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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

Finding an out of the way table Lifa sets down her tray before taking a seat. She glances around the room while absent-mindedly waving her hand over h er food causing all of it to ripen to the height of freshness before se begins dining.
"Being part Phoenix must have some killer perks. I mean being a Banshee is cool and all but I get awful headaches all the time when one of my abilities gets triggered, which usually happens all the time." Celestine was really interested in what being a Phoenix was like.
Erman nodded just as the girl sneezed and dropped her bag, he caught sight of it quickly and hooked a finger under one of its straps before it could hit the floor, "So why don't you tell me where you need to get to?"

(@Wild Born )

"You don't say." Oleg replied "Well sorry about the misunderstanding ma'am, do you... need anything in particular?" He was still trying to identify why she seemed to gravitate closer to them.

(@Federoff )
"You know if I shift and start attacking those boys over there will you guys do me a favor?" she said a mischievous glint appearing in her eye "Don't stop me." she said, in a completely deadpan tone. Kiki looked over to the girl, "Hey I'm Kiki, and you are?" she asked, curiosity pouring from her eyes.
notifffssss whyyyy))

Sebastian sat listening to them, not sure exactly if he should say anything. instead, he got up and put his tray away, coming back to sit down in the chair as before. He leaned back in the chair, balancing it with his knee as he listened to them.
Jason took note of what everyone is. Overall with an exception of Celestine and him, their half things seemed not very sinister. "I'm half of a shadow thing," he said.
She heard Jason say what he was, "I'm 85% around 90% Phoenix, I'm really close to pure bread so I can shift without an enchantment, oh plus I'm kickass." she said "Wait," she looked at Sebastian "You haven't told me what you are, Why won't you?" she asked.
Celestine held her hands up. "I wouldn't even dream of it." She said in an equally deadpan voice. "Although, I really don't feel like changing into spirit form today so please dont kill them. The name's Celestine." She said towards Kiki.
"Yeah....don't do it alot, cause it hurts alot. At least it's better then having your arm ripped off, I hate it when people do that..." Josh responded, remembering when someone was trying to kill him and his mother. He blushed when he saw Celestine's eyes light up, and looked away. "N-not really, I mostly just heal much faster and better, but every time I use my powers some of my memories is lost....and maybe sanity, but they say it might come back." Josh explained, trying to sound positive with that last part, however in reality doubted it and was told it most likely for the best.
Mel noticed she had forgotten to get food. She looked at the empty spot in front of her and shrugged, oops.
"Wait, you said 'I hate it when people do that' so how many times have people ripped your arm off?" Jason inclined further into his chair looking at him for an answer.
Ashleys' eyes drifted off of Oleg and back onto Naomi, she then blushed a bit and returned focus to Oleg a few seconds later, "OH! Uhh... I... I just saw Naomi...and uhh... I wonder w-w-what was going on... and thought I might talk to her..." replied Ashley in he r normal timid ways, her voice getting smaller and smaller; a sure fire way to tell she was lying, at least somewhat, as she was kinda really bad at lying. She continued to hug Wolfy for dear life, the dog responding with playful barking.

@Wild Born
"Ouch." Celestine internally winced at the thought of getting her arm getting ripped off. Man that must suck when you change. "Still that's cool how you have really fast healing. Though it must suck a lot if everytime you use your abilities you loose your memories and stuff." She left out the part about his sanity because that seemed to be a nerve point. Wait, did he say how he hated when people ripped off his arms? And was that figuratively or literally? She thought.
Sebastian grimaced slightly when Kiki questioned him on his species again, a bit of a touchy subject for him. He calmed his features and tilted his head as he looked at the table," I just don't see the point in telling people my species...No offence intended, but I barely know anyone here and I'm not very comfortable with the environment just yet." an awkward smile crossed his lips as he looked up a gave a nervous laugh, "Besides, Nothin' special 'bout this fellow. Just another hybrid attending the school with the rest o' ya'."
"Err....." He rested his chin on his hand for a second to think. "About 7 or 8. Maybe 9, though I think the ninth one was just nightmare..." Josh usually didn't think about how many times he was hurt. "I guess, but I don't think I've forgotten anything major.....at I hope not...anyway I donate my blood in exchange for getting free treatment, so it isn't too bad."
Naomi looked up and saw he had caught her bag "t-thank you" she took her bag and hugged it close to her chest and heard him ask where she wanted to go "I was t-thinking about g-going to my d-dorm...but I d-dont know w-where it i-is"
Celestine's eyes widened and her mouth dropped. "You've had your arms ripped off about 8ish times? Oh my god!" She couldn't believe what she had heard. Then Celestine noticed that Mel had forgotten to get food so she handed her an apple. "Here." She said still in shock.
Mel smiled at Celestine, "I'm good, thanks for the offer though." Mel pushed her bangs out of her face and fixed her jacket, which had fallen below her shoulder.
He was hiding something, and she new it. Everyone else answered the question except him, and he was acting awkward -which was a dead give away- Kiki was kind of a cat, curiosity usually clawed at her, and she always wanted to find out things, but everyone knew the saying "Curiousity kills the cat"
"Kiki, I bet he's a special hybrid." She whispered to the girl behind her hand. Celestine was kind of curious and the way he said normal hybrid, something was up.
Mel listened to the two girls trying to figure out what Sebastian was. Mel didn't really care. Well, yea she wanted to know. But Sebastian said he didn't want to tell anyone. Her natural reaction would be to beg him to tell them, but she's been working on respect.
She tilted her head slightly giving Sebastian a up and down look then she turned her head slightly and whispered back "I don't know but I'm gonna find out."
Jason just didn't seem to care what Sebastian was. They had a banshee with them so what Sebastian could be shouldn't be too bad. After all, it wasn't like he was the child of Satan or something.
Celestine nodded. "Yeah but the way he avoided the question, my money's on him being special." She whispered. There was nothing wrong with being special but I guess it could be a little scary being different than everyone else. She thought.

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