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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

"Is that bad? It doesn't bother me that much, just hurts a whole lot. I think the 1st time was when I was 8 and I walked near a train, 2nd was to prove to these kids that I had gotten my arm torn off so I walked near one again....3rd was when I was 10 and my sister needed a new arm...4th was in a car crash, and the other 3 or 4 were during some tests my doctors were doing on me. " He said, considering if he should be telling them this.
Celestine looked at Josh dumbfounded. "Normal people dont go around ripping their arms off! Though I guess that doesn't count because were not normal." She couldn't believe that he said it didn't bother him a whole lot, but she figured after about 8ish times the shock does wear off.
Erman shook his head a bit, "If you're a new student that means there's one of three dorms they could stick you in. Dorms are relatively close so we just need to get you there and check the room order. Come on."

Oleg was about to reply to the girl when suddenly Erman's voice called him.

"Oleg, clear us a path to the dorms buddy!" Erman said as he moved to the other side of Naomi and told her "Move quickly once big guy starts going."

Oleg spun toward the door, glancing back to the hybrid girl quick enough to say "'scuse me ma'am, duty calls."

Oleg threw open the doors just and proceeded to stomp loudly towards the dorms, with the crowds clearing the way for his sheer size, Erman followed behind and gestured for Naomi to follow.

(@Wild Born ) (@Federoff )
Sebastian glanced at the girls when they started whispering something inaudible to him because of the surrounding . He pushed his glasses up his nose again and turned his attention to the noisy cafeteria in discomfort. It wasn't really a big deal if he thought about it, and he knew that, but he was hoping they'd move on to a different subject. He cleared his throat and looked at the other guy,"That sounds like it hurt."
Kiki smiled "I'm different but I don't hide it," she said in a low voice "I am the closest being left to a pure phoenix. My power is stronger then most and I can shift without an enchantment. Yet he's gonna hide that he's a special. I don't get it. Maybe he's just something really creepy." she said
"I dont know man, I mean, how much more creepier can you get from being a Banshee? Though maybe just doesn't want to feel different?" She whispered in reply.
"I guess so, but whatever happens, happens. Plus I didn't mind giving my arm to my sis, but then again she didn't exactly survive surgery...oh well, so what is a Banshee anyway? It sounds familair, yet I've not heard of of one before..." Josh asked curiously, realizing that talking about his past might not be a good idea.
She rolled her eyes "Everyone here is different." She whispered, using hand gestures to make it seem more convincing.
Naomi squeaked and hurried after them her shackles clanked together making much noise one of the chains that used to be attached to something hot in front of her foot and she tripped falling forwards right behind Erman
Mel stood up, "Welp, I'm off to the dorms." She got up and started walking to the dorms.
Ashley blinked twice at what had just happened, it left her somewhat confused. When she saw Naomi go with them, she decided to follow, quickly catching up to her in a few seconds, "Where you going Naomi?" asked the snow-white girl in a shy voice as usual, Wolfy happily barking at Naomi as he was happy to see her again, or really, anyone.

@Wild Born @GrieveWriter
"Bye Mel," Jason waved her goodbye. "In Irish folklore it's pretty much someone who does wailing screams to warn of an impending death," he explained the best he could to Josh.
"Well typically it's a female spirit said to wail right before someone dies. So they are commonly associated with death therefore being an omen of death. Seeing how i'm a half breed, I have both a physical and spiritual form. Only I turn into my spirit form when I'm weak or when someone's close to death. Jason pretty much hit it on the head." She explained her species to Josh. She then turned to Kiki and said "I know but who knows maybe he doesn't like being different." She shrugged her shoulders.
"Ohhh, so that's why it seems familiar....wait...I hear screaming all the time in head, does mean people are still dying near me?" Josh said, while he scratched his head, extremely confused. He remembered hearing someone like a wail right before his mom's car crashed, but the only one who died was a little boy who he didn't remember meeting before.
Celestine looked confused for a moment. "Well, I dont know. Normally if it's someone you know then yeah you would hear wailing. But I guess if you were super close to someone like in physical terms then maybe. Have you been next to someone, heard wailing, and then someone dying pretty soon after that? 'Cuz I really dont know."
Erman looked back to see his charge unceremoniously later out once more. He sighed before walking back.

"Scuse me," he said as bent down and hoisted the girl back to her feet "It seems you're a ground magnet. Don't worry, I have a solution for that. When I say someone's getting somewhere you best believe they get there."

So, giving a nod to the white haired girl who seems to have followed them, Erman reached under Naomi and hoisted her, wolf pup and all, into a bridal carrying position before turning and continuing to follow Oleg.

(@Wild Born ) (@Federoff )
Naomi held her bag close and felt herself being lifted off the ground she looked and saw Erman she blushed a dark red and looked back down to her bag
"Well I think I heard wailing right before that car crash I was in, and this little kid who was in the seat beside me died...and I know I heard wailing right before some people died in this warehouse I woke up in. How come Banshee's are creepy though? They sound cool!" Josh replied, slightly excited, however felt himself starting to lose control of his emotions again.
"Ahh!" cried out Ashley when she was lifted up by Erman, her blush intensifying by the second. She too hid her face, but since she had Wolfy in her hands, the best she could do was ducked her head towards her chest and try her best to not freak out; a very hard task for her to do as she could barely keep calm on the ground while talking with one person.

"Well I dont know. You may have just heard them because you were physically close to the person." Celestine shrugged her shoulders. "Well people try to avoid them because of death and stuff." She then laughed at a thought inside her head. "One day when I'm in spirit mode i'm just going to go up to someone and yell death in their face. The reaction should be priceless." She grinned at a mental image of that happening.
Erman walked casually through the aftermath of Oleg's walk Ashley in hand and Naomi following "I noticed this morsel here continuously trying to get near you Naomi." He said back to Naomi as he nodded to Ashley "I figured I could take her as well since she seems so invested in you."

At that Erman paused to think some more "Actually Naomi, I could ask Oleg to carry you as well." Erman offered before continuing to walk "It would make this go by faster."

(@Wild Born ) (@Federoff )
Kiki said a quick "bye" then walked up to her dorm, 143 right across the hall was 243 but she didn't even know who's dorm was there, she walked inside the dorm and flopped down on her bed, she grabbed her book and started reading.
Jin wandered around for a while longer before finally stumbling upon the cafeteria. Well it is about dinner time so I might as well get something to eat he thought to himself. After buying some food he started looking for a seat and finally found an open seat with a group already at the table. He walked up to them and asked "Hey guys you mind if I take this last seat?"

@Wings @Aelin @Silvey
Naomi glanced up her necklace glowed the swirling red and blue again she looked to Oleg and then to the ground " I-i don't want t-to be a b-bother " she studdered

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