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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

Rylar didnt get a reply "ahh sorry" Rylar walked away and got the number for his room and placed his gear in there "I dont know what to do know" he through "ill just go for a walk" Rylar walk out of his dorm and started walking around campus
Once again, the girl acter more agressive than neccesary, not even neccesary, they were just talking and Emile had gotten the girl off of that branch, yet her thick skin didn't let her process it, most likely. He had no idea where this was going, so maybe distance was a better thing, considering this girl didn't like even being looked at, so staying a bit away was a good choice in this moment. Emile slowly stood up, towering over the girl, him reaching the height of 6'5, and simply staring down to her, brushing his hair slightly and moving slightly. ''I'll leave then.''
She crossed her arms. Seeing that she was a creature of fire she tended to have a temper "Just stay I have to go anyway," she said a little calmer then turned away but turned slightly and quietly said "I'm Kiki by the way," she said quietly "Sorry." she said then shifted to her phoenix form and flew into the air, almost resembling a star but in broad daylight. She flew to her balcony and shifted back, looked behind her at the open sky then waked inside.
CrystalYoshi said:
Jenny got wide-eyed at that comment,shifted uncomfortably and started to unzip her jacket,"I-um-I-uh,jeez,this is so embarrassing."
"I know, never seen such a cute shade of red before."Persephone said clearly not wanting to help ease her tension. "Still its not like you are striping... are you?"
Jenny just shook her head,"no,um,its just the jacket that it coming off. "Jenny sighed silently to herself,it could be worse really with Persephone's questions.
Josh was starting to get bored, as people started to ignore him instead of running away. Hearing two people, a boy and a girl, run into each other he thought about his options. "Option 1: Go over there, and yell at them about penguins, Option 2:.....mmm, pancakes" Josh took his knife and threw it at the ground between the two, barely missing their feet when the blade sunk into the ground. He skipped towards them like a little girl, however had the smile of a serial killer. "Staaaaab, Stabbbb, Stabbidy, BUNNIES! YOU GUYS LIKE BUNNIES?!?" Josh yelled, and started to sprint at them, however since he was horrible with athletics it might as well have been a jog. @Rroda
Jenny rolled her eyes playfully and dropped her jacket next to her books on the ground.She let her clear wings out to their full length,which complimented her short height perfectly.She let them flutter some but not enough to make her fly,"do you like them?"
Kiki rummaged around her room. She had just unpackedvand already made a mess of the place. Of course -since Kiki was Kiki_ there were books everywhere. She wasn't exactly sure how she managed to bring so many books, Ijujding by the size of her suit case it looked impossible. She shook her head and regained her Focus, 'I'm so scatter brained' she thought. She quickly "organized" -threw everything on her bed- then walked over to her balcony. She looked around, there was the lonely tree, a fountain and some students. Boring! She turned around and grabbed hold of the cracks in the wall and started climbing upwards until she reached the roof. Once she got there she flipped over and sat down, her feet dangling of the edgd.
Celestine continued to glare at the boy, who's name was Rylar, until he left. Hmph how rude. She thought as she turned and started to walk away. However she didn't get very far before a thrown sharp blade landed at her feet. Celestine's breath slightly hitched as if she was scared and rolled her head looking for the person who threw them.
Arriving at the girl, he took a few minutes to catch his breath, before hugging her. "Heeeellllooooo Miss! How are ya? See any squirrels or fish today?" He asked, letting go and then grabbed his knife from the ground. Josh twirled it between his fingers, just before giving the girl a murderous glare. "I didn't miss by the way, so don't ignore me like everyone else."
Kiki gaped from her spot on the roof. Did he just throw a knife at her foot? Nice aim but that was a little sichopathic. Then he hugged the poor girl. She kept watching but kept a low profile from her spot
Sebastian sat in the library reading, a stack of books placed on the cushion beside him. He fixed the glasses on his face as they started to fall down the bridge of his nose, his rusty eyes fixated on the page he was currently reading from. This reading was at normal pace for him, two pages at a time, seeing as it wasn't needed to go any faster. He propped his boot-covered feet onto the table afore him to add to his lazy posture whilst a small smile played on his lips from the content he was reading. It was obviously fiction, and made little sense to most people, taking on a comedic view of old fairytales.

Sebastian continued to read in the silent room, listening to his surroundings carefully.
Boredom clawed at her and she climbed down from the roof and went into her dorm. Since it was a mess and half the rooms items where on her bed she started cleaning. After awhile she had all her clothes in one of the 2 dressers, most of her jewelry in its box and her scuba knife -gained when she went to Mexico one summer - tucked away in the back. And now the books, half of them were probably from the library but the other half was definitely hers "Bring those down to the library?" she quietly asked herself looking at the stack of books she was certain weren't hers "Or put those on the shelf?" she asked herself glaring on her huge pile of books. She walked over to it and started putting her books away thinking she'd drag the others down to the library later.
Sebastian turned to the last page of the book and sat it stop the others. He'd only been here a few hours and had read the entire stack without using his abilities. Nevertheless, he stood, picked up the books, and started to put them back into their places throughout the library. It took him a minute to remember where to place them every other book, but he took his time, careful not to drop any of them.
Celestine glared at the boy for a moment before he went and attack hugged her. Does he understand the concept of personal space? Nope, apparently not. She thought wiggling out of his grip. "Well golly, I think I saw one over there." She said sarcastically as she saw him twirl a knife in his hand. "Well you know you'd probably have a better time making friends if you didn't throw knifes at people. And i'm not going to ignore you. Geez." She said to the mildly threatening boy, giving him back an equally fierce deathstare.
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After she put all of her books on 2 shelfs she picked up one of 9 small stacks of books and started walking downstairs with them. She made her way into the library and the librarian wasn't there so she went behind the desk, logged into the system and started checking in her books and putting them on the shelf. There were only 17 in the stack but it took forever. She looked at one of the books but she didn't know were it went Crap! she thought. She looked down at the label again. Where the heck was the series fiction section? she wondered.
"Do you need help?" Sebastian had been walking past someone who seemed to be a bit confused and stopped. He'd only gotten half of his stack put up when he noticed someone else in library putting books away. Though he hadn't been there long, he'd managed to remember most of the areas thanks to the books he'd picked out. It was a bit harder considering the genres weren't labeled above each section.
She looked up slightly and her purple eyes flared with a faint glow, she smiled "Ya, I have to put away all my many, many books but I don't know where the series fiction is." she said, why do I have to be such a book worm? she wondered. She snapped back to reality "Do you know where the section is?" she asked.
"Series fiction..." Sebastian mimicked questionably, though mostly to himself, as he looked around the library in thought. "Ah..." He said quietly when his glasses started to fall down his nose again,"Oh, Yes, Over there," he was going to point, but remembered he still had books in his hands. Instead he started walking towards the correct section and gestured with his head for her to follow. Sebastian stopped walking when he got there and looked at the section, going ahead and balancing the books onto one hand to place three into the shelf. "Right here."
She smiled "Thanks!" she placed her book on the shelf then grabbed another from her decreasing stack and placed it on the top which took a little -lot- of jumping. She turned around and placed the rest of the stack on the Poems section "1 stack down 8 more to go..." she said quietly and ran back upstairs.
A small 5'6 girl came walking on to campus, carrying a bag on one shoulder and a baby pup in her hands; she looking very out of place as she looked like she belonged in the mountains. And Ashley does belong in the mountains, but she had been told to come here to learn more about her powers and what not, and so; she listened and took the advice.

Her light blue eyes scanned the school as she walked around completely lost, unsure of where to go, and after a bit of walking came to a bench shaded under a tree. The snow girl decided to take a break from walking and sat down on the bench, placing Wolfy onto the bench so he could stretch out, but the dog instead decided to fall asleep.

She smiled and let out a light giggle at his behavior, and decided to take out her sketch book and drawing utensils and began to quietly draw Wolfy while he was a sleep, taking her time as usual to make it as perfect as possible. In the back of Ashleys' mind, she wondered how this school thing was going to turn out, hopefully it wouldn't be too bad.
Once she barged into her own room she grabbed a stack of books but had an Idea. Usually when she shifted everything she had just disappeared then reappeared when she shifted back. She smiled then clenched her hands around the stack and shifted. She was right, they were gone. She flew out the window and in through the window and soared around the back of the school and in the libraries window. Of course though she didn't have a lot of practice on landing in a room full of bookshelves and she ended up shifting to early and tumbling across the narrow space between 2 chairs and her books scattered everywhere. She rubbed her head with her hand as she sat up, "Oww..."
Naomi held her bag close to her chest as she entered onto school grounds looking around her hair bounced in the direction she looked blinking her hazel human eyes
"No problem," he replied with a laid back tone and fixed his glasses again while his hand was free. Sebastian continued his previous action of putting the stack of books in his grip away, sighing quietly when he finally finished. He stretched his arms skywards, clasping his fingers together so that he popped his back and knuckles with a minute smile. Now what? He thought to himself, looking around the library, before deciding to go take a look at the school grounds outside and quickly grabbed a book that had interested him earlier, not bothering to check it out.

At least, he was going to leave until he heard something crash. He stopped in his tracks and turned to look at the source of the noise, blinking when he saw what looked like the girl from earlier. Hesitant to speak loudly due to this being a library and not wanting to be a hypocrite for his distaste of loud activities here, he stepped over to her, dodging the books on the ground only to crouch down and pick one or two up. He placed them onto his knee as he looked at her with a calm expression, though there was a hint of playful mocking hidden in his tone, "nasty fall there, you ok?"

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