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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

(I'm still here!)

Celestine thought for a moment. "Honestly, I have no idea how to make him stressed. Maybe since he got other people's abilities, which I can't be sure of, we can find those people and use their weaknesses against him." Celestine was very close to suppressing her other side. "It really sucks not having that power. It may be a pain in the neck at times but it's really useful."
Kiki walked down the hallway until she got to the cafeteria, there were creatures there, some of them that feed of human blood, she noticed a couple heads turn her way, fangs extended. Right now Kiki was human, and completely and utterly defenseless " Awe shit!" most of the vampires were first years so they couldn't exactly suppress there cravings. She turned around and sprinted away she turned and looked behind her, there were three of them and they were catching up quickly. How do I get myself in such crappy situations? she wondered then ran faster.
Axel waited a bit to let kiki get out of the sight and then he walked towards those monsters he dissapeared appeared behind a monster with a knife in its stomach he dragged the knife up to its head cutting him in half. He moved towards the other one stabbing right into its heart and simoultaneously the thirds ones brain and killimg them in the point blanc range. "meh...." he continued to follow kiki.
He kept pacing nervously while he was throwing his concealed blade up and down slightly. Jason looked at her and he registered her idea. "Good advice, I'll find Kiki and the rest. Take care and um... Don't turn into a screaming banshee," he gave her a thumbs up and he walked away.
Kiki winded a corner and stopped, he was panting and sweaty, it was killing her being like this. She peeked and there was a terrifying guy tearing through the vamps, Is that nice or scary? she went back around the corner and slipped into a little nook trying to hide herself.
"Hallway, that's where I heard the scream earlier," Jason thought. He was at the corner of the approximate location of the screams. He grasped the hilt of his sword or just what it appeared to be, it was the handle of the cane. "One... Two... Three!" Jason looked over and there was no one and nothing there.
He checked if she was safe and moved aside trying to hide himself " crap.....did she see me? " he mumbled to himself.
((@Federoff ))(((lol sorry it took me so long))

"perhaps" they spoke out loud with a smooth voice as he kept his gaze peeled to his eyelids. she sounded quaint and innocent, unlike most. she smelled of chalk and graphite though, creations of man, kind of unnerving, but who the hell cared. All the people in this school had their ups and downs. They took a moment before standing up and walking over to the girl with the sketch pad. They stopped, and let the room become darker "but how did you perceive it to be me" they asked their voice sharp.
Kiki went to grab something, anything to defend herself -seeing as she was currently defenseless "A plant seriously!?" she whisper shouted, looking at the green leafed plant in a clay pot. Kiki wasn't sure if she was brave or stupid, but she got up -plant in hand- snuck down the hallway and threw the plant at the guys back. Heck! she didn't even know who he was.
He looked at her "yo......" he sighed "that was supposed to hurt?" he continued dusting his jacket. He trew a knife towards her so she could use something as a defense. "cmon now please dont run around everywhere, it just increases my work".

She caught the knife "Well sorry I didn't choose something more painful," she said sarcastically then she raised an eyebrow, "What work?" she asked, was he spying on her? how did he now she was running? being weak sucks
Ashley honestly did not know the answer to the question, besides for the logical deduction of events. "I don't know" replied the snow-white girl as she sat there and thought about it for a bit; the answer seemingly easily obvious. He was the only person who was near her when she fell on her ass for the umpteenth time this week. As she was remaining silent, Ashley put away her sketch book to prevent any more prying eyes from seeing it.
Aelin said:
She caught the knife "Well sorry I didn't choose something more painful," she said sarcastically then she raised an eyebrow, "What work?" she asked, was he spying on her? how did he now she was running? being weak sucks
"I..i mean...DAMNIT! just forget what i said." tsk he frowned to himself " what do u think u can do with that knife btw?"he questioned.
Jason sighed. Until he began listening. Not far from here there was a crashing noise. It could possibly be the power stealer or some guy being an idiot and dropping something. Both options were valid, except one of them could end up turning him into a guy with no powers and the other would. Either one, he had to go check it out. Jason walked over there, the sounds of his footsteps enveloped by some other guys in the hallway, and of course, the talking. As he rounded the corner he looked at them. "It was that Kiki and Axel," and he sighed once again. "Hello."

@Axel Kumori @Aelin
"Um I once decapitated a ogre -long story- with a hunting knife," she offered up, she was curious why he wanted her to forget what he said. She was just curious, she jumped when she heard a "hello" then turned to Jason, "Hey Jason..." she said knife in hand and dirt from the flower pot all over the other guy.
He looked at him, "yo" he replied silently throwing his bloody knife away. "Sup?" he continued.
"Nice knife, word of advice though. Keep it concealed so teachers don't take it away. I always do," he revealed 5cm of his blade out of the concealed cane part. "But anyways, hey, aren't you that guy from drama class?" he looked at him. The guy seemed to have dirt and strangely, flower pedals all over him.
Kiki looked down at the ground "Um he's dirty because I threw a flower pot at him..." she said quietly.
Aelin said:
"Um I once decapitated a ogre -long story- with a hunting knife," she offered up, she was curious why he wanted her to forget what he said. She was just curious, she jumped when she heard a "hello" then turned to Jason, "Hey Jason..." she said knife in hand and dirt from the flower pot all over the other guy.
"Its not like you have powers now do you?" he sighed "and anyways...." I killed a whole ogre group without a single weapon he thought to himself pouting.


Pyosimros said:
"Nice knife, word of advice though. Keep it concealed so teachers don't take it away. I always do," he revealed 5cm of his blade out of the concealed cane part. "But anyways, hey, aren't you that guy from drama class?" he looked at him. The guy seemed to have dirt and strangely, flower pedals all over him.
He sighed "yea she is right....."

"drama class....yes i guess." he replied looking at his cane " that thing is awesome...where did you get it from?"

"fair enough" they spoke smoothly as they sat down beside the girl, they sniffed in the air and their fangs almost popped out immediately. Her blood was rich, not so sweet. but it had a strong scent. and it took all of their willpower to not lean over and take a sip from the girl. Why was everyones blood around her so good smelling. They stifled their movements as they glanced around the room, they were alone, and it had become dim lighted in the room. Chasis cleared their throat as they turned to the girl "so what's your name?" They asked as they leaned onto their back along the floor, waiting for an answer from the girl.
Jin finished preparing a couple bottles of water which he concealed in his jacket and left to go find the others, after wandering around a bit he finally found Kiki and the others in a hallway near the cafeteria. He walked up to them and first said to Axel "thanks for doing me the favor of guarding Kiki for me while I was getting ready to deal with Creepy McCreepsalot the power thief I owe you one" He then turned to Kiki and asked her "Has he tried to do anything else to you? Also any sign of your powers returning at all?"

@Axel Kumori @Aelin
Kiki abruptly turned her eyes towards Jin, "Let's see I'm cold, my leg hurts, I feel emotional, I'm cold, I'm nervous, I'm scared, I'm not stubborn and I threw a flower pot at him," she said well pointing at Axel "Does it sound like my powers are back and I'm not human?" she asked her tone leaking with annoyance "and you asked them to guard me!" she screeched, she may have been utterly defenseless but she was upset he thought she couldn't defend herself.
"I picked it up from a trip in England and well, that happened," he pointed at the dirt and flower covered Axel. "Other then that, were there anyone else's powers stolen other then Celestine and Kiki?"

He put his arms up in a surrendering position like in the cafeteria. "Hey, I'm here cause I heard a crashing noise," Jason defended himself, though there isn't much of a point since he could see how agitated she was now.

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