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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

(back! I ate a whole bag of starburst and my toung is bright blue!)

Kiki ran around her room frantically, smoke pouring out the balcony. When she flew in threw her window her phoenix's flame accidently set the curtain on fire... and now half her room was burning and she couldn't stop it "Crap!" she ran to the bathroom and filled a container with water then ran back into her room and threw the water on a small section of the fire. Of course though it was spreading a little to fast for a container to put it out. School hadn't even started yet and she had already set her dorm on fire! Kiki ran to the bathroom again then turned the tub on and filled her container with water and kept running to the fire and putting small sections out before it spread to the rest of the building then back to the tub to refill her container. Back and forth, back, forth, back and forth.
Ashley watched shyly as Naomi walked away, Wolfy following her for a few seconds until returning to the side of his owner, and let out a sigh of relief and

disappointment. Relief that now she was (almost) alone, and disappointment of how she acted, even shyer then normal.
"Ugh, she probably thinks me weird and stupid now" stated Ashley once Naomi was out of earshot, beating herself up over how she acted.

Those thoughts plagued her mind but for a few minutes as she smelt smoke and turned over in the direction to see someone caught there dorm on fire; she had to blink twice to make sure she was not going crazy. Ashley quickly put everything in her bag, including poor Wolfy, and dissipating into snow, reappearing in Kikis' dorm, quickly creating a mini blizzard in her room and putting out the fire within a few moments.

Ashley sighed a sigh of relief once more, and now somewhat tired from using her powers to create a blizzard, that was the biggest strain on her out of all her powers. Wolfy jumped out of her bag and began to play in the snow like a little pup would be.
"Are you alright?" asked Ashley before turning over to look at Kiki in a timid way.

She wasn't sure if she was thankful or furious. It was good she set the fire out but... it was so cold. Kiki rubbed her arms and shivered even though it was a normal temperature now. Kiki doesn't do well with cold things "Fine..." she breathed out. She was a creature of pure flame but she felt as if someone had just wrapped her in ice and kept her there. She coughed "I think I need to see the nurse..." she sat down and hugged herself, cold did not go well for her.
Ashley noticed the girls shivering and added two and two together, figuring out that she was some sort of a fire being and didn't like the cold. She blushed a bit, "Oh...I'm sorry" stated the snow-white mountain girl before dissipating the snow away, returning the room to normal temperature. Her pet wolf pup whimpered in protest but ended up going over to Kiki and barking playfully at her.

She slammed her eyes shut and shifted to phoenix form and allowed herself to heal. At least it wasn't water, that would not have gone well. She shifted back and found that icy chill that was somewhat painful was gone and she wasn't shivering anymore. Kiki got up and walked over to the girl "Thank you." she said than walked back into her dorm. It was completely filled with smoke and if anyone looked at the door it would appear there was a fire still but it was actually just smoking because of the girl putting it out. She made her way threw the smoke and opened her balcony door, then she sat down on the chair and decided to take a breather.
Jenny put back on her jacket,grabbed her books and left the other students,she went searching for her room.She grabbed a yellow paper and tried to find her dorm,which was number 134.She managed to find the room and stared at the door,it seemed off,like something bad had just happened.
Ashley followed the girl, along with Wolfy, wolfy wanting to play and be pet like normal; and Ashley wanting to make sure everything was alright. "So, what happened?" asked the snow girl, curious at what exactly happened.

"Oh, I was in my Phoenix form. Bird of fire, Wooh. Any way I flew inside and accidently set the curtain on fire and I had quickly ran downstairs to grab something. When I got back the fire was here." she explained, not taking her eyes off the lonely tree that sat far in the distance.
Ashley nodded before picking up Wolfy and petting him a bit, trying to keep herself calm as now not only was she with someone else, she was with someone with control over fire, very scary for her. "I see" she replied in a timid voice before walking over to the window and tracing Kikis' stare; tracing it back to the tree where she was just was. She quickly shifted to the left so she was hidden behind the wall, "Please don't have seen me" pleaded the girl in a small whimper.

Jenny cracked open the door as quietly as she could and peeked inside, she didn't want to interrupt their discussion.
Naomi winced as she washed her knees with a water bottle on a bench she began to bleed again and had nothing to wrap it with so she looked around in all directions then her necklace glowed red and she shifted into her Phoenix form till she was healed then shifted back the red glow fading making the crystal on her necklace transparent again she rubbed her now healed knees to get rib of the tingle it left behind
"What? what do you mean?" she said. But she heard the door open due to its squeakiness. She leaned over and peaked threw the balcony door to see a girl standing there "One moment," she said then opened the door and walked back inside "Hello? why are you in my dorm?" or at least the remnants of it, her head quickly added. She didn't have a roommate as far as she knew and there wasn't a sign plastered on the door that said "Come in!"
"I-um was supposed to be in this room,I mean-um it might have just been a glitch in the system and gave me the wrong room or something," she rummaged through her books and found the yellow paper, "see, but-um I can see if I can get it changed if you don't want me here."

(Might be a little slow, I have to set up one of my phones.)
She had a roommate this year, that made more sense to Kiki as to why this girl was here, "It's fine go ahead, I just uh... had a little accident and half the room is charred..." she said quietly.
Jenny giggled slightly, "I noticed," she set down her books on the other bed and held out her hand, "i'm Jenny,i'm a half fairy,it is nice to meet you."
Ashley drew in a big breath of nervousness when Kiki asked her what she meant, how embarrassing would it be if she had the chance to tell about what just happened before she came here? For once, she was thankful for someone else to be coming in here, even if it increased her shyness, at least it shifted topics to the new girl.

And like always, her wolf pup jumped out of her hands and ran up to the new girl, Jenny, barking playfully as he pawed at the girls leg. This caused Ashley to fall backwards and onto her ass, her sketch book flying out of her bag and landing near the other two girls; it on the drawing she just finished before coming here to put out the fire, the sketch of Naomi petting Wolfy.

stated Ashley in a small voice as she sat there for a few seconds before realizing that her sketch book was right next to Kiki, her snow-white face draining of the little color it had. oh crap thought Ashley to herself.

@Aelin @CrystalYoshi
Kiki shook the girls hand and smiled " I'm Kiki, i'll get that fixed... eventually. Either way the bed wasn't burnt so... there's 1 bed uh... You know I'll just sleep on the floor." she said, then the girls duffle bag landed a little behind her and her sketch book beside. She could tell that the girl was shy so, Kiki did something really ironic "Hey Jenny, you seem nice. Now get out for a moment." she said then shoved Jenny out the door and slammed it close. She turned around and picked up her sketch book and handed it to the girl "There you go."
Ashley blinked not once, not twice, but thrice to make sure she was seeing everything correctly. Did she, now revealed to be Kiki, shove out the other girl, Jenny, for her? When Kiki picked up her sketch book, the snow-white girl quickly scurried to grab it from her and placing it against her chest, hiding the drawing from the world. She sat there for a few moments before speaking up, "...Thank you" stated the shy girl in a timid voice before standing up and brushing off the ash from her plain black pants. "...My name is Ashley" stated the girl as she brought her sketch book to her side, still hiding the drawing. At the door, Wolfy was pawing at it as normal.

Jenny stared at the closed door and looked around,she was in there for about a minute and already kicked out..awesome.She looked around for a way to the roof,she needed to go flying now before it would be too late.
Kiki smiled "Your welcome, oh and I'm Kiki." she said. Kiki grabbed Ashley's arm and pulled her to the balcony "Climb up to the roof, all you have to do is use the cracks in the wall," she said pointing "There is a entrance to the inside of the school up there." she said and waved goodbye then walked back inside. She opened the front door and pulled Jenny back inside "Sorry I just had to do something." she said sincerely.
"Its fine,I'm used to things like that now so it doesn't bother me much now," she said, fiddling with her jacket zipper,which was zipped almost all the way up,"my parents usually didn't want to see me, they said I was a mistake, so they shut me out all the time. "
"Uhh-" began the shy timid snow-white girl before Kiki walked away and went to open the door, letting Jenny back in. Wolfy began to once again paw at her leg. Ashley quickly put her sketch book in her bag, hopefully it would not fall open again as she didn't know who she would run into next. "Kiki?...I don't know where to go" admitted Ashley as she had just arrived today and had no idea where anything was, no one had offered to show her around orh elp her out at all.

@Aelin @CrystalYoshi
Naomi got up and grabbed her bag she pulled out a slip of paper and begam wondering around looking for her dorm she avoided everyone and kept her head down
(Reposting for Miss Wings, hope she feels better soon pwp)

Josh liked the girl's sarcasm, however froze when she commented about him making friends. 'Friends. Friends. FrIenDs. FRIENDS, FRIENDS, FRIends!' His mind started to go madly out of control, before he closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. Opening his eyes back up, Josh let out a smile. "Oooh, a bit feisty chick ain't cha? Don't worry, I don't bite ya know!" He said nudging her elbow as he laughed, waiting for the screaming in his head to stop. @Wings
SHe turned back to Ashley "Wanna stay here for awhile?" she asked then turned back to Jenny "If you don't already know each other, Jenny, Ashley," she said then turned to Ashely "Ashley, Jenny. Now I have to quickly run down to the cafeteria to grab something to eat because I'm starving. You two go ahead and hang out in here." she said then walked outside.

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