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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

(Hey I'm here,well,been here just been busy today with church and all so been off and on.)

Jenny was sitting outside in the shade of the lonely tree, she had debated to bring her jacket but in the end she didn't and opted to keep her wings back. She was writing something in a notebook,a story about two unlikely people who were best friends and ended up falling in love.
They shot one at her again, but this time she stood up turned around and blasted them. They boys crashed into the floor and let out a symphony of Owws, Kiki wasn't exactly someone to mess with. She got up quickly saying "Bye guys." and walked away, leaving a half eaten burger and all of her fries, she walked to the library and sat down on one of the window seats, sometimes boys were jerks and she didn't think anyone had a valid reason to shoot spit balls at her.

(I've gotta go now I'll be back in 2 hours. Bye!)
Jacob looked at her half eaten food and how she was being bullied. "Alright I'll put away her food later," he said looking at Sebastian and he continued eating.
Sebastian nodded saying," alright," before continuing to eat. He munched on a fry and looked around, wonder why there was so much commotion going on in the cafeteria. It seemed Kiki was being messed with, but he was sure she could handle herself.
Zeke took a bucket of fish from the cafeteria and watched as the girl was bullied with his black eyes and then followed the girl, eating a few fish along the way as he followed Kiki to inside the library, the smell of chum following him wherever he went. "Are you alright?" asked the shark boy as he sat down opposite to where Kiki was sitting, wet as normal due to the thin layer of water he maintained on his body.

"So then. Im going to go then and find my dorm number and stuff." Celestine rocked on her feet for a moment before starting to walk away. She waved goodbye to the boy, she had never gotten his name but you dont just forget that kind of personality. "Maybe we'll have some classes together." Celestine said as she walked inside the school.
(Wooh! back now)

Kiki looked up from under her lashes, trying to keep an eye on the boy and her book at the same time, "Ya I'm fine, some boys were just being jerks, that's all." she said her tone conveying she was a little upset. She closed her book and set it down, inspecting the guy, was he wet? she shook her head. She was probably just imagining that. It wouldn't be a first. She looked out the window at the lonely tree, it wasn't magnificent but it was gorgeous.
Zeke nodded his head a bit in understanding, sending the bush of green hair on his head a shaking. "Well, people do try to put down people that are better then themselves" replied the shark boy, trying to cheer up the girl as he detected a hint of sadness in her voice .His hand reached into his bucket and produced a fish a few seconds later, he ripping off the head and eating it in one bite.

Finishing his last bite, Jason stood up. He took Kiki's leftover food and threw it out, leaving two plates to put away. "So, do you want to do something after you finish that?" He asked while returning the plates.
She laughed at his attempt to cheer her up, wait did he just eat a fish? she wondered. Okay he was probably a hybrid of a animal that eats fish, so maybe a cat or a bear or a shark. She wasn't exactly sure, why is it whenever someone found her it was a guy? couldn't she meet a girl for once? they seemed more normal, "I'm Kiki by the way." she said.
Zeke chuckled a bit in response to the girls laugh, it was nice to see that she was more chipper then when he saw her. "Zeke" smiled the boy, revealing his sharp triangle teeth instead of normal human teeth. At the same time he offered a wet hand for her to shake as he took another bite out of the fish, making his way around the spine.

She looked at his hand, it was wet "I'm sorry I can't shake your hand. Either you will burn or I will." she said, she felt kind of bad for it too, she had to deny him a common courtesy simply because it was dangerous for her.
Zeke left his hand where it was and nodded before the water on it receded to above his wrists, that way the water would not touch Kiki, it not flowing down at all; his hand, completely dry. "Better?" asked the shark boy as he finished the rest of the fish, placing the bones in the bottom of the bucket with a toothy smile.

@Wild Born @Everyoneelse [/color]
She shook his hand "Yep, trust me you don't want to see what happens when I touch water, not pretty." she said "I'm a phoenix by the way, One of the closest to full blooded there is left actually. What are you?" she asked. If she had shook his hand with the water either her hand would go into agonizing pain and go bone white or his hand would burn. Either way not pretty.
Jin was wandering around when he turned a corner someone ran straight into him at full force. "Ouch" Jin said as he was knocked over. He looked up and saw it was some girl he had never met before who had also fell down as a result of the collision. He got up and extended his hand to her to help her up and asked her "Are you alright? I don't know why you're in such a rush but you should be more careful".

Zeke replied with a toothy smile when Kiki shook his hand, once they stopped shaking the water returned to where it was before, flowing all on his body. "I'm part shark myself" smiled the shark boy before eating another fish, not taking his time at all to. The part shark would explain the chum smell he emitted...

"Whoop" went the snow-white girl when she accidentally ran into someone when turning a corner, landing on her butt for the forth time in the same hour; so sad. "Ouch" stated the girl in a shy tone, her ass now hurting from falling so much in the same day, this would have never happened at home. When the boy, Jin, spoke to her, she looked up shyly at the boy and took his hand, "I-I'm sorry" apologized Ashley as she helped herself up, the wolf pup, Wolfy, barking lightly at the new person as he hung from Ashleys' hand, pressed against her stomach so he would not fall.
"Cool!" she said. SHe had never met someone who was part animal, not part creature, she wondered what that was like sometimes. Being an animal instead of a creature.
Jin chuckled and said "it's fine don't worry about it, My name's Jin odd way to meet someone but it's nice to meet you" looking at the barking wolf pup he laughed and said "looks like someones a little overprotective don't worry I mean your friend any harm." He then looked back at the girl and asked "if you don't mind me asking why were you in such a rush did something happen back there?"

Chasis pulled the hoodie over there head, the thoughts starting to run through theyre mind kept them shuffling along without noticing anyone, would anyone notice them, how they're skin kind of smokey up when it touched the sunlight, did the others notice how they dare not stare at the beauty of the day, head low and distant. Chasis knew that this was their life, nothing could change how empty it was, no one could tell the pain that they felt, or the joy they felt. you would only find a resolving stare if you looked upon their face, no smile, or frown, nothing to distinguish how they felt or what they thought. it was their defense system and they've had it for as long as they could remember, they would switch soon. There gender changing to that of a female. they didn't really care for a pronoun upon their gender, no one knew that they were two in one. No one knew about them, and they knew everything about everyone.

Nothing would change, and people would keep lying. and with this thought finished and through. they're body changed, becoming feminine and voluptuous, CHnaging in shape and size as they walked slowly towards a bench on the outside of the campus. sitting down they growled slightly as the sun started to hit they're skin.
Jenny got up from her spot under the tree and walked back towards the school,on the way back she tripped and fell on the ground.Her wings went up when she fell and her notebook with her romantic story fell in front of chasis,"oww,that really hurt,"she mumbled.She looked up and looked at chasis,"um-hi."
(Sorry for being impatient)

Jacob looked at him. No answer, probably too busy eating. "I'll be heading out, meet me at well..." He stopped mid-sentence. Jason didn't exactly know where he was going to go. "Actually here," He produced a piece of paper and a pen and he wrote down his contact information. "Just send me a text or something if you want to meet up," He passed the slip of paper over to him and he walked out.
Chasis, moving slightly looked at the girl, her wings were pretty as they moved, chasis sighed as they looked upon the girl "hi, you ok there?" in they're head they whispered cluts as they let they're power surge out and make the area around them a bit darker, why was it people were always attracted to them....hmmm she had a sweet scent. they're fangs descended a bit, they gulped and forced them back down, they hadn't had a drink from a live source in at least five weeks. conversation would be hard.
Jenny nodded and got up,her face flushed with embarrassment,she looked around and grabbed her notebook in front of the bench.Jenny smiled and looked down at the ground,"hi,my names is-um Jenny,"she said,folding her wings against her body,why didn't she bring her jacket with her,this person probably saw her wings,dang it all.
Naomi cocked her head and the light from her necklace dimmed again she didn't know if she should follow Ashley or not then she noticed some people staring and she grabbed her bag leaving quickly

Zeke nodded his head a bit, sending the bush of green hair on his head a shaking once more. "Yeah its pretty cool I guess" replied the shark boy with a toothy smile.

Ashley remained as her normal timid self as Jin revealed who he was, "Umm... I'm-I'm Ashley" replied the snow-white mountain girl in her usual painfully-shy ways before Jin continued to speak. When he asked her why she was running away she quickly blushed a deep pink blush and shook her head violently in protest, it would be to embarrassing to say why she was running away from something.

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