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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

"I'm some kind of shadow creature, I can't really specify what kind though," Jason answered politely. He read her facial expression and he was very tempted just to say, "No I don't really wanna tell you."
"Some thing's are better left a mystery, Birdie." Sebastian replied before stepping back over to the tree and grabbing the book he'd left lying on the branch. He looked at Jason and Kiki, " 'ay, anyone else hungry?"
"Oh! I am! I think the cafeteria is making burger today," she said, then walked over to the tree grabbed her book then started walking in the direction of the cafeteria. She stopped and craned her head in there direction "You coming?"
He nodded intently. "I'm coming," he said and he stopped leaning on the tree. "Guess it's lonely now," he thought and walked over to her.
"I was going to offer fruit, but it seems the cafeteria is serving burgers. They aren't too bad," though, personally, I like my meat raw....Sebastian thought to himself and glanced away, his head tilting slightly at the idea of a fresh steak. He followed them soon after, coming to walk close whilst whistling.
Kiki walked inside then into the cafeteria with and the boys seemed to trail behind. She walked up to the counter "Can I have a well done burger please? and these two can order for themselves," she said, gesturing to Sebastian and Jason "You can order it Well done, rare, medium rare or blue. I don't get why they offer it when almost everyone gets Well done but whatever." she said then walked over to the other counter and waited for her food.
Jason nodded. "I'll order first, well second actually," he walked up the the counter. "May I have a well done burger too?" Jason asked the person politely and I stepped back giving Sebastian room to order. "Hey, how long does it take for the food to be finished?" He whispered over to Kiki
Ashley got back off of Naomis' lap once she realized she hadn't moved yet, her blush still pink as every, and turned around to see a bunch of people, including Kiki, come inside. She quickly ducked behind the table, hoping they didn't see her, still holding onto the surprisingly energetic wolf pup, Wolfy. "Please don't have seen me" stated Ashley in a hushed whisper.

Kiki grabbed her tray that had a burger, fries and a sprite "Only like a minute, they just have to prepare it for you everything's already cooked." she said pointing at the older lady putting lettuce and tomatoes on his burger.
Sebastian was pleased that they gave options on how cooked the meat was. He stepped up to the counter, smiling politely to the person behind it and lightly tapping his fingers against the counter," Blue burger, please!" He then stepped back and watched them, pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.
Dru bolted into the cafeteria his legs lightning as he was chasing a creature made of green electricity, in the shape of a dragon. After a few seconds of flight near the ceiling Dru caught the creature but hit a wall and fell down only a few feet before landing in a heap as legs turned back to normal.
Kiki ate one of her fries well she waited for Jason and Sebastian's burger to be done so they could sit down "Were do you 2 wanna sit?" she asked so she could go snag a seat.
Jason thought it was strange that someone would order a blue burger or even a rare burger. But alas, Sebastian ordered a blue burger. He decided to stop thinking bout it so he hopefully didn't look rude and he focused on his burger being cooked.

(Late post ._.)
Sebastian got his burger sooner due to it not really having to be cooked. He grabbed a tray and some fries before glancing around when Kiki asked where to sit," I'm not sure." His eyes scanned the cafeteria, pausing when he thought he saw a familiar face," is that....?" His brow raised, the wolf girl? Even though he wore glasses, it was hard for him to see far away at times. Sebastian shook his head, probably not, and started to look around again. He didn't want to move until everyone's burger was ready, so he searched from his standing spot.
Naomi was now a dark red from blushing the gem on her necklace swirled red and blue glowing dull and she got up dusting off her shackles jingled
"Well done burger!" one of the people who was working behind the counter said. That's probably mine. Jason walked towards the burger and grabbed it, soon after coming back to the others.
Kiki watched as the Cafeteria lady passed Jason his burger then she walked over to one of the tables and sat down. She took a bite of her burger then looked around. It was kind of loud in here and it was kind of annoying.
Ashley turned away when Sebastian looked her way, praying to whatever was out there to not have been seen. When she turned away, she ended up turning back over to Naomi, who, was still blushing just as much as she was, "uhh..." was all she was able to say nervously, her eyes quickly shifting to the ground as she tried to get up and back away a bit, but ended up tripping and falling flat on her but once more, "Ouch" she stated flustered.

Zeke walked onto school campus, soaking wet as usual, his abundance of green hair going down to his neck, looking more like a bush of hair then anything else. His bare feet left water everywhere he went as he walked into the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat, he was a tad bit peckish and so walked by the group of Kiki, Sebastian, and whoever else was there with them. The smell of chum followed him, nasty nasty stuff it was.
(who? oh)

She watched as Dru crashed into the wall, what the heck was he doing. She would have gone over and asked if he was okay but... there was a burger in front of her. So he flicked her fingers and healed him to make sure he didn't sustain a injury.
Dru popped up after the healing and shook his head then spoke to the elemental clutched in his arms in a loud rumbling like there was a distant thunder storm before he looked around and smiled apologetically then he went to order his food.

Federoff said:
(Well... you are outside... and we are inside... and this is a school for magical beings.... so I would suspect that the crash wouldn't do anything to the walls)
(I am inside the cafeteria, did you not read the post?)
Sebastian took a seat at the table and looked at the burger. He gripped it between his hands and bit into the soft bread and meat, chewing it up and swallowing it with a smile of satisfaction. It's been quite a while since he had meat, but then he would often get sick if he are too much of it. He didn't pay much attention to what was going on around him as he was thoroughly fixated on his food.
(( I'll have to drop off, there's a bit...too much speed and attention hogging here and there, falling, crashing, bleeding, and I really don't feel comfortable, since I spend my time in Detailed roleplays where replays take 10 minutes, so I'm not used to the speed, not trying to disrespect anyone but I'll have to leave, pleasure roleplaying with you guys ^^ ))
(( K that's fine, I understand @Sugar ))

Kiki felt something hit the back of her neck "Oww!" she squeaked then rubbed her neck, but there was something there. She pulled a spitball off her neck, her eyes suddenly flared and she looked behind her at a table of laughing idiots, they shot another and it hit her arm. She huffed and pulled it off, Don't burn them, your won't start a fire, you can't or you'll hurt someone. Since Kiki's magic sometimes rose to defend her from even the most stupid things it usually never went well. She clenched her fist and hoped she wouldn't burn something or someone...

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