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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

"yep," Sebastian answered with a slight nod," 'was just about to head out." He sighed at the noise and rolled his shoulders back with a stretch," I was going to see if I had a dormmate."
Nervously, she makes her way around the crowd and seeks out the line. Moving through it a quickly as possible she picks up a salad and a small bowl of fresh fruit before turning to face the crowd and searching out a table.
Celestine had found a table that wasnt entirely dark but wasn't very bright either. She sat down and began to add all the condiments to her salad. Once she did that she started to eat her chicken salad.
"Well that's quite unfortunate." Erman said before pretending to think for a bit "From the looks of it, you must be new around here. It does seem to be quite cluttered in here, how about this: tell me where you want to go, and my friend and I will get you there to the best of our abilities. Consider it a newcomer's loan of service." (@Wild Born )

As Erman hustled, Oleg took notice of the barking. The giant turned and looked down to regard the snow haired girl holding the wolf pup. She'd been further away before.

"Need something, ma'am?" Oleg asked with a raised eyebrow. (@Federoff )
"yeah. dont worry about it. and no, its not your shampoo...your shampoo was a tangy citrus" she smiled as she walked closer to her " youi know your cute when you blush. my other side would die from how cute you are" they chuckled a little bit as their eyes glowed a deep red. they wondered if this girl would become their friend....not many peoplewould talk to them this long. Hopefully she would let them take a bite at some point " i havent had a drink of blood for about a month, its the reason yours is kind of driving me..well...crazy" she let her voice lay over jenny. And got real close.
Naomi was about to answer Erman when she heard Wolfy barking and she looked over and waved to Ashley then she looked back to Erman and said " I don't w-want to be a b-bother "
Josh was going to try to ignore the girl's question, however his phone began to ring. Getting it out of his pocket, It showed an alarm, along with the numbers 552. The instant his eyes laid on the message, Josh's vision blurred and he lost his balance for a moment. When it passed, Josh noticed the girl was gone. Finally in control of himself, he felt horrible for how he acted towards the stranger, so Josh quickly ran around the campus to find her, and when he did apologized in a polite tone along with bowing his head. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to yell that out loud and throw that knife at you! I ah....uhm....M-my names Josh, what is yours miss?" @Wings
"H-huh,oh..um I-um I should take that as a compliment, but can I meet your other side,not that I don't like you or anything,I do really,but umm..geez this is coming out all wrong,oh and umm,I'm bi too,just recently," she said quickly,blushing more and more until she looked away.
Mel skipped into the cafeteria and saw two teens, a guy and a girl, talking.

She was a very social person so she walked over, "Heelllooo!" She said, "I'm Mel! And you two a-" She noticed a slight tension between the two, "Is everything alright?" She said with a worried expression on her face.

@Wings @Silvey
Celestine looked up from her lunch to the boy who began to speak to her. Oh my god. It's the kid from earlier! Her eyes widened as he was very polite towards her. "Oh um..it's cool. My name's Celestine. Nice to meet you on a better term?" Celestine was sometimes socially awkward and of course now was the time it had to kick in. She remembered how she had quickly dashed off and mentally bashed her head against the table. God this is awkward. On second thought, did he run all around campus to find me? Man I sure am lucky. Celestine thought as she gave a small awkward smile.
Ashley froze up(Ha xD ) when she was addressed by one of the undead things, Oleg, her timidness easily showing. When Naomi waved at her, she quickly waved back with a small and weak wave, blushing as she did so; before returning her attention to Oleg. "Oh! Um...I-I-I...do~...no~...um..." was all Ashley was able to get out in a very flustered incoherent jumble of speech as normal.

@Wild Born
Jason produced a yawn and looked over at the table next to them. Two girls, one guy. He stood up and sat down on the opposite side of the chair. "Hello," a short wave came soon after.

@Fantasy Crazy @Silvey @Wings
Erman tilted his head to the side in mock confusion "You sure, dear? There's a lot of conveniently placed corners in this school you could bump into people at."

(@Wild Born )

Oleg tried to decipher this hybrid girl's strange native tongue. He placed a hand to his chin and thought " Umi...dono...um.." He thought those words over a bit before asking her "What does Umidonoum mean?"

(@Federoff )
"Well let's just have a great big party and invite everyone shall we?" She said scarasticly with a laugh. Sometimes Celestine said weird stuff and she had to laugh at herself. "Anyway, hello all the new people. Nice to meet you, i'm Celestine."
"My name's Jason," he gestured to himself. "And that's Sebastian," Jason finished pointed at the guy with the suit. "Oh and, yah sure," he looked at the person who suggested the party idea.
"No, it's fine, you can stay. Sorry if I'm coming of rude. It's the Banshee part of me. Banshees aren't exactly known for being the friendliest of people being omens of death and all." Celestine explained her rudeness and waved to the people being pointed out.
"I'm Mel!" She said to Jason and Sebastion who weren't there for her earlier introduction, "Nice to meet ya!" Mel smiled at Celestine when she apologized.
" y-ya " Naomi said and chuckled then she sneezed which squeaked and she dropped her bag and some of her hair fell in front of her face
"H-Hello! I uhm...." Josh tried to think of something interesting to say, but couldn't think of much. "Any else survived being hit with a bus before? Heh...heh?" He knew that this school was meant for hybrids, but guessed that maybe it would still be hard to find something in common with these people. When he heard that Celestine was part Banshee, he realized it was a good chance for him to start a conversation. "Well I'ma half-breed too, half Pheonix!"
Ashley felt slightly confused, slightly inraged, and very much flustered right now. Could the creature really not tell that the girl was painfully shy, or was he making fun of her? She shook her head a bit, "No no no no no, It doe-doesn't mean anything, I-I am just shy... I get f-f-f-flustered easily" replied the snow-white girl in one big forced breath, requiring all her will power to just stay put; the last part of her sentences very quite, almost inaudible.
Kiki walked back inside, then out the door, she hated how the guys dorm were right across the hall, seriously, what if one was gonna take a shower and walked out in just a towel. She shook her head, that would never happen the bathrooms are inside the dorm. Okay but still boys are loud and annoying and have a tendency to pick there nose, she thought even though she was being completely ridiculous. Kiki walked back down to the cafeteria and her ears picked up on someone screaming "I'm me!" Kiki laughed a bit, great introduction. She walked up to the table were Sebastion, Jason and some other people were, "Hey guys," she said, she noted the stupid boys were still at that table and her eyes got that ring of fire around them again, her phoenix side kept trying to claw its way threw but she tried not to let it.
Celestine lightly snorted with laughter when Josh made the comment about buses. "Sorry I thought that was funny." She was lightly shaking with laughter as she heard Josh say he was half phoenix. "Really you're part Phoenix? That's awesome!" Celestine's eyes lit up.
"I should try it some time," Jason smiled jokingly at the guy. Only a moment after Kiki arrived and he gave her a wave. "Hi Kiki."
"I'm sorta an elemental, I control water and fire." Mel said, she was never really sure what to call herself for she wasn't a full elemental.

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