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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

Well she clearly doesn't want to talk about what happened and there's no point in prying Jin thought to himself. He then said "well I won't ask any further I don't want to pry, but it was nice meeting you, take care and try to be a bit more careful alright? Well I've got to get going hopefully we'll meet again sometime." He waved goodbye and started walking away.

@Federoff @everyone.
As she often did, Lifa was relaxing at the roots of her favorite tree in the greenhouse, basking in the fragrant atmosphere. This was one of the few places on campus where she didn't attract unwanted attention and where she as able to unwind and relax. Moments later her stomach began growling and she decided to head to the cafeteria for a bite to eat.
Naomi was getting pushed and shoved and she was having just about enough of it she tripped and dropped her bag the books spilling out she scrambled around to get them back
"dont worry, i wont tell anyone bout your wings if you dont want people to know" chasis said reasurringly to the girl, "its nice to meet you jenny" theyre voice was monotone slightly as they stood up and let their arm extend for a shake. " my names chasis. you can call me chas if you wish though" they let off a small smirk before stretching and showing what gender they were, as well as how pearly white there skin was and how it burned slightly as the sun touched them. "you smell good by the way...that could be a problem" they laughed slightly at this as they stepped near her.
Jenny looked back at her wings,"no it's fine,i really don't mind that much,"she said before looking back at Chasis she kinda forgot to shake his or her,she couldn't really tell right then and there,because chasis had stepped closer to her.Her face flushed more,"oh um I..I..um..do I really smell nice or something..wait,how is that a problem?"she asked,trying to step back a little,but that failed as she couldn't really move.
"well you see!" chasis smiled, a big grin. and her fangs exposed themselves. she quickly let the smile fade. "i dont kill people. but you have such a sweet scent" she stepped closer and tapped jenny's neck with a slight enthusiastic twirl. and then walked away slightly before turning and smiling again. " thats why it may be a problem...but hey ill contain myself. so dont you worry" she said with a hint of reassurance in her voice.
Kiki got up "Nice meeting you but I have to go now, I have to try and clean my room -there's char all over the walls because I accidently set it on fire- since me and my roommate gotta sleep in there. Bye." she said as she walked off quickly noting the sun setting out the window. She rushed up the stairs and into the janitors closet "Hmm, stain remover? No. Bleach? Hell no! Nitrogen Oxide? Wait what the heck! why is that even in here!." she went through everything until she found a glow scraper and some weird cleaning products that softened the char so she could scrape it off the carpet, and for the wall she found a bucket of paint that would do. She hurried out of the room and walked with her abundance of cleaning products and started spraying the product all over the char, within minutes she had started scraping the char off the carpet. A little while later she had the carpet clean, so she cracked open the bucket of green paint -that was going on beige walls- dipped her paint brush in. Right as she was about to put the first dab she stopped, her brush just inches away from the black wall. instead of painting the whole thing solid green, it seemed her hand had other plans, she made a long stroke that curled, then another and kept going until there was a brilliant design.
"-commonly multiplied by the deciding factor, which can be squared if you follow the formula provided in chapter thirteen subsection four." said a a tired-sounding voice as it approached the school. It belonged to a red eyed girl in a flowing hood who was riding atop an abomination to the library while reading a book on Algebra she had gotten from there. Said abomination was little more than a head and a torso stemming from a pile of flesh and limbs, which the red-eyed girl was currently standing on. Trailing behind them was a sharp-fingered rotting zombie, silently mumbling to himself as they walked.

"So theoretically, the formula adds two unnecessary steps in following the occasion, right Dibs?"

The zombie rolled his bloodshot eyes in response before grumbling again. The abomination continued using its four arms to drag itself and the girl closer and closer to the library in order to begin what was to be a long ritual of book return and checkout. As the girl continued talking, the zombie rushed ahead and pulled open the library door for her, careful not to scratch the door with its claws.

The abomination crawled in with her on, several cries of fear were given by the new students, and only several of the older students would shiver at the sight. Esther's abomination dragged itself over to the librarian, just as Esther closed the book and handed it to her. The Librarian didn't even bat an eyelash before reaching past the Abomination's head to grab said book.

"Thank you." Esther mumbled before pointing towards one of the bookcases "That one, Chiron."

"As you say Madame." Chiron groaned out before resuming his crawl

"Okay seriously," Dibs said "why do we not use the book return bin?"

"Need to make sure they get the book," Esther replied "I'd hate for them to get the idiotic idea that I stole it."

"She's got a point Dibs." Chiron groaned as he continued to crawl

"Just saying it would be easier," dibs grumbled as he threw his hands in the air in defeat "no need to gang up on the walking corpse or anything."

As Esther and her creatures went to get another book, two other pairs of eyes watched them from the second floor of the library.



"A-are you kidding me?"


"Jesus Christ, Oleg! " Erman said with a chuckle as he backed away from the guard rail "Did you really have to fall for the physical embodiment of death?"

"Didn't plan for it." Oleg stated

"Obviously." Erman said with a roll of his eyes and another smile, he turned away and began walking to the nearest staircase leading back down to the first floor.

Soon the two exited the Library, new students running at the sight of the claw fingered half-ghoul and dark grey giant.

"Don't worry buddy." Erman stated confidently as the two walked through the halls "As a friend, I find myself inclined to assist you in your plea for courtship."

"Really, You?" Oleg said a bit skeptically "Excuse me for bringing this up but doesn't a girl have a restraining order against you?"

"She's the one who left the door unlocked," Erman stated with a reminiscent smile "but its all in the past now."

As he finished speaking the two entered the cafeteria.

"Now the first order of business is-" Erman was interrupted by the piece of school material he stepped on. The half-ghoul paused and looked down. Some girl's backpack contents seem to have gotten scattered all over the floor. The crowd of students dispersed once Erman and Oleg arrived, leaving the two of them with the girl whose school supplies formed a puddle around them. (@Wild Born )

He crouched low and moved his foot so he could pick up the piece of paper, then looked it over real quick before looking over the girl who had dropped it.

"Getting acquainted with the ground I see." Erman commented before passing the paper back to Oleg "Somebody could get hurt slipping on that."

He crouched down again and began humming while picking up more of the supplies in his claws, careful not to tear them, passing each back to Oleg, who was calmly standing to the side looking around the cafeteria.
Jenny stared at Chasis,not sure whether or not she was creeped out or kinda intrigued by her,"are you a vampire,a-and a male and female Chas?" She didn't want to sound rude or anything,but she touched her neck where Chasis had touched her,"what do I smell like Chas?"
Naomi looked up at the students who had just arrived and squeaked quickly looking away grabbing her bag she began putting her things back inside of it avoiding eye contact she hated when she drew attention and the shackles around her ankles didn't help by jingling the gem on her necklace swirled blue and red glowing dimly

Ashley shyly waved goodbye to Jin herself before continuing to walk, trying to clear her head and think. About a few minutes of walking later she was about to turn the corner, but she saw Naomi on the ground, collecting her materials from what looked to be another incident with bullies, and some sort of... undead thingies. She quickly decided against that and hid behind the corner, popping her head out slightly as she tried to look at what was happening. "Come on Ashley, you have to stop being so shy, she'll never like you when your like this" whispered the snow-white girl to herself, mentally kicking herself for being so shy.

@Wild Born @GrieveWriter (long time no see my friend lol) @CrimsonChaos
Upon reaching the cafeteria and coming upon the assembled crowd; Lifa considers turning tail and returning to thr greenhouse, but her stomach's insistent growling wins out and she approaches the entrance trying her best to pass by unnoticed.
Erman cooed at the squeak of fear he received,he turned back to Oleg and winked before turning back and leaning closer.

"Sorry for startling you dear, I don't believe we've met before." Erman said before gesturing to himself "My name is Erman, and the loveable lunk back there is Oleg. Might you tell me your name?"

(@Wild Born )
Naomi glanced up " N-naomi " she said and stood up dusting off completely passing the shackles then looked to them putting a book in her bag
Celestine was going to try to find the dorms first but her stomach started to growl unmercifully so she went to go find the cafeteria. Oh sweet Jesus. She thought as she saw all the people. She got her lunch and tried to find a dark spot.
Jacob kept navigating through the hallway and he saw an awfully creepy person (Erman). "Okay, that's very unnerving, I think I should head back to the cafeteria now and talk to Sebastian," He thought and he did what he was thinking to do. "Hey, I'm back," he took the seat he previously sat on next to Sebastian.
Sebastian nodded and looked up from his now empty plate to Jason, "Oh, hey." The area seemed to be more crowded than the library was earlier, he obviously wasn't very fond of crowds, but it was also noisy which put him off a bit. He blinked once or twice as he tried to ignore and spoke," What's up?"
Kiki finished the painting and it looked awesome! There were painted vines crawling across the black spot and in the center there was a heart. It looked like a wall mural. She smiled, satisfied with her work then she walked over to her balcony. Sun was already set so the stars were across everything. She sat down on the chair she kept outside and stared at the stars. Trying to figure out what the constellations were.
"Pretty well, are you done your burger?" He asked hoping his question wasn't overtaken by the volume of the crowd. Jason looked around. He hadn't noticed this before but there were much more people here then before.
Erman thought a bit on the name "Naomi, that sounds swell dear." He said with a bit of a chuckle "So tell me Naomi, how exactly did your stuff end up all over the place?"

Oleg was glancing over the heads of those around them staring for a couple seconds before moving on. He rubbed a smudge of dirt off his goggles before continuing to watch the various people who entered and exited the cafeteria. He was still listening to the conversation but was trying to keep himself busy.

(@Wild Born )
" I-i fell " Naomi shuddered and the necklace glowed brighter she shuffled her feet the shackles jingled and she could barely keep eye contact
"what do you smell like?" she grinned, and walked up close to jenny again, and got right up close to her neck, and took a long sniff, it smelled of sweet cherrys and peaches. like the fresh air in the forest. she smelled of life, purest of it all. what a shame to not take a sip, her lips pursing, but she pulled herself away " you smell like life, like cherrys and peaches. you smell like the best smell a vampire can smell. and no problem, yes...i shift....genders...but hey. Everyone is different in one way or another" she said liking her lips. they had not had a drink in such a long time. Chas, wanted a drink...badly.
Ashley remained there for a few minutes, just watching Naomi interacting with the two undead folk, she blushing the whole time. She slowly made her way over to them, trying her best to blend in with the area until she was but a couple feet away, still shyly watching them, and blushing. Wolfy began to bark a bit, "Come on Wolfy, stop baring, they might hear you!" stated the snow-white girl to her wolf pup in a hushed whisper.

@Wild Born @GrieveWriter
Jenny smiled and giggled softly,"it must be my shampoo to be honest,"she said softly,"wait..are you bi because of your split gender..crap sorry..I..I didn't mean to ask that out loud umm,"she said while she covered her face slightly because of the blushing that she was doing.


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