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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

*First Day (Night)

Amberlynn's stay in the library was surely not short as it was already sunset when she had finally see the outside world again. With her slow pace, the heavy books in hand and the distance between the library and her dormitory, it took her considerably some time to arrive at her dorm room. She placed the stack just right beside the door and unlocked it, keeping it open with her leg then lifts back her books again. She entered the dimly lit room and placed the books plus her bag on the desk she chose herself seeing how she had never met her roommate yet. Feeling rather fatigued, she quickly got changed into a light blue t-shirt and shorts then hang her hoodie on the chair. She climbed the bed just right up her desk and lied on her right side, covering her head with a pillow to avoid from her horn being exposed then soon after fell asleep.
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Time skip!!! morning!!!

Kiki grumbled as she woke up to claps of lightning and rumbling thunder, could they not practice in the training hall? she thought then went to flip over from her very awkward position on her stomach to her back but ended up falling off the bed onto her pile of clothes she had lying there "Well at least she hadn't left the bucket of paint there..." she said quietly to herself. Kiki wasn't exactly a morning person, actually she was a morning person, she just didn't like waking up. Kiki ran her hand threw her -now poofy- red hair and yawned. She sat up and looked across the room, Jenny was sleeping and she had unpacked all of her stuff. When did she do that? Kiki wondered then got up and put on her slippers. She walked into the bathroom, locked the door -so no one walked in on her because that, would be awkward- and took a quick shower. Once she was done and dried off, wearing her towel as a dress. she brushed her teeth, then her hair then left the bathroom to grab a change of clothes. She changed into a bright red shirt with white shorts then left her dorm walking down to the cafeteria to grab breakfast.
Jin woke up and quickly showered and got dressed before heading to the cafeteria. After arriving there he saw it was empty, huh first one here this morning he thought to himself and then proceeded to buy his breakfast and sit down at a table in the corner. "I wonder when the others will get here well either way its nice to escape the noise outside of the dorms that was pretty annoying" he said to himself before starting to eat.


OOC: (yay timeskips xD )
Kiki quickly ordered her breakfast -a plate full of bacon seemed to do the trick- and went to sit down. Well there was only one person sitting in a corner. Well Kiki preferred not to be alone so she walked over to the guys table and sat down, "Hi." she said then took a bite of her crunchy bacon.

The alarm clock rang. Jason attempted to press the snooze button, and he ended up hitting the table. The pain made him quickly spring up. He swore mentally and he turned off the clock while looking at his hand. "It should heal in like a minute," He thought to himself. Still groggy, Jason put on his clothes slowly and he went outside of his dorm room after completing the rest of his routine.
Jin looked up from eating and saw someone sit down at his table he responded to her hi and said "Hey, did the thunder wake you up this morning too?" He took a quick glance and saw her breakfast consisted of nothing but...bacon.... and said "I agree bacon is one of the best foods ever made but are there no other breakfast foods you like?"

Jenny blinked her eyes as she tried to wake up,she sat up and saw that Kiki had already left for breakfast.She got off her bed and went straight for the shower,once she had finished,she brushed and put her hair in a braid, brushed her teeth, and put on a gray T-shirt and blue Jean shorts and her jacket. She left the room and went down to go eat breakfast.

(Can't stay on for long guys, school is going on, but I will be back around 3:15.)
"Yep the thunder made me fall of my bed," she said with a quiet laugh, then he asked her about her breakfast "Well I had a choice of cereal, a protein, shake, bacon or eggs -shall I mention that I hate egg- what would you choose?" she asked. Jason sat down beside her "Hey Jason." she said then ate another piece. She'd eat healthy at lunch. Maybe.
Jenny walked into the cafeteria and immediately went to get a plate of eggs, bacon, and cereal. She looked around and decided to sit at one of the empty tables so that she wouldn't interrupt anyone's conversation.
After listening to her question he said "Cant argue there I'm not a huge fan of eggs myself and bacon is the most delicious form of protein" He then looked over at the other newcomer to the table and said "hey whats up? Oh I should have done this in the first place but my name's Jin just started here yesterday, how long have you guys been here?"
"Oh, I started last year but technically I'm probably the youngest second year in the school." she said, she felt her eyes go off with that glowing ring again, no strong emotions and she wasn't pissed off, stupid glowing eyes, she thought then took another bite of her bacon.
Jason gulped another bite of his eggs and he looked up at Kiki and Jin. He further examined Kiki and noticed her eyes are glowing. "Hey, are your eyes supposed to do that?" he took another bite of his food.
"So you and I are both first years and he's a second year huh who knows maybe we'll be in a few classes together" while Jin was saying that he noticed her eyes start glowing and said "if you don't mind me asking why did your eyes glow does it have something to do with what type of hybrid you are? If you don't want to answer don't worry about it I just thought that's its pretty cool"

@Aelin @Pyosimros
Dru walked into the cafeteria and got some raw bacon along with well cooked bacon some scrambled eggs and oatmeal before sitting down at the table with everyone else. As soon as Dru sat down some green lightning flowed out of his palm into the shape of a small dragon and it rubbed against his arm before eating some of the raw bacon.
"Dammit! I hate when that happens, I'm a phoenix closest one there is to pure actually, anyway they usually glow when I'm feeling a strong emotion or when I'm really pissed off but lately there being wonky. Oh and since I'm like almost 90% phoenix I can shift without a enchantment and my eyes glow and all that stuff, oh and this." she said then threw her hand forward and at the middle of the table a flower made of fire appeared.
she crossed her arms and turned her head to the side dramatically "If I were to burn anything you would be the first Jason, touch it thought, Whoever is brave enough." she said, daring someone. It was perfectly safe and really pretty actually she willed it to be warm not scorching, and it looked like a fire even though it was barely hot
"Strong emotion or pissed off? Well hopefully its option 3 and not something I did, well either way its still pretty cool. I don't have any cool effects like that. Being a half demon has its perks but that's not one of them"
"Oh you didn't do anything!" she said, her eyes were just randomly glowing sometimes now and the glow was a ring around her iris that shifted into something that looked like a flame, sometimes she didn't even realize it was happening.
She laughed at Jason raising his hands in surrender, it was actually quite funny, "So is anyone going to touch it and see what happens or should I just make it disappear?" she asked.
"Well that's good glad it wasn't something I did" he looked at Jason and then back at Kiki and said " Nah I'm good I'll pass on getting burnt by the fire of a phoenix just touching that would be a problem for anyone. It's all yours if you want it Jason."

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