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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

She smiled, "Damn, your as emotional as me." she teased. She watched as the sun slowly disappeared, "If you insist on watching me through the night your staying out here." she walked inside then closed the door, then turned around and cracked it open, "Don't you dare come in I'm changing." she said then closed the door and dropped the blinds. She quickly changed into blue shorts and a tank top. She walked back to the door and un did the blinds, then walked back over to her bed, plopped down and went started drifting into her dreams.
Aelin said:
She smiled, "Damn, your as emotional as me." she teased. She watched as the sun slowly disappeared, "If you insist on watching me through the night your staying out here." she walked inside then closed the door, then turned around and cracked it open, "Don't you dare come in I'm changing." she said then closed the door and dropped the blinds. She quickly changed into blue shorts and a tank top. She walked back to the door and un did the blinds, then walked back over to her bed, plopped down and went started drifting into her dreams.
He smiled for a brief moment after quickly snapping out of it. He stayed outside sitting leaning towards the wall and playing his harmonica which considerably multiplied his power to seek for danger in the proximity. 'I....I never really expresses my emotions in front of anyone.....why NOW......this was the first company i had in the past 6 years...DAMNIT! it seems as if i have started to like this school he though to himself and smiled continuing to play the song 'the heartbroken warrior of darkness '. [yea OOC- Axel does not need sleep and he doesent sleep until he wants to waste some time]
Dru descended on front of Axel and tilted his head before hovering in front of him his lower half lightning. "You're pretty good with that thing aren't you?"
Drumonkey said:
Dru descended on front of Axel and tilted his head before hovering in front of him his lower half lightning. "You're pretty good with that thing aren't you?"
"w..well.. Kinda, yes." he replied pausing for a sec "have i ever seen you by the way?" he glanced at him with a bit puzzled look as he just appeared jn front of him. "its Axel" he continued.



CrimsonChaos said:
(well we're all heading to bed anyway so why not lol.)
(i dont actually sleep till 3 xD )
"You might have at the assembly but who knows, I can be pretty flighty. You know since there is lightning inside me. Nice to meet you Axel my name is Dru and I am an elemental well half of one, what are you?" Dru spoke in a level voice, not boring just calm but it all was said very quickly with few pauses to breathe making it a little hard to understand.
(OOC well I guess we'll have to save the time skip for later since Aelin went to bed xD tbh i'm getting tired so I'm going to go to bed too. Night guys and hf. Oh also poor axel xD has to be boring not being able to sleep when the rest of us need to)
CrimsonChaos said:
(OOC well I guess we'll have to save the time skip for later since Aelin went to bed xD tbh i'm getting tired so I'm going to go to bed too. Night guys and hf. Oh also poor axel xD has to be boring not being able to sleep when the rest of us need to)
(Dru sleeps for maybe 4 hours max a day. He can survive on 4 hours a week)
Aelin said:
( Night guys gtg )
(Good night Swert dreems ^.^)


CrimsonChaos said:
(OOC well I guess we'll have to save the time skip for later since Aelin went to bed xD tbh i'm getting tired so I'm going to go to bed too. Night guys and hf. Oh also poor axel xD has to be boring not being able to sleep when the rest of us need to)
(kk goodnight to you too -.- i will be alone i guess)


Drumonkey said:
"You might have at the assembly but who knows, I can be pretty flighty. You know since there is lightning inside me. Nice to meet you Axel my name is Dru and I am an elemental well half of one, what are you?" Dru spoke in a level voice, not boring just calm but it all was said very quickly with few pauses to breathe making it a little hard to understand.
"Uhmm.....Hi Dru, nice to meet you" he said pausing his harmonica "assembly, nah, i hate that stuffs to be honest" he continued playing his harmonica after replying "Uhmm...i am a little anti-social, sorry if i bore you" he sensed no evil thoughts from him and thus continued his song acting as if he ignored the half-part stuff.

(i didnt notice your message before, sorry)
(No problem) "I thought the assembly was too slow personally and don't worry about being anti social I have been told I can be social enough for two. On that topic what exactly are you? You seem fairly strong and very in your own head."
"Me? I am a curse......." he replied softly pausing for a sec "it has been almost 6 years i have talked to someone for more than 2 minutes...." he continued his harmonica.

(sorry for 1 liners some neighbours are relly making me crazy, even tho it is almost 12 am xD )

(It's fine I usually have trouble writing too much myself that's why I avoid detailed threads (BP)) "A curse, I dont know everything about anatomy but I don't think a curse is a compatible match for a human, maybe you were confused as to what you really were? As for the 6 years that is remarkable but wasn't it lonely? Why would you subjugate yourself to that level of loneliness for that long?"
Drumonkey said:
(It's fine I usually have trouble writing too much myself that's why I avoid detailed threads (BP)) "A curse, I dont know everything about anatomy but I don't think a curse is a compatible match for a human, maybe you were confused as to what you really were? As for the 6 years that is remarkable but wasn't it lonely? Why would you subjugate yourself to that level of loneliness for that long?"
"Since my parents departed.......I had no family.....i was abondoned....shunned by people.....exiled from my own kingdom....treated like a sin....every bad happenings were forced as my bad luck..........this is the only place where people actually accept me and now you know what i mean by a curse.."


"they say anything bad that happens is due to me, due to my othet self, they say i only bring bad luck and negativity" (he doesent know that he is a dark being as people never spoke about that or anything to him)
(Ok) "That is awful! I come from a place where even Hitler would be accepted with a good morning and pleases and thank yous. The mere thought of people treating others like that makes me wish I could become a full elemental. Other times though make me appreciate all that I have. Look if here is where you feel comfortable at don't let that get marred by you past ok? You are different than what you were and here is different from there, take a page out of my book and live life with vigor and hope always springing forward into the light." Dru then nodded his head after his almost heartfelt speech then looked around at the sky and smiled widely. "Can you fly?"
Drumonkey said:
(Ok) "That is awful! I come from a place where even Hitler would be accepted with a good morning and pleases and thank yous. The mere thought of people treating others like that makes me wish I could become a full elemental. Other times though make me appreciate all that I have. Look if here is where you feel comfortable at don't let that get marred by you past ok? You are different than what you were and here is different from there, take a page out of my book and live life with vigor and hope always springing forward into the light." Dru then nodded his head after his almost heartfelt speech then looked around at the sky and smiled widely. "Can you fly?"
"th....thank you" he looked at his back "I can, but i never did fly so idont know how to and even if i did" he looked towards kiki's room " i have some work to attend here, thanks for the offer though" he smiled at him "you are a nice guy man....keep it up".

This was the first time he gave a real smile to a male.


(sorry for typos i am using a mobile device xp)
(It's cool I understand your pain) "I'm not always nice but I am always honest. Like lightning I can be beautiful or destructive. You may not fly with me tonight but you will and I will show you my world where you will be accepted and maybe find answers to your questions."
"Do you have any sorrows? or bad memmory? " Axel asked in a serious tone raising his eyebrows. (OOC-Is listening to high-level music at 12am prohibited? xD )

(In most places. It's called noise pollution)

"Well... I am human after all so yes there are sorrows and bad memories but I am strong and have done my best to lean from them and move past it not letting it weigh me down." Even though Dru said this proudly his eyes seemed sad and far away.
He patted Dru "hey Dru try to remember all the sorrows and bad memory at once, i will give you a moment to remember"

Axel stood up keeping his harmonica inside his pocket he took out a box from his lower right pocket taking out a leather box covered with a cloth, he removed the cloth and opened the box revealing a golden harmonica with engravings of purity and divinity. He brought it closer to his mouth "Banishing Sorrows" he mumbled what was supposed to be the name of the song he was about to play. He started playing the song emnating a strange aura which turned every bad memory into a pleasant one and instilled courage and good hope. it is the first time i am doing this for someone but me....everytime he will remember those memories this song will instill courage in me and him, this is a gift for his sentiments.

Dru could feel his memories begin to change and halfway through it he clapped his hands making a loud thunder clap drowning out the last half of the song. "No." Dru who seemed fine a moment ago went from warm and happy to blank hard face, his legs crackles louder as bits of electricity raced up and down his arms causing the air to begin to smell like roasting almonds or ozone. "Don't touch my memories. I don't care who you are or what your intentions were you don't mess with my memories. If you had tried that with an elemental or if I was a full blooded one, you would have died and there wouldn't be many things that could change their minds. We are a collection of our memories and if you change them you become someone else."
"Oh....ok" he replied the aura went off "Your memories werent being changed tho, i dont know why did you get that feeling all i was doing giving you a memory....a memory that you can remember in sorrows and bad situation, no matter who i might be , changing memories is not possible unless you are a god or a gods servant who can do that " he said confused.

"This is what you do everyday make memories, and thats what you were doing right now".

"I don't like the changes that were happening." Dru said simply as the lightning died down and the air quickly returned to normal. His spike of anger was over much like a lightning strike. Dru then turned his hear and looked at the sky before reclining on the air laying on his back a little ways from the railing of the balcony. "Is it strange to be... trapped, to be held down by your obligations?" That last question was asked at normal speed in a subdued voice, very different from his normal happy bubbly voice.

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