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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

Kiki shifted to her Phoenix form. Usually only pure Phoenix could shift most of the time, other Hybrids just enchanted something of theirs to allow them to, especially the specials since they weren't even close to pure but not Kiki, she was almost 85% Phoenix since her father was pure and her mom is a hybrid, apparently that's close enough. Kiki flew around until she found Ashley then shifted back a safe distance away from her "I didn't set anything on fire did I?" she asked and did a quick scan of the area.
(They are in the same room lol)

Ashley was spooked at the phoenix landing right next to her, causing her to jump towards Naomi, and then got spooked that she was near Naomi and blushed before jumping sideways and hiding her face from everyone; bright pink taking the whiteness from her cheeks. After a few seconds she looked up, her cheeks still pink and shook her head,
"W-W-Why did you do that?" asked the girl, wondering why she would scare her like that.
She tilted her head and looked at Ashley with a clueless expression "Do what? I just shifted back." She said giving Ashley a strange look.
You just turned into a phoenix to fly like 2 feet! thought the girl to herself before sighing and shaking her head, "Never mind" stated Ashley before standing up and picking up her pet wolf pup, Wolfy, and walking outside, "You-you coming?" asked the shy snow-white girl timidly at Naomi before continuing to walk down and towards the food court.
Naomi nodded and hurriedly walked after Ashley soon catching up she fixed her hair and looked around nervously
Dru landed in front of the school and smiled taking a deep breath in before green lighting flowed out of his palm and collected onto his shoulder looking like a small dragon it shook its wings slightly before it made a sound like distant thunder before Dru chuckled and entered the school.
Ashley walked side by side with Naomi, holding onto a barking Wolfy as he demanded to be pet, Ashley obliging by petting his forehead softly with two fingers. Every now and again Ashley would steal quick glances at Naomi before going back to staring at the ground, painfully awkward indeed. "So...uhh... what are you Naomi?" asked the snow-white girl timidly to fill in the awkward silence.

@Wild Born
She crossed her arms. She had flown around outside for a little while then came back in and shifted. She didn't see anything really scary about that, she turned around and shifted then flew off the balcony and around the side of the school then into the front shooting threw the halls until she hit the library. She still couldn't land properly and ended up crashing into a chair but she was okay Well at least I didn't knock anyone over... she thought to herself then walked over to the window that gave a nice view of the small hill the lonely tree sat on. She grabbed a book that looked good, it was about a boy and a girl who fell in love, but they were both magical, the girl had water powers and the boy had fire powers, and there families didn't want them together because they were dangerous for each other. Kiki rolled her eyes, it sounded like modified "Romeo and Juliet" but seemed interesting all the same. She opened the book and started to read.
Naomi blinked she didn't understand what she was asking then she figured it out "o-oh me?...i-im part d-dragon, p-part phoenix a-and part h-human "
Ashley nodded her head at the intake of information, she smiling lightly to herself as she pet Wolfy, practically jittery that she was sharing stuff about herself, and it was really cool. "That's really cool, way better then what I am" replied Ashley with a small shy smile, still a light pink on her cheeks from before.
Dru saw what looked like a Phoenix? flying about. As his elemental rumbled at him to follow it he decided hey why not and turned his lower half into lightning and streaking off after the phoenix, rounding the corner in time to see her transform and run into a chair before grabbing a book. "So uhh are you ok miss Phoenix?" @Aelin
" W-well what are y-you? " Naomi asked and was bumped into for the millionth time today she sighed and made sure her bag was closed
"Oh," she looked up from her book and noticed someone asking if she was okay "I'm fine I'm just not used to landing in libraries, stuff gets in the way." she looked back down at her book, she wanted to talk but she was in the middle of a chapter so it wasn't exactly easy to read and talk at the same time
"You should probably work on your landings, and multi-tasking." Dru nodded his head in the direction of the book. "Also what is your name?" Dru began walking almost seeming to teleport from place to place picking up a book skimming it quickly before setting it down and moving on.
"Me? I-I'm a Yuki-onna, or at least, half" stated the shy timid girl in a sad like tone, as if being a Yuki-onna was a bad thing; which, it was. Ashley sighed a bit before pausing and then continuing on, "Meaning I should be dead, but I'm not, I am only half" explained Ashley as they arrived at the food court, she grabbing some chicken and rice; a staple from her village. When they sat down, she fed a piece of chicken to wolfy, keeping her sad expression until she had a bit of chicken for herself. "You shouldn't let people bump into you and bully you...you'r to pretty to let that happen" stated Ashley, changing subjects as she did not want to explain her past; just like Naomi didn't want to either. The last part of her sentence was a forced and quick whisper, it would be hard for Naomi to hear, ya know, unless she had enhanced hearing. ( :3 )
Naomi grabbed herself chicken soup and sat down next to Ashley she heard her say she shouldn't let bullies mess with her and then she said because of how pretty she was which made her blush pink and she kept eating
(Ah! I wrote something like 30 mins ago but it didn't post Sorry!)

"Well you try landing in a narrow -flammable- space full of books well being a bird of fire, trust me it will go well." she said sarcastically then put her book down, "My name's Kiki Slade," she said then looked him up and down "And you are?"
"I have similar fears since I am a lightning elemental. My name is Dru Meadows and I am new here." Dru smiled at her as his elemental took off from his shoulder and mid-air turned into a tiny wolf that circled around her head before landing on her shoulder causing a pleasant tingling sensation. (Its fine)
She laughed and looked at the tiny wolf, "Its so cute!" she exclaimed and scratched behind its ear. She loved animals they were just so awesome. Kiki leaned back against her window seat still feeling the tiny wolf on her shoulder "I want one." he said in a playful tone looking at the creature.
"It's a young elemental comparatively weak but I sheltered it until it began to follow me. Now it lives in me when it isn't out playing or watching my back. He or rather it will change forms from time to time due to its fluidity but it seems to like you hence the ability to touch it without harm, but I don't think a lightning elemental would suit you maybe a fire one."
"That is a lot of information jammed into one sentence," she said "and I can't be burned so I don't think I can be electrocuted either." she said, not really sure if it was true, just guessing. Her eyes were flaring again, the small gold ring around her iris completely luminous against the purple rest. She wasn't feeling a strong emotion and she wasn't annoyed, she didn't even know they were. Maybe the elemental was charging the glow?
From her shoulder she could feel extra warmth and heard the rumble of distant thunder from the elemental and Dru just chuckled. "Sorry for how fast I Talk it's just I have lightning in me. It is part of me much like I assume fire is part of you as for the electrocution sire you may not be burned by the actual blast but electrocution is still a very real option for you and it is not pretty, but it may take more joules to injure you. Oh wait I'm doing it again aren't I ? Sorry." Dru stopped talking after that rush and gave her an apologetic smile.
She laughed "It's fine. You should here me when I'm tired I go on and on about things that can't -or shouldn't- happen like raining tacos, kittens turning to lions when there angry, you know the usual." she said smiling a little bit "thanks for the lecture by the way, very informative." she teased.
Dru smiled at her light ribbing and then cocked his head to the side as the little elemental jumped from her shoulder to her knee and turned to look at her the rumble of thunder becoming slightly louder. "Uhh this is very new for me but he is trying to communicate with you. First I must ask can you tell the difference between fires by their sounds?"
She tilted her head "Yeah, depending on what there burning and the heat there burning at they have different sounds and I can pick up on them. Why?" She asked.

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