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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

She threw her hands over her face and fell back laughing. It hurt but not that much "I'm fine, I just don't know how to fly in libraries." wait that probably sounded weird... "I mean... uh... you know I'm just having a bad day." she shifted in front of him and quickly let herself heal. She couldn't heal herself but her phoenix form did that for her. She shifted back and her back didn't hurt anymore "There." she started grabbing her books and putting them back in a stack when she noticed the librarian walk in. Since she was probably the most ironic person ever she got up, ran over to her and dropped all the books in her hands "Can you put these away? thanks." she turned around and walked back to the boy "Can I have those?" she asked looking at the books on his knees.
While still reading, Amberlynn jumped when a girl suddenly crash from the window and had causes books to scatter. It had made her lose her focus and she was not that far from the landing point thus got up to try to reprimand the girl. Before really heading over there, she closed the book she was currently reading and brought it with her, hugging it to her chest. As she walked over there, she noticed that someone who had been in the library for a while that came to her aid however all she was able to do was stare at the two.

We are in a library... they should know where they are... The library should be more quiet... that is more to a statement than an advice... You are making quite loud noises... I wonder if that is too rough... Amberlynn was just a few feet away from them so they should have not notice her as she continue to ponder on her words. When she finally speaks up, all that came out was "Quiet... please—" and she glanced at the scattered books "—Books... please treasure them more..." as she interrupted both of them.
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Well still waiting for the books someone told her to treasure books more and her eyes got a ring around that looked like fire, usually something that occurs when she was angry or annoyed. Did she know she was talking to a girl who had more books then a library "Trust me my books are treasured I just had a little bit of a crash landing, that's all." she said with a bit of a bite.

(Gtg now, being dragged to the movie theater... Again :3 )
Sebastian looked a little surprised at her shifting to and from different forms. A shifter? He handed her the books the had picked up and stood afterwards, not putting much thought into it as he got distracted. He looked at the librarian and gave a cheeky smile in greeting as he waved the book he took in his other hand, his train of thought had went a little haywire from continuously being distracted by different things. Someone else approached and he grumbled in his head from her quiet words. It was obvious she wasn't trying to be rude, but he was getting sleepy and befuddled from all of the activities going on in one short time span. Sebastian smiled and nodded gently nevertheless, "I'm sorry for disturbing you."
Naomi walked around looking for someplace quiet she squeaked and was bumped into she stumbled into the library shaking scared some of her hair fell in front of her face she held her bag tighter to her chest
''Kiki.'' he thought, whispering slightly under his breath. He really didn't want to make friends, nor even interact with someone, but life throws you stuff you don't expect anyways, so might aswell remember the name, maybe it'll be useful, or just an obstacle. ''Books.'' another word slipped under his breath, a good way to gain knowledge, sure, the place was to be crowded, but by human moral they should be shut, or that's what he expected. Once again, fast traveling, throwing the chained blade and pulling himself towards, slamming against the wall with his feet and leaving a few crumbling blocks. He jumped off of the wall, walking inside and looking around, still with an unamused expression, a discussion was in the process, so he tried to stay away. One girl seemed more quiet than anyone he had seen, so it might be a good idea to ssit beside her, not for conversation, but peace. He sat down aside the cat-eared girl, and grabbed a random book, beggining to read.

@Altheaire ( Mentioned )

@Aelin ( Mentioned )
"Then... that's good." Amberlynn replied to her with a thin smile, feeling somewhat relieved with her remark. "Why are you... apologizing... to me only? There are a... few others who have... been disturbed... though. But... thank you... I guess." She gave them a slight bow before leaving and returned to her original place. She did not bookmarked the book before however she was able to find it with ease also in such a short time and got back into focus. Even though she had notice there was someone who chose a seat right next to her, she decided to ignore the person as she was more interested in her book.
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Sebastian sighed quietly after they had both silenced. He left his spot and checked out the book he was previously going to barrow without say, and left the library.

Sebastian then headed outside, stuffing his free hand into his pants pocket lazily whilst resting the book on his shoulder with other. As much as he liked the library, he'd rather read alone, and the place was attracting more people by the minute. When he got outside, he looked around and inhaled. It was nice to get some fresh air in his lungs, but listening to the birds muffled talk coming from the roof put him off a bit. Just another benefit of understanding animals. After a few minutes of standing there, he found his way through a small crowd of other students and continued to wander around until he happened upon a tree, the lonely tree. His head tilted slightly, before he placed the small book between his teeth and climbed into the tree, taking rest on one of the branches and placing the book into his lap. From where he was sitting, not many would see him, so he decided to take his glasses off. When he removed them completely, his real ears came out of hiding along with with little dark nubs of antlers, fangs, and his eyes changed to their natural blue. This was only a partial formation of his faun form, but it was how he would usually walk about when he was at home. It was entirely more comfortable for him to be in this form. Truthfully, Sebastian hid them so people at the school wouldn't get uncomfortable or stare at him strangely. He may be a bit laid back, but there are still things that bother the mess out of him.

Sebastian got comfortable, folding the glasses up and hanging them onto the collar of a loose v-neck as he opened the book and started reading sleepily.
Naomi saw all the commotion had made its way all over the school and she hurried out getting bumped and shoved all different directions she finally was shoved outside and she stumbled falling forwards and scraping her knees she got back up and winced bleeding she tried to find a quiet secluded olce to take out all the gravel from her knees and she finally fell near a tree with tears in her eyes as she slowly began to pick out gravel from her bleeding knees with her bag next to her she heard the jingle of her shackles and the necklace which held her gem that rested in her human form

Sebastian froze when he heard movement out of the ordinary, and a rattle. he slowly closed the book after reading what page he was on and leaned over to look underneath the branches. The faint smell of blood tickled at his nose and he frowned, pausing his movements when he saw the source of the noise and scent. Someone sat under the tree with scraped knees. Was she crying? He couldn't tell, but she was obviously wounded. his ears twitched a little as he used the branch as support to lean down and poke her head. " 'Ay, what's up with you?"
Naomi squeaked and tensed up hearing someone speak she looked around and wiped her hands off then she wiped her eyes some of her hair fell in front of her face
"Well? What happened to you?" Sebastian questioned again, looking down at the girl with a calm expression. He lifted his hand from her head and placed it back on the branch, keeping his balance.
Ashley was currently finishing the drawing of the sleeping wolf cub, her pet named Wolfy, when she heard noise of movement from someone across from her. She looked up to find a boy, Sebastian, climbing a tree with a book in his hand, looking like he was going to read in the tree. She didn't get a good look at him and so just mentally shrugged at that before going back to her drawing and adding in color, after a few he heard the boy speak and looked up again to see that a female, Naomi, was sitting under the tree, and that was who the boy was talking to.

The snow-white girl stared at Naomi, a light pinkness starting to form in her cheeks, her hands turning the page and starting to draw the scene; it looking like a scene out of a movie or something. Of course this was out of habit, not her own thinking. She was completely out, no lights on; nobody was home at the moment, it was like she was in some sort of trance.

Ashley was broken out of this trance like state a few moments later by Wolfy waking up and barking, causing Ashley to regain her grip on reality and quickly advert her eyes; the pinkness still staying. her eyes stared down at the unfinished drawing, hoping that Sebastian and Naomi didn't notice her staring or Wolfy barking, but sadly her hopes were crushed by her cute wolf cub as he quickly jumped down from the bench and ran up to the two, barking playfully at the new people.

Oh no oh no oh no, please no...
thought Ashley as Wolf ran towards Sebastian and Naomi, she shot up a few seconds after he arrived near Naomis' side, still barking in a playful way any pup would do. "Wolfy no" stated the snow-white mountain girl in a timid voice as she walked over, hoping that this would be over soon as she was far to embarrassed by her previous actions. "I'm sorry" the girl said in a timid voice as she looked down at the ground to avoid eye contact, as that would make her more nervous then she already was.

@Wild Born
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Emile was sure, sophisticated and quite elegant yet he really found no interest in books, they seemed much more interesting before, considering they'd let him know more about human culture yet he got nothing out of this book. The girl at his side had gotten up and sat down again, ignoring him. He wasn't bothered, just found it strange to find another person like him, fascinating would be a correct word to use, considering most hybrids were stuck-up pubescents. Emile stared at the girl for a while, noting her abnormal eyes, that were quite ''cool'' if you could say so. He slowly got his gaze of her, and puffed some smoke, releasing the compressed air inside him.

@Altheaire ( Mentioned )
Naomi squeaked and saw the wolf pup she relaxed and noticed the snow-white girl approaching she was petting Wolfy
Wolfy smiled, as best as a wolf pup could smile that is, when Naomi pet him, her rubbed his cute fluffy hear against her hand like any dog would do when pet, barking playfully and happily as normal. Ashley looked up just a tad bit so she could see Wolfys' actions, causing her to very lightly smile; her baby blue and white jacket hood preventing her from looking at Naomi directly in the eye. She licked her lips a bit before speaking, "i'm sorry, Wolfy just likes..." began Ashley but in the end she trailed off, it coming off as nervous blabberings.

@Wild Born @LLiam
Sebastian sat back up straight on the branch and watched them, blinking a few times. He didn't seemed to be noticed much, so he put his glasses back on, transferring back to his human appearance. He then continued to watch them, especially the pup, who he wasn't sure if he could understand.
(Why must the notification system hate me so ;w;)

Josh liked the girl's sarcasm, however froze when she commented about him making friends. 'Friends. Friends. FrIenDs. FRIENDS, FRIENDS, FRIends!' His mind started to go madly out of control, before he closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. Opening his eyes back up, Josh let out a smile. "Oooh, a bit feisty chick ain't cha? Don't worry, I don't bite ya know!" He said nudging her elbow as he laughed, waiting for the screaming in his head to stop. @Wings
Naomi pulled her hair out of her face and pet Wolfy she didn't notice her knees had scabbed over with dried blood on them
Ashley watched with a small smile as Wolfy hogged the attention of Naomi, this was one of the reasons why sh loved animals so much; they were so dang adorable and cute. "Uhh... I-I'm Ashley" greeted the girl timidly as she continued to look at the ground, avoiding eye contact as a way to remain in a state of not freaking out at a high level.

@Wild Born @LLiam
Naomi glanced up " i-im N-naomi " she shuddered trying to speak clearly which didn't seem to be working
Such a nice name... thought Ashley to herself as she looked up a bit, still smiling from Wolfy, and locked eyes with Naomi for a full second, a new record for her, before blushing and quickly looking away; seemingly much more shyer then Naomi was. The snow girl quickly poofed into a little burst of snow, disappearing from sight for a few seconds before reappearing at the bench straight across from her; her sketch book back in her hands and covering her face as she sat there; her knees supporting her sketch book and continuing to work on her drawing.

@Wild Born
(Can I get more then 1 line to work with plz? D:)

Every now and again Ashley would be able to steel herself to be able to just take a quick look at Naomi, and every time the snow-white girl did, she quickly pulled back into the safety of being behind her knees and sketchbook, letting out a tiny nervous squeak; the pink on her cheeks never leaving once. Even though distracted, Ashley tried her best to finish her drawing; not so much detail on the boy in the tree of the tree in general, but instead on wolfy and Naomi.
please don't look, please don't look... begged the girl mentally to herself, hoping that they would not come over here and look at her or her drawing as she would die of embarrassment.

@Wild Born @LLiam
Naomi needed to wash her knees bad and she slowly got up wincing a the pain in her scraped knees her hair fell in front of her face again

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