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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

Jenny just stared at Tyler and turned her head slightly to one side,"are you going to be okay?"she asked.He looked like he would burst out into tears in any second.The snakes weren't that scary in hear own opinion,she looked back at Persephone,"I like your snakes,it's obvious that you take good care of them."
Tyler "I'm not good with scary things that's why Jacob takes over most of the time" and says "they are pretty snakes though" and he notices something moving in Jenny's shirt and his curiousness got the better of him and touched them.
Jenny jumped back and stared at Tyler,face fully flushed,"what do you think you are doing,do you go around and touch people like that all the time?"

(They are under her jacket,not under her shirt,that would be really awkward.)
Jenny sighed,"it's fine,someone was bound to touch them anyway,"she put down her stuff and held a hand on the zipper that closed the jacket,"do you want to see them?"
"The are good companions to have For a freak like me." She then smirked when Jenny stepped in to Tyler touching. "Oh such a bolt touch.... So gentle."She said suggestively with a slight moan, of course done in pretend to get a reaction."You are such a sweety."
Jenny got wide-eyed at that comment,shifted uncomfortably and started to unzip her jacket,"I-um-I-uh,jeez,this is so embarrassing."
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(Wow I had to leave for a few hours and you guys write 4 pages! Lol)

Kiki stared up at the roof of the detention hall, she wasn't a known trouble maker but technically there was no rule against flying threw the hallways in your Phoenix form, but then again it wasn't the most brilliant idea "Detention's over, get out." the teacher said in a calm yet demanding way. She stood up and walked out the door and in a normal -not really she just hoped it was normal- way, she broke into a sprint out the back door. Her feet pounded against the ground and her red hair fluttered in the air behind her, she wanted to shift and fly into the air, she wanted to soar higher then anything but to her dismay -she wasn't allowed to shift for 2 days as punishment- she couldn't.

Kiki sprinted until she made it to the lonely tree then climbed up and sat down on a branch. It was a nice view of the field and the back of the school but she was completely and utterly bored. She turned a little bit then rested her back against the tree trunk and played with ruby red fire between her fingers.
Emile finally decided to move around a bit, not staying still all day, since that wouldn't be really normal nor appropiate, judging by the waves of new students entering he wasn't alone in feeling lonely and awkward, even tough he couldn't feel at all shy. The place was huge, so he decided to stroll around, ''where the wind would take him'', like they say, then, he noticed this tree, it seemed so quiet and pleasant, what a good place to be. Emile threw a chain to the tree, the blade craving deep inside, and Emile pulled himself forward, going there extremely fast, detaching the blade and sitting down, looking at the sky without any real intentions in mind.
As the large, white van screeched to a halt in front of the entrance of the school, the guards began to take the straight jacket off of Josh. They usually put it on him while he was being transported places, in case he tried to attack the guards or the driver. Once they got done, Josh quickly grabbed his backpack and made sure he had his self-defense knife. Getting out of the van, he waved goodbye to it as though it was his first day of school, and the van was his parent. "Well, now that the....OH PEOPLE! HI PEOPLE!!" Josh began to chase random students, yelling and greeting them as they ran away. Inside his mind was a giant jumbled mess of thoughts and feelings, however the only one he could notice clearly was excitement.
Celestine twirled her black with white lace umbrella in her hand as she walked around campus. She mainly wanted to avoid the big rush of people entering the school. "Well, its a good thing i'm not claustrophobic." She laughed to herself thinking about the to be mad rush of the hallways today. Of course if push came to shove, she could always whack people out of the way but that would take so much effort. So for today, Celestine decided to wander around for a bit and then go as the crowd died down.
She squeeled when she saw a chain sink into the tree and a boy shoot towards it. This was her tree -not really she jut liked to think it was- she quickly inspected but she couldn't see anything but the guy's head from her branch "Hello?" she said quietly, more of a call then a greeting. She tossed her legs over the side then jumped down landed on her knees in a squatting position. She stood up straight and some of her red hair blew in front of her brilliant violet eyes so she awkwardly tried to blow it away from her face. @Sugar
A small thump, and a slight whip of someones hairs, followed by the words ''Hello?'', Emile didn't want to pay attention to her, yet she had basically stood infront of him, conversation couldn't be avoided at this point. Emile was sitting down and the girl was just staring at him, Emile just raised his eyebrows, not wanting to talk, and blowing a puff of smoke out of his mask.
She crossed her arms, this guy nearly scared her to death and he wouldn't even say hello? and what was with the mask? Rude much... she -even though she wasn't supposed to- shifted to her phoenix form and flew back up higher in the tree her flame burning the ground that she stood on before. Of course she was a rare and majestic creature who was almost full blooded but she preferred to think of her weaknesses and flaws instead of her strengths and good qualities. She shifted back once she was in a higher area and noticed there were people over in the field. Why was no one coming to the tree? she looked down at the guy then back up "Weird.." she muttered quietly.
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Rylar was nervous to go to school, he had never seen anything different from the walls at his house but still here he was. Rylar stopped flying around the entrance of the school and looked down at all the people below him "are they all like me?" He through to himself. Rylar slowly glided down to the ground and walked to the entrance "well lets get the show on the road" he said quietly
"This school will be quite the adventure." Celestine smiled to herself. Walking around campus was fun and so far she had seen numerous buildings and an old tree with a few people around it. I bet the crowd has died down a little. She thought as she hummed and strutted back to the front of the school.
The crowd of people started to get to Rylar "I need some air" he said to himself. Rylar started to walk outside and tripped over his own foot and stumbled outside and hit a girl "oh sorry I fell and... sorry"
Kiki watched from her spot in the tree as two students collided, she tried not to laugh but it was kind of funny. She climbed lower and realized she probably looked like a monkey just climbing around in a tree. With focus lost she tripped and fell, tumbling through the branches, she let out a scream -which was incredibly high pitched- until she realized there was a vine of flame wrapped around her ankle and she was dangling from the tree "Stupid," she reached up to try and get it off but couldn't get the full way "Defensive," she tried again but failed "Magic!" she fell back in frustration. Lets see, dangling from a tree by a fire vine on her ankle. Great way to start the year...
As Celestine was walking a boy ended up tripping on top of her and knocking her umbrella out of her hand. "Hey watch-" Her sentence was cut off with an oh crap moment when she saw her umbrella was not in her hand. Celestine quickly shoved the boy off of her and placed her bookbag over her head and therefore shadowing herself. Looking around, Celestine saw her precious umbrella laying a few feet away. She hastily walked over to it, picked it up and replaced her bag with it. She then turned to the boy and gave him a "what the heck was that" mixed in with a slight deathstare look.
Another few sets of thumps and high pitched screams interrumpted his ''meditation'', once again. Emile slowly opened his eyes, annoyance more than present in his gaze, quickly scanning at the source and seeing the same girl dangling from a branch. She was struggling to get what seemed a vine off her ankle, and was dangling quite amusingly in the process of that action, Emile slowly stood up, somethines rare, curiosity of what would happen to the girl sparked in him. Other people just stared, but Emile couldn't care less. The boy grabbed the branch she was dangling off, and heated his hand to the point it could melt trough the branch, cutting trough the wood and letting the girl slightly fall, before catching her and putting her slowly down. ''A fall from that height could've broken your neck, and long time hanging could cause brain damage.'' he said, with a cold, metalic tone.

Rylar slowly got up and froze for a bit when he looked up to see the girl giving him a deathstare "uhhh sorry I didnt mean to I tripped" Rylar extended his hand "ah hi im Rylar"
She bristled at the touch, it was warm... abnormally warm like his hand just burned something. Of course if he had she wouldn't have seen if he had burned something anyway. he heard him speak and he sounded so cold and informative. Not a good mix "Well, for your information I had no intentions to plunge from a tree and have my magic somehow save me." her tone came with a bit of a bite and her violet eyes flared with almost firey, glowing ring around the iris making them incredibly noticeable "and I could have done that my self." she said even though she knew there was no way she could, Kiki would not admit to needing help. Ever, she was way to stubborn.
"and I could have done that my self." the girl finished off talking, Emile's expression remaining the same, careless and not really interested in her stuborness, not even in the slightest bit, yet he acted interested. Emile shrugged, walking back under the tree and sitting down, raising his eyebrows at her and staring at the girl slightly.
Amberlynn entered through the school entrance gates without taking off her eyes from the book she was reading. Having great a great dislike towards noisy places, she intended to head to her dormroom as soon as possible. Her things had already been sent to the dorm so she was only carrying her school bag which has a shoulder strap and rectangular-shaped in light gray colour with purple accents. After getting her luggage from the dorm manager, she went to her assigned room and unpacked. Since she had find there is still some time left, she decided to continue her reading in the library before class.
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She turned back and fixed shoe lace but she had that feeling, you know, that one you get when some ones looking at you. She wasn't Naïve, she was actually quite intuitive and she could tell he was staring without even turning around "Unless your staring at the school behind me and not at my behind, I suggest you look at something else before I singe your eyebrows from you face and feed them to the trolls." she said. Kiki was quite annoyed which honestly was really easy to tell. Her eyes were flaring with that fire like ring again and her posture basically said it all.

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