but looks away after a second. They'd have to hurry so there'd be food and other party essentials at the mansion for whenever they decided to start the whole thing, whenever that was.

Jace let Ace out to run and play, figuring it wouldn't be the best to leave him in the house for the party. He walked in the kitchen and grabbed some water and placed himself on the couch waiting to watch what would come out of tonight's party. It was always amusing to see everyone make a damned fool of themselves and he was always sober to watch.

Dakoda sits in her room, pulled from her thoughts at light tapping noises on her window. She hears the distant shout of the party beginning and yet again groans. Maybe tonight they won't be so rowdy. Parties here were so hectic you never knew what to expect. She planned to stay in her room in her PJ's and watch episodes of Bones for the night. She placed her laptop in her lap and put her headphones in in a vain attempt to block out the sound to come.
Tristan finished his recital and headed back to the mansion and headed to his room and put his violin away. After that he could here music blasting from one of the rooms he tracked it down and knocked on the door. "Hey it's me Tristan do you mind turning it down just a bit it's kinda really loud and I can't practice my music well that's that loud."
Dom chuckles as he picks Mia up "Come on lets take you up stairs so I can go to work." he says as he carries Mia like a baby. Dom hated his job, but it gave him enough money. For the last six months he has been working as a bartender. While normally his shift was from six to midnight, he had to go in for a staff meeting, apparently there was to a shift change and in cases like him total job change. Dominic thankfully had experience as a bartender and as a waiter. Hopefully he would get a position as a afternoon waiter then working his usual shifts. Once Dominic gets to his room He puts Mia down on his bed. Mia was a good girl and never got into trouble so he left her at home to sleep. During the nights when he worked he left his window open so she could get out and explore. Never once has she failed to return before he got home. After putting Mia down he changes into a pair of baggy blue jeans and a white t-shirt. he puts on his leather Jacket and heads out.
Quin smiled shyly at him and started walking toward the store front. At his question, she smiled more openly. “M&Ms." She answered instantly. “I love them." She thought for a moment. “We should get chips and salsa, maybe some pretzels. Things thatll enable the drinking, theyll like that. And junk food." She added, reaching the store and slipping inside. “And of course, booze." She said, tossing a humorless grin at him. In reality, she just hoped there was music and space to dance.
"Hmmm. Alright." He smiles and goes to the candy aisle. Blake finds the biggest bag of M&Ms he can find and raises an eyebrow at her, throwing it in a cart. He then aimlessly throws in junk food that sounds good enough for a party. Lastly he grabs enough booze for a night of partying. He knew they already had some but he didn't want to have to come back.
Quincy followed him through the store, grinning to herself as her converse squeaked subtly. At the sight of the giant bag of candy, her smile grew bigger. “That is fantastic!" She said excitedly, now looking forward to the party. She pushed the cart along behind him, occasionally suggesting an item or two. Soon the cart was filled with food and alcohol. “Now this," She said, “looks like a party." The girl ran her blue eyes over the contents, smiling to herself as she caught sight of the M&Ms at the bottom. “You know they probably started without us." She pointed out, a faint pout on her lips.
Blake laughs at the sudden enthusiasm from her. "Probably. But they know that it's not a party until we arrive." He gives her a little wink and smiles getting into the line to check out the contents of the cart. He hands the cashier his money and produces an ID from his wallet when asked to do so. He throws Quincy a fake pout, "Do I not look twenty one?" He whines jokingly.

((Sorry for being so slow, it's storming horribly here and my internet keeps disappearing. :c))
Quin giggled happily at his wink, scampering alongside him. As they pulled things out of the cart and paid, she watched him from the corner of her eye, her interest thouroughly roused. As he produced his ID, she replied in a fake Southern drawl. “Darlin' you dont look a day over seventeen." She joked back, gently bumping one of her hips against his as she moved past him to start grabbing the bags. Her hands moved nimbly as she pulled the bags of party supplies to her. A few that had large bottles were a little heavy, but she managed.

((I feel your pain, happens to me any time theres any kind of wind xD ))
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"Darn!" He frowns and makes puppy dog eyes at her while grabbing the remaining bags. He starts to walk out but notices she's picked up a few of the heavier bags. "Do you want me to get some of those. I don't mind." Sincerity outlined his features, not wanting her to hurt herself when he can help. He took a step towards her in attempt to lessen her load a little.
Quincy laughed softly at him, rolling her eyes. She walked out, frowning a little at the weight. At his offer, she opened her mouth to refuse, out of pride. But after a moment of thought, she nodded sheepishly, handing him one of the heavier bags. “Im pretty sure that bag is about half of my weight." She joked, a little embarrassed to hand it over. As proud as she was, the absence of the one bag made it much easier on her. It really had been a little too heavy for her; she was fit from her running, but that didnt build upper body strength.
Blake smiled softly while grabbing the bag. "It probably is. I'm pretty sure that cashier was being super stingy with her bags. Who knew five bags of chips could be squished so close together?" He joked playfully. He put the bags in the trunk of his car and opened the door for her to get in. She'd kept a smile on his face the whole time they'd been out. She really was a joy to be around. He noticed he must look like an idiot smiling so much, but he couldn't help it.
Quincy's laugh filled the air in the parking lot once again. “At least they have company on their final trip," She said, her voice soft in its playfulness. She put the bags in her arms in the trunk and stood for a moment, on the opposite side of the open car door. “Why do you keep opening this door for me? I have hands, you know," She asked, mostly teasing him. But she also was curious. So far, he had been a very smooth opperator, what would his response be to this? She smirked up at him, her bright blue eyes dancing playfully as she teased him.
Andrew and Denise were out running around the blocks nearby. They stopped a street before crossing it and to the house they both walked in and basically chased each other to the kitchen and grabbed they're own each gallon of water. Denise smiled she drank half of it while, Andrew finish what ever he had left he chunked it in the trash before they both went different ways to take a shower and get ready for the party

(I scanned the Roleplay a little)
He laughed with her, his eyes brightening. "I suppose that's true," he says buying time to think of an answer to her question. He finally finds one and his eyes soften, "Well, you're supposed to do nice things for very pretty girls," he shrugs as a smirk creeps onto his face and adds, "and my car is a very pretty girl. Wouldn't want you slamming her door shut or roughly opening it," he winks at her again and smiles playfully, hoping she saw the jest behind his words.

Jace set out plastic cups on the table for anyone who didn't want to carry heavy bottles around with them. A sharpie was set out for anyone sober enough to put their name on the cup. He didn't drink but he did a fairly good job at housekeeping for the parties hosted in the mansion. Wouldn't want these drunk kids to feel ridiculed, now would we? He grimaced as he waited for Blake to return with the party food. Gah, what was taking him so long? He knew he should have just went himself. A sour look plastered on his face, he waited leaning against the counter.

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