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Realistic or Modern The Teens of Randleigh Mansion


"Nessa." Nessa spoke her name upon the girl asking it. "Glad you can come." She leaped in front of the girl and stuck out her hand. "And your name is?" She was intrigued by this girl. She seemed nice enough, and wasn't rejective of her slightly over the top behaviour as most people were. Plus, she seemed to have good fashion sense and her hair was stylish. Perhaps they could even be friends. She stood there, quite hopelessly, holding out a hand for the short haired girl to shake.
Swallowing her bite of muffin, Quin took his hand and gave it a firm shake. "Im Quincy. Most people call me Quin, but it doesnt matter." She offered a bright smile. "I can show you around later, if you'd like. " She offered, letting go of his hand. She was about to say more, when she heard a familiar purr at the door. "Hold that thought." She said, standing quickly. She had to squeeze by Dylan again. "You know Dylan, doorways are for coming or going, not staying." She teased lightly on her way by. Opening the door, she picked up a damp Trinny. She walked through the kitchen to the laundry room, where there was a sink. The mink happily hopped in and allowed her to wash the mud off of him with her special concoction of soap, ridding him of the smell of outside. Wrapping him in a towel, she made her way back into the living room. Plopping back in her spot with Trinny bundled in her lap, she glanced around. "So whatre we doing tonight, guys?" She asked them collectively, hoping someone would have some fun plans she could get in on.
(going to shorten his name since there are two characters named Tristan xp)

Tris saw a boy start to pet Moon and she began meowing again, this time in response to the boy's meow. He walked over to them, and bent down.

"Her name is Moon. She loves it when you give her attention, but sometimes she is a bit loud with her talking.." He said to the boy. Tris thought this guy seemed easier to approach than the others, at least that is what he hoped. Usually Tris would avoid anyone he didn't know before he needed them for something, but Moon seemed to like this guy so he had to make an exception.
Dakoda groaned inwardly at the sound of another party being planned. Wasn't there one the other day? Or yesterday? She didn't see the appeal to parties. She gave the girl, Jade?, a small smile and walked upstairs to change from her sweats to a pair of ripped denim shorts. She kept the tank top and walked back down. Everyone seemed to be getting along finely and she bit her lip smiling a little at the progress of her idea to turn her grandparents' previous mansion into a safe haven for these people. She'd hoped it'd be a nice idea.

Riley makes her way back down and takes a seat on the end of the couch, trying to find a way to say hello to someone. They all seemed nice enough, but they were all speaking to someone else. She settled her attention on the TV, giving up her glimmer of hope that she'd get a conversation out of someone. She was just so shy and words never came out correctly.

Blake walks downstairs and gives a warm smile to anyone who will accept it. He makes himself a stack of pancakes and settles down at the table digging into them hungrily.
Georgina was startled a bit by Nessa leaping at her but shook her hand nonetheless. That couldn't cause any harm, right?

"Georgina." she answered as she shook Nessa's hand "but feel free to call me George is that's too long for you. Everyone usually does." she added with a warm smile.
Putting his sharpie back behind his ear Gaia leaned back against the couch and turned his attention back to the tv. Zombie movies even comedic ones were full of gore which was great for a horror lover like him. Though he kept an ear open so he could listen to the plans for tonight. Hopefully it would involve alcohol and lots of it.
Dylan snorted at the girl's- Quincy?- comment. She was right, of course, but what she didn't understand was that he was hanging out in the doorway, ironically. He was standing here because you weren't meant to stand here. Obviously. She clearly didn't understand irony.

"Moon..." Owlie said, thoughtfully, "Like the one in the sky!" He smiled and stroked the cat, listening to her meowing appreciatively. Moon really was a beautiful cat, well, Owlie supposed. He didn't know much about cat's beauty standards. Anyway, he thought she was beautiful.

"I like cats." Owlie said, helpfully, in case the other boy hadn't guessed, "Look, I drew one earlier!" He found where he'd drawn the cat on his arm, amongst his other doodles. He smiled, widely.

"Good, huh?"
Blake hears talk of a party being planned and grins to himself. Being twenty one, he was usually the supplier of their alcohol even though he hardly drank it himself. He raised an eyebrow and made his way to the living room announcing to anyone that wanted to know, "They're talking about having another party tonight."
Jonathan got sick of all the talking. The beggining was fine, because they were only about 2 people on the couch, but now, it's like someone had put some bait on and everyone went for it. He got up and said ''Gonna smoke, anyone wanna come?'' before walking out of the mansion and standing right outside it, lighting up a cigaret and started smoking
Glancing up as Blake came in, Quin smiled. She enjoyed parties greatly. Alcohol and the other things that came with it, not so much. But parties usually meant music, which usually meant dancing, and she loved to dance. "Count me in." She said brightly. As she sat, she toweled Trinny off. He was churring happily at her, eventually gently nibbling on her hand. She allowed him to emerge from the towel, dry and smelling like flowers, and her climbed up onto her shoulder. From there he caught sight of the cat across the room. Letting out a few squeaks, the mink went to investigate this creature. "Trinny!" She hissed, reaching for him, but he was too quick. The mink went straight up to the cat, chuffing softly at it and trying to get a good smell. In his quest for a sniff, he climbed onto Owlie's lap, padded feet moving quickly. Nervously, Quin moved to them and waited for the cat to react. If they got into a spat, Trinny would be trouble. His bite could easily injure the cat, or break her hand if she pulled him away. "Im sorry," She said quickly to the cat's owner, reaching for Trinny with both hands.
Riley tilted her head towards the boy walking out the door with a cigarette and follows him silently giving him a small smile. She was happy to get out of the big crowded room. "Um, hi," she starts trying to look as friendly as she could.

Blake smiles again. "Cool, cool. I might go to the store and pick up some stuff for it. Anyone wanna come along?" He searches the eyes of the people in the room looking for a companion. He didn't really like going places alone and figured he might make a friend if it was offered.
Gaia jumped up at the offer and hurried after Jonathan and Riley. He was craving a good smoke even if its only been a few minutes. Plus the room was getting a little to crowded for his taste. A room should only be that crowded when a party was going on.
He moved his head to see a cute girl. He smirked at the fact he expected a man and not her. ''Hello.'' he awnsered to her, before releasing a puff of smoke, coming out as tiny smoke rings.
Tris looked at where the boy had drew a cat. He simply nodded his head to show he agreed as it would be smarter to get along than disagree. Tris glanced up and noticed people coming and going. "Is it always this....busy? The amount of people here I mean." Tris asked the boy, wondering if he should join the bandwagon of people going outside. Moon seemed to really enjoy it inside, but then again she liked anywhere she could get someone to noticed her.
Scooping Trinny up, Quincy turned back to Blake. "I'll come along, if you give me a second to put Trinny away and change." She said softly, stroking the mink's head. He was cross that his examination of the new pet had been interrupted, and let her know by letting out a series of indignant squeaks. But he didnt dare do anything more than squirm a little.
"I didnt think a shy girl like you would smoke." Gaia remarked lighting his own cigarette. Taking a drag he slowly blew out the smoke savoring the nicotine laced smoke.
Riley looks down but then bravely looks back up and makes eye contact with this guy. "I'm Riley," she states, tilting her head slightly, inquiring about the smirk. She looks to the other guy with a little smile and lights up a menthol. "Well, bad habits die hard," she offers with no explanation. She's been doing this since she was fourteen. No reason to stop now, she supposed.

Blake smiles. "Alright. I'll be here." He grabs the keys to his old nova and waited for the girl to return. He puts on a pair of vans and leans against the door frame.
Jade left the kitchen, tiring of all the drama and party discussions that were going on. Instead, she entered the living room, seeing as a lot of people were leaving it. She sat down on the edge of the couch, worried that somebody would shove her out of her seat. She glanced around, taking in all the people there. Some of them were new, she was sure of it.

"It's always quite busy, yes. There are a lot of us. Hi Jade!" He waved cheerfully at the shy girl, as she entered the room and sat anxiously on the edge of the couch, "So-" That was when the mink leapt onto his lap and he didn't so much as flinch. He just looked at it, in disappointment. He still wished that it was a cat and not a mink. Thankfully, Quincy took the mink away before Owlie could throw the creature out of the window.

No matter how ironic and cool he looked, Dylan moved out of the doorway to flop on the couch. He was getting tired of all the people pushing past him and as Quincy said, doorways weren't for "staying in". He frowned up at the ceiling, feeling less ironic sitting on the couch.

Clarissa got curious as to what was going on outside of her room. Besides, she'd woken up enough now that she didn't want to strangle everyone just for breathing. She slunk out of her room and down stairs. She entered the living room, scowling at everyone, and sat next to Dylan on the couch.

"You don't look cool, just so you know." she informed him, enjoying the scowl that appeared on his face.
He was still smiling at the fact she replied with man awnsers. he raised his arm and rubbed her hair, before putting down his arm. ''I hate being inbetween big crowds. I feel I can't breathe without smelling the armpit of another.''
Quincy smiled back and jogged upstairs, slipping into her room. There was an attached room that she had outfitted just for Trinny, full of small toys, tubes to run through, ramps, and a bathtub that always had water in it. Setting him inside, she waited a moment to make sure he would entertain himself. She knew he would when he scampered over and picked up a favorite toy, hauling it into the bathtub to play with. Satisfied, she shut the half-door and turned to her dresser. Pulling out a favorite pair of jean shorts and a fitted gray tee, she changed quickly. Her hair was pulled into a high ponytail, spunkily bouncing when she moved. On her feet she wore a pair of plain black Converse, and they thudded softly as she bounded down the stairs and popped in front of Blake. "Let's bounce." She said happily, blue eyes dancing at the prospect of getting out of the house.
After getting dressed Dom heads down stairs with Mia following along. After entering the kitchen he grabs a slice of melon he kept in the fridge. After taking some time to cut it up he puts the pieces on a plate and watches Mia eat as he pours himself so coffee.
With an eyebrow raised, Riley chuckles lightly. "Well, try being five foot tall in a room full of people. Armpit height isn't ideal for crowds." She takes another drag and looks towards the sky. The clouds were forming in a beautifully collaborative way and she wished she had her camera with her.

Blake hadn't noticed her return and laughed a little at her enthusiasm. "Alrighty then." He leads her towards his jet black 1970 Nova and opens the door for her, the gesture being uniform for him. "Where do you wanna go first? I know they'll want alcohol for tonight," he says slightly wrinkling his nose.
Georgina turns her head to the guy that just walked in. "Is that your pet fox?!" she asks with excitement and wide eyes. In one second she was crouched down next to Mia, admiring her, but still too shy to pet her.
Tristan waved Blake and Quin goodbye. Then walked up to his room texting away on his phone somehow not bumping into anyone or thing. Once he was in his room he locked the door behind him and applied his eyeliner and shade. He had a piano recital tonight and he wanted to look good, or at least his version of good. Beyond that he put on dress pants and a black suit. He fixed up his hair and grabbed the keys to his motercycle, he walked out of his room and out the door waving good bye to everyone before he left and headed to the honors choir building. He picked up a coffe and donuts on the way, then got to the place practically half a day early. But he licked practicing here listening to the sound echo threw the walls being alone in the amplitheater was one of his favorite things he began to practice just him and his music.

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