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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

"Well apparently he thought you were serious about that fire elemental and wants to find one for you, at least that's the gist of what he is saying." Dru had a surprised look on his face.
"Oh, wait he can understand me?" she asked, a look of pure curiosity plastered across my face. She looked down at the tiny wolf then back up to Dru "Is that even possible?" she asked, astonishment taking curiosities place.
"Well yeah he isn't stupid and to be frank he is probably older than the both of us. He will eventually be able to speak English and such but now he is too young but he understands almost every language how do you think I talk to him?" Dru shook his head and chuckled. "Anyways since you understand the difference in fires you should be able to understand a fire elemental. It will take some learning but otherwise you'll be fine."
"Oh, Okay." she said then looked around the area "You know I'm gonna go. I need a breather." she said then shifted and flew outside, she shifted back human but accidently went a little to early and stumbled forward face planting on the side of the hill near the lonely tree, That went well... she thought to herself. Maybe she was just having a bad day today because she could not stick a landing at all and it was getting annoying.
Dru looked confused but let her go and the wolf moved onto his shoulder and made a kerning sound and tried to tell him to followed the girl. "I thought I was flighty but she is something else, should I really go after her Rattles?"
She got up then walked over to the tree and sat down under it. He loved the lonely tree a) because it was awesome b) because it was a tree that's in the middle of an area with no tree's what so ever and c) because it was calm and peaceful there. She watched the school from her shady spot under the tree and kept thinking. Her mind going in a thousand different directions at once.
After a few minutes of the rumbling Dru sighs heavily and steps backwards his legs becoming lightning as he quickly exited the building and landed on the roof then held his hound out as his wolf turned into a bird it looked like a hawk. "If you want to see if she is ok go see yourself." With the shake of his hand Rattles was airborne and headed towards Kiki.
Kiki felt something land in her hair, it seemed small so she reached up and brushed it off. But she heard a vibration like one of the ones she heard from fire but this was very faint. She turned her head in the direction of the sound and saw Dru's elemental on the ground, she realized she swatted the little guy off her head "Oh I'm sorry!" she said then looked at it. She held out her hand and healed him which a bright blue light appeared from "Better?" she asked.

(I gtg to bed now. Bye!)
(Talk to you tomorrow)

Rattles hopped up and shook his head once before ruffling his feathers and partially extending his wings then he rumbled at her.
@Silvey (I was at my friends house so sorry for the late reply)

Yikes! I must have hit a nerve. She thought as he started to shout friends. Celestine was somewhat concerned at his behavior but was not that freaked out. "So what's with the change in attitude?" She arched her eyes and slightly moved from his nudges.
Kiki turned the page of her book, the comfy spot under the lonely tree only had a nice view for awhile, then you got bored. She had taken out her book a little while earlier, and her eyes were glowing, but once again she was feeling no strong emotion and she wasn't annoyed, she was just sitting there with her eyes a blaze well reading a book.
(Sorry, I fell asleep)

Omg I made her blush! Shes' even cuter when she does blush! thought the snow-white girl to herself as she continued to eat, little bite by little bite, a conservative style of eating if you were. A few seconds later Wolfy jumped out of her hands and over Naomis' lap, trying to go after something it seemed. Ashley had to quickly reach over Naomis' lap to catch Wolfy from running away, causing her to lay on Naomis' lap. "Why are you so energetic today?" asked Ashley with a slight giggle, usually Wolfy tired out easily, but not today it seemed.

@Wild Born
(If you guys prefer me to do third-person I'll do it.)


"Second year," I muttered. Somehow in the timespan of 2 months I somehow forgot everyone's names. I needed to think of what I was going to do. First, it was to unpack and second was to go meet some random people.
Naomi stiffened when Ashley leaned over her to get Wolfy and she leaned back so she wasent in the way but just fell out of her chair instead
Sebastian was still in the lonely tree. He hadn't moved since the wounded girl and the wolf one had left. It was peaceful for a while again after that, but someone else had approached the tree like the other two. He peeked down, slow moving so that his actions wouldn't go easily noticed, and leaned over to see who it was. Ah, the girl from the library.

Sebastian thought for a second, before quietly shifting his position and landing beside her with a loud thudding noise,"BOO!"
"Ahh!" she screeched then scuttled backwards on her hands and knee's, her eyes flared and fire circled around her -which sometimes just happened when she was scared- oh just library dude. The fire around her went down and she tried to act angry but ended laughing "You're a jerk!" she said through her little laughing fit and sat up. She grabbed her book from the ground then glared at him, "Grr." she said.
(Kk I'm not so good at third person so don't judge)

After finishing his first objective, it was time to complete the second, meet random people. Jason went out of his dorm and there were people at the lonely tree. "The tree isn't so lonely now," Jason whispered to himself. He approached them and fixed his posture. "Hello."
Sebastian let out a cackling chuckle from her reaction and stepped back from the fire, "Oh-ahaha! N'w Tha' was a priceless sight!" He guessed her to be a little jumpy, but that just made his day. The laughter slowed into a slow chortle and he looked at her, wiping a bit of wetness from his eye behind the lenses and mimicked her jokingly,"Grrrr."

Sebastian fixed his glasses after he he started to calm down and listened as another person approached. He was a tad bit aback at the guy's straightforward stature, but smiled in a friendly manner,"Hello!"
Did he seriously just grr at me! that's my thing!!! she thought as she got up and walked over to the two boys "Hi! I'm Kiki." she said. Then jumped up and shifted mid air then circled the two of them. She shifted back and landed in a squatting position between the 2 of them "The cool one, or at least I like to think so." she said then smiled.
After having finished her book for the 38th time, Amberlynn rose from where she was seating and pushed in the chair while putting the book back into her bag. That book would be considered as one of her favorites granted that she could never find herself to hate a well-written book. Curious on how the library could hold books that she have not yet knew existed, the girl browsed through the whole library and explored section by section although she was not completely thorough thinking that she could come again the next day. It took quite a while however she was able picked out several books, some were that she had already read but took them anyway as they were also categorized to be her favorites.

Amberlynn went to the counter to have them checked out and decided to head back to her dorm room so that she can sort out some of the things she may had felt rather unmotivated to do before. With that done, she adjusted her bag to avoid it from falling and lifted up the stack of books that was not too tall to block her vision but not quite that low either. It was slightly very heavy for her nonetheless she thought she was capable of carrying it back to her room without any trouble. There was a little problem when exiting the library yet she somehow managed to open the door without letting the stack from falling over. Now all she had to do is continue on until she reached her destination.
He smiled at the two. At least the flames were gone, or else he would probably walk away and he would avoid getting burned. "Hi Kiki and friends..?" He looked at Sebastian, he didn't exactly know his name yet. "My name is Jason," He finished with a short bow.
"I don't know his name yet either." she said waving her hand lazily in the other guys direction "What is your name anyway?" she asked him.
"I'm Sebastian, It's nice t' meet ya'." Sebastian was used to not knowing people's names, so he hadn't noticed forgetting to properly introduce himself.
Kiki smiled then got curious "Wait, what are you two? you guys probably already know I'm a phoenix -and yes I'm shifting without an enchantment- but I don't know what you guys are." she said and gave them both a tell me now or I will find a way to blackmail you later.

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